#yah so guess who i saw perform last weekend
oohfluffy · 5 years
DDND Ch.12 | KJI
Group: EXO
Member: Kim Jongin
Theme: Fluff | Dancer!AU | Dormmmate!AU
Word Count: 1,863
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❀ Chapter 12: I Knew It ❀
"So, are you coming or not?"
Tiffany and Joohyuk waited for you to react or answer as you stared at them with a blank face.
You blinked like you just woke up from a dream.
"Ne? What are we talking about?" You innocently asked as you wiped the table in front of you.
"Aish. Did you seriously just stare at us while we were telling you a lot of things?!" Tiffany whined, hitting Joohyuk beside her, who just scoffed and moved away from the two of you.
"Hyuk! You're not gonna help me?" Tiffany asked with a pout.
Joohyuk glanced at you before looking back at Tiffany.
"You can do it. Fighting~"
Tiffany frowned, crossing her arms as the boy went back to the counter. She looked at you with a sigh.
"Dongsaeng~" Tiffany sang as she approached you.
"What is it, unnie?"
"Well, you see, DanWiMu is having its anniversary this Saturday and—"
"If you're inviting me to go, no thanks, unnie." You said without any signs of hesitation.
"It's not like you have anything to do this weekend, right? Come on! It feels like a year since we hung out together!" Tiffany groaned.
Saturday? That means he'll be there?
You looked at Tiffany and sighed.
"I'll think about it."
Tiffany pouted but nodded at you.
You were in the middle of serving orders when you heard your name got called.
You looked around and saw a very familiar face. Your eyes widened.
"Seulgi?" You whispered.
You immediately put down the orders on the right table and walked quickly towards her.
She was sitting on the table near the window with two other girls.
"I knew it was you!" Seulgi exclaimed when you got near her. You grinned and hugged her as she stood up from her seat.
Seulgi was the only one who gave you so much comfort and care when you needed a friend. When you got kicked out of your house, you met Seulgi on the way. She's a daughter of your Aunt Sunny's friend. You spent so much time together that you can be mistaken as sisters. You're on the same age as her, that's why you both understood each other more.
But one day, she went away.
You didn't know why but it was fine as long as she got to say her farewell to you. It hurt so much to let go of the only friend you had back then but it made you so much stronger too.
That's why you're so thankful to meet Joohyuk when you turned 18, working as a part-time employee in the same café when you were in college and becoming best of friends with Tiffany, who was already working there.
"When did you come back here? I thought I'll never see you again!" You said, pulling away from the hug but letting your hands stay on her shoulders.
"Well, I guess we'll be staying here for a few weeks. Not for good though but I'll be happy to catch up with you everyday!" Seulgi replied grinning at you, making her eyes turn into crescents.
"You're still the same Seulgi I've known. I'm glad." You smiled.
"Yah! Are you making me cry now? Oh." Seulgi turned towards the girls she's with. "Lin, I want you to meet my friends. This is Wendy," The cute-faced girl waved with a friendly smile. "and this is Irene." The other girl beside Wendy that has a cold aura but as she slightly smiled at you, you felt calm.
They are so pretty. Where did they even come from?
Seulgi pulled you towards their table and made you sit even though you kept on telling her that you're on-duty right now.
"We'll just talk for a bit."
You sighed in defeat before nodding.
"So, is there any reason why you came back? I mean, you went to America to study, right?" You asked Seulgi.
"Yes. I just came back from America last week. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you for a long long time. I'm currently working on a performance right now. These girls made me join them." Seulgi pointed the two girls silently chatting in front of the both of you.
"Performance?" You asked with your eyebrows almost knitted together.
"Yep. There's this place called DanWiMu, where you can dance, sing or anything as long as it's with music. These girls have been bugging me to dance with them since they needed to fill a slot. I agreed though since they're my friends." Seulgi narrated then sipped on her drink. You listened to her attentively, missing how you two conversed before.
"I know that place. I've been there before." You commented with a nod.
"Really? That's great! You can watch me perform then." Seulgi's eyes brightened as she smiled. You gulped. You're having a hunch that she'll be performing this Saturday for DanWiMu's anniversary.
I guess I'll be going.
"But I didn't know I needed to dance with a guy." Seulgi said with a frown.
Your eyes widened.
"Y-You're gonna dance with a guy?" You stuttered asking.
