#y'all we had another fucking earthquake. again.
please can I go one (1) week without Experiencing. we have moved beyond the need to Experience.
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xoxo-sarah · 8 days
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 16
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Part 15 | Series Masterlist
↝a/n: The final part is here! Let me know if y'all wanna drabbles on these two. 🩷
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning: not proofread, possible spoilers, cannon events, angst that ends in fluff, Eddie's canon death, sad Dustin, Vecna, the aftermath of everything, getting caught, supportive Karen because I said so
↝⎙ 9.18.24
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Your body dropped with a thud. You began coughing, clawing at your sore throat. The tentacles slithered away.
Eyes finally focusing, you looked up, at Nancy, at Steve, at Robin.
“I don't believe in a higher power,” Robin croaked, her throat sore as well, “- or divine intervention. But that was a miracle.”
Nancy stood, turning around, “I think we better not waste it.” She cocked her gun. You grabbed the hatchet that fell out of your grasp, gripping it with infuriated intention.
“Phase four.” Steve quipped, “Flambé.”
You brought the lighter to the cloth hanging out of the top of the bottle of kerosene, watching as Steve threw it.
Vecna screamed, catching on fire. He withered, falling down from the web of tentacles and vines he had been held up by. He looked up, right at the four of you. You could hear his flesh sizzle.
You lit up another bottle, still staring at him. You threw it.
He staggered back.
Nancy walked forward, gun up and ready to shoot.
Shells clanked against the wooden floor.
Bullet after bullet were shot at Vecna. One final shot had him staggering back, out of the window, letting out a howl of anger.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You ran down the creaky stairs, watching where you were stepping, and out of the front door. “Fuck!” Your voice echoed.
Vecna was nowhere to be seen. Where he had fallen, there was scorched ground and little spots of fire. “Goddamn it.” You ran your palms down your face in frustration.
A clock chimed from inside the house.
Four chimes.
“Four chimes,” Nancy whispered, “Max.”
The ground rumbled again. You let your body fall, too exhausted physically and emotionally to fight against it. The ground divided, admitting a bright red.
-Two days later-
Survivor's guilt ate at you. But people made it better. Robin made it better. She distracted you from the gnawing feeling of obligation. You felt obligated to bring Max flowers ever other day. You felt obligated to take your childhood toys and clothes to help with people who had been impacted by the earthquake in Hawkins. You felt obligated to let Eddie rest in peace as much as you could. There's only so much you can do when everyone is making him out to be evil.
Robin helped distract you, as you tried to do the same.
You stumbled back toward the trailer park, mind elsewhere. You stopped your movement when you saw Dustin.
He sat in front of Eddie's trailer, knees held up to his chest, body shaking. “Dustin?” You walked faster, dropping the hatched beside him. He flinched when you touched his shoulder.
“Dustin-hey. Wh-where's Eddie?” Steve came up behind you, kneeling in front of the boy.
Dustin sobbed harder, hiding his face deeper into his knees. Your bottom lip wobbled, eyes burning.
Eddie was gone. Max was gone.
“How long?”
“Hm?” You hummed, fingers slowly dragging against her stomach.
She shivered before continuing, “How long have you liked me?”
“An embarrassingly long time.” You huffed.
She smiled at your words, beginning to play with your hair.
“Around Sophomore year.”
“Oh, god.” Her hand dropped your hair, moving to cover her face. “That was my worst year. Why that year?!”
You sat up, looking at her from a better angle, you couldn't help but find her embarrassment so amusing. “You were adorable. Stop it.” You moved her hands away from her face, seeing her whole face beat red.
She sighed, “I was struggling that year.”
“I think we all were.” You chuckled, playing with the elastic bottom of her bra. The fashion trends weren't the best that year-for anyone.
“I used to wear these long socks-Oh my God! They never matched. I'd show them off like I was making a fashion statement.”
“Yeah, they were pretty bad.” You smiled as she slung her head back into the pillow. They were indeed pretty bad. But you weren't focusing on her socks that year. You were focusing on your new feelings.
