#y'all california is SUCH a big economy
warsavant · 1 year
i'm basically crying over here in the best way. as some of you know, my brother gifted me flights and hotel for a two week trip to london and paris (and for the flight home, amsterdam) last year for my 25th birthday. it's the first time i get to go back since we moved back to the states almost a decade ago and i'll be in paris on my 26th birthday! now that we're a month and a half out, i was starting to put together my travel itinerary, as one does, and noticed that i didn't have the confirmation for my flight back to the states. i tell my brother and he accidentally put in his email instead of mine, so he forwards it to me. i go to input the times... and notice something strange. it doesn't say economy. i have never flown klm, but i know they call it economy.
my flight there is a night flight and i've always flown economy except once when i went to california with him to look at apartments, so no big deal. i sleep on planes fine. i'll sleep and wake up bright and early in london.
my flight home though leaves in the afternoon and gets back in the evening so for jet lag, it would be better if i stay up... SO NOT ONLY DID HE GET ME A REALLY NICE SEAT BUT HE CHOSE THE FLIGHT WHERE BEING MORE COMFORTABLE WOULD MEAN THE MOST.
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aslan744 · 8 years
My dudes, I am going to rant about a topic that is talked about a lot in the media. It is a topic that concerns me, as a Latino and as an immigrant. Ya see, I live in a lovely place called Wisconsin. If ya don't know much about Wisconsin, then lemme tell ya. We got them farmers my dude. We got a shit ton of farms and cheese and cows and shit. We number 1 in cheese production but not milk, which is weird. We are second. California is first I believe. ANYWAYS. So since there is a lot of farms here, my good ol Hispanic ppl come here and work in farms. Cause most of us had unos pinches ranchos, ya know. Con las pinches vacas and shit. So we familiar with these farms. (Sort of. We good with working with the animals. The machinery is something that we don't normally do, but we learn to use it, in hopes of getting payed and helping our family be healthy and live in a nice home.) Now that we got that shit outta the way, lemme tell u bout the actual shit that's going on here. Today, there was a Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees march in Milwaukee. This march began cause of the county sheriff, David Clarke. Now my dudes. I don't know much about this dude, but this is what I found. This dude pledged to "crack down on undocumented immigrants." He wants to partner up with Immigration and Custom Enforcements (ICE). He wanna do dis so the local police force can have the same power as the ICE, to be able to arrest and detain undocumented people. This dude wants the POLICE FORCE to have this power. Like bro, no ty. Now, my friends. I know some of u might be like "yeAH GET RID OF THE FOOKIN SMELLY ASS TACO BREATHING MEXICANS U FILTHY SLUTS!" Now, whoever thinks this, gtfo my post. Get out. Didn't ask for yo damn opinion. Now. For the ones that are like "gimme a reason to side with u" then allow me to explain. Now you see, as a fellow Hispanic, Jennifer Estrada once said, "Immigrants are the backbone to the dairy industry in my area and without them, the economy would get worse for all of us. People should not be afraid of law enforcement, they should not live under the threat of their families being torn apart." Now. As she implied, many immigrants work in the dairy industry. In my area, there are several immigrants working in farms. A big farm company near my area, Holsum Elm Dairy, (I hope I spelled it right) they have so many immigrants working there. Like. I barely see any caucasians working there. There are a few but like I barely see them. And they are a very big company, lemme tell ya that. If we were to get rid of all those immigrants, then the company would go down my friends. They would have to try to find several people who want to work. (Now this is gonna me my input in this, this isn't accurate shit, but this is what I see and I'm going to state it cause I can) Now, white ppl seem very fookin picky to me. With a lot of things including jobs. A lot of white ppl I know would say stuff like "Ew! I ain't gon' work at a place full of filthy, disgusting cows that shit everywhere! That's gross! I can just go work at Starbucks or Subway or something." Now I know of some people who would be totally okay with it but there's barely any :') So if all the immigrants left, it would be really bad for the company and the economy. And it's not just farms my friend. In Milwaukee, there is a big market that is run by Hispanics and many people in that area go to shop there. So if the Hispanics were taken away, then there would be no market. Now my doods, we also got them authentic taco trucks, the little carts that sell corn on the cob, Mexican candy, and ice cream. And remember my doods, it's not just Hispanics who are in risk either. There's a bunch of other races and ethnics and all other shit. Now on the other shit. As my girl Jennifer Estrada also said, many people are in fear of being stripped from their families. Personally, I don't really care about this economy shit. This isn't my country. I came here because my parents wanted a better life and we wanted to escape poverty. My whole entire plan was to be here, make enough money to actually stay alive, and perhaps go back and live our nice and quiet lives. If I really wanted to, I could try and stay. So economy isn't really important and it's not my problem if the economy goes down. Y'all are the ones who allowed this to happen. We warned you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways. The only thing that really, really scares me is the fact that families are being split. That is THE biggest fear most immigrants have. Lemme just put a picture in ur head my doods. Imagine just causally driving towards the grocery store with your mom and siblings. (Or dad. Or guardian. Or whatever. And if u don't have fookin siblings then friends and if u don't have friends then by ur fookin self ajdjwjjsj Ima stop here) So y'all going shopping and shit and then the police stops you. Why? Your mom was driving correctly and shit. She didn't do nothing wrong. But ya know, the po po just pulls her over and asks for documents. She says something like "I don't have them with me." And then the police says "you're under arrest ma'am for [some dumb shit that I dunno I'm not a cop jfc djjwjw]" So now. Your mom is arrested and you're never going to see her again. Cause she's being deported. And now. You're living in a foster care cause you don't got any other family member. That right there my friends. That is something that could happen to ME. THAT right there is my biggest fear. Having my mother deported. I lost my pops man, don't gotta get my mother taken away man. Now imagine all the kids that are being affected. Kids like me. I am only 15 years old. Going to high school. Got a sister that's almost a freshman. Having a loving mother who works her ass off to take care of me and my sister. I don't really know what is to happen to me and my sister. I have papers to be able to study here, but not my sister since she is not old enough to get them yet. And my mother doesn't have documents either. In this situation I am the only one who will probably stay here, but I'll be parted from my family. That is my biggest fear. And I'm not the only one dealing with this shit. Other families are living in fear. This is why the march started. Because the sheriff doesn't want just criminals removed. He wants ALL undocumented immigrants to be removed. Now I'm okay with criminals being removed. When I say criminals, I mean people who have broken the law SEVERAL TIMES or someone who did some really bad illegal shit besides being undocumented. NOT someone who has to use fake documents. Because listen here my doods, lots of us use fake documents. The lady from Arizona was deported because she used a fake social security number. A lot of people have those man, and that social security number was given to us by the DACA program or the DREAM program. (I don't know much about the DREAM program cri) Now people are deported yearly. Like all the fookin time, but they are usually criminals. Families are still being separated but like it's the persons fault for breaking the law several times and for not being careful. (Not tryna be rude but it's true) Now listen. We are not threats to your beloved country okay. Several refugees and immigrants help this economy. We do the jobs that other people don't want to do. We all have our own reasons for being here. Some of us have no reason to be here, but they still here helping ya know. This country was made by immigrants. LET ME REMIND YOU THAT THIS COUNTRY WAS MADE BECAUSE Y'ALL LEFT YO KING TO PRACTICE YOUR OWN RELIGION AND BE ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT FREELY. AND Y'ALL ALSO KICKED OUT NATIVE AMERICANS OF THE LAND THEY ALREADY OWNED AND LIKE Y'ALL RAPED AND KILLED THEM SO LIKE..... Anyways. This country btw, has no main language. It is not English. There just isn't one because there is so much diversity in this country. So like. Wake tf up. And realize that we aren't criminals and rapist. LOOK AT THE CHARTS AND INFO MY DOODS. MOST AMERICANS WERE KILLED BY AMERICANS. We barely did any killing my doods. We probably killed our own tbh. But like yeah. Also. I'm like okay with being deported. Like I can just go study in Mexico now like it's fine by me. Same sex marriage is legal in Mexico now and I, as a gender queer little lesbean, am totally okay with that. Except I don't wanna be deported just yet. Like. A bunch of drug lords are running around and killing each other in the streets of Mexico and it's crazy shit. I wanna at least finish schooling before I go back. Alright bitches. Lemme tell ya something. I love me some Barrack Obama. But lemme tell ya. He was one of the presidents who deported the most immigrants while he was in office. But he did this in a safe and sane matter. He got rid of the criminals. He still parted families but like, as I said before. The criminals decided to be pinches pendejos and like fuck shit up for themselves and they didn't watch themselves so they have a criminal record and then they got deported. Obama got rid of those criminals. HE DIDNT GET RID OF THOSE WITH FAKE DOCUMENTS. Why? Because he is the one who created DACA. He is the one who said something like "Alright, my fellow Americans. I'm gonna do a president thingy and make a program that allows the good immigrants that want to study and work here and make a living and shit. They allowed to apply for this good shit and take one step towards citizenship." And that's what my man Obama did. He helped us and warned us. He did some good reasonable shit unlike DONALD DUMP TRUCK. Also known as Donald Trump. Now. He needs to chill tf out. Like. Give him a beer. Take a fucking sip, babes Anyways. The point of this post is that I finished ranting and I hope I educated u guys and I hope y'all educate ur fellow white friends.
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judefan824-blog · 4 years
the only solution he sees is a provocateur
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY PATRIOTS!Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful afternoon. This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to help kick off your weekend with all things dank and spicy from the past week. If you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!And now onto the show!Sunday, November 4th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:WOW - Departing the White House shortly. See you soon Georgia! #MAGAOn my way to Macon, Georgia where the crowds are massive, for a 4pmE #MAGARally. Will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee tonight, seen below, for a 7pmE rally. Something’s happening! Everyone needs to get out and VOTE!Great to be back in Tennessee. On our way to the McKenzie Arena in Chattanooga for a huge #MAGARally - see everyone soon!Thank you for joining us tonight in Tennessee, @TheLeeGreenwood. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!In just 2 days, the people of Tennessee are going to elect @VoteMarsha Blackburn to the United States Senate to protect your jobs, defend your borders, and CONTINUE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get out on Tuesday and VOTE for Marsha!John James, running as a Republican for the Senate from Michigan, is a spectacular young star of the future. We should make him a star of the present. A distinguished West Point Grad and Vet, people should Vote Out Schumer Puppet Debbie Stabenow, who does nothing for Michigan!Dana Rohrabacher has been a great Congressman for his District and for the people of Cal. He works hard and is respected by all - he produces! Dems are desperate to replace Dana by spending vast sums to elect a super liberal who is weak on Crime and bad for our Military & Vets!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Trump has lived rent-free in Obama’s head since the epic elevator ride.SNL mocks a Navy SEAL and hero who lost his eye in an IED attack in Afghanistan.Here's something you don't see every day.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:WATCH PARTY: President Trump & Brian Kemp Rally - Macon, GA 11/04/18WATCH PARTY: President Trump & Marsha Blackburn Rally in Chattanooga, TN 11/04/18🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Someone is following (California Democratic Gubernatorial candidate) Gavin Newsom's campaign bus all over the state in this truck and it's hilarious!This is going viral on r/starterpacks! I think people are finally waking up!I wonder, would Jesus/God build walls or bridges between people?It's like a vampire being forced to hold a crossMonday, November 5th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Delivers Remarks Upon ArrivalPresident Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:.@DebbieStabenow voted against Tax Cuts, great Healthcare, Supreme Court Justices and all of the many things the people of Michigan wanted and need. She is an automatic far left vote, controlled by her bosses. John James can be a truly great Senator!So funny to see the CNN Fake Suppression Polls and false rhetoric. Watch for real results Tuesday. We are lucky CNN’s ratings are so low. Don’t fall for the Suppression Game. Go out & VOTE. Remember, we now have perhaps the greatest Economy (JOBS) in the history of our Country!(Retweeting Eric Trump) Friends, We are on the one yard line and need everyone to VOTE Republican tomorrow! America is back! America is winning again and our best days are still ahead! It is very easy to find your voting location — simply go to http://bit.ly/2HIbOFb #USAUSAUSA #VoteRed 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Something’s happening America! Get out tomorrow and http://bit.ly/2HIbOFb so together, we can KEEP MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!Thank you Ohio! When you enter the voting booth tomorrow you will be making a simple choice. A vote for Republicans is a vote to continue our extraordinary prosperity. A vote for Dems is a vote to bring this Economic Boom crashing to a sudden, screeching halt. Vote @MikeDeWine!Republicans have created the best economy in the HISTORY of our Country – and the hottest jobs market on planet earth. The Democrat Agenda is a Socialist Nightmare. The Republican Agenda is the AMERICAN DREAM! http://bit.ly/2yOt5Xo landed in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a #MAGARally at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. See everyone soon!Thank you Indiana! A vote for Mike @Braun4Indiana is a vote to keep your jobs going up, your wages going up, and your healthcare costs coming down. It’s a vote to keep your families safe & to keep criminals, traffickers & drug dealers OUT of our Country! Get out and for for Mike!There is only one way to stop this Democrat-Led assault on our sovereignty – you have to VOTE Republican TOMORROW! Polling locations: http://bit.ly/2yEwVSQ crowd inside and outside the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana! Thank you for joining us tonight - and make sure you get out and http://bit.ly/2HIbOFb tomorrow!On my way, see you soon Cape Girardeau, Missouri! #MAGARally http://bit.ly/2z2WpcN have been loyal and faithful to your Country, and now you have a President that is loyal and faithful to you. Get out tomorrow, and http://bit.ly/2HIbOFb !(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) .@TheLeeGreenwood singing GOD BLESS THE USA in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at @realDonaldTrump’s #MAGARally...(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) Ohio✈️Indiana✈️Missouri 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸A vote for Claire McCaskill is a vote for Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, and their socialist agenda. Claire voted IN FAVOR of deadly Sanctuary Cities - she would rather protect criminal aliens than American citizens, which is why she needs to be voted out of office. Vote @HawleyMO!A fantastic evening in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Josh @HawleyMO will be a tireless champion for YOU. He is great on jobs, great on tax cuts, and tough on crime. He shares your values, and he will always support our Military, Vets and Police! Get out tomorrow and VOTE for Josh!!