#y'know what.. while i'm at it i'ma just repeal the self-imposed 'x amount of muses per franchise' limit and start migrating the rest of them
aghskaleido · 2 years
no new agh’s lab this year makes me sad, but at least i have this unexpected official ‘primal feast’ primal beast spray art as compensation and in reference to the upcoming diretide event that’s subbing for the labyrinth (volvo, how tf am I supposed actually play the game and earn bp shit when the main pvp game modes are too toxically stinky and sweaty to actually bother attempting to get back into it. last time i tried, i had ONE(1) surprisingly good first game where 3/4 teammates were pleasant and we won despite my rustiness while the following two games were garbo and had salty, abusive peeps). when will I crop and use this as an icon for rps??? who knows, but its existence brings me a surprising amount of joy lmaooo
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