"Yeah. I was surprised at first but when I met him, I felt relieved. Seriously, not just because of his godly looks and body, I swear!" Seulgi said with a flustered face as you chuckled nervously.
It's not him, is it?
"He's gorgeous as hell. But he's also a gentleman and a sweet guy. And let's talk about how he dance! Oh ghad. If you watch him dance, you'll melt like cheese. His moves were always on point and graceful like he's dancing with the wind." Seulgi said with a smile.
Please tell me it's not who I think it is.
"W-What's his name?" You asked bravely.
Seulgi answered with a smile.
"Kim Jongin."
It's a good thing you're sitting right now or else your knees would have given up on you if you were standing.
"You know what, I've been thinking about him lately. His face always pops out of my mind and how he moves. I think..." Seulgi trailed off as she bit her lip.
"Oh, buddy. What do we have here? Why are you sneaking off of work?"
You almost jumped as you saw Joohyuk in front of the table you're sitting.
Thank you, Joohyuk.
You quickly stood up and turned to Seulgi, Wendy and Irene with a smile.
"It was nice meeting you all. I hope we meet again next time. I'll be going back to work now." You said and bowed before turning around with Joohyuk walking behind you.
As you reached the kitchen, you slumped on the floor. Dara, who was instructing the cooks, looked at you in surprise. You just smiled at her and put a thumb up, saying you were fine.
But you're not.
"Hey, you okay?"
You closed your eyes for a minute before opening them again.
"Yeah, I just felt a little dizzy." You answered Joohyuk with a small smile.
Joohyuk suddenly sat beside you, leaning his head back on the wall.
"What happened?"
You bit your lip, hesitating if you should tell it to him or not.
"When did you ever think twice about telling me everything, buddy?" He asked, looking down at you with a frown.
"I-I just met my best friend, who left 8 years ago."
"Then isn't that great?" Joohyuk exclaimed, grinning at you but frowning again when you didn't smile.
"Yeah. I-It is."
"Tss. Then why do you look like that?"
You chucked but ending up coughing because of forcing it out. Joohyuk patted your back, still with a frown.
"Are you going crazy?" He seriously asked.
You slowly leaned your head on Joohyuk's shoulder and sighed.
"I'm getting so down because of no reason. I think I'm just getting emotional." You mumbled.
"Yah, you two. What are you doing here? Why are you both lazying around?"
You both suddenly stood up with shocked faces.
"Aish. Jongdae hyung~" Joohyuk whined at your manager, who just laughed at him.
"Get back to work, you two."
"Ne!" You and Joohyuk chorused, walking out of the kitchen.
"Those two really." Jongdae chuckled, walking back to his office.
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
"I'm so sorry, buddy! I can't accompany you today. Mom's calling for me." Joohyuk said, biting his lip.
You smiled then patted his shoulder.
"It's fine. I can handle myself. Besides, Tiffany unnie is here—"
"I need to go now! Bye, my dongsaengs!"
You two watched how Tiffany left while skipping on her steps like a kid. You wondered if she ate any candies earlier.
"Well, I guess it'll be only me." You mumbled with a smile. Joohyuk sighed before ruffling your hair.
"I'll just treat you tomorrow, okay?"
"Call." You said quickly.
When Joohyuk left, you cleaned the café with the other 2 part-timers.
"I'll lock the doors, so you can go home earlier." You said while mopping the floor.
"We can wait for you though, noona." Wonwoo, one of the part-timers, said with a grin.
"No, it's alright. I know you're both busy in school and need to do your own tasks at home. Noona can handle herself well."
It took you a while to convince the two but they agreed at the end. After all, being a student and an employee at the same time is hard.
You finished cleaning with the two but stayed a little later when they left since you needed to check the doors and bring down the curtains of the windows before locking the front door.
You came out of the café, locking the door with a tired smile.
You turn around, finding Sehun with his hands on his slender waist.
"I thought you're spending your night here." Sehun said with an amused face.
He was standing beside his black Audi.
"Sehun? Tiffany unnie went home—"
"I knew it." He mumbled, smiling as he looked up.
"What?" You asked, not hearing what he said.
"Let's go."
Sehun looked at you as he opened the door to the passenger's seat.
"Home. You don't want to go home?" Sehun asked with a grin. You rolled your eyes, feeling your lips tug in a smile.