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Crowd sings "Amazing Grace" as doctor treats a woman in the crowd. This is America.JOHN JAMES BROUGHT THIS WWII VET — WHO SERVED AS A TANK COMMANDER UNDER PATTON — TO TEARS WHEN HE HONORED HIM TODAY!!!President Trump's closing argument: Vote Republican and continue the jobs boomWell Well Well.. President Xi has announced he is open to FREE TRADE and he is Committed to Cutting tariffs ... #winningPRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Watch Party: Donald Trump and Jim Renacci -Cleveland, OH-11/5/18.WATCH PARTY: President Trump & Mike Braun MAGA Rally - Fort Wayne, Indiana - 11/05/2018WATCH PARTY: President Trump & Josh Hawley with - Cape Girardeau, MO 11/05/18🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:BREAKING! POTUS points out person responsible for incoming RED TSUNAMI!"Boy y'all want power - God, I hope you never get it! I hope the American people can see through this sham!" -If you've seen through the sham, VOTE THEM OUT!Just a happy little red tsunami...I'm going to start responding to them all in this format.Tuesday, November 6th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:There is a rumor, put out by the Democrats, that Josh Hawley of Missouri left the Arena last night early. It is Fake News. He met me at the plane when I arrived, spoke at the great Rally, & stayed to the very end. In fact, I said goodbye to him and left before he did. Deception!Congressman Peter King of New York is a hardworking gem. Loves his Country and his State. Get out and VOTE for Peter!“Bill Nelson is kind of an empty figure in Washington. You never hear his name, he’s never in debates on key issues - he is just under the radar.” Chris Wallace on @FoxNews In other words, Nelson is a “stiff.”Law Enforcement has been strongly notified to watch closely for any ILLEGAL VOTING which may take place in Tuesday’s Election (or Early Voting). Anyone caught will be subject to the Maximum Criminal Penalties allowed by law. Thank you!REMEMBER FLORIDA: I have been President of the United States for almost two years. During that time Senator Bill Nelson didn’t call me once. Rick Scott called constantly requesting dollars plus for Florida. Did a GREAT job on hurricanes. VOTE SCOTT!I need @claudiatenney of #NY22 to be re-elected in order to get our big plans moving. Her opponent would be a disaster. Nobody works harder than Claudia, and she is a producer. I look forward to working together with her - she has my Strongest Endorsement! Vote Claudia!No matter what she says, Senator Claire McCaskill will always vote against us and the Great State of Missouri! Vote for Josh Hawley - he will be a great Senator!If @AndrewGillum did the same job with Florida that he has done in Tallahassee as Mayor, the State will be a crime ridden, overtaxed mess. @RonDeSantisFL will be a great Governor. VOTE!!!!!!Thank you Macon, Georgia! Get out on Tuesday, November 6th and VOTE for @BrianKempGA as your next Governor to protect your jobs, defend your borders, fight for your values, and continue MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! http://bit.ly/2z30Fcp …POLLING LOCATIONS:Bob Hugin, successful all of his life, would be a Great Senator from New Jersey. He has my complete and total Endorsement! Get out and Vote for Bob.(Retweeting FLOTUS) Vote Red 🇺🇸 MAGA 🇺🇸 http://bit.ly/2OGYoJ2 all the way in Michigan House 11. She is a wonderful person and, at the same time, a real fighter. Has my Strong Endorsement!Florida, very important - get out and vote for Florida Congressional Candidate Michael Waltz (R). He has my Strong Endorsement!Congressman Randy Hultgren (R) of Illinois is doing a great job. Get out and Vote for Randy - Total Endorsement!Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all!“There’s only been 5 times in the last 105 years that an incumbent President has won seats in the Senate in the off year election. Mr. Trump has magic about him. This guy has magic coming out of his ears. He is an astonishing vote getter & campaigner. The Republicans are......... ... ....unbelievably lucky to have him and I’m just awed at how well they’ve done. It’s all the Trump magic - Trump is the magic man. Incredible, he’s got the entire media against him, attacking him every day, and he pulls out these enormous wins.” Ben Stein, “The Capitalist Code”.@DavidAsmanfox “How do the Democrats respond to this? Think of how his position with Republicans improves-all the candidates who won tonight. They realize how important he is because of what he did in campaigning for them. They owe him their political career.” Thanks, I agree!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Out of respect for their religion, I choose not to photograph them. But, the Amish are out in FULL-FORCE here in Lancaster, PA this morning. Buggies everywhere! If they can get there, you can too! VOTE RED!Up for 24+ hours. 1-1700 word paper. 300+ miles driven. 2 kids dr appointments. All before noon. And #ivoted so whats your excuse #govoteNon-Citizens Voting in Texas? "We got TONS of them" Says Election Official on Undercover Video - New Project Veritas videoHoly cow!! 38k online!! And seeing all the different pedes tonight has been awesome and reaffirmed my love for this sub! Keep on being awesome!MAGAthread - 2018 US Midterm Election ResultsMAGAthread - 2018 US Midterm Election Results - Part 2🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Cruz retains Senate SeatYou all are like family.Me, all day today.Not my mom... But I am up for adoption..."I VOTED!" MAGATHREAD! SHOW YOUR #REDWAVE PROOFWednesday, November 7th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Received so many Congratulations from so many on our Big Victory last night, including from foreign nations (friends) that were waiting me out, and hoping, on Trade Deals. Now we can all get back to work and get things done!Ron DeSantis showed great courage in his hard fought campaign to become the Governor of Florida. Congratulations to Ron and family!Those that worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well. Those that did not, say goodbye! Yesterday was such a very Big Win, and all under the pressure of a Nasty and Hostile Media!I will be doing a news conference at The White House - 11:30 A.M. Will be discussing our success in the Midterms!To any of the pundits or talking heads that do not give us proper credit for this great Midterm Election, just remember two words - FAKE NEWS!If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!According to NBC News, Voters Nationwide Disapprove of the so-called Mueller Investigation (46%) more than they Approve (41%). You mean they are finally beginning to understand what a disgusting Witch Hunt, led by 17 Angry Democrats, is all about!We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well.... ... ....We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:So we’re all just gonna pretend Jim Acosta didn’t just karate chop a female staffer’s arm...Press Slayer Sarah Huckababe Sanders: As a result of today’s incident, the White House is suspending the hard pass of the reporter involved until further notice.Jeff Sessions resigns as Attorney GeneralThere were literally dozens of cameras pointed at you live. We all saw you, bro.Synagogue shooting and Dems blame Trump. One week later Dems elect Muslim who wants to Eliminate Israel.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:President Trump Hosts a Press Conference🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Still your PresidentBREAKING: After losing the house, this image was taken showing the Republican riots that ensued.THIS Is The_Donald! November 6th, 2018President Trump to Jim Acosta: "That's enough. Put down the mic. I tell you what...CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN."Biggest loser of the nightThursday, November 8th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaPresidential Proclamation on World Freedom Day, 2018President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I have been fully briefed on the terrible shooting in California. Law Enforcement and First Responders, together with the FBI, are on scene. 13 people, at this time, have been reported dead. Likewise, the shooter is dead, along with the first police officer to enter the bar.... ... ....Great bravery shown by police. California Highway Patrol was on scene within 3 minutes, with first officer to enter shot numerous times. That Sheriff’s Sergeant died in the hospital. God bless all of the victims and families of the victims. Thank you to Law Enforcement.Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach. Florida voted for Rick Scott!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:We Don’t Like Her Ideas, But Do Not Wish Her Harm. We Wish RBG A Good Recovery And Retirement To Heal.Liberal Mob Harrassing Tucker Carlson At His HomeWhat’s happening in Florida is unacceptable. The #Broward Elections Supervisor has been pulling stunts like this for years and we’re not going to let her get away with it. - Ronna McDanielDemocrat lawyers are descending on #Florida. They have been very clear they aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted. They are here to change the results of election & #Broward is where they plan to do it.Tucker Carlson: "It wasn't a protest. It was a threat. They weren't protesting anything I had said...a policy or advocating for legislation. They were threatening my family (when they knew he wasn't there!!) and telling me to leave my own neighborhood"Rick Scott, Florida Governor & US Senate candidate, makes statement on election results status🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:If Jim Acosta was a conservative....The #ProtectMueller protesters are surprisingly well coordinated... almost as if they were some sort of robotic collective.The People's ChampionTHROWBACK THURSDAY:✨ r/The_Donald's 2 years of winning celebration! ✨ TOP MEMES OF ALL TIME EDITION!Happy 2 Year Anniversary Lurking Liberals!Friday, November 9th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United StatesPresidential Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2018Presidential Proclamation on National Apprenticeship Week, 2018Presidential Proclamation on American Education Week, 2018President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“Presidential Proclamation Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States”.@BrianKempGA ran a great race in Georgia – he won. It is time to move on!You mean they are just now finding votes in Florida and Georgia – but the Election was on Tuesday? Let’s blame the Russians and demand an immediate apology from President Putin!As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!Jeff Flake(y) doesn’t want to protect the Non-Senate confirmed Special Counsel, he wants to protect his future after being unelectable in Arizona for the “crime” of doing a terrible job! A weak and ineffective guy!Rick Scott was up by 50,000+ votes on Election Day, now they “found” many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes. “The Broward Effect.” How come they never find Republican votes?Mayor Gillum conceded on Election Day and now Broward County has put him “back into play.” Bill Nelson conceded Election - now he’s back in play!? This is an embarrassment to our Country and to Democracy!In the 2016 Election I was winning by so much in Florida that Broward County, which was very late with vote tabulation and probably getting ready to do a “number,” couldn’t do it because not enough people live in Broward for them to falsify a victory!Thank you @marcorubio for helping to expose the potential corruption going on with respect to Election Theft in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. The WORLD is now watching closely!Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy!President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!Matthew G. Whitaker is a highly respected former U.S. Attorney from Iowa. He was chosen by Jeff Sessions to be his Chief of Staff. I did not know Mr. Whitaker. Likewise, as Chief, I did not know Mr. Whitaker except primarily as he traveled with A.G. Sessions. No social contact... ... ....Mr. Whitaker is very highly thought of by @SenJoniErnst, Senator @ChuckGrassley, Ambassador @TerryBranstad, Leonard Leo of Federalist Society, and many more. I feel certain he will make an outstanding Acting Attorney General!There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!I am in Paris getting ready to celebrate the end of World War One. Is there anything better to celebrate than the end of a war, in particular that one, which was one of the bloodiest and worst of all time?SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Judge rules in favor of SENATOR-ELECT SCOTT vs. Broward County re: records requestAZ GOP Claim Vote FraudThe lawyers for #BrendaSnipes will not comply with court order. That very same order, ruled that Snipes violated the Florida Constitution by not allowing access to these important records. I suspect the night will lead into drafting a motion for contempt...🚨THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN IS AT IT AGAIN🚨BREAKING: Nelson files suit to END signature verification in Florida. These ballots are 100% FAKE!BREAKING: I took this video as the riot police removed me from where trucks were secretly loading stuff in/out of Broward Supervisors office. All this while they are violating constitutional rights & a court order! — Matt Gaetz🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Just steal it. #StopTheStealMeanwhile in r/edacted...they can’t even hide it anymoreIt's Official. Emergency Mode Activated.If the last few days have taught us anything, it's that our entire election process is completely broken. Every state needs audited, and corrected. Any politician not on board with this is violating their oath. Wake up America. We're being played.Unedited versionSaturday, November 10th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Participates in a 1:1 Bilateral Meeting with the President of France🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Happy 243rd Birthday to our GREAT U.S. Marine Corps🇺🇸SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Florida Vote Scandal Coverage Shows Media-Democrat Complicity. Again.Laura Loomer Livestream: "LIVE INSIDE the #BrowardCounty Supervisor of Elections Office Watching the ballot count #StopTheSteal #FireBrenda"Can confirm what Trump is saying is 100% FACT. We cannot even remove dead/fallen trees around our House in Lake TahoeNot the Onion: Broward County Sheriff’s Office is holding a Shred-a-Thon this morning. (Really! Not kidding!)Happy Birthday to All Marines, Past and Present! Making America Great Since 1775.How the media covers Democrat voter fraud: “Whoopsy Daisy!”🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Just a reminder why hours after Brenda Snipes defies a Florida judge has still not been arrested.Brenda Snipes, Broward County elections supervisor’s “I Voted” selfie game is strongDemocrats in Broward County just found new ballot papers.Change My Mind: Brenda Snipes has meddled in US elections more than the Russians!! Why is she still the Broward County Supervisor of Elections?WEEEW LAD!!Of course, no recap is complete without some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:My SongSame DrugsFiguresI Wonder10 Freaky GirlsHard To LoveMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
"Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Good auto insurance?
i have quite a complicated issue with insurance 1. im CANADIAN andi go to school in the states but do not hold a Michigan drivers license -however i CAN get one 2. i have no document history in michigan so this puts me at a high premuim so is it possible for the insurance companies to insure me in michigan and use my canadian driving history....im 21 years old female...also i was thinking if it is possible to put it under my parents plan who are canadians but if they could purchase an american insurance plan and use there canadian driving history to get a quote...thanks!!
What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability?
Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane.""
Is getting the cheapest possible car insurance a good idea?
Like SafeAuto.
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
Insurance on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Hey. Im looking at a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and i was curious as to how much the insurance could possibly be? Im also looking at a 1998 one. Im a 16 year old , female w/ progressive.""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
ok so im an 18 year old guy and i just bought a 98 mustang. i also got my g2 recently.i am thinking of putting the car under my moms name and me as a secondary driver. what is the cheapest company you can recommend?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Private health insurance and medicaid?
My niece who is pregnant works full time and has private health insurance through work. Is she still eligible to get medicaid even though she already has insurance? I thought that if you were pregnant and low income, you'd automatically get medicaid. She makes $10 per hour, so I don't know if that will put her into the poverty level income. She has no other kids.""
How can the government make you legally buy car insurance?
it just seems messed up that the government requires car insurance. i understand why it's a good thing to have but because it is legally required it's a business where the customer is the b/itch and has to take the prices companies put out and have to deal with their excuses and garbage policies because the government makes you.
Denied for life insurance thru employer?
