vague-humanoid · 4 months
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txttletale · 1 year
everyone loves to talk big game about how they hate carceralism and punitive justice until it comes to the topic of sexual violence in which case half of the prison abolitionists will revert immediately to being constitutional literalists for the code of hammurabi without missing a beat--good thing that the accusation of sexual violence hasn't been historically leveraged against people of colour or gay people or trans women or anything or this capitulation to kneejerk reaction would be uhhh pretty bad!
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wilwheaton · 11 months
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Brock Turner the literal textbook definition of a rapist
As a reminder, convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner now goes by his middle name presumably so when folks Google him, his conviction for raping an unconscious woman next to a garbage dumpster doesn't come up. So while convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner now goes by Alley Turner, he is still a convicted rapist. Despite the new name, the person is the same: convicted rapist Allen Turner raped am unconscious woman next to a garbage dumpster.
I sincerely hope this bag of shit does not get a single second of peace for the rest of his miserable life.
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mizandria · 2 months
something that still makes me sick to my stomach is that nobody really needed any evidence for what they were accusing Amber Heard of, nobody bothered to verify anything, half of them didn't even know what the trial was about; they were just happy to unleash all the hatred they have against women once it was socially acceptable to do so. men wanted to torture a pretty female celebrity in a “kill the cheerleader” manner, prove that women are the actual abusers and liars and men are the poor victims who are never believed - conveniently after a wave of women no longer staying silent about the abuse and sexual assault they endured - and they succeeded, partially thanks to all the handmaidens who were happy to throw a woman they knew nothing about under the bus to prove that they are the good kind of feminist who fights for women and men alike and just cares so much about male victims. nobody cited anything else than the few tiktok viral clips that could have been easily disproven like Depp accusing Heard of cutting his finger off, or a few body language expert who were Just Some Guy concerned about their views and not the truth and who conveniently were able to make it seem like Amber smiling or crying or sitting and staring and doing nothing or moving her head by one degree to the side or looking at the jury when she's addressing them is a proof of her being the abuser. when asked what about Amber's testimony doesn't make sense, one of my friends just stared blankly for a good while and only came up with an answer like “oh, like when she said that her dog stepped on a bee”. yeah, we all saw that on a 20-second youtube short too. you'd think that before going on a crusade of death wishes towards someone and comparing her to serial killers people would learn anything about this woman at all, but they just knew NOTHING and it didn't stop them. hope the temporary validation you got from moids was worth all the women you scared into silence, hope it was worth all the rape victims you terrified with your “lol what is she complaining about that just sounds like a dream” tiktoks with Amber's testimony about Depp raping her used as an audio, hope it was worth what happened to Evan Rachel Wood and hundreds of other women, hope it will be worth it when you will just get mocked and called an Amber if you ever decide to stand up for yourself against your abuser.
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thatdiabolicalfeminist · 10 months
I really don't think it's true that abusers always know they're abusive or that if you're worried you're being abusive, that automatically means you're not.
There are patterns of harm we can fall into without really realizing what's going on. We live in an abuse culture that justifies and even celebrates certain kinds of abuse and makes them seem normal.
Maybe when you're trying to protect yourself from harm you set your boundaries so far out from your own autonomy zone that you're infringing on someone else's. Maybe you think you're being fair because you aren't thinking about what it's like for the other person, you're too focused on staying/getting in your own comfort zone.
Maybe you're so used to dysfunctional interactions that every conversation is a power struggle, and you don't even realize that when you're "winning" all the time you're grinding someone else down—you're too busy being relieved that you're not "losing" all the time anymore like you did in the past with someone else.
Maybe you think you're being "funny" and it's "banter" to constantly tear down someone in your life. Maybe you assume they're having fun with it too and that this is how you act friendly towards someone.
Maybe you believe lies about what rape is or what abuse is. Maybe you grew up being told men always want sex and you don't even realize when you're pressuring him into it that he genuinely doesn't want it and it's not a game. Maybe you believed the lies that women say no to seem modest but if she "gives in" that's how you know for sure she wants it. Maybe you thought physical arousal was the same as consent.
Maybe you thought being mean when you're in a bad mood wasn't abuse as long as you don't hit. Maybe you grew up in an environment where any conflict meant you had to hurt the other person as much as possible emotionally in order to "win".
Maybe you're a parent who learned that spanking or scaring your kids is how you keep them in line, which seems necessary to protect them. Maybe you don't realize how cutting some of the things you say are, or how thoughtless or unkind you're being. Maybe you never learned gentleness before you had kids, or don't understand what's age appropriate.
When you're an abuser or a rapist who didn't realize at the time how much harm you were doing, it can cause serious cognitive dissonance to realize the impact of your actions. It's easy to get defensive and decide that since you don't think of yourself that way, there's no way you could possibly be an abuser or a rapist.
It's easy to say that if you don't want to be an abuser, you're not. But it's not always true.
It is absolutely vital that everyone learns how to interact in safe and respectful ways. We're all responsible for figuring out how to not harm other people.
Believing that it's impossible you're harming other people can make you MORE likely to harm them, because you're not checking yourself to make sure that you're not.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
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No no no no no no no I‘m DONE.
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I know we aren't supposed to cheer but... TELL HIM!!
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I just remembered that we have DAYS of Aaron Minyard's life stolen from us for when the police took him after he took away the trash (smashed beautifully a rapist head into pieces) and mind ypu that in those days he just experienced one of (if not the) most traumatic experiences of his short life.
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 months
i am almost constantly thinking about the mountain of implication, characterization, and insanely fucked up unspoken and unknown stories that are packed into the single paragraph of this ending slide for arcade gannon
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
French TV journalist having a hard time trying to get woman in the street to comment on Macron's latest speech yesterday
Protesters organised casserolades (aka banging on pots and pans) in front of city halls across the country at 8pm, when Macron was speaking, to symbolically drown out his voice. Later that evening, Macron was filmed singing a song with some 'random people' in a street in Paris, trying to show he can go out and meet people and have fun because protesters don't exist. The people he was singing with (members of a choir, some of whom are 'alt-right-leaning') were using a folk song app created by far-right activists that was criticised a few months ago for hosting a Spanish fascist anthem & Third Reich military marches.
The government's response was that the President "couldn't know the background of the people he met that night." Maybe if he wants to avoid being associated with the far-right (that's a big if, I know), Macron should keep in mind that with the kinds of strategies and positioning his government has adopted lately, people in the street who welcome him with open arms and are proud to be filmed with him have a higher than average likelihood of supporting fascism.
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lilith-91 · 7 days
Atla fandom one day will realize that you can dislike a character or a ship without being weird about it
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burningtheroots · 1 year
"Sex work is work".
Okay, then why not teach it at school?
Why not fight for making it a 50:50 business where men are just as represented and available?
Why not introduce an anti-discrimination policy so customers can‘t reject a worker due to their sex? (that would be fun)
Why not cut down unemployed men‘s unemployment benefits when they reject a job offer from a pimp? (it already happened to women in my country)
Just wondering.
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