“How could you ever find that cute?”
“I could hear you across the room when you'd talk to your friends. You would get so excited when something you enjoyed came up in the conversation. It was adorable.” You smiled fondly at the memory.
Robin wore a small smile on her own face, reminiscing on sophomore year-not her horrific choices in clothing- but the good memories with her friends.
She had seen you too. In the halls, in classrooms. Everywhere.
She tried not to think of you, keeping school on her mind. But you always seemed to slither into her thoughts. She eventually became shy around you, which was unlike her. She was usually outgoing, at least in classes where she had her friends to talk to.
Then, she started working at the mall with Steve, and you would come in a lot. You had gotten closer with both of them that year, despite the tension between Steve and your sister. Steve had made it his mission to make you understand that he had changed from “King Steve”. It took a lot of convincing on his part, and a lot of free ice-cream. Nancy eventually got over it, so you did too. Steve had changed, all of you had.
Robin ducked her head, kissing beside your lips. She stayed there for a moment, basking in you, before she smiled.
It felt good to feel her smile against you.
After everything you've been through these last few days, you would do anything to have her smiling against you for the rest of your lives.
Before you could move, the door was open and someone stood in the frame, frozen. You jumped apart from each other, Robin moving to cover her bra-clad upper half.
“Mrs. Wheeler-” Robin tried to explain, not really knowing what to say to make the situation better.
“I made breakfast,” Your mom said after an awkward moment of silence, and smiled at you, then, turned to the blushing mess of a girl. “I hope you can join us.”
As soon as she closed the door, Robin fell back on the bed, huffing and using the sheet to cover her face now. “What was that?!” She croaked. Her face hadn't lost any of its pink hue. If anything, it became darker, spreading to her ears and down her neck.
You grinned, pulling the sheet away from her face, "At least you don't have to jump out of the window now. And you get food."
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•© 2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
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Religious trauma dump ahead
TWs: apocalypse talk, current events stuff
OK. So the time has come once again for the Mormon General Conference, and given all the bullshit going on in the world, I need to get this out there because it's been eating at me for awhile and if I don't my head might actually explode.
If anyone isn't aware, the Mormon church (or as they will insist on being called, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is basically a death/apocalypse cult. The "latter days" refer to the last days of Earth before Armageddon.
I think I was maybe 3 or 4 years old when I was first taught about that. Told that I had to be prepared to meet Jesus because he was coming back very, very soon.
I, like every generation of Mormon youth, was taught that my generation was a "chosen generation". That we would never die, because the Second Coming would happen in our lifetime because we were so darn special. And as a tacit threat, we BETTER be good or else that "never die" part would be rescinded.
I don't think I have to tell y'all how much that fucked with my head growing up. The years of the 2012 hysteria were basically one prolonged anxiety attack and to be honest I don't know how I got through them.
Anyway, with all the stuff going on between climate change and the war in Ukraine and all the unrest here in the US, I can't help but remember the line that was always parroted to us. The things that would portend Armageddon and the second coming of Christ:
Matthew 24:6-12 (apologies for the KJV, it's the version Mormonism insists on using.)
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All* these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
So yeah, that sounds familiar, don't it? I know that this applies to a LOT of time periods throughout history, but growing up I was convinced that this referred specifically to our time period. That we had to just endure these things because they can't be helped.
Now I know that isn't true. Some of these problems CAN be helped. But I can't get rid of that nagging voice at the back of my mind.
What if they're right? What if Armageddon is coming and I'm not ready? What if everything is about to end and I'm gonna regret that I didn't believe?
Rational Sunny knows these things are nonsense. There will be no Armageddon. Jesus isn't coming so I don't need to look busy.
But I just can't shake it. I've had Armageddon dreams since I was five years old, and I think I'll have them for the rest of my life. I don't know if I'll ever be rid of this nonsense that I'm carrying from a cult I don't even BELIEVE IN anymore.
TL;DR: I was raised in an apocalyptic cult and all I got was this lousy anxiety disorder.