Met life denied me for life insurance. Met Life sends a denial letter to my employer....Can I get fired for that...The life insurance company stated they cannot disclose any info, however, can Human Resources call me in and ask me why? It is a company life insurance...... I would think this is a privacy or Hippa Issue......Need some help..""
How much will my car insurance go up by?
I have a mazda mx5 and it has been scratched all over very deep. I have asked my insurance to claim it and will have to pay my excess, which is fine. I have been told that my insurance will go up a little bit when it is renewed in aug but they say the cant figure out how much it is now to tell me. I am wanting to know just in case they really put it up and its not worth claiminmg through them. Has anyone done this and what amount do you think i am looking at to go up a month. Thanks""
Health Insurance for a College Student in California?
I am a 19 year old who is a full time student in college. I just moved out of my parents home a while back and well I dont have Health Insurance. I'm in desperate need to see a doctor and as well as a Gyno due to menstruation problems and I tried applying for Medical but on the application it said i couldnt go further unless I was a pregnant person or have children. I just need a affordable plan. Any suggestions for a new-adult?
What is the expected value for a 21-yr old who buys insurance?
The ABC Insurance company charges a 21-year old male a premium of $250 for a one year $100,000 life insurance policy. A 21-year old male has a 0.9985 probability of living for a year (based on data from the National Center for health Statistics.) A. What is the expected value for a 21-yearold male who buys the insurance? B. B. What would be the cost of the insurance polity if the company just breaks even?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Cheapest first car to insure?
Cheapest first car to insure?
Car insurance for someone under 25 arizona?
How much would car insurance be or the cheapest I live in arizona and drive a 1994 Saturn sl2
Car insurers recommendations?
hi there people, Since passing my test in December, I have been looking to buy (and insure) a car. Shortly I will be able to afford a little run around and have been getting insurance quotes for cars like the Fiesta and Corsa. I have noticed that over the last few months comparison site quotations have jumped from an average of 1800 to 3000 for someone in my circumstances. I have read and understand why car insurance has been hiked up, no win no fee claims are more popluar, fraud and bogus claims and economic recession are responsible for a massive increase in car insurance premiums...Im so angry at these things. I cannot believe this as I though 1800 was extortionate to begin with. I have found Elephant insurance who are quoting me reasonable prices however, back to around the 1800 mark. Please can you recommend any other good car insurers for first time drivers. I am 33 and live in Manchester England. All the big name insurance sites that appear on comparison sites see like a rip off, so any smaller insurers you have had experience of would be useful;, Thanks.""
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
Drive parents car without insurance?
hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?""
Lamborghini gallardo?
what is the fuel economy and the insurance and the repair will cost a Lamborghini gallardo per month
Can i get car insurance if i dont have my licence?
So basically I didn't have a car to take my dl test in ( my mom has a stick, and I cant drive it, i tried and failed), so i saved up and just bought a little 2000 saab turbo. Only now i have called Allstate, Geico, and AAA and they all say that 1) I cannot insure my car because I do not have a licence 2) My mom cannot add my car to her insuranve because her name is not on the pink slip, mine is SO is there any car insurance company that will cover my car for like 3 months till I take my test? Like, of course Id have a licenced driver with me in the car so I can legally drive it (im 18).""
""How much would 100,000 libility insurance cost? roughly or estimate?""
I'm looking to start a security company and am trying to figure a monthly premium. I know I need at least 100,000 of libility insurance. I don't have my license yet, so insurance companies wont even talk to me util I can give them more info. The prob is, I need a rough estimate of start up costs. Thank you""
Car insurance for 16 year old guy in wisconsin?
How much would my car insurance probably be if I am 16, a guy, I'm going to own a 1998 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, and I get very good grades. (I would get liability on the car) Where do you think I should get insurance or should I just get it through my mom and dad and pay them?""
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Insurance on a V8 mustang?
Currently im on my parents insurance and i think they pay 212 every 6 months, but if i got a 2005 V8 manual mustang, would anyone be able to just give me a rough estimate for a year?""
Cheap cars to get insured on in the UK on a provisonal license?
cheap cars for young drivers to get insured on? Ok so I am a provisonal driver - currently the cheapest insurance quote i have found is for a smart car @ 730. Has any other provisional drivers got or had insurance on any cars that give a real cheap insurance? I was kind of thjintking a cheap 150 quid car would have even cheaper insurance but it turned out to be more expensive (Im lookin at 3rd party cover, not inc theft and fire btw)""
Any recommendations for affordable health insurance in Georgia?
I'm 22 years old, no children, and have one full time job. I need to get some blood tests like cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera done.""
I just got into a car accident Please HELP insurance rate?
It's my fault. I rear ended him. My car is old and probably not worth repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, lights. The damage to my car is awful but his was very light, just his rear bumper yet an onlooker said bumpers cost a lot, maybe $800. Should I get my insurance company involved or pay this huge (for me) amount via a check to him directly? I've been a driver for two years only and I'm 30yrs old. If I reported it to my insurance company how much would my insurance go up? Let's pretend my insurance is a nice round number of $100 a month.How much would it affect my rate? Also what are deductables??? Please write an answer instead of sending me to some advertisement type link. Please help!""
Car Insurance Company wants me to send them pictures?
I don't know why, but I have never heard of this before and I am a little suspicious. So this idiot decided to back into my parked car and completely destroy my door. They are no doubt who is at fault for this. Their insurance company just called and wants me to send them pictures instead of them coming out to take pictures. Has anyone had this situation before, and how long after I send them pictures am I going to be able to fix my car, this happened on Monday and i am getting pissed! Thanks for your help!""
What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?
My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?
Where to get home insurance.............?
is it always required to purchases a home insurance while buying a home.. or is it required only if we are availing a home loan or is it optional? what does this home insurance actually covers...if we take a home insurance , is it not required to pay the loan back in the event of death of the borrower.. which insurance company provides best home insurance with reasonable rate?""
Benefits of life insurance?
long term benefits of life insurance
How much would my insurance be?
i will be 17 in oct and hoping to save up for a car (corsa, punto, 206) and i was just wondering how much my insurance would be?""
Will I make my bf's parents' car insurance rates go up?
I've lived with my boyfriend and his family for a little over a year now(I pay rent). I am 19 and do not have my license. I have relied on carpools and the bus so it wasn't an issue. Now, I am planning to buy a used car, take the road test and get my own auto insurance. The thing is, they would most likely complain if this would increase their rates. I wish I could just pay a high rate alone- what would be the difference if I just rented a room in a strangers house??lol. I think that it would affect them, but does anyone know for sure?""
Is there any relatively cheap international insurance for uk residents travelling abroad indefinitely?
Me and my partner are leaving the uk in july to travel, live and work around the world for as long as we can. Hopefully many years. I have been looking into insurance but i am finding it difficult as i'm not really sure what i should be looking for. Travel insurance seems to be for shorter lengths of time than what i am planning and too expensive to keep paying indefinitely. All i need is basic global medical insurance for a reasonable enough price to realistically keep paying it for years to come. Any insight or ideas would be very welcome as i really don't know what i might need or if this is even possible. Thanks!""
""I am self employed and shopping for an affordable health/dental insurance, any ideas?""
I need coverage without spending a fortune every month, no pre-existing conditions.""
How much does insurance run for a 16 year old in North Carolina?
My Son gets his Licenses on August 17 of this year. So i am trying to figure out about how much its gonna run for him to have car insurance
""Car accident, no insurance?""
I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??""
What auto insurance does aarp offer?
the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers
What's do you pay for car insurance in your country?
My car insurance in N.Ireland is just over 200 or 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for an average 4 door saloon. I would like to compare that with other countries, if possible.""
What is the best insurance that covers eating disorder treatment?
What insurance is the best to cover all forms of treatment for an eating disorder. My family would like me to go to residential for my bulimia it is out of control right now. Is their any good insurance that also doesn't just cover Pennsylvania?
Car insurance for one day - for driver's license test. possible?
So I'm hoping to use my mom's car to take the driver's license test in a few days. I live in the United States. The problem is I'm not insured for her car, but to do so for the full term costs a LOT (I'm 21). And, I'm moving back to school and probably won't drive her car again for a long time. Insurance is necessary to take the test, right? If so, is there any alternative to getting 6-month or whatever coverage?""
Why wont my insurance insure me ?
im currently paying 350 for a 125 honda varadero ( on learners ) then i passed my test ( im 19 ) i upgraded cost me 27 to get pillon and change to big licence. Then i asked them to do me quote on a 250 ninja r, so i can get insured on that and they said the insurance doesnt cover me you have to cancel it and go some where eles. what the ****?""
I made a little damage in a car today. Do my insurance pay the fix ?
Hi made a damage when I was parking the car. Little Damage in my car and other person's car. Do my insurance pay it ?
Auto Insurance?
i need to renew my auto insurance next month i drive a Infiniti G35 and a Subaru wrx (not STI) can anyone tell me if they have ever purchased insurance for any of these vehicles and where was the cheapest i need full cov. on both. Or just anywhere its cheap, i live in central california (bakersfield) THANKS""
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
How much will I get charged for an insurance ?
Im 20 and I received a Ticket for no Insurance, How much should I get charged once I get one? Which One is a cheap one to get, and how much for a Fred Loya insurance ?""
Insurance in the state of CA?
I had two questions regarding insurance in the State of California. I was involved in an accident in which the other car was totaled, but mine ended up only with a bent control arm. Question 1: If my vehicle was hardly damaged and easily repaired by the spare control arm in the garage, do I still need to file a claim with my own insurance company? Question 2: If the police took insurance information for both parties at the scene and gave us each other's information, whose responsibility is it to provide the other party's insurance company with my own insurance information?""
Is there any life insurance you can get for stroke victims?
My sister had a massive stroke and she needs life insurance because she may die.
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
The cheapest life insurance policy?
I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
How much is insurance on the new Morgan?
You know the wooden car?
I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?
My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?""
What insurance company in bc offer out of province insurance?
Just asking for cheap insurance!
How much would insurance be for a 2006 GTO?
I am a 49 year old female with a good driving history, but i have my 17 year old son on my insurance...but he wouldnt be listed as the primary driver for this car. How much would insurance be per month/year?""
USAA or Amica for auto insurance?
As far as I can tell, these are the two top auto insurance companies... Which do you think is better, and why?""
Democrats: So will there be fine for not having health insurance or not?
When I asked this question just yesterday, Democrats assured me there wouldn't be ANY fine for not having health insurance - it was an OPTION.""
What is a good individual health insurance?
Mine sucks and I work for a hospital! I'm looking for reasonably priced, low copays and deductibles, and great medical care. Please list details. I'm probably not going to find such a fairy tale insurance, right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier.""
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Does a car not in use need insurance?
Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?
Suggestions on where to purchase good health insurance?
My husband and I are looking to purchase health insurance. We are young (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) and looking for coverage mainly for doctor's office visits and prescriptions. Can anyone recommend a good website or insurance company that we can look at to choose a plan? We live in Michigan if that makes a difference too.""
Car insurance help !!?
well you know how if your paying for your car monthly the insurance is more money because the car isnt fully paid for yet, well is there any insurance companies that don't make ...show more""
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
What is the best and most affordable insurance for baby?
Or is anyone know if there is any pediatrician for free? I live in California. Thanks
Wat do u think insurance would cost for a 1967 mustang?
i try to find it on insurance company pages but it dont help
Question about auto insurance in canada ontario?
Hello I recently bought a car, I live in Ontario Canada Before that I used to drive in my dads car as a secondary hand driver in the insurance I want to know what is the cheapest way to get an insurance with my dads car My dad wanted to change the owner ship of the car to him so I can go as secondary hand driver on both cars, but my friend told me it doesnt matter who owns the car Now in my house hold there are two drivers and two cars, me and my dad has a full G driving license, I want to be able to drive both cars so is my dad What is the best way to do my insurance and what is the cheapest company to deal with Thank you""
Can I drive my parents' car without having my name added to the insurance list in the same city?
I would but it would probably increase the rate. So, can I just carry their insurance papers along with my license?""
I have kaiser insurance does my insurance cover the lapband?
how many pounds must one be overweight before they can have the lap band surgery? i am covered with kaiser permenete health insurance. does my insurance cover this procedure
Car insurance rates go up after accident?
Ok, so this is really stupid in my mind. But I got rear ended the other day, and it was obviously the lady's fault since I was waiting at the stop light and she hit me. Anyways, the damage was minor. There was a hole from her screw/bolt that held her front license plate and part of my rear light got cracked. Anyways, she offered to pay us 350 after we got 2 estimates saying it would cost around 700 to paint by bumper and replace the light. she and I were fine with that since my bumper already had noticeable scratches on the side and her damage wasn't that major. But my dad (I'm 19) wanted her to pay 400 or tell her to report it to her insurance. So I thought this was ridiculous since he would have pocketed the 400 instead of fix it (like I said, it was a small hole in the bumper...).So now, I am worried that my insurance will go up. I am a college student, a guy, and a teenager which I feel like would raise my rates, a lot, but he reassures me that our rates won't go up since the lady's insurance will pay for it and that we arent claiming our insurance. So what happens now in the insurance process? All I know is that she has to call her insurance and they send an adjuster to assess the cost of the damages made to our car. Do we have to report it anytime to our insurance company? If not, is there a chance that our insurance company will find out and raise our rates?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Repair cost for rear view mirror?
I broke someones rear view mirror. If I don't have to go through my insurance company I'd rather not. About how much does it cost to replace them? I don't know the make or model of the car.
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
Looking for cheap car insurance.?
have a dodge avenger. and need suggestions for in expensive insurance
Why did my insurance company call me?
I received a call today from my JOB PROVIDED Health insurance company. The representative asked me a number of questions about what I have done about my epilepsy and what medications I am currently on. Why did they call me? My mother said that they do this to determine if they are going to drop you or not. Can they drop me even though it is provided threw my job?
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Whats the auto insurance company that gives you various rates?
There was an auto insurance commercial whose gimick was that they provided you with not only their rates, but the rates of their competitors...what insurance company was that? I haven't seen that particular thing being adverstised in a few months-and I cant remember what the company was...either geico, progressive..i cant remember?!!""
Car insurance what would you do ?
