#y'all should come back Thursday to see if Aaliyah isn't the ONLY one who gets ate
cinamun · 2 months
Tumblr refused to post today's update <- because they prolly thought HoJay was fuckin. You know how staff be watching me. Anyway, once my post passed the review board I figured I should update my new friends on just whose pickup looks about to run directly into a shoeless Mercy in the snow
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I actually madeover Rory awhile ago, but once I posted them, some of my friends were intrigued because ... obvious reasons.
Then @beebeesiims sent me an ask that turned into an AU where Things™ occurred....
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So yeah, if you don't recognize the pickup driver, you might be new and that's okay. If you search the "what if" tag on my blog you'll find all parts of the mini-story inspired by my friend Bee's ask.
While Rory Oaklow is now a guest star and this little situationship is officially canon, I think we should still stay tuned because Rory is quite literally a beast. Meaning....
Mercy has went from one precarious situation to another.
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