#y'all don't have this energy for madeleine's abominable time management or olivia's butter knives 🧐
lizzybeth1986 · 8 months
How the Court is Allowed to View A Polyglot Kiara
More photodumping for the upcoming Drake and Kiara essay!
So this is a compilation of the times I remember Kiara's skill with languages being viewed with disbelief, disdain or disrespect. There may be others, but these are the earliest ones and often the people who say it get away with saying it:
TRR1 Ch 16 - If the MC chooses "dare" at the Truth or Dare game, and calls Madeleine acting as a member of the press:
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(Screenshots from the HIMEME YouTube channel)
TRR1 Ch 18 - A dialogue option where the MC can "quiz" Kiara on which other languages she knows:
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(Screenshots by the My Choices (Fabbylous) channel)
(Possibly Inaccurate Translation: Good day (German), my friend (Spanish). Are you happy (Italian, though I get the sense that she's saying it sarcastically like...when someone says "satisfied??" after they've answered a stupid question you asked).
TRR2 Ch 4 - At the garden party in Applewood, when Madeleine is sending veiled threats to Hana about getting a suitor:
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(Screenshots from the Skylia YouTube channel)
Madeleine engages in a bizarre play of exoticization against Kiara in this scene, and her "advice" to her fails dramatically (but perhaps that was the intention?) when Rashad is unable to even understand either Kiara's French or German. As you can see from these screenshots, Kiara herself is not happy with this suggestion.
TRR2 Ch 14 - Gossiping with Adelaide
One of your gossiping options (the one that fails) is if you compliment Kiara ("Did you know that Kiara speaks more than just French?"), which gets a pretty negative response from Adelaide:
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(Screenshots from @cassiopeiacorvus)
Ironic how this is one of the rare times the MC can truly compliment Kiara on her skills...and she's shot down for it!! Also it's funny how "nobody cares about Kiara's linguistic prowess" yet there are more than enough people out there just pouncing to discredit it and pretend she's lying!
TRR3 Ch 7 - Before meeting Kiara at her estate:
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(Screenshots from the HIMEME YouTube channel)
There is plenty I hate about this scene (more on that in the essay) but I find it extremely sus that this shitty attitude towards Kiara's most prominent skill is allowed to go on without any pushback for three fucking books.
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