OK so i was hit from behind the insurance company are going to write the car off and give me 830 i paid 950 for the car its nothing special just a cheap first car with low mileage. The insurance company said they won't recover the car and i can do with it what i will. The damage is fixable I'm thinking 150 -200 of damage just wondered what everybody would do ? Would you just scrap the car and cut your losses, take the money and fix the car or take the money use some of it to fix the car then sell the car ?""
Motorbike insurance?
motorbike insurance
Question about gap insurance?
I just wanted to know about how much the dealer charges for gap or at least an average. I refinanced my vehicle and am awarded a refund of my gap because the new financing is offered with it. So I don't know if anyone has gone through this, but if you have any answers please let me know. Thanks in advance.""
17 year old looking to buy a car ( what cars are cheap to insure)?
hey as the title says what cars are cheap to insure and tax and so on please say the make as i dont have a clue about what makes of cars and stuff, prefer a 4 door as got a kid so it will be easier getting in and out with the car seat, thanks""
Ticket for no insurance while riding my motorcycle in california?
I got pulled over for speeding. i have no insurance but i have my motorcycle permit and my driving license. when he pulled me over he asked for my license and of course, i didnt have it. it was in my jacket and i didnt wear it. i had my permit for my bike though. gave him that and my registration. he asked for my insurance, and i knew i didnt have it. but i looked through my backpack and under the rear seat. so when he gave me the ticket he said that the no insurance and license was just a fix it ticket and to take it into the court and show them and they will sign it of and the other is speeding. when i looked at the ticket when i got home, in the part where they rite down if it can be corrected or not the license says yes and the insurance says no. my question is, if i buy insurance now and go in and show them that with the license will they sign it off. or what will they do if i dont have insurance? also the reason i dont have insurance is i dont have the funds to buy it. i just want an answer to my question please not a lecture. thank you""
""I live in MA where car insurance is very high, and my parents will not put me on their insurance.?""
I am now going to college in PA where car insurance is more reasonable, can I buy a car here register it and get car insurance here? And do I need to change my license to a PA one? College will last 9 months out of the year for four years. This would be a big savings if there is some way to do this legally. My parents will not do anything that is slightly shady. All must be legit""
Car Insurance Problem!?
Hey all heres my problem. I go in the navy in 4 weeks and my car insurance does'nt run out until april 2009. While im at base i wont be using my car until maybe feb 2009. Is there anyway i can cancel due to the fact that i wont be using my car. I don't want to be paying 121 a month when im not using my car at all for a while. Much help appreciated, mark!""
Does residency matter in determining auto insurance for a college student?
I'm a current college student in the middle of transferring schools and getting a new insurance policy. I have two schools in mind, one is 5 minutes from home in a suburban neighborhood and the other is 200 miles away in an urban city environment. Depending on where I attend, will this affect my new insurance policy? Will living at home going to school close-by have a lower insurance rate than going to school outta town and living by myself?""
How does exhisting back injuries affect your insurance health car life?
I was hit on the head with a 68lb box. I have 3 herniated disc in my back, major nerve damage etc.... How does this effect my car insurance? If I get in a wreck am I not covered because ......What if the meds I'm on or my vertigo is the cause? I'm screwed right? How does this effect health insurance... am I un-insurable? Any web link would help. I'm 26 and its been 7 months... I still cant lift over 5lbs.""
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.""
Where can I shop for health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance for my family. Where do I go or who should I call?
Cheapest auto insurance for a teenager?
I am 17, and my parent's won't let me get my learner's permit until I can get a job, buy my own car, and pay for my own insurance. What is the cheapest auto insurance company, but with good polices? I make good grades if that helps at all.""
What are the Best site for Comparing AUTO INSURANCE Quotes Online?
can anybody please shade some lite of reasonable car insurance quotes comparison sites?
Can claiming too many hit-and-runs on your insurance raise your rate? Considering none of it is your fault?
I've recently encountered my second hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately my car is somewhat expensive to repair. So, I'm wondering if I should submit a claim with my insurance company to repair it, or try to fix it on my own. I'm told that a hit-and-run isn't a point against me, but that the insurance company may still find reason to raise my rates.""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
Best way to insure my boots are kept in good condition.?
I just bought some nike hypervenoms and received them today. I just started breaking them in today by just walking around my house but I really want to make sure I take good care of them. I usually take really good care of my boots, but I just want some good tip and maybe some good product as well to use. I know my mom won't be happy buying me new boots after buying these ones, so I want to insure the longest life I can out of these.""
My employer expects me to utilize my personal car insurance for renting cars for business purposes.?
Why should I carry the responsibility? My car insurance would go up if I am in an accident or the car is stolen. Am I being unreasonable? There is no coverage through my company AMEX card, I checked. I do not want to be a problem employee but I do not see how this is fair.""
""Hit and Run Insurance, Could i get a new car?""
Hi, so this morning someone crashed into my car..hit and run, people now a days, and ofcourse it ruined my fourth of july. I have full insurance cover 100 Deduct Comprehensive and collision, and i was reading comprehensive replaces your car or something? Idk, but thats what i want. I had a brand new 2013 Malibu Eco LTZ, loved it, now its messed up, n now im not going to be able to re-sell it down the line ya know :/, but since i have that, could they replace the car and give me money to buy a new one? Heres something extra 1.Brand New Car 2. Insuring 4 cars with them (State Farm) 3. Re-sell values gunna be ****.. 4. I had state farm for years So, is it possible for me to get a brand new car?""
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
Health insurance in CA?
I'm a college student thinking of getting health insurance that is affordable. What health insurance should I get? And what's the cost of the insurance per month? Thank you
""Car Insurance, ammended details of profession lead to increased premium?""
My car insurance company rang me two weeks ago asking to update my details. I was previously registered as a student and unemployed but changed this to working part time as an admin assistant. A week ago I received my new certificate of insurance but today they rang me to say that my premium had increased by 150! I find this difficult to understand how changing my profession from student to admin could whack up my premium by this much. At the same time they offered me a new deal from another insurer , which they claimed would be cheaper, but I refused over the telephone as I felt too confused at the time. Now they told me that they will be sending me the bill to pay off the new increased premium. Can anyone help me confirm whether insurance companies can do this? I am not driving my car any more than I previously had and I cannot see as how my new job increases the risk of me having an accident!! Thanks""
Cheap car insurance? 17 year old UK?
So say I'm a 17/18 year old just passed driver with a cheap car, small engine etc, female, what price, in terms of car insurance, am I looking at? Thanks for any feedback. I really just want an estimation!""
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
Bonfield Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60913
0 notes
I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
"I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me ,  I dont have health insurance,  i  think i need a physical  ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
Insurance question on a 2008 Hyundai Tiburon GT?
I'm a 16, almost 17 year old male. I got a citation in late May. I have a suspended license until November 3rd, my birthday. how much monthly, and yearly will insurance cost me on this car, roughly? I live in Ohio.""
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
I need affordable Health Insurance!! Where can I find this?
I do not qualify for State insurance, no work ins availaible, and can't afford to pay the cost of some companies out of pockett. Does anyone know something or some Health Insurance maybe I have not heard about yet?""
Insurance costs for a new driver insured on own car in Canada?
Yeah I know if varies but has anyone recently received their license and bought their own car for their own use? How much was the insurance? I tried checking on websites but they weren't really helpful. It would help if it was in ontario too.
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
Car insurance settlement?
I was in an auto accident as the passenger in the vehicle. The other person was at fault but they didn't have car insurance. (Another topic) Anyway, my friends insurance company said they are going to reimbursement for everything, including lost wages, bills, etc. I have been in PT for the pass 10 weeks and have to wear a cast on my wrist for the next 2 weeks. My lost wages, co payments and some medical bills have already gotten to 11k. I expect more bills that can get to close to 15k all together. How much should I expect to get with pain and suffering without dealing with a lawyer? Any ideas? I was diagnosed with a fractured wrist and sever muscular damage to my chest, neck and back so far. I really don't know the medical terms""
I got a citation for no proof of insurance and have a couple questions..?
so my first citation, annnd i was wondering if i take traffic school do i still have to pay the $1,000 fine for not having insurance at the time? also if i sell me car before the court date does that help ? if not what can i do to not pay because im broke no job and no money , willing to do community service.. can i do that for this kinda thing?""
Financed a car- car insurance went WAY up?
My husband and I recently sold our old car and financed a used low mile 2007 ford fusion. Our car insurance previously was around 60 dollars a month, now it's over $200.00. The reason our rate increased was our finance company requires certain insurance (comprehensive and collision) that we didn't have before. My question is, do we have to keep this insurance on the car throughout the financing period? They sprang this little tidbit on us right before we signed. We tried to get financing three weeks ago and suceeded, but the person working with us went out sick with swine flu and no one from the bank let us know. We ended up calling last week and they put us with someone else/ It put us in a time crunch since my husband was leaving for Naval OCS the next day. If we have to pay it, it's not a big deal, but we're a young couple and it's money we could be putting towards our student loans.""
Get a insurance quote on 2010 honda civic?
i just want to find out how much do you guys think the insurance would be for a person with the following: 1) NYC license of less than 2 years, age early 20s 2) full insurance coverage since it's new 3) registered somewhere in southern part of Staten Island 4) the car ran 2-3 red lights within the past 1 1/2 year, got camera ticketed the car is covered by AllState, i just want to find out how much is the car's insurance now, i am not the car owner, would it possibly be at 4-5k/year, since the car was ticketed a few times, thanks""
If a person has insurance for a couple months and gets in a big wreck and totals like 3 cars and dies?
Does that persons insurance have to pay for the totaled cars . Is the insurance just going to have to eat it ? The guy is dead he can't make any more payments ? I was just wondering
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen?
Don't tell me cops or AAA it doesn't work
Anybody got a guess for what it could cost to get insurance on a 95 mustang in ny?
Just tryin to see if anyone has a idea of the cost
How much is Motor Cycle insurance?
I'm 21 years old female and have had my license for 3 years, I went to driving school. So what would be my car insurance for a motor cycle each month? Is it more or less than a car? and if you don't want to answer can someone direct me to a source? Thaaaanks! <3""
Rough estimate for Car Insurance Cost For Second Year?
Hi peeps. I Have a question about car insurance. I am basically looking for qualified guesses from people who have previous experience with this sort of thing. I am a first year driver. Im 21 and i passed my test in early August and was driving straight away because i had bought my car the month before hand. The car i own is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. I paid around 1250 for the year for insurance and i did it through Quinn Direct. My question is, does anybody know a rough figure of what it might be next year baring in mind i have never claimed? I have tried running new quotes on comparison websites but they are based on new customers and all come out at around 1500 to 4000 If anyone has used this company or even another company and situation was similar could you please tell me the rough figure of what it was reduced to/from just so i can maybe have an idea of what to expect Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers :)""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
When do I need to get insurance when purchasing a car?
I'm going shopping this weekend for a new(used) car. I have current insurance on my car right now. If I end up getting a car this weekend can I wait until Monday to get insurance, or do I have to do it that day? I'm in California by the way. I asked the loan officer and she said something about me having 10 days to get it, but I've been reading otherwise. Thanks!""
Companies that provide cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I have recently passed my driving test and whenever I get a quote from a car insurance company it it always over 3000. I have tried putting myself under my mother's name as an additional driver but I still get the same outcome. I know people who are the same age with same car and have been able to get their insurance for a little over 1000. Are there any companies that will help me to get a lower quote (don't suggest compare websites because they are more expensive). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
What is the difference between private and public insurance?
I'm doing a report on Japanese economy, and I read something about it having mostly public insurance? What does this mean, and what is that difference? What does having a public insurance do for Japan? Like how does it effect the country?""
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
How much would be my car insurance? I'm 18 years old?
I'm 18 years old i'm gonna turn 19 in like 4 months never being in trouble with cops no tickets no nothing im clean(if that helps) and im gonna buy a 1997 mitsubishi eclipse sometime this week i like california by Los angeles does anyone know around how much would my car insurance cost? estimates? please dont say oh it depends on the insurance you get it you know the price just tell me for any insurance company Thank You
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
Where Can I Find Really Cheap Car Insurance?
I Am A Newly Qualified 20 Year Old Male Driver!!
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me ,  I dont have health insurance,  i  think i need a physical  ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)
About how much is high point auto insurance a month?
Well, I just recently got my license and I wanted to buy a car, but my mom said that it's a bad idea and one of the reasons is because of how expensive insurance is. My friend told me her insurance- high point- is only 60 dollars a month. I'm not sure if that's true, because that sounds really really cheap. Does anyone have this or know approximately how much this auto insurance would be a month?""
Do car insurance rates increase because of family visiting?
Hello there. I was wondering if anybody ever heard about car insurance rates increasing because of extra people in the house. My wife and I will be staying at my in-laws house for a few months and we have our own vehicles with insurance so therefore we will not be driving my in-laws car. HIs brother was told that his rate insurance will increase because of the extra people in the house. Does any of this sound right to you? Thanks. We ilve in florida.
Speeding ticket//No insurance!!!???
My friend was driving my car and got pulled over for speeding I didnt have insurance at the time she was pulled over, But I do have insurance now.(a couple days later.) The ticket is being paid tomorrow with my proof of insurance, what will happen b/c the date of purchase is after the day she was pulled over. I live in ohio. PLs help""
Do you need car insurance for this?
I want to get my car the 2014 sticker but I currently don't have insurance because I've been jobless & I just started working. I payed for the license plates on June . & I just wanted to know if not having insurance was gonna be an issue
How much is car insurance for a range rover a month?
I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
Trading in car for new one. Insurance?
I am trading my old car in at a garage for a new one. How do I go about re-arranging my car insurance so that it can be taxed and the old one taken off the policy. Do you think I will get a refund for the amount outstanding on my old car? Bit confused.
""What is the average cost of car insurance for a 25 y/o female, no accidents, no tickets, 2008 car.?""
Please help give me an idea of the cost for car insurance. Comprehensive vs. Collision? I'll be buying a 2007 or 2008 mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, Toyota Corrolla, etc.). I've never gotten in an accident or gotten a ticket. And of course, I'm a female :) Any help is appreciated! Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company to go with at 16. could someone give me a estimate?
my car is a 2000 Pontiac grand prix. all i need is state minimum.i live in ohio
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
Cheapest car insurance for new drivers?