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im sorry.
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*****ok do NOT read any further if you haven't seen evil dead rise yet. you have been warned.*****
ok this is gonna be a long one I think.
my friend @3leven1 and I came up with 4 main predictions about what the fuck this means. here we go class.
obviously in evil dead rise (I'm just gonna abbreviate it to edr) there is an ongoing theme of possession. this could mean multiple things. when people got Vecna'd it was often refereed to as "possession". vecna might be back to Vecna more people in the gang to break them up and do a great number of damage in their attempts to defeat him. in season two (which was also confirmed to be related to s5) will was possessed. could this mean will will -haha will will- get possessed again?? or will someone else...? this brings me to my next theory.
by now I bet a ton of you have seen that in the posters for season four, we had one for Karen wheeler. now why the hell would she have one?? its not like she's a main character, she never has been. but maybe its implying that she will be. Ellie (the mother) in edr was possessed and went rogue killing her children and others. in s4 Vecna picked random teens to kill. or.... not so random. every one of his four victims had some sort of trauma or conflict eating away at them. its been implied that Karen is unhappy in her marriage with ted. I mean come on, in seasons 2 and 3 she was getting ready to go fuck billy like twice. so is vecna gonna go after Karen??
hold up in not done the the wheeler fam just yet. in edr, Ellies sister, lily, pulled that badass card out of the deck and killed Ellie. a good deal of that situation, she had a gun. now, class, who knows how to handle a gun in the wheeler fam? Nancy. Nancy is going to kill her possessed mother, defending her family. hey! y'all remember towns the end of edr when the bodies of them possessed people formed one big monster??? sort or reminds me of something...
first in line: season three. the mall monster was made up of melted down people.... and rats. if the people and rats could turn into a monster, then I have no doubt that other monsters themselves can. but. could this abomination of other melted monsters be the thessalhydra????
NEEEXT!!!: the thessalhydra. if you are in any way acquainted with dnd, you know the thessalhydra. if you aren't its okay! that was the monster the gang was fighting in wills painting. in season four, when robin, Steve, Eddie, and Nancy were walking through the woods in the upside down, there was another earthquake. during that earthquake, in the subtitles, it said something along the lines of "creature bellows in distance". I don't thing any of the monsters we've already been acquainted with 'bellow'. could this be the second big bad of s5 and the "creature with a gaping mouth' (possibly melted down monsters????) Nancy saw in her visions? probably.
hold on don't freak out!! its just a theory. but I do have some solid goddamn evidence so maybe you should freak out just a little bit.
around the middle of edr, lily finds Bridget eating glass to "kill the buggies in her tummy" creepy ass bitch. but before that, she is appalled to find that blood is literally POURING out of her nose. I really don't think I should have to explain that one. that's not all though. seconds after, she finds blood running out of her eyes too. Vecna kills him victims by sucking there eyes into their heads. when this happens, blood runs out their eyes too. so, class, lets put together these puzzle pieces regarding eleven.
nosebleed (el) + blood running out eyes = eleven gets vecnad.
but maybe she'll be ok. before we figured out one was Vecna, he tried to Vecna eleven when she was young. but she did get out of it by exploding him into the upside down.
uhm. yeah im sorry for that last one. if you read this before watching edr, I did warn you, back off. ANYWAY. yeah that's all I got. tell me what you think!
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perylinsus · 6 years
Rant Contents-
Perming hair
Dyeing hair
Cutting hair
Getting piercings
Body weight
Okay, so this rant is gonna be weird as fuck, since it's about my hair and some piercings, but listen as I start talking about my hair. It's weird. It's straight somedays, curly on others, wavy on the others, and a combination of all three, though most of the time it's straight. It's also very, very, very thick and oily. Now, being in the end of my 3rd quarter of 8th grade, I keep telling people at school that I plan on getting a perm over the summer, since everyone is counting the days till then. But when I say perm, I mean tight-curls perm. Not even curls, more along the lines of coils. But everytime. Every. Single. Time. I say anything about getting a perm to someone with wavy/curly hair, they complain about how hard it is and how it'll be so much harder for me since; I'm not used to curly hair, my hair is too thick and/or my hair is super oily. All I want to do is turn and just fucking snap.