"Okay then."
Sehun drove as you browsed his music playlist.
"Why did Tiffany unnie go home without you as her service?" You suddenly asked, making Sehun glance at you.
"She's trying to be a matchmaker again."
Your head automatically turned towards Sehun with your eyes wide as realization hit you like blocks.
"Aish! That unnie, seriously. She doesn't know when to stop." You muttered under your breath, leaning back on your seat. Sehun laughed at your actions.
"She thinks she's Cupid." He commented as he stopped on a red light.
You fell silent after that.
I've told her that I like Kai and I won't stop liking him unless I said so. Why is she so—
"You like someone."
Sehun wasn't asking.
It was a statement.
You closed your eyes before nodding.
There's no use lying to Sehun-ah. He's a good friend and I trust him.
Sehun saw that and smiled.
His smile didn't reach his eyes though.
"I knew it."
❀ Ch.13
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yutamint · 7 years
can you feel my heartbeat? (soulmate!au hyungwon)
this was so much fun to write ok also this was 100% based on my experience at the monsta x concert in mexico this weekend except... hyungwon isn’t my soulmate :// but everything else here pretty much happened and i can’t stop thinking about it ok
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff are you surprised but there’s like some angst?? idk if you wanna call it angst it’s rly nothing tho
notes: swearing SORRY but not sorry
word count: 2.1k
so here’s the deal: when you see your soulmate for the first time you can feel/hear your heart literally drop and the next couple of times you see them your heartbeat is pretty audible and it pains ur chest a lil bit but in a good way!!
let’s goOoo
you managed to get vip tickets to see monsta x w/ group photo
so obviously you are excited af bc i was
and you wait 8 hours until the lines finally start moving and everyone finally gets their bracelets and fuck you're actually shaking
plot twist changkyun is your bias and you have a sign and everything and you are just so excited to finally meet him
you've been practicing your korean for like months now and you're ready to tell him that he is your happiness
but you get into the venue and everything moves so quickly
and next thing you know you're in line with 19 other girls about to take a photo with the boys
and you shake so much and you're on the verge of tears
and kihyun notices that and out of all the boys he's the one to say hello to you and all you can do is nod your head and mutter "안녕하세요"
and so you take the photo and honestly it was 5 sec long but right before the staff tells you to get the fuck outta there, you make eye contact with hyungwon
and you look at him and you smile and you say "안녕하세요" bc that's all that can come out of your mouth
and he smiles at you and waves
and that's when!! it fucking starts!!
you hear a lil thud in your chest and you're like !!??!!! what is going on but you're like oh it's just nerves LOL
and you look at hyungwon and he's holding a hand to his chest and muttering something to the boys
and they're scanning around the room like who could it be
but you didn't see this bc you were leaving with everyone else
and you're just a teeny tiny lil bit sad that you didn't get to say hello to changkyun
but !!! chae hyungwon exists !!!
and so you make new friends in line bc everything was a mess and you guys shared complaints about how you paid so much $$ but only spent 10 seconds with the boys
and then they start letting you inside and holy FUCK it's a stampede
you literally run like the wind and ??? tbh it's the fastest you've ever run in your life
and you manage to get a really gOOod view?? like think third row right in front of the barricade before the stage
but .... so many people keep pushing and hitting... and the concert hasn't even started
and it was so bad and you look around and you see fansites being crushed and one of them is on the verge of tears
so you try your best to stick it out at least one song
but you can feel your lungs giving out and tears about to form
a few girls got pulled out by security bc they were having anxiety and panic attacks and you were like fuck.... i can't do this
so literally 30 min before the concert starts you fight your way through the crowd and you manage to find an empty corner of the section
still a pretty good view?? but def not as close as you were
and your friends end up joining you bc THEY couldn't handle it either so in the end it was okay
and the concert starts and !!!! HOLY FUCK !!!!
and you're on the verge of tears bc .... you've only seen them perform in videos and you've listened to their songs on repeat for so long... and now you finally get to see them do what they love in person
and it's so surreal?? like they are actual living angels...
so you get through the first couple songs and with your luck... changkyun isn't on your side!! but guess who is?? ring ding dong chae hyungwon
and the intro to ex girl comes on and .... this is one of your fave songs so of course you sing and dance like crazy while you record it
but you notice hyungwon looking at you... just laughing and smiling
and you feel your heart soar and the thumping comes back and it starts to get a lil harder to breathe.....