Co-op seem to be the cheapest i can find at the moment, i am going on my dads name because we are both going to drive it and he has like 11 year no claims, so far co-op seem the best (coop seem to go by the age of the car) the older the cheaper, im looking to insure either a fiesta a clio or a corsa, something like that, could you from experience or just knowledge tell me which insurance is the cheapest, by the way im 17""
Whats the cheapest car insurrance?
I am an 18 year old single male. I have one claim that is my fault. This brought my insurance up about $100. I have statefarm, but everyone suggest I look around for some place cheaper. I don't have full coverage, just liability. Any suggestions? I have a four door 1996 Volvo 850. Anything will help. Thanks.""
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
Comprehensive Auto insurance?
I'm sure someone has already answered this question, but i couldn't seem to find it. Ok I have AAA comprehensive auto insurance and my question is if i was parked outside at a meter and someone hit me would i be covered? Also same scenario just in a parking lot. Thank you, for anyone that answers this question""
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
Health Insurance question for California?
Is there a state program for minors(age 16) of low income?
Auto Insurance coverage -- How much Liability and Medical?
I got a couple of questions about about auto insurance coverage. Namely, what's the best amount of liability and medical coverage to select. 1) For the liability, I know it's wise to get the best liability that one can afford to cover your assets. But how about if one also gets umbrella coverage. For example, if one gets an umbrella coverage at a $2 million limit and the liability limit for the auto insuarance is $300,000 or $500,000, does it make sense to select the $500,000 or is it better to select the $300,000 limit since the umbrella coverage would kick in? 2) for medical, is this redundant coverage and not needed because wouldn't the liability portion also cover medical expenses? Or is it wise to get this, for example, if a passenger is not insured (no health insurance), so the medical part would help out in that case? Thanks.""
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month.
Car Insurance -civil court?
My friend was at fault as she rear end another vehicle causing minor damage to the vehicle in front of her. She is now being sued by the insurance comp of the other driver in the civil court for driving in a negligent manner. Wouldnt this be covered under her insurance company? Why is she paying for the insurance in the first place?
Just broughta motorhome o2 fiat where cheapest and best insurance?
Just broughta motorhome o2 fiat where cheapest and best insurance?
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!""
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me ,  I dont have health insurance,  i  think i need a physical  ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
How much will my speeding ticket be and is it possible for my insurance not to go up?
I got pulled over doing 96 in a 70mph speed limit. In california around King City and I want to know a couple things. How much will the ticket approximately be? Is it worth contesting? Will going to driving school make it so I don't get a point on my license? And how do I make it so my insurance does not increase?
Which has cheaper auto insurance: 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS or 2012 Honda Civic?
This is regarding all auto insurance companies. Also, why is it that not a lot of Hyundai dealers in the Los Angeles area have the 2012 Elantra in their New Inventory, they only have 2011 in stock :S Does anyone else have this problem also?""
AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?
Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don't want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks""
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
How will universial health affect the insurance industry?
How will universial health affect the insurance industry?
Antique motorcycles older than 25 years dont have to pay insurance?
Im sure i remember being told if a motorcycle is older than 25 years you dont have to pay out any insurance on it is that right??
Insurance: Average yearly mileage exceeded?
When I brought my car insurance (after being without a car for many years), one of the questions was average yearly mileage , I input 12,000 thinking that that figure was ...show more""
It is better to get my insurance or let my fathers insurance go up?
i got a speeding ticket and got traffic school from the court,the problem is my car and insurance is register under my fathers name so i cant take the test without an insurance in my name i am 17 yrs,so is it cheaper to get an insurance in my name at 17 or pay the ticket and cancel the scheduled court date for the traffic school (if possible) and let my fathers insurance go up about 10-15%?""
How much is car insurance for a 19 y.o?
Hey, I know people are going to say I'm dumb for asking, but I'm wondering how much car insurance would be for a 19 y/o. I want to get a car, but I need to pay the insurance. I'm not looking for a great car, so I'm sure I'll pick something insurance friendly. Also, would it be cheaper if I still had my parents insure the car technically and paid them the amount?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
""Does price of car insurance go up, down, stay the same, after getting G licence?""
I'm in Ontario, Canada and am going for my G licence in July (I'm 26, if that makes any difference?). Right now I'm an occasional driver on my parents insurance and plan to stay that way after I get my G. Right now my insurance is 90 per month. I want to save up for enough insurance for 12 months so when I move out it's out of the way for one year. Anyway, does anyone know if the price of insurance goes up, down, or stays the same after getting your full G licence? I kind of want to figure out how much I should save up for the full year by knowing how much it'll be monthly. I plan on going in and talking to them, but I wont be able to for a few days...just curious if anyone can basically give me a heads up. Thanks.""
Car Insurance: Which is cheapest in America?
Just purchased brand new vehicle and wanted some feedback on which companies offer inexpensive rates and superior service when needed.
Car Insurance Question!!?
So I just got my license yesterday but my dad said that I can't drive the car myself until he puts me on the insurance plan. Do I really need to be put on the insurance plan? I know its illegal not to have car insurance but I do, it would just go under my parents' names. Isn't that ok or do I really do have to get my own insurance card and everything? if yes, how many days would it take for me to get my name under the insurance? I really want to be able to start driving on my own. thanks!""
Can I purchase life insurance for our family without a physical exam?
We have a new baby and we both need to be insured. Is it possible to purchase affordable life insurance without a physical exam?
Can you pay car insurance monthly without extra charges?
Most car insurers charge a direct debit fee up to 30% APR if you pay monthly - are there any free ones (or at least cheaper ones)?
Whats is the best life insurance policy for me?
I'm 20 years old and I'm married with 2 children. My husband and I are wanting to buy life insurance but our research is confusing. I need the basics and the best option for my family
What are some good first cars with low insurance rates?
preferably a SUV. Kind of like a blazer or something like that. Definitely under $1000. Does anyone know where online or around the york, PA area a car like that would be?""
Then why would my homeowers insurance not renew......?
Then why would my home owners insurance not renew because of a felony?
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in the uk for a 18 year old?
Not the exact price, just roughly.and per month""
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
Who is California Insurance Comany?
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
""Bike insurance idea, would it work?""
As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.""
I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me ,  I dont have health insurance,  i  think i need a physical  ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)
Do you still have to get insurance if you have a license but don't have a car?
I'm 17 and want to get a driver's license. I won't have a car for a couple years, so do I still need to get insurance?""
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17 and I wanna know how much insurance is on a 1993 Jeep Wrangler before I go out and buy one. I tried to do quotes but I need to know a lot about the car but since I don't have the car, it's kinda hard. Help. Thanx""
Motorcycle insurance and other help please!?
I'm 18, thinking about travel for university next year. I would get a cheap scooter How much aprx would the insurance be? I would have only just started driving. And, can someone explain about the cc value, what is good, what isn't and in general explain about scooters please. thanks.""
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is ...show more""
Best health insurance for bariatric surgery?
I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida?
Where can i get extremely cheap car insurance for a 17 year old student?
i have recently passed my drivin test and i am looking for cheap car insurance...everywhere i look its is way too exspensive....if any1 could help me out please do.....this doin my head in now...thanks for any help given
Driving Lessons+ Insurance+Car?
when i turn 17 i get about 4,200 . now im wanting to spend that money on something improtant, to me thats a car, lessons and insurance. will i have enough to do this? say i pass etc how much will the insurance cost & the lessons""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?""
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
Health insurance in California?
My wife and I will be moving to California in December. We've heard that health insurance is more expensive there than in other states. My question is this: If I'm unable to get a job that offers health insurance as a benefit and I'm forced to buy my own policy - about (exact quotes not necessary) how much should I expect to pay monthly? I know there are a lot of different kinds of policies. I am open to any information you may have about whatever kind of policy you are familiar with. Please indicate what kind of policy it is. I'm a 37 year old male (non-smoker, average BMI) My wife is 30 (non-smoker, good BMI) Any information would be appreciated! Thank you!""
Can anyone tell me about selling insurance as a career?
A friend of the family sales insurance through State Farm. He has offered to mentor me and show me the ropes in the insurance business. I know absalutly nothing about insuarance. Is ita good career? Is it difficult to do? How much money do you make? Im in California. thanks
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
Not continuously insured? Car insurance?
I sold my car two weeks ago and canceled both the insurance and revoked the registration for the new person. I just bought a new car and tried to get insurance and the company is saying they can't do it because I haven't been continuously insured. How am I supposed to be continuously insured if I didn't own ANY vehicle for two weeks? This makes no sense to me. Now they refuse to give me a quote.
What happens if you get pulled over and get a ticket for no insurance?
OK so I just got pulled over this morning for not having any insurance and I had no idea I did not have it. For one the car is not mine its my boyfriends and for two his mom was the one that had insurance on it and dropped it without telling me, so I had no idea. I just went and got insurance on it like an hour after I got the ticket, so will the ticket be dismissed, if not what will happen and how much will this all cost?""
Car dealership never faxed info to the insurance company. Can anything legally be done?
I got in an accident in the car and the insurance company said the dealership never faxed the info and it was ultimately my responsibility to make sure it had insurance so is there anything i can do or am i just screwed with a wrecked car?
Cheapest Car to Ensure?
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 19yr old male, license for 2 years, without the best insurance past... Written 1 car off in flood water, and crashed another, so not expecting anything much under 2,000?""
""Fines for driving Suspended license,No insurance and expired tags?
i got pulled over because my tags were expired. i didnt do anything wrong though..driving anyways. i was 17 when this happened. can anyone tell me how much on average i will have to pay for the ticket?
""I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
Medicaid & Medicare question Comprehensive Insurance?
I was wondering if Medi-Cal is comprehensive insurance? then when I can get Medicare I can decline it! I am getting SSDI right now and medicaid is good for me! thanks
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
Teenage car insurance?
I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California).""
Good deals on car insurance?
Ok so me and my wife have been insured by American Family Insurance and pay about $400 a year. My 17 year old son recently got his license and we want to add him to our policy. He barely drives (we only have one car), but we want to add his name just in case. When I asked Amer. Fam. Ins., they gave a quote for almost $1000 a year, which is more than double the amount I'm currently paying!! And that's with the Good Student Discount as well!! I was wondering if any of you guys know a reliable company that could provide a cheaper rate.""
How much is the average travel trailer insurance rate?
I am interested in getting a modern (2005 +) travel trailer approx 25-28'. I wanted to know what the average rate would be to insure it. Also, is it a requirement to get it insured? Thanks.""
I am 6wks pregnant. Insurance companies wont accept me now. What do I do?
I am afraid to call other places and tell them I am pregnant b/c i know they wont accept me. I need to find a place that will cover me and my baby. I don't know where to start to look. Help please to point me in the right direction.
I dont have health insurance, what should i do?
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me ,  I dont have health insurance,  i  think i need a physical  ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)
0 notes
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
"Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Exceptional First Car With Low Insurance?
I am straight 'A' student, and I have completed the Driver's Education course at my highschool. My family does not really make that much money, but my parents would like to buy me a car at an exceptional rate. I am probably only going to live in Florida for another year, and then I am moving out to California. Depending on what type of car I decide to get, I don't know if I will be taking it with me or not. My mom wants to buy me a brand new car, meaning a current 2008-09 model, but I keep explaining to her that it's very hard to find a cheap new model (unless someone knows something I don't?). I would just like some third party input on this decision. What is the best car company, and what car model would have the lowest insurance rate? I have tried researching Mazda, Acura, Nissan, and Honda, because I prefer these companies; however, I haven't had any luck because I'm so new to shopping for a vehicle. I like hybrids, and it would help if I am able to get a car with great mileage as well. Of course, I'm sure many of you know this is because of our depleting economy, lol. Ok, I don't mean to make this a book, I'm just trying to give as much information as I can so I can maybe get a clear answer. Thanks in advance =).""
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
Buying a car in California?
I'm moving to California next week and I would like to sell my car here in NC. I will pay cash for a vehicle at a dealership when I arrive in L.A. When I buy it, do I have to have a CA drivers license? I will not have a permenent address right away, so I was wondering what the procedures are? I have a NC drivers license but will not establish residency in California until I find a job. Any help? Thanks""
Is this coverd by allstate car insurance?
I am wondering if this is covered by all state car insurance? My boyfriend has been letting our friend without a license drive a car that is owned by my boyfriend, and is insured by my boyfriend, and my boyfriend has said that allstate covers all drivers that drive our cars. But his friend doesn't have a license! I was wondering if this is true, or if we're setting ourselves up for big financial problems if this friend get's in a car accident?""
How much do you have to pay for your teen's car insurance?
also, what does he/she drive and the year?""
Long term car rentals vs expensive car insurance?
So about 2 years ago I got hit with a false DWI in NYC (passed breathalyzer test cops still lied and claimed DWI). But that's another story. Currently I purchased a used Landrover Disco 2. Geico gave me a sweet deal @ $1430/6 months until they ran the DMV report and saw my DWI from 2 years ago. Now my 6 month rate is $3700/6 months. That price is completely rediculous and unaffordable (according to my pockets). Therefore, my question, should I just do long term car rental? I mean I have a super sweet discount that rivals employees discounts @ National and Enterprise Rentals. I'm thinking I could just rent on a month to month basis for less than $3700/every 6 months. The added benefits would be new year car models and the option to trade it in for any vehicle I choose for an entire month. Plus the gas would be less than the Landrovers V8 premium requirement. Basically my question is, should I do long term rentals or run myself broke trying to keep up with insurance and gas prices on top of rent and other expenses?""
Best health insurance to take?
i want to take the best health insurance suggest me
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
Auto insurance?
I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless :( ...) .. Meanwhile, I tend to sell my car within 1 month. Do I have to present a new auto insurance card to the AAA service specialist while ceding my car to the buyer?""
All young adults pay attention...what's the cheapest yet best car insurance you have found?
I'm 19, dad wants me to buy my own car get my own insurance etc. Any pointers?""
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
Have a few questions about car insurance?