The only fucking reason my hair is straight and oily is because of the lice treatments I had to go through. I had those assholes all up on my head for 5 years straight. When I was a kid, I had to straighten my fucking hair everyday just to get it to cooperate. When I was a kid, I was fucking mistaken for a different race. My hair has always been thick, it was always silky and soft and it was in tight ass curls up until I was 5 or 6. I've experienced curly hair my entire life cause my step sister adopted triplet girls with hair that was on the verge of being kinky, but was still considered curly. I do their hair every fucking morning to this damn day. I have since they were adopted at 3 years old and that was 8 years ago. I was in my first year of having lice (I took precautions to make sure they didn't get lice. Luckily, it worked cause they never did).
I wanna fucking snap when people say to not get my hair permed into tight curls cause I won't be able to take care of them. I take care of curly hair every damn morning, 4 AM sharp, listening to babies cry when I only get 2 hours of sleep cause of my damn homework. Everything's good. I cope now, I will always fucking cope.
Two more factors make the complaining worse. Before I perm my hair, I'm getting it colored. Again, more complaining. Things like, "You'll damage your hair!" Or "Why would you color your hair, it's already so pretty." I might be doing two different colors, they might be bright and because of that, I have to bleach and color my hair. Don't get pissed because I don't wanna have basic brunette bitch hair like you (that's aimed at one person, not all brunettes. I luh u). I want to die my hair because I can. I'll perm my hair afterwards because my cousin, aunt and grandma, certified hair dressers, told me it was okay. I'm tryna live my life so back the fuck up.
Next thing, I wanna cut it, too. Before getting a perm, but after coloring it, I'm gonna try and get an undercut. More. Fucking. Complaining. "Sweetie, if you wanna color and cut your hair, you can't perm it. It'll look weird. I've tried it." Bitch. Does it look like I care about what you tried. You're pale, skinny and you have some fake ass lookin blonde hair. I am, on the other fucking hand, a delicious hunk of chubby Mexican (I'm trying to love myself more. Don't judge me). Me and you, we're completely different. I have an ass, some tits and some fat around my waist. You look like a sheet of horny construction paper (that shit feels weird...idk what y'all feel like, I swear). People may retaliate with;
"I'm not saying you'll be ugly, I'm saying curly hair and undercuts don't go well together." What if my main goal is to look ugly? To put shame to my last name (that rhymed bruh). Idgaf what you think. I'm cutting my hair, I'm coloring my hair and I'm perming this shit. I fucking live for coloring my hair, I've done it for the entirety of my middle school life. I miss having an undercut. Living in Florida with some dark ass, thick hair is hard, so the less hair, the easier my life (less shampoo and conditioner too). And my curly hair. I want that shit back. I didn't hate it then, but I also didn't love it, but. I. Want. It. Back.
So, with my hair, back tf up. Now some piercings.
My uncle does piercings for people. Yeah, total fucking pothead, but he's chill and good at his 3 steady jobs. He said, once I get old enough, he'd give me good quality piercings. Because we moved away from him, down to Florida (that was 5 years ago btw. I had ear piercings then. I also temporarily moved up to Michigan for like half a year, when he promised me), he hasn't given me my piercings yet. Over a video call, since he's overseas helping a friend move into a new house, he asked me what piercings I wanted so when he got back (I'd be halfway through my first quarter of freshman year) he could give me my piercings.
As many as I want, for no price at all. He's self employed so it's no problem, however my face/head area is all he'll do. I'm okay with it bc that's all I want. I tell him, with my bff and her bf sitting next to me. Her bf has his friend with him so he can hear me too, obviously. I say both ears and lips, possibly nose. My uncle says ok. He asks me what kind I'm considering for my ears. I say; standard lobe, upper lobe, helix and industrial. That's another ok. Then for my lips. I say; angel bites, snake bites, spider bites or shark bites. Again. Another okay. Then he asks for my nose. I say septum or nostril but the nose piercings weren't definitive. Again. That's okay.
