#y'all put some respeck on Dira's name pls
cinamun · 6 months
Now the Charlie slander is crazy!! Let's make one thing Clear that is very obvious Abt Dira cus I feel like y'all are underestimating her cus y'all don't like Charlie! Dira from what we see with this Tre guy knows when her limit is up and doesn't wanna deal with BS. She blocked him and exited his life and didn't let him back in for a period of time that he compares himself to someone being incarcerated. When she did let him back, he's following a set of rules of her boundaries. She obviously has a lot of power over her boundaries and gives less of a shit of someone's feelings if she has to block for her own good. If Charlie mentioning dating was that big of a deal to her... She would of blocked and left him already. But he's also a friend to her, seeing that they hang out casually and she's comfortable seeing his family at the vendors, and bringing him to a family function which then he gave her aunt confidence to propose to her girl, which is a big step for her emotionally, and they danced the night away. Dira keeps him around bc it seems she likes his company. And like Cin said, Dira wanted this Yorkie. If he went to go get it, it seems he knows Dira well on a personal level to get it and was happy she was happy. And let's remember during the photo set of the phonecall, when tre asked why he got blocked and such, Cin pointed out the scene then cut to Charlie sleeping. And idk Abt y'all.. but Cin doesn't do stuff just to be silly. That was intentional. Like idk!!! I don't think Charlie is evil for wanting a relationship. All he's doing rn is making joke like her coochie wants him to marry her. It ain't his fault her coochie shivers her timbers when he just talk! I fully believe if Dira feels uncomfortable, she would of blocked by now. She's shown us already she can. I wouldn't never underestimate her or her decision making!! If she seemingly is keeping him around, I'm assuming he's giving her a fun time and she's just rolling her eyes at his quips.
Friend!!! I had to get tf up outta bed on this one and come directly over to the PC because
YOU BROKE THIS DOWN TO THE ATOMS!!! Y'all please read this, the homie left no stone unturned you hear me?????
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*presents you with the Golden Hennessey bottle award for best filthy read of the fuckery*
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