I am planning on buying a car soon but I have a few questions: 1) When I go test drive the car, do I still need to have car insurance while I'm driving (e.g. Temporary car insurance)? He will be with me in the car. 2) Can I leave the car on my drive way(private land) without any car insurance? I will be getting car insurance most likely a few days after buying the car. Do I still need to SORN it? 3) The Tax expires next year, but do I still need to buy another 12 Month because of a different owner? 4) What other infomation should I bring or record while filling out the V5C? should I then post this V5C form to DVLA or the seller? Sorry for the questions, first time buying a car.""
How To Create An Insurance Plan?
This family of four consists of a mom, dad, a twelve-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy. The family is about to move into a new house. They also own two cars. Help the Martin family create an insurance plan. An insurance plan simply lists the types of insurance they have or will be purchasing. The plan may also include some details about the insurance. For example, it may list life insurance worth $500,000 or health insurance with ABC Agency. For your assignment, create an insurance plan for the Martins. Create an insurance plan. As you create the plan, think about all of the risks this family faces and how they can protect themselves from financial loss. Next to each type of insurance that you list in the plan, write one to two sentences about why you think they need this insurance. I'm not sure how to create an insurance plan, can someone give me some guidance? Thank you.""
Is lowering ur car high for insurance?
So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!
How much would the car insurance cost on an 87 Jeep Cherokee?
Trying to get info on what Im looking at insurance wise on the car Im interested in. Its an 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel drive. Completely stock other then that.
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
How much will my car insurance be?
I'm not looking for the most accurate answer around but how much will my car insurance be around if these are the deciding factors. -Mustang GT -I am a male -year 1998-2002
Car insurance?
after a claim with my car insurance they wanted the policy payment in full,i would;nt pay it at first because of the crap service i recieved.4 weeks later i said i would pay as long as my policy ran its term they refused but still want the policy money.now they wont release my no claims bonus until i give them the money. what can i do ?""
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
Car Insurance For 16yr old boy?
What is The cheapest car insurance for a 16-18yr old boy that lives in Milwaukie, Oregon?""
How much is an car insurance per month?
im looking for an cheapfull covered car insurance for an 21 yr old female who is also an first driver and what company would be best thanks the make of the two cars if chosen are ford ka (2011 make) and kia pincanto thanks
When will I need to buy additional business insurance for my car?
I don't want to spend extra money on business insurance because I have an inactive self-employed business and I don't go to see clients often. What happens if I had a car ...show more
About how much will my insurance be?
My son is going to be 16 and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up to if I get him a used Chevy silverado from within the last five years.
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
Do you absolutely haft to have motorcycle insurance in Minnesota?
Just cashed out and got a really cheap bike for 500$ Do I really need motorcycle insurance?
Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?
So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.
Do auto insurance companies have authority to require social security numbers for policyholders?
In applying for auto insurance, I note that several companies want social security numbers from applicants. Is this a legal requirement for obtaining auto insurance? or is it the policy of the insurer? or is it optional?""
Why is health insurance important?
Why is health insurance important?
Liability insurance for an online vitamin store. Do I need it? And how can I get it?
Hi yahoo friends, I have a new website. I want to sell vitamin and supplements. One of a whole sellers asked me for copy of liability insurance. What is it? Do I need it since I sell their products, should the liability go to them? How can I get it? Please help me , if you know the answer. Thank you.""
Health insurance costs...what do you pay?
My husband is in the military and is thinking about getting out. Our health insurance is totally covered right now but in the civilian world we have no idea what the cost will be if he doesn't get a job that offers benifits. I'm looking for any info about what people pay monthly, and co-pays for health insurance for a family with 1-2 children. Thank you so mcuh!!!""
Insurance on a used 2006 EVO 4 DOOR?
This is just a maybe. I'm 18 and was thinking of going for a 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. I just got my license not to long ago But I'd probably be using the car to go school and to go to work. I might use my parents cars every now and then since they're better on gas. I might finance the car. I KNOW IVE TRIED estimates but CAN I get an average? And would it be cheaper if my dad was under the insurance policy and I was added as a secondary driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Insurance License transfer?
I work as a Insurance salesman and I have life, health, property and casualty licenses. My boss paid for the training and the test, I am a 1099 and appointed to his agency and I am considering leaving his office, do I get to bring my license or is it onl valid under him? I work in california.""
What is a good health insurance for age 19 and up?
at the moment i am 18 but will be turning 19 in 10 days...and i was wondering what is a good health insurance to apply to. i have Anthem Blue Cross Healthy Families. I am looking for something similar or almost similar...if someone could please help me. thank you soo much. ps if this helps i live in california....thank you again!!
In the uk what car is the cheapest for insurance?
i want to buy a car but the insurance is too much so I want to know what car is cheap to insure
About how much would it cost to be added onto your parents car insurance per month?
i am a 17 yr. old girl. am a reasonably good driver and i got a 92 on the written test. any approximation would be helpful.
How much would it cost for 3-5 million dollars General Liability Insurance?
I work in various chemical plants and refineries repairing/maintaning/calibrating the laborotory instruments in these places. I'm currently working as a sub-contractor through another company but that is about to change, as my business partner and I are breaking away from them to start our own business. Most of these plants require between 3-5 million in liability coverage to my knowlege. I need a ballpark figure of what that kind of coverage costs in the Louisiana/Gulf coast region. Last year we did $150,000 in sales between 3 people and the revenue has been growing substantially each year (~20% or so). Thanks in advance for your answer.""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
20 year old male toronto ontario G2 issued oct 2011 G1 DEC 2010 car 2003 toyota celica never been insured before quotes came up as 12000-16000/year i tryed it with a 4 door honda accord and it was 10000/year, i tryed 3 websites. Also is there an easier way to find auto insurance around toronto?""
How can i get cheap insurance on my moms car because I'm only 17 and she has a 2l?
well I've just past my test and I had a look on gocompair just lookin how much it would be for me on my oun 1l and it comes up as like 3500 and thats silly money because i would have to buy a car then that will be like a grand :/ so i had a look on for me to go on my moms car and that comes out as 4000 and she has a 2l is there any way i can get t cheaper? thanks
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
How can I get free health insurance?
I'm 20 years old (almost 21) but I cannot afford more than $25 a month for health insurance. I work in a small town, full time at a family owned business that cannot offer me medical insurance. HELP!""
Insurance company for getting car out of compound?
I have full licence but need to get insurance company to cover to get car out of police compound
What are the fines and penalties of driving without a license or insurance in California?
Under 18 with permit only. Also loud music. Was only driven in parking lot when pulled over. Car in another persons name. Are there any fines or penalties for car owner?
Which car would be cheaper on insurance? PLEASE help!!!!!!!!?
im 16 and am wondering wich one would be cheaper for car insurance and by how much a white 93 civic hb or a red 94 integra gs
Car insurance for 18 year old female with '97 Dodge Dakota?
I turn 18 in August and plan on getting my license right after my birthday, but my grandmother has offered to buy me a 1997 Dodge Dakota before I even get my license. Questions I want to ask are: How much is insurance on one of those vehicles? What will be the insurance once I get my license in August? I'm just looking for an estimate so I can figure out how much of my paycheck would be going towards it or even if I could possibly afford the thing. Thanks in advance! =) P.S. I'm an A+, homeschooled, female student if that makes any difference.""
Nippy car cheap to tax and insurance good on fuel!?
I have recently purchased a corsa 1.4 2008 and its very slow i used to have the corsa c 1.2 and it was quite nippy! I have been looking at an astra 1.9 sri cdti 120. insurance is a bit high! but i have seen a focus 1.8 zetec and a fiesta 1.6 zetec i have a max budget of 8000 thats with selling my car and money on top
What is the difference between a law to make you get car insurance and a law to make you get health insurance?
What is the difference between a law to make you get car insurance and a law to make you get health insurance?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Does insurance cover u if someone drives your car with no license?
This is for the state of Oklahoma, if u give permision for someone to drive your car and they get in a wreak but dont have a license will the insurance still pay for the damages?""
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
How much do you pay for your auto insurance per year?
Is it true that the more expensive your car is, the insurance will automatically go up, too? Isn't the older car need more insurance cover since they are more easy to get into accident? I don't know much about auto insurance, so you can share some of your knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
Motorcycle insurance on a 2008 crf230l?
(around) How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old on a Honda crf230l?....thanks
Term life insurance and estate planning?
Can term life insurance be used in place of long term care insurance? For instance, lets say a person is 55 yoa and in generally good health. Instead of buying long term care insurance, how about buying a term life policy for 250-300k. Should nursing home care become necessary, available funds for care costs, then upon death, survivors are reimbursed via the term life death benefit. It seems to me long term care insurance may or may not be used, and if not, the money paid for premiums is wasted . On the other hand, everyone dies, so nursing home or no nursing home, the death benefit will one day be paid. What say you?? Thanks in advance for offering your insight.""
What auto insurance company take people with only permit?
I was told that there are insurance companies that take people like me, without a driver's license. But I've been calling a lot of insurance companies and start getting frustrated. Please, can someone tell me what are the companies take people like me? Thank you so much!""
""I was hit by an uninsured motorist, and I have an uninsured clause in my car insurance.?""
My car was totaled out, and since my car insurance had a non insured motorist clause then I just have to pay the deductible, and they will cut me a check. I was hurt in the accident, and I wanted to know if my car insurance (Progressive) will also pay out pain and suffering. I am considering taking this guy to small claims court, but if I do then I have no idea what the outcome would be. IF my insurance offers me a pain and suffering settlement then should I take it? can I negoiate for a higher settlement? Everyone is telling me to take whatever is offered to me because the guy that hit my car didn't have insurance, and could possibly claim indigentcy in which case I would most likely never see the money. I can get a pain and suffering settlement from my own insurance, but I believe that the person that hit me should have to pay it, and I am also assuming that I would get more money out of him directly than letting my insurance cover the pain and suffering. This is my first wreck that I have gotten into, in which, I was the party that was damaged (almost died), and the other guy only received a ticket. I know that life is not fair, but like I said before, this is my first car wreck where I was owed money and the other person did not have insurance. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank You Very Much.""
Ohio Car Insurance?
Okay, My mom owns the car I drive, and has insurance on it, but only her & my dad are insured on it, and i am not. Can I get in trouble for this if I am pulled over? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
Is it cheaper to get on your parent's car insurance or have your own separate claim?
I will be purchasing car insurance really soon and comparing qoutes of different companies and want to know which is best
If two insurance companies have a dispute?
Let's say that I get into a car accident with another driver. My insurance company determines that he's at fault. His insurance company determines that I'm at fault. How does this typically get resolved? Do they go to a third-party arbiter?
""Car Insurance Question, 16 year old male, looking for first car...?""
I live in NH, I am 16 years old and i want to buy a car. My parents are uneasy about having to pay for the insurance, i will buy the car, not anything crazy maybe a 2000 dodge neon of 2000 ford ranger. I don't get exceptional grades,(b- range.) What is the cheapest way to insure a car this way? Should my parents switch auto insurers? My parents already own two cars, what is the difference of adding a third? THANKS!""
When will my motorcycle insurance go down?
I am 19 years old and I am on my second year of riding. I have no tickets or accidents (thank God) and I am still paying over $1,000 a year in insurance for my 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I have done some shopping and this is the lowest price. Allstate wanted $6,000, freakin unbelievable. I just wanna know when it will go down. Thx.""
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
""I need good, affordable health insurance. Any suggestions? Do any exist specifically for Nursing students?""
I already looked into StateFarm and they quoted me at near $200, and that's just way too much. I need something that's gonna be less than $100.""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
What is the cheapest car insurance in PA?
So basically I need to insure my car, it's a old one worth about 2000 bucks, so I want the absolute bare minumum amount of insurance. Does anyone know any really cheap but legit car insurance companies? Oh and of course I'm 19 so that'll raise the cost a whale of a lot.""
What are some car insurance people?
I know Progressive, and Geico. Who do you use? who do you not use and why? We just got a new toyota Sienna and i want to shop around for cheap insurance.""
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
How much is motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am just wondering because I am 17, and I need to get to and back from work. Just give me a rough estimate please. That's all I need to know... Don't tell me to check with my family's insurance because it is too much work when I can just come on here and get an estimate to see if it is in my price range. Thanks ahead of time! I am planning on driving an old street legal dirt bike granted it isn't too pricey.""
What is the average total cost of learning to drive and a car or suitable respect when your 17?
Including everything like learning, insurance, the test, the car and so on.. I just turned 16 so I was thinking of starting to save up A car that is not embarrassing to be seen in yet isn't to expensive because your only 17:P Thanks if you answer oh and I'm male""
Insurance rates were lower in california - for car?
i always have a california car insurance and see that it is always lower when compared to other states.. why is that.. on the other hand,i have always heard that car gettting stolen is highest in californiaso so i guess the insurance premium should be higher then why""
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
How to become an insurance underwriter?
Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks.
Would i need goods carrying vehicle insurance?
If i was to transport mechanical tools or a regular basis in a vauxhall combo van, would i need to get goods carrying vehicle insurance instead of normal car insurance? I'am a bit new to this so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks""
What does 'annual deductible' mean for health insurance?
Hey guys so I just want to get this straight because we are looking at purchasing new insurance... When it says Annual Deductible; $7500 does that mean after I paid that amount within the calendar year, then the insurance would kick in and start paying some of the cost? Is this still true with any type of doctor visit like routine checkups and stuff? It also says this regarding that Member pays $30 Copay or 30% after deductible (applies to the 3 office visit copay limit) . Can someone give me an explanation? It doesn't seem like this is a good option if I would have to pay $7500 before any insurance kicks in right?""
Need health insurance coverage for pregnancy?
I am currently pregnant with my first child and my fiance and I are both self-employed. We are looking for a new insurance policy the covers maternity care. The one we have now does not cover maternity and the hospital bills for the delivery seem to be quite high. Does anyone know of any companies that offer coverage?
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
Cheap place to buy CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim?
Where can I find a great deal online for CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim
Sports car vs. compact SUV insurance?
I currently have a 2007 Pontiac G5, classified as sports car according to my insurance broker and pay quite a bit because I am young. I'm considering buy a 2008 compact SUV Kia Sportage, would insurance be higher or stay about the same?""
Cheapest Car Insurance For Ford Taurus 2003 SES ?