My mom knows about this and she's okay with it. I'm my own person and what I choose to do needs to be dealt with by me. I face my mistakes, or I suffer. I choose to take some pretty bad ending risks but I learned. That's always been my lesson and it won't change. Face the consequences. My bff asks if she could get the same deal as I did. He says no but that he could lower the price significantly. She says okay, definitely happy, and her bf asks the same, getting the same response as my bff (he's cool with piercings. He had some. He just wants more). Now, my bff's bf's friend starts criticizing us, specifically me. We hate eachother so it was expected.
But this asshole. THIS ASSHOLE. Had the audacity to insult me on my choice of piercings. He's anti everything. Anti gays, anti abortion (this one is agreeable), anti Muslim, he's HORRIBLE (his personality filters into this. Believe what you want but if your personality is too evident in your opinion, DO NOT TALK TO ME. Especially if you're stuck up). I'm learning makeup atm so he goes down that road and calls me an ugly whore who deserves to die on the streets. Nice. But...same thing with the hair. I WILL DO WHATEVER I FUCKING WANT TO. IDGAF ABOUT YOUR OPINION. Don't criticize me because I want to get tons of piercings. He went down the path of racism, too, and called me a typical Hispanic bitch. Rebellious and dumb. I have nothing to say to this other than get tf out of my house. I turn to my friends and tell them if they agree with him to leave with him. They're actual friends so they stayed but he had to find his way home in the pouring rain. Don't be an ass to innocent people cause Karma's a bitch.
Anyway, I was called a hippy, spic, typical druggie, shitty person and retard (this word isn't taken lightly in my family. Don't call people that shit).
You know what, let's rant some more.
I'm a chunky motherfucker. I way well over 100 lbs but I ain't too close to 200. I'm almost 14 and I'm kinda short. Still growing, but short.
I have lots of body fat. Obese, depends on your definition of it. Fat, yes, but I can still rock some tight clothes better than anyone else. I've embraced my body fat. Yes, I'm currently researching healthy, lemme repeat, healthy ways to get rid of it, but I've embraced it and I now tell myself I'm cute whether people like it or not. It's strange since I've never done it before but it helps with depression.
Anyway, I'm chubby but I'm working on it. I need to glow up to rock my bullies' motherfucking worlds. This dude, idek who he was, comes up, calls me fat and walks away. I turn around and yell fuck you or fuck off or some shit like that. I'm making my way to class and this other kid trips me. When I hit the ground, he screams earthquake and runs.
I get up and walk my way to class like a civil person. Eventually, my mom, who works at my school, has to take me to the hospital cause I couldn't get up and leave my class at the end of the day. Why, you may ask? Well, I had;
minor whiplash
a sprained wrist
Scrapes on my knee that were so bad, they'll probably scar
My day sucked before that so it only got worse. Besides that, the whiplash is gone, my sprained wrist is healing nicely and it's just my knees that are still fucked up.
All that trouble because some bastard wanted to fuck with me cause I'm chubby. Stop being dicks everyone, unless that's your nickname.
Finally, the last topic. Tattoos. My other uncle, the twin brother of my piercings uncle, is a tattoo artist. Game addict, too, but, like, srsly, unhealthily addicted.
Anyway, if I can't do college, I have a guaranteed spot as a tattoo designer in his parlor. I'm trying to plan for college so it might not happen but, you never know. Besides that, he gave me a deal. As many tattoos as I want, for no price. All because I'm his only blood niece.
I said hell fucking yeah (I got a shoe thrown at me for it). He said as long as I designed them, he'd give me them. Okay, not too bad since I'm a 14 year old with college level art. First, though, I had to tell him what type I wanted. I said I wanted tribal, illustrative and possibly neo traditional.