which is weird for you bc nobody was pushing on you and you weren't suffocating
so why was it so hard for you to catch your breath?
and hyungwon noticed it too bc as soon as he saw you dancing he couldn't help but smile
but then his heart started to beat audibly and he was like .... fuck bc his part was coming up but he couldn't even sing bc he couldn't breathe
and so he looked away from you and everything went back to normal and he could sing again!!!
but holy fuck that's when he realized... you might just be his soulmate
but you didn't get this at all
bc you were just like !!!! hyungwon noticed me i'm so jittery n nervous
and you're waving your changkyun sign in the air trying to get your bias to notice you
and hyungwon glances at it and in his head he's like "fuck changkyun"
and you keep recording all your favorite songs and stuff what not like normal
but you notice that whenever hyungwon comes over to your side
you feel a lil... different
you focus your camera on him more and you notice him looking at you and waving a lil bit
and you're like ???? why is he noticing me so much  oh my god
and your heart starts to ache and you're like fuck what is going on
so they're doing their little talk in between songs and while the translator is speaking, you notice hyungwon looking right at your camera
and you're like ..... hyungwon......
and hyungwon sees you recording and he smirks at you bc ... you're so cute recording the other members but he knows you'll notice him looking and he knoOoOws your heart is going to skip a beat
and he's right bc you feel your heart doing that weird thing again
and you're like fuck u chae hyungwon
and during white love he came over to your side and he waved up to the balcony but before he went back to the center, he flashed a lil smile in your direction
and you literally can feel your heartbeat like.. ringing in your ears
and then you start to think ..... is hyungwon my soulmate?
but no fucking way that could happen he's chae hyungwon from monsta x and well.... you're you
but the thought of you possibly being his soulmate lingers in the back of your head
and so during white sugar when they throw candy into the crowd you were so set on catching one
and you'd use your sign as like a lil racquet to try and hit candy in your direction
but nope nothing
minhyuk threw some in your section but the girls around you were faster
and then well well well hyungwon came along with his basket of candy and he tried to toss some up to the balcony but he was always a lil bit too short
but he saw you trying your best to get some and well... he wanted you to get one
but he didn't want to make it too obvious?? he didn't want other fans to think that he was giving you special treatment... when he lowkey kind of was
so he grabbed a handful and threw some not at you but neAaAr you....
and then you felt something hit your head
and noticed a candy fell onto the floor
and three girls near you dive for it
and you just look at hyungwon like... really
deep down inside hyungwon is like fUCK i hit them w/ candy
but he sees you look at him like [○・`Д´・○] and he couldn't help but laugh at you bc you're already looking at him like that and you two haven't even officially met
and amidst the screams of the crowd he hears you call out to him "yah chae hyungwon!!!"
and it was then when he realizes that he wants to hear you say his name like that everyday for the rest of his life
sorry that was rly lame fuck
anyways the concert continues and they start blind
and once again, this is one of your favorite songs
so you're literally singing your heart out and minhyuk and hyungwon come along to your side of the stage
and minhyuk is just doin his lil thing
but when the lyrics go "she go low i go up" you dance along and point down and shit
and you see hyungwon point back at you
and you two make eye contact and both of you guys point to your chests
bc both of you end up getting chest pains?? but they def aren't as bad as before
and he just smiles and walks back to the rest of the boys
and by this point, some of the girls around you have started to notice that you were getting a lil more attention from hyungwon than the rest of the members
and hyungwon noticed this bc these girls were giving you death glares at this point like shooting daggers into you
and so he whispered into wonho's ear while their translator was speaking
"hyung i think my soulmate is over there holding a changkyun sign" and wonho looks over at you w/ hyungwon
you're talking to your friends like "why did hyungwon hit me w/ a candy"
and wonho says "stop paying so much attention to them, we'll find them later" and hyungwon just nods bc he gets it
so for the rest of the concert he keeps his distance from you
and you get a lil sad bc the concert is ending and it feels like he's forgotten about you
but that's not it at all!! hyungwon was just waiting for the concert to finally end so he could tell one of the staff to find you bc well... what if he never sees you again?