I want basically minimum, + if somebody hits me uninsured, Do you think thats good coverage? Car is only worth 2700 thats what i paid to buy it with 130000 miles on it. im looking for personal recommendations, cheapest possible, lowest down payment, and thank you""
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
What is a coinsurance rate ?
What does it mean if the coinsurance rate is 0 % ? Does it mean all my medical service are 100% covered ? If it's 30% - does it mean I have to pay 30% ? What are the advantages of having different coinsurance rates ? If they cover one area such as hospital services - do they skimp out on other areas such as prescription ?
Car Insurance/Title help?
I'm having a baby due at the end of this month and my car was just totaled by hitting a deer so I need to get a new one asap. The car that was just totaled was my first car which was in my parents name and insurance was also under there name. My boyfriend will be getting the loan for the new car because he has better credit, but we wanted the insurance in my name because it is cheaper so how do we go about doing that? If even possible""
Delaware Auto Insurance (Uninsured / Under-insured) What does this Mean?
4) An insured who executes a release of a single tortfeasor owner or operator of an underinsured motor vehicle in exchange for payment of the entire limits of liability insurance afforded by the tortfeasor's liability insurer shall continue to be legally entitled to recover against that tortfeasor for the purposes of recovery against the insured's underinsurance carrier. An insured who executes a release of 1 of multiple tortfeasors shall have rights against that tortfeasor and the insured's underinsurance carrier determined in accordance with the Uniform Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors Act and paragraph (3) of this subsection.
How long do you have in maryland to add a new auto to your insurance?
I'm being told that it's 14 days, when I thought maryland state law says 30 days?""
Cheap Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance
What are the cheapest car insurances in CO?
For a 21 year old?
Which is best and cheapest car insurance?
I have a 18 yr old son and are planning on buying a car for him, also shopping for car insurance, I wanted a combined for me (mother) and my son, and possibily a cheap offer, the car is a used older car. Thanks for your imputs for helping me save. Thank you""
Do need Car Insurance to buy a used car?
What is everything you need to buy a used car????
Question about getting your own insurance?
A friend of mine recently just got his license and he tried to go on his mother insurance who doesn't have any insurance. Well, she tried to go on her own and they said that she had to put every single person who has insurance on, which will cost like 500 dollars per person!! Anyways, will it be possible for him to get his own, and will it be cheaper? Also, his father has his license suspended but that was at least 2yrs ago or so. Do they have to know about this or is they way to keep it from them. And, Do you have to put money down when getting insurence?""
Insurance cost of 06 Cobalt SS?
I am 19 and have no tickets... was just wandering a guess at how much it would be?
What car will i be able to afford insurance on when im 17?
im 15 on april 25th 2011 when im 17 what cars will i be able to get insured, i have a 1500 budget... i love the MG ZR how much will that cos when im 17...... and any other cars that will be cheap to insure that are nice looking cars and pretty nippy cheers""
Will my insurance payment go up a lot?
I was recently in a car accident, unfortunately I was the one who was at fault. It had just rained the night before and the road was wet and so my brakes did not respond and i ended up hitting another car. Anyway, my question is, how much will I have to pay for my insurance now. Will it double, triple? I know that payments tend to skyrocket after your involved in an accident and your the one at fault.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
Is no fault insurance the cheapest coverage possible.?
I don't get it my dads insurance agent told him no fault is the least amount of money paid to the insurerer that why he got me no fault but when I look it up on the Internet they say it's expensive. Can someone tell me if no fault is cheaper than collision, comprehensive, or the other types of insurance coverage. Also I live in Michigan and I'm 19 if any of that matters.""
Good Cheap car insurance?
Im 16, Im getting my truck and my license in september, and I was wondering what car insurance companies I should look in to? I could be added onto my parents plan but it would be pretty expensive, I was wondering if there's a cheaper option? what insurance do you have and why? thanks!""
Gap insurance on salvaged vehicle?
I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?""
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
Norvelt Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 15674
0 notes
Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
"Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
I got it when I was 15 years old and I'm 65 now so I've had it 50 years and its all paid up.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance checks?
i own a business that was robbed recently. i have already gotten my insurance check to replace my stolen items. they only gave me wholesale cost, so i wasnt able to replace everything.... just today, they found most, but not all of my stuff. do i have to give back my insurance money?""
Changing car insurance co.?
Still confused. After getting considerably lower quotes from 3 major insurance co. ,for the same coverage. Why is it that my current-- Allstate-- was not able to lower their rates? We have been loyal customers for 10 or more years. No infractions for at least 5 years.Been advised that the lower rates are to lure you in. Then watch out! Dont want to make a change and then regret it later.""
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
What would I pay for car insurance?
I was thinking of buying a car. How much would I pay for insurance each year? I'm 22, male, white, currently no driver's license, expired G2, never been in an accident. Born and living in Ontario. The car would be a clunker; $900 for an old Oldsmobile. Originally painted blue.""
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
Is medicaid good insurance?
Im pregnant, nn I'm currently unemployed, without health insurance, and I was just wondering if medicaid ia good insurance?""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
Why did Geico raise my insurance just because I changed my ADDRESS!?
What in the hell was this all about?! I simply moved 30 mins away from my previous residence and ALL I NEEDED to do was just change my mailing address.....so I went online, gave them my new info.....and they said my premium was increased by over $60.00! Why is this? Has this happened to anyone else?""
""Free health insurance near Brandon, FL?""
Is there any way to apply or receive FREE health insurance in or near Brandon, Florida. I am a college student here and don't want to pay for health insurance b/c its expensive. I used to live in New York and know that there there are many companies that give free health insurance for low income people. Any help?""
Basic Life Insurance?
Maybe someone can give explanation what the meaning for Basic Life Insurance? He gets Basic life insurance and Basic life insurance * as Employer Paid Benefits.what's really Basic life insurance and when one employee terminated because get sick is an employee still get Basic life insurance although He didn't work anymore. Thank you for give the information.
Would my insurance go down if i trade in an 08 liberty or an 2012 patriot?
I currently have an 08 liberty that we got screwed buying, the gentleman that works at the same dealership is going to try and reverse the loan however which is a good thing. i was wondering though if from previous experience would my insurance go up or stay the same. the liberty we have now has several features. (convertable sunroof, built in media center etc.) where as the patriot doesnt have those features.""
Cheap car insurance I mean cheap?
Just passed my test and found insurance is massive, I need some kinda voucher or something to get to insure my car. Any ideas. UK ONLY""
No fault coverage of automobile insurance in California?
What is no-fault coverage? When you get in an accident, how it works? I don't know and understand the term.""
""Any way I try, I can't seem to get Car insurance for less than 4000!?""
I passed my test last week on Thursday, found myself a VW polo yesterday, and cannot seem to get insured for less than 4000. I'm 17 years old, just passed, no previous problems or anything, full UK passport etc. The car is a 3 door, 1 litre hatchback. I've attempted to get quotes on other cars as well. I've also tried applying as a second driver, with my father as first. He has 9 years no claims discount and a perfect motoring record. The result is the same. Nothing for less than 4000. I don't understand why it is so much cheaper for others around me to get such cheap insurance! A girl i know got insured a few months ago on her old Citroen A3. She's also 17. The company she found quoted me 4103, whilst she is paying 1300! Where am I going wrong?""
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
Allstate Insurance? Pricing?
I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks""
How much is your car insurance?
Just trying to get an idea of how much everyone pays...all my friends seem to pay less than me. I am 26, female. One speeding ticket and one DUI (in the state where I'm licensed)...both from 7 years ago. No accidents. I live in an urban area, a midwestern city with probably 200,000 people. I have a 2007 suzuki reno, base package, I have not made any insurance claims. The cheapest I've found is progressive at $110/month...I can't use places like The General or Safe Auto because my state doesn't allow it. When I get quotes from big companies, like state farm, the monthly cost is about $200...my coverage is probably fairly standard, if not on the low side, but meets state guidelines.""
Can i cancel car insurance on a used car i was thinking of buying in ny?
I went to a dealership in ny. i was interested in buying a used a car and said I will put $3,000 down. i called my insurance company and got a quote for the insurance for the car. they charged my card and started processing the registration and title for the car. all this was being done before I saw the terms/interest rate for my car and before i even signed any papers agreeing to buy the car. i didn't agree to the terms of the car. so i said i don't want it. they refuse to give my down payment and when i tried to cancel my car insurance, the company told me i need to return the license plates. i don't even have the plates! there are still at the dealership. how do i cancel my insurance?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a c6 corvette Z06?
it can be an estimate or an average?
Car insurance for a month?
Is there anyway of getting a car insurance for just a month cause I'm selling my car in the next month so don't want to take out a years insurance for it? Thanks
Is she paying to much for auto insurance?
my aunt is 35 got a license a year ago has no accidents and she pays 200$ a month for minimum coverage for a 1999 Plymouth breeze. this is in new york....it's some local insurance company oh she has no credit..? i can just imagine how much I'll be paying after i get my license this summer at 18!
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
""Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?""
I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing.""
How much will I need to pay a month for car insurance?
I'm an 18 year's old. I'm buyiing my own car soon. How much do you think i'll have to pay for car insurance a month? and what company should i get?
Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
I got it when I was 15 years old and I'm 65 now so I've had it 50 years and its all paid up.
""I need individual health insurance, im 16?""
Hello everyone, im looking for individual health insurance. I am 16 needing surgery on my right knee which has a Torn Miniscus. i need it immediately with a decent pay rate. Thanks in advance""
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
""Is it legal to drive in California without insurance? (insurance on the person, not the car)?""
Hi, my car is insured, but I just got my license today and I am not insured. The car is under my parents' name and my dad told me it was legal to drive without insurance... but I am unsure of whether this is true or not. Can someone please clarify? Thanks in advance, Liz.""
What is the average cost for car insurance?
What is the average cost for car insurance on a standard second hand car worth about 1,000 like a nissan?""
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
Can geico really save you 15 or more on car insurance ?
Can geico really save you 15 or more on car insurance ?
I need super cheap health insurance?
I need super super cheap health insurance in San Diego, California. Its for a school soccer club, so I don't care what kind... I just need outside insurance and quick... and SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions?""
How many of you own a Life Insurance Policy and for what amount.?
Are young ppl thinking about life insurance?
I'm 17 years old and do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me?
I rarely drive so i don't want to get car insurance yet, but sometimes I want to drive around with my family. So do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me in the car?""
Car insurance rates for honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2002 honda civic down the street from me for 4,000, im 17 (male) in CA and have been driving for over a year now, i have one speeding ticket and was unable to go to traffic school to erase my point(s) unfortunately can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great!""
Help with moral dilemma with car insurance.?
Well money is tight right now and I'm shopping around for a new auto insurance. I live in CA and so far the cheapest one I've found is Mercury insurance. I was playing around with the different personal criteria having fun wondering if having a different profession or having a college degree would change the premium. I found one option significantly changed the price and that was if I selected a different location where I principally garaged my car. The premium changed by about $200 for a year of coverage. It was based on zip code and I put the one that I used while I was in college which is in northern CA but I m in southern CA. Would the insurance company ever find out about that or how would they know? I could make some excuse if it came down to it like I intended to park there since I was planning on attending graduate school there. I don't know if the insurance company could not cover me if they found this out. I don't know what to do. $200 is a lot now.
What is the cheapest car insurance and what company for a 17 year old?
also can i use a motorbikes 1 year no claims for my cars insurance thanks
Cancelling car insurance for 5 months?
HI: I just moved to San Antonio for a 6 month project and the company decided to pay for my car rental. I'm thinking about cancelling my own car insurance for the time so I can save some $. Any thoughts on what the cons can be? I don't want to cancel it for months and then have to pay extra to get back in. my car registration is in Dec and I'm from California and I have Geico. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks! Mike
Health Insurance Confusion?
I'm a college student as of right now and I'm insured under my mother's plan. She's an OR nurse so pretty much anywhere I go in this town I don't have to pay much to get an appointment because all of them are with people who work for the hospital she works for. In the fall I will be attending a college two states away where I can waive my option to get campus health insurance or enroll to get it. Considering my health insurance only really works for this specific area do I enroll for the campus insurance? or waive? Because I know I will be getting checkups and such on campus anyway.
""Dealt with car accident outside of insurance company, how can I chase up the receipt?""
On Christmas Day I went out in the car to pick up some drinks from the petrol station and on the way out of the station I bumped someones car. I stopped and got out to give them my details (name, address and phone number) and then went home. In the panic of the moment I think I just wanted to get home as it was Christmas Day and I didn't hang around to take photos, ask for witnesses or discuss options with the other driver, which in hindsight I regret and realise was stupid. When I got home, the guy called me up and, again with the stupid mistakes, I said that I would rather settle outside of insurance; the driver wasn't keen on the idea at first and wanted to settle through the insurance company but I couldn't call them until the next week as they were closed for Christmas. He texted me the next day saying that he was going to get a quote from a garage and got back to me later with a quote for 400 through a 'friend of a friend's garage'. At this point I was a bit suspicious and the amount seemed very high for what I thought was not a lot of damage but at the same time he said that he either wanted to do it like that or through the insurance and I really didn't want to loose my no-claims discount as insurance for young male drivers is very high without the no-claims. In the end I decided to pay him, not without a certain bitterness owing to the fact that he was pressuring me for an immediate decision, which also made me suspicious. Having sent the cheque for 400, he kept up communications initially and let me know that he'd received it. He said that he would send me a copy of the receipt from the garage for my records but once he received the cheque I never heard back and now cannot get a reply. Bit long-winded for a question but that's the background story, my question is two-fold: 1. Can I do anything about it? It's more the principle than the money that bothers me, I know that I caused damage to his car but I now suspect it wasn't as much as he claimed. 2. Does 400 sound like too much or should I stop worrying about it? I hit the back corner of his car with the back corner of mine, and he later told me that I had cracked the rear bumper, which needed replacing. I'm not sure of the make of the car but I think it may have been a Ford Fiesta or something similar. I would really appreciate any help as it's weighing on my mind... I don't like people walking over me. At least if the amount he claimed sounds reasonable I can put it down to him being a wanker but the amount claimed being fair and forget about the whole thing.""