I have designs for my illustrative tattoos. One for each important person in my life. My older brother, my younger brother, my mom, my grandma, my bff and my 1st dog. I was gonna try and do one for my husband/wife when and if I get married but I was warned about tattooing names of people I'm not related to on my body. Again, I might still do it. Anyway, those are for my illustrative tattoos. Then, comes my tribal tattoos.
I plan on asking my bestfriend and my mom to choose from a set of Moon Glyphs, which symbols best represent me. Whichever common ones they choose, will be hidden in a tribal tattoo on my ribcage. I also want a tribal on the top of my forearm and a tribal band around my bicep. I may just get arrows on the inside of my other forearm.
Neo traditional will probably be a worn down banner with flowers that has a saying in it. In another language, most likely, but there'll be a saying.
Anyway, I told my uncles this and my tattoo artist uncle said he was perfectly okay with it. My mom was chill with it, too, so everything was good. Until my great grandmother got ahold of the information. So many vulgarities.
Anyway, don't be a shithead when it isn't necessary. Let people learn from their own mistakes when said mistakes are revocable.
Luv ya and thanks for reading.
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aurinofthewild · 8 years
“What do you know...?”
"You don't know a thing about real emotions, do you? Freak..." The man on the table spat out the insult as if he understood anything about his captor. Abacus simply smiled from the far wall.
"Ah like how... You take this jab at meh, almost like y'all know anything about what's really going on." The aurin drew closer to the human strapped down to the cold table, "As if y'all could comprehend anything about the situation yer in. It's almost cute."
There was creaking as the man struggled, but nothing really gave as the restraints were secured with runic science. Panic and fear permeated the room and filled every corner with a stench that was lost on all but the most basic of senses. Abacus's fur at the base of his tail stood on end as his ears twitched to an unseen metronome. Click, click, click...
"Yer done. Ain't nothing more the hoods can really extract from y'all. Codes, partners, yer little sweetheart back in Illium? Ya gave 'em everything... So why is it that y'all are in my custody, hmm?" The cotton candy devil continued to circle the table, a hunger in his eyes. "Penance? Revenge? A final redemption? No. Y'all don't get release. Ya don't get to leave... Not after that mess..."
More shaking and creaking, the table groaned with the effort that was exerted. Panic and fear, it came off the traitor in waves as he spat words of hatred and desperation. Abacus wanted nothing more than to break the man's neck and be done with everything, but at the same time he wanted the chance to flex his power one more time. "Ah hate and love everything about this..." A delicate pink hand moved along the side of the human's face, fingertips sliding along dried blood and sweat mingling at his temple. "Lets explore happiness first, shall we?"
Memories were absent, there were no great picture anthologies about the world and how it had been happy. The human could feel his heart flutter and a smile spread over his face despite the stench of a musty room on an asteroid. The restlessness of needing to bounce your knee, but the inability to move against the restraints did nothing to deter the light burning of tears along the rim of half closed eyes. Genuine happiness about the restraints and the inevitability of death filled his mind to a point where he welcomed the idea like a sunny day after a week of nothing but rain. This room was a perfect solution to the terrible stress of choice in the world, and he couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be here. Serenity was restraint.
Abacus pulled his hand away and wiped it along his shirt as if he'd touched a slug while dragging fingers across a wet rotting log. The man slowly returned from his high and the panic slipped through once more, this time it rushed back to fill a void. The rushing waters to fill a gaping hole brought on by an earthquake of emotion. More rattling of the restraints and Abacus grinned, "I hate that emotion too... It's less of ah solid state to live by, and more a palate cleanser. It's yer threshold, so you understand the other emotions. The ginger between bites..."
Strings of words, none of which Abacus gave any thought to, came rushing from the prisoner's mouth. His body jerked and he thrashed on the table, screaming to be let free. Words that threatened and tried to sting the barrier of the aurin's defenses. Abacus only smiled and moved towards him again, "You like anger? You think y'all understand it? Here... Let me show you real rage..."