hyungwon couldn't deal w/ the thought of losing his soulmate.... he wanted to know what you were like and whether you were funny and liked to sleep a lot too
and he wanted to know your favorite color and your favorite ice cream flavor and what kind of movies you liked
and so when last page started and the concert was finally about to end, hyungwon waved goodbye to everyone
and he came back to your section and he blew kisses to the crowd
in hopes that you would catch one
but you didn't bc you were just trying your best to savor the last moments of the concert
and you felt your heart sink a lil bit
bc what a silly thought it was.... to think chae hyungwon was your soulmate...
so many other people screaming his name... like you were something special
and after they left the stage, you were about to leave
when someone tapped your shoulder and a man dressed in black w/ a headset asked you to come with him
and so you were led backstage, legs shaking and palms sweaty
'what the fuck is happening right now'
and so you were left in a room... by yourself.. not knowing what was going on
and you hear a familiar voice outside "are they inside?" and your heart does that same thing that it does in the presence of hyungwon, something you're so familiar with now
and he says "yeah, that has to be them. i can hear my heartbeat"
the door opens and you're face to face w/ chae hyungwon
fucking hyungwon
the first thing that comes out of your mouth is "why did you hit me in the head???"
and he just pulls you into a hug and he just laughs
and your head presses against his chest and holy wOW
you could stay there forever if you had to tbh
there was something about hyungwon's chest that was comforting and secure and just... it felt right
"i'm so happy i found you... and i'm sorry i hit you in the head....??" he trailed off bc he realized... he didn't know your name
"Y/N. my name is Y/N" and you two exchanged contacts since you were going back home and he had to continue the tour
but before you left, he pressed your hand to his lips
"you're stuck with me for a really long time, Y/N. i hope you can handle all of this" and he smirked at you and you know what??
suddenly he wasn't hyungwon from monsta x.. he was just.. hyungwon. your soulmate, hyungwon.
"yah chae hyungwon, stop being so gross" "you like it though" "who said that??" "says the 40 videos of me on your phone from tonight" "fuck off"
anyways i’m really emo after writing this i miss monsta x and i miss hyungwon thanks for reading again ily
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Life Eclipsed, Part 1
Name: Life Eclipsed
Type: Vampire/Supernatural!au, College!au, ANGST, some fluff & humor. It actually turned out really dark-where did this come from?
Pairing: BTS x Reader (I know who Y/N will end up with-  who do you think? Let me know!)
Rating: Mature. There is no smut- there are plenty of blogs that can do that better, but a lot of dark themes.  See warnings below. I do not endorse any of these things in real life.
Warnings: Language, underage drinking, (sort of controlling friends), eventual bloodshed (it IS a vampire fic). Also, let’s be real, the biting scene isn’t romantic at all, and kind of painful so read with caution.  Disclaimer: Consent is sexy. Anything else is unacceptable. Only bite if they say yes!
 Word Count: 4,946 
A/N: I’m sorry that Third Base didn’t make it up last week-it’s long and unwieldy and I need to get some inspiration to do some serious editing. So, to stay somewhat on schedule and not become a total Tumblr recluse, I’ve decided to post this vampire fic.
A/N 2: This was supposed to be a one-shot, but it is so long! It’s over 11 full pages single-spaced on my computer. So, I’ve split it up and made it into at least two parts. Get pumped <3
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The knock at your door startles you from your textbook. You always ended up procrastinating during the daylight hours, which meant that at night you often studied into the wee hours of the morning, after everyone else had gone to sleep. Everyone except for one person, that is-Park Jimin. You get up from your desk, joints popping, a sure sign that you have been sitting for too long. You casually fling open the door, already on your way back to your desk. Before it seemed possible, Park Jimin is clinging to your back like a koala, almost knocking you off balance.
 “Yah, Jimin,” you half-shouted, half-sighed, knowing that no amount of protest on your part would change his mind. Not that you really minded- he was one of your oldest childhood friends, and it was a stroke of luck that you had ended up in the same college dorm (him on the floor below you) to face college together.
 He clung closer and you knew that your studying was over. You got up and moved to your bed, where the two of you turned on your favorite show and snuggled platonically. During middle school and high school, you had been completely smitten with Jimin, but he seemingly never reciprocated your feelings. So you figured that it was better to have him in your life as a friend than as a romantic partner.
 And it was a lucky thing that he was still in your life, because it helped you to grow your social group. You did like people, but tended to the serious and studious side. Jimin could seemingly read people like a book, learning what made them tick and all of their secrets.  But being the person that he was, he never shared this information or caused any kind of social drama.
 Through Jimin, you had been able to make many new friends, and there were six others in particular that you frequently hung out with. If Jimin was your childhood best friend, Taehyung had become your college best friend. Whenever you were too stressed or serious, he would always know how to make you laugh. When your head was full of class material, he would bring you back to the real world and make every day an adventure. It was easy, it was comfortable, and he was a calming presence in your life. And despite whatever drama or teen novel may have predicted, there was no drama between your old and new friend. They each had their time and place in your life, and the three of you often hung out together, forming a complementary trio.
The others- Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin also hung out with you, but not as much. Jungkook was two years younger than you, Jimin, and Tae, but had somehow finished high school early and was here on a football scholarship, so he was often busy with practice and his sports buddies. You had made small talk but never had any in-depth conversations- he always seemed to be flustered and would run off after a few minutes. You would cringe inwardly-maybe he didn’t like you. Jimin was always so good at making small talk, but you always felt that it was like pulling teeth.  But he kept hanging out with everyone so maybe your company wasn’t too unbearable.
Hoseok and Yoongi were upperclassmen. The juniors (third-years) liked others in the group, but it was a known thing that they were a package deal. Their friendship was on a different level than the rest. When Hobi wasn’t practicing dance for his performance major, and Yoongi wasn’t recording for his music production major, they could be spotted going for runs around campus in matching orange jumpsuits. It was very “The Life Aquatic” and you loved it. Secretly, you hoped they were more than friends, but you had no indication either way, and didn’t want death glares, so you kept your fangirling (mostly, you hoped) to yourself. They definitely seemed too cool for school, so while they were a part of your group, you were a little intimidated by them and didn’t hang out as much except as a part of the group.
If you were intimidated by them, then Seokjin was absolutely unapproachable, but in a completely different way. He was insanely popular with the female (and male, and everyone, really) segment of campus, constantly smiling and making jokes. He somehow made turtlenecks sexy and dressed like he had just stepped out of the pages of a magazine. Even when he wore sweats, or a Mario t-shirt, he made it look like haute couture. He was one of those people who could look amazing when they just got out of bed. On top of that, the senior was friendly to everyone, and smart, and apparently wanted to take over the family business. It was just all too much. You always got flustered around him, feeling completely underwhelming in comparison. He never did anything to encourage that feeling, but it just happened. Despite that, he would always smile and wave when he saw you around campus, and would stop to say hi. He always asked if you would be coming to whatever party was happening that weekend, and genuinely seemed hopeful that you would say yes. You couldn’t decide if you should feel flattered (oh, how a girl could dream), or if he genuinely hoped that everyone would come to the party. Sometimes, the amount of time you spent second-guessing your interactions was exhausting.
Namjoon was the centerpiece that held the group together. Equally friendly with Jin, Hobi & Yoongi, the sophomore business student was involved in every club, president of his class, and representative of all students to the administration. Somehow, he also had a 4.0, was involved in 3 different language clubs, and found time to party and hang out on the weekend. He would tutor you sometimes, and the two of you had a similar sense of humor….and klutziness. The others would laugh, and say that you were made for each other. You both laughed it off and smiled. If Joon had helped you with school, then you had helped him socially, giving him insight into the mind of girls. Plus, you knew for a fact that he only wanted to date someone older, so the two of you had an elder brother-younger sister vibe.
Pulling you out of your thoughts was another knock at the door, and you knew it could only be Tae. Your room had become the defacto hang out spot- you had a single, and being somewhat of an introvert you were very into “nesting” and making your room as cozy as possible, since you spent so much time there. You had twinkle lights draping outward from a central point in the ceiling, plenty of soft blankets in calming neutrals, and enough tea to run a teahouse. When people needed to talk or hang out, they knew where to go.
You opened the door, only to have the air squeezed out of your lungs by a tight hug. Just as quickly, you were released, and Tae was headed to your bed.
 “I am HURT,” he laughed, dramatically looking pained. “How could you traitors watch an episode without me?”
Jimin acted even more indignant. “I texted you like 15 times…you snooze, you lose! Where have you been?”
Tae wiggled his eyebrows as he settled onto your bed. “I was helping the hyungs plan the Halloween party-you know it’s a big deal for us,” he said, looking pointedly at Jimin.
Jimin’s smile dipped a bit, but he quickly smiled again. “Tae, it’s a big deal on every college campus. Y/N, have you thought of your costume? You should go as little Red Riding Hood hiding from the wolf” he laughed again, not so subtly changing the subject.
“But with a shorter skirt,” Tae smirked.
You couldn’t figure out what was with the weird atmosphere, but told yourself that you were overthinking it.  You decided to call them out. “You guys are being freaking weird right now, you know? First of all, it’s still a week away, and second of all, I told you that it was a surprise.” You squeezed in between them, grabbing the computer and starting another episode. They settled down, and as the episode dragged on, you felt your eyes slowly closing. You heard them murmuring quietly to each other on either side of your head, but you were too far gone to process the words.
The two were already awake and gone when you woke up. They always did this, and somehow you were always the first to fall asleep, and the last to wake up. How they looked as good as they did irked you. You always woke up with bags and felt tired, but despite the fact that you literally never saw any of them sleep, they always looked better than you. You knew that Jimin had struggled with insomnia ever since the two of you had turned sixteen, but he never really looked worse for the wear. You were happy it didn’t seem to impact his quality of life too much, but you wished you could look as glowy without like six pounds of highlighter.
 With that you got out of bed, and went through your morning routine. An hour later, you found yourself in line at the campus coffee shop, wondering if you should get 3 or 4 shots of espresso in your drink. You had a full day of classes, a lab report to write, and a tutoring session with Joon. It was going to be a long day. You hear your name being called and struggled to lift the metaphorical fog and act normal. Hobi & Yoongi were at the table in the corner, books and laptops spread out. They gestured for you to join them, and you went over a few minutes later, latte in hand.
 “What’s up, guys? How’s it going?” you asked, as they shuffled their papers and made room for you.
 “Not much, just getting ready for the week,” Hobi smiled. “Can it be the weekend yet?”
 “Lemon, it’s Monday,” Yoongi deadpanned. You chuckled and took a sip of your drink.
 “So, I hear you guys are planning a Halloween party this Saturday,” you mention, hoping this is an appropriate topic of conversation. “Did my invite get lost in the mail?” you joke, comfortable enough to rib them a little.
 An awkward silence settled over the table, and you started to second guess yourself. “Y/N-ah, we would love for you to come,” Hobi started, sounding unsure. “You’re one of our closest friends, but we know you aren’t into super huge, loud parties, and it could get a little wild…” he trailed off.
 Yoongi cut in. “It might be better for you to come celebrate with us on Friday-Joon is having a séance to celebrate Samhain. He’s convinced that it will be easier to communicate with spirits, since it symbolizes the arrival of the darker half of the year.”  You struggle to figure out whether he is joking or serious- he always talks in the same deep monotone, no matter what. Like he’s experienced a thousand years of boredom, or something.
 “Jungkookie also told me that the football team is having bonfires on Friday too, which could be fun for you,” a voice from behind you chips in. “He mentioned that he hoped you would come.” Yoongi and Hoseok seem unsurprised, but you jump when you find Jin’s arm on the back of your chair as he settles into his own, which is far too close for comfort.  You try to put a little more distance between the two of you, but there’s not much room and his shoulders are illegally broad. He’s wearing his glasses, a black turtleneck, and a camel-colored wool jacket. You’re glad that the café is always a bit drafty, or you might have overheated just looking at him. He gives you a strange look, and for a brief moment, you are worried that he can hear your thoughts. 
“So I can’t party with you guys, but I should crash a football party? Where I know literally only one person? You guys are giving Jimin and Tae a run for their money in the weirdness department.” You sigh and run your hand through your hair. “I’m going to go to class. See you guys this weekend, hopefully.”
You try not to be too petty, but why are they all being so weird about this? You literally hang out all the time. Maybe you were just tagging along in Jimin’s friend group and they put up with you but didn’t really like you. You hated feeling this insecure, but what could you do when your favorite people didn’t want to hang out on one of the main social weekends? The day dragged by, and when you met Joon in the library for your tutoring session, he must have seen immediately from your face that something was wrong. Even though the party itself wasn’t that big of a deal, the fact that it was playing on larger insecurities meant that he had to listen to you cry, and he hugged you, patting your head and rubbing circles in your