Cheap car ins for 21 yrs male with ncb help?
my partner is looking for a cheap quote for car insurance he is 21 with 1 claim and no years no claims bonus we r being quoted over 1000 please help i tried loads of web sites but if any one knows a really good one or phone number that will be great thanx
Which medical insurance is best for the self-employed?
medical insurance and Rx co pay
So I'm looking into buying a Honda Element but I want to know how much insurance n gas n all that would be?
Help please lol and if overall if its worth it
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
""I live in California and need a good health insurance, what do you guys recommend?""
The health insurance will only be for me and my husband. Not too expensive, maybe like $250 the most as far as monthly payments. However, although I'm not pregnant, my husband and I do plan to get pregnant by the end of this year, therefore thats another thing I'm looking for that it will cover maternity. What health insurance do you recommend?""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
Can i insure my car under my dads name?
so im an 18 year old boy right now i drive my dads old car under his insurance, and the registration is in his name, and thats all fine and everything. however my mom is renewing her drivers license soon (she had an accident that didnt allow her to drive for a few years) so my dad is giving her the mini van back and obviously, taking his car back. luckily, i have been anticipating this happening, as all good things must come to an end, and have saved up for a car of my own. i found one, and i went to get an insurance quote and found it was near $90 a month under my name. I put in the same coverage but with my dads information this time and got a quote of $30 a month for the same car. (because apparently 18 year old boys are dangerous drivers or something?) any way, what i am wondering is can i buy the car, and get it registered in my name, but have the insurance covered under my dads name? or should i just give my dad the money for the car and have him buy it and put it in his name and under his insurance but i just drive it, much like what we do now?""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
""Boston, MA Health Insurance?""
I am moving from Southern California to Boston, MA. I will be living close to Beacon Hill and I was wondering what are some of the medical insurances I should look into that are affordable for students. Thank you""
Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
I got it when I was 15 years old and I'm 65 now so I've had it 50 years and its all paid up.
Will my insurance provider penalise me for doing this...?
If i have a policy for my motorcycle and a policy for my car, (both policies are form the same insurance provider) and over the summer i decide to drop the policy for my car, only to activate it again in the fall, will that be considered a lapse in coverage? Will my rates be higher because of this action when i reinstate the policy in the fall?""
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Life Insurance for a 40 Year Old?
I need some suggestions on what Life Insurance company to go for. I need one that's legitimate and affordable.
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
Could I make my own car insurance?
What makes a car insurance legal. If I were to have my own company and say I ensure myself could I be legal
Affordable Health Insurance for small business owner?
I own a small retail store in CT and just received notice that my health insurance (for my family as well as my employees) went up by 23% (!). Now I'm trying to research online what the best options are in terms of affordability and coverage. I looked into HSA but am afraid that my employees might not be able to pay the high deductible out of pocket. I also wonder if getting individual health insurance (not via the business) would work if I pay a portion for each of my employees and if those tend to be less expensive. I pay 100% for my employees now and partly for their family members and would like to continue doing that but the prices are just getting ridiculous. If anyone has any suggestions I really appreciate it. Sadly, I am not internet savvy so shopping online has proven to be hard and insurance jargon just seems like a foreign language to me... :) Thank you
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
Instead of buying auto insurance is there a way to just have a savings account just for $coverages?
So all US states require all cars on the road to have insurance ... since insurance is just dollars put asside for release in the event of emergencies or other pre-determined event ... why cant I just put $100,000 into a bank account and call it my auto liability account and have my car insured with the state under my name providing that I don't touch those funds?""
Car insurance / ownership question?
Right now I live with my parents, we have 3 cars and there are 3 drivers. All of the cars are in my parents name. One of the cars is a total beater and was given to me as my own car, but we never bothered changing the ownership over because we didn't think it would live very long. Now, I'm getting married and moving in with my husband. I'd love to take 'my' car with me but to transfer it to my name would cost a fortune in repairs as it wont pass the safety as it is. It's not a bad car, but things like the parking break don't work and the suspension is awful and I know if I take it in to get the safety done they'll give me 7 days to do several thousand dollars of pointless repairs or scrap my car. My question is can I continue to drive this car while it is under my parents name? I will be living at a different adress from them also. I'm currently also under there insurance policy as a registered driver on this car. Can I continue paying the policy to continue to be an insured driver while living at a different address? If anyone's had a similar situation or is in the insurance business please let me know! I'm stressing out about potentially having to junk a car that drives perfectly fine due to politics. I live in Ontario Canada.""
""If u destroyed a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u destroyed a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
""Car insurance, where should I get it, and how much will it be? College Student?""
I am going to be getting a used 2006 Chevy Cobalt, my parents are gonna pay the monthly payments but I have to pay insurance on it. Do I have to get full coverage on it since its payments? I go to Michigan State so I'm wondering where the cheapest place to go would be. Anywhere that gives student discounts would be great. How much should I expect to pay a month/year?""
Good car insurance rate?
Is $400/annually for 1 way car insurance a good deal? I an with triple a, and drive a 94 Honda accord 1 way policy. Ive been with them for a couple years now bcuz they got towing in my policy. Just wondering is this a good price? as my policy renewal deadline is near.?""
Car insurance at 17. help needed?
Am 17 and just passed my test :), I was looking at the three following cars: - Renault Clio (1.2) - Vauxhall Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot 206 (1.1) All post 2000 pre 2003. Which insurance company is cheapest at my age and can anyone give me rough evaluations on how much it cost them/ would cost? Thanks.""
Do you need auto insurance to ride and motorcycle insurance to ride a motorcycle?
Ok i have a couple questions But first off all im 15 1/2 (all ready have motorcycle and car permit) 1) when i get my license do i have to buy auto insurance to have motorcycle insurance, Because my dad said to have your license and to ONLY drive a motorcycle you need both insurances. (even if i dont drive a car) 2) do i need to have motorcycle insurance to drive a motorcycle with a permit? (since you dont need car insurance for driving with a permit) Thank you!""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old?
me and my Dad would like to know how much car insurance would be for a 17 year old and what would be the cheapest car. Now... I know theres no such thing as cheap car insurance but here's the details... I have already been on the road for a year (moped) I am doing my test in July (I'm not 17 yet but we just want some rough estimates) I will be insured on my dads insurance as a second driver (It's not fraud, its perfectly legal because its an option on most car insurance websites) Thanks so much for the help, George.""
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you smoked, will most life insurance companies check your records, see that you smoked, and then cancel your benefit?""
Can my mom insure my car she does not own (California)?
So I am 21 and have a car with a learners permit and I wont get a license until Jan. Can my mom insure the car even though her name is not on the registration until I get my license and will then be the primary driver? In this case I would only be driving with her under the learners permit guidelines. My mom would be driving the car on a daily basis to take my little sister to school and stuff because right now it's our family's only car. In Jan. I would have the insurance put under my name and have her added as a driver.
Insurance company denies the damages?
my car has been involved in an rear end crash and the insurance company of the other party denies some of the damages , that are actually done because of the accident. the auto body shop gave me an estimate of 4 to 5 000 $ . my car doesnot cost that much . the insurance company is offering only 633 $ and disagrees with me to total the car . there was no damage prior to the accident made to the car on the rear end side. they argue that the other car that hit me does not have even a dent then how come my car have this much damages. i know that my car did not had n e damage on the rear before the accidednt. based on the automobile source they think that the actual cash value of the car is 1900 , and they have didcted all other damges , that are not because of an accident. please guide me what i should do in this case.""
What do I need to apply for an individual health insurance?
what do I need to apply for an individual health insurance? Which one do you have? I don't know too much about it, I just need an insurance that can cover a family doctor and that can cover exams like blood test, prescriptions in case I need""
My car insurance policy was cancelled due to non payment can my vehicle be towed?
i found myself in a tight position and was unable to pay my car insurance and it was cancelled i curently have no insurance ...can my vehicle be towed?
Motorcycle insurance cost for m1?
16, live in canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. heard statefarm lets you do it by month, how much would that cost?""
How much would health insurance cost for me?
I am 22 years old, I am completely healthy, I am a girl, and I live in Kansas City, KS. How much would health insurance, on average, cost for me?""
How much on average do you pay for auto insurance?
My mother is kicking me off her auto insurance and i can't get an online quote because she also took my car away but says i still need insurance to drive any car. She lies sometimes so idk what average insurance cost and idk how to get it without having a car to put it under?
CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.""
Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
I got it when I was 15 years old and I'm 65 now so I've had it 50 years and its all paid up.
Does anyone know of good Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross HMO, and it really hasnt worked for me. I need surgery on my knee and i've been waiting for 2 months to get it done, thanks to the fact that my insurance requires me to see a general doctor first (who makes u wait for like a month for an appt for a simple referral) then get another appointment for a specialist (wait another month) then wait 3 weeks again for an MRI, and now i have to wait another week and a half for surgery. Please, help me find a good insurance. I'm tired of this! I live in southern california if that helps. Thanks""
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
What are some car insurance people?
I know Progressive, and Geico. Who do you use? who do you not use and why? We just got a new toyota Sienna and i want to shop around for cheap insurance.""
Pagani Zonda - how much to insure?
My hubby and I were watching Top Gear the other night and James May was testing the Pagani Zonda. Does anyone know, out of interest (or to be honest to settle an argument!) roughly how much the insurance premium would be on this type of car? Thanks!""
About a car and insurance?
ok so im 17 goin to turn 18 this decmber and i want to get a this nice car a 1987 Pontiac Fiero and i want to know what would the insurance on it would be
How will my car insurance change now that i am married?
Hi, I just got married. I am 30 and she is 23. I pay about $76 a month on my car , she pays about $125 and both are full coverage. Mine is with Geico and hers is with some other company. I will get a quote in a few days, but I was just interested, as to what our insurance rate will be when we combine, probably with Geico. Is hers going to make it very high or what can I expect. Thanks.""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
Car Insurance?
What is the best car insurance for someone who is 18 a good insurance that dosent cost that much
How much would my insurance be is I have 4 points against my license?
I gotten 2 speeding tickets within 6 months (4 points in south carolina...I have a good reason to be speeding!)...I am currently uninsured but my vehicle (2000 Honda CR-V) is insured under my mom's insurance with Geico... I'm 19 years old and soon I will have to register my own vehicle and get insured...my mom doesn't know that I have tickets. I go to college and I'm a pretty good student (4.0) would I get a discount with that? Also, what is the cheapest insurance? Thanks!""
""Can you help me-insurance, cars, and money?""
Okay, I'm planning on buying a car soon. My family is in a very deep hole financially, so I'm going to ask my grandparents to help me, because they are doing fine. I need a car to get to school, get to my current job on time, and have another job (along with 2 AP classes and babysitting!) I never ask them for anything, not that I've ever wanted to, so I'm really scared to ask them for this huge favor. I'm planning on paying them back for every single penny I borrow plus interest. So I want to know an idea of how much money I'm going to need to borrow. Okay, for insurance...I'm planning on buying a toyota yaris, matrix, or camry. Or a honda civic (perferrably hatchback). Or a volkswagon beetle. But right now, anything will do as long as its reliable. For a 16 year old, A average grades, living in KY, about how much would monthly insurance be? For payments, I know about 2000 for down would be good. But how much (about) would interest be on monthly payments? I'm planning on finding a car that is about 7000-8000 dollars. And lastly, how should I ask!? They know I'm mature and responsible, but I don't think they are willing to help me out. I absolutely hate asking for things from people, but I really need help so that I can help my family. So how should I do it? Thank you so much! :) I'll choose best answer!!!""
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
Home insurance?
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who is located in Fresno, Ca. I do live near a school could that also be the reason why my home insurance is so high? Could the location make any different? Can i also change insurance or will there be a penalty? I have no clue? My insurance is through Farmer. thanks in advance!!!!!""
How much does a hyundai sonata usually cost to insure in MA?
My sister is trying to buy a used 2006 hyundai sonata and we were wondering how much a month it usually costs to insure it? She's only 21 and has had her license for four years without an accident? She tried to get a quote from gieco but they only showed the six month plan. Any helpful information about the car or insurance would be greatly appreciated!
How much is motorcycle insurance for a minor in Maryland?
I'm 17 and am looking to get a motorcycle sometime this summer i have experience ridding. i was looking at a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 cbr600 and an r6 if you can give me at least a rough estimate of the cost or suggest other bike that would be great
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Can my mom insure my vehicle?
I want to buy a newly used car and i will have a loan on it. I wanted to know if the loan and the title are all in my name, would my mom be able to insure it in her name and me just as a driver? im under 25 so my insurance would be extra high. and would i have to register it in her name at DMV to let her insure it?""
Neighbors tree fell on my house and 3 of my cars whos insurance has 2 pay?
during a bad storm my neigbors tree fell over and landed on 3 of my cars and my house i was wonderin whos insurance has 2 pay? mine or the neighbors?
Insurance then registration? or Registration and then insurance?
Buying a used car privately, Gonna work on it for a bit to get it up and running, Wanna know if you buy insurance and then get it registered or get it registered and then buy insurance. Oh by the way, do I get it saftied and e-tested after I get it registered? or what's the order plaese help.""
What car insurance is the best?
Ive seen plenty of ads all claiming they are the best, but which one is the best? Please do not speak about an insurance company if you don't have experience with that company.""
""What are all the expenses in owning your own SEMI TRUCK plus Trailer? I mean stuff like insurance, plates,?""
I mean stuff like insurance, plates, registration, gas, taxes? On average how much do these costs run? Please name all of them and how much they usually run. Details please, Thanks !""
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?
Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?
What is the best Dental Insurance for North Carolina??
I need to purchase dental insurance for myself because I know I need to go get a cleaning etc. What is the most affordable insurance to purchase that covers the most & gives me options on which dentist I would like to go to? I know I have atleast one cavity so I need insurance that won't break the bank but will keep my teeth looking good. Thank you in advance!! Easy 10 points for best answer!!
Car Insurance in the UK?
When your car insurance expires are you no longer covered or do insurance companies keep the policy going until you cancel the cover?
Can I cash in my $10,000 dollar whole life insurance policy and how much would I get?
I got it when I was 15 years old and I'm 65 now so I've had it 50 years and its all paid up.
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