There was a soft touch to his stomach of a hand centering at his navel, and the human just screamed. Fire, it wasn't like they described, the burning was not incomprehensible but centered in his gut. It simmered, burned through the fuel, and then started to burn the container. He felt sick, but despite knowing the solution all he wanted to do was break something anything to release the tension. There was an epicenter where pain and pressure collided, and the turmoil warped time itself. Nothing resolved as the tremors continued to shock his system and each jolt caused him to jerk an arm or leg trying to feel anything beyond this growing kinetic energy. Screaming didn't fix anything, but it was something to do. Something cathartic that gave his mind a break even if the pressure never ceased in his bones.
Removing his hand, the aurin shook his wrist almost shaking off the residue of rage that the man had felt in that moment. "No? Not ah fan of rage...?" There was a pause, a subdued response to the jeering as the rage burned off and through the human. Abacus could almost see the pile of ash it left behind. The table made another creaking sound as senses returned and Abacus smirked. "These are the tame emotions, really... How about we move to something more foreign to you, hmm? How 'bout I show y'all sorrow?"
A soft tail wrapped around the man's neck and he felt himself choking. The drowning feeling was not like his training described, and he gasped for the breath that was just barely there. This was not suffocating slowly, there was no soft feeling of passing out as he struggled for every breath. He didn't have to fight to stay cognizant of his surroundings as each intake was a battle that he fought like a war. It was a fight that he knew was in vain. The ever present want, need to let it go and not take another breath, haunted him. He inhaled with pain shooting through his lungs and cried in the exhale when the air left him once more alone. Each breath holding a window of hope that flashed and crumbled with each exhale. The thought of simply quitting the struggle tugged at his consciousness. Unfortunately, despite everything that weighed down on him through each breath, he continued to take another and then another and then another. Tears streamed down the side of his face and sobs stuck to the back of his throat, and all he could do was breathe. That’s just what you do... You breathe.
Abacus's tail slithered off the man, and the aurin looked a bit worse than he had been a few moments earlier. "Yeah... That's the struggle. It never gets better, but y'all take that breath anyway. Maybe... Right?" The aurin laughed, manic as his ears were still flicking in that odd manner. Lavender colored eyes, wide with excitement, watched the human struggle in place. "I think... It's time I had a bit ah fun. Don't y'all think? Here... Lets try this one..."
A single digit pressed against the man's forehead and the room gained a new layer of darkness. The edges rippled with the inky black that could at any moment swallow the entire room whole. Wide eyes, it was the only way to keep the darkness at bay. Don't blink, never blink, because each time you do the darkness creeps just a little closer. No one ever questioned why the darkness was bad, it just always was and always will be. The cold chill on the spine and the prickling feeling along the skin were warnings, they had to be. You just know when things are off and that saves your life. Panic and fear keep you safe, so it's okay to listen to their demands. It's okay to be cautious. Don't blink. Never blink.
A jolt ran through his hand, or at least it looked as if the aurin had been shocked away from the human who was shaking with wide eyes on the table. "There, now y'all get it... A small taste. A small tremor miles away from tha epicenter of a natural fucking disaster." Abacus started to draw the outline of a rune over the man as he walked around the table. His tail was bottlebrushed and his ears were flat back. "Now y'all can live with this knowledge till yer body gives out from the stress. Relive the emotions that y'all caused... Over and over and over..."
A metal door opened and the cotton candy aurin stepped out from the room where he had been working. The Hood's guards that stood watch readied and leveled their weapons on Abacus. The pink aurin stifled a manic giggle as he slowly raised his arm with a slow wave of curling fingers. Ears back and tail flicking erratically, he hiccuped another giggle as the high from his job trickled through his brain. "Better get the meds quick, boys... Ain't got much time."
His voice trailed in a sing song manner as a hand gripped his wrist. A sharp pinch as the medication was injected, and the male sighed heavily. It was fast acting, and he took in another breath this one seeming better than the one before it. Squaring his jaw, he looked off towards the docking bay and his ears swiveled forward. A smile graced his lips as his tail curled behind him.
Happiness, the threshold, the litmus test, the gauge at which all other emotions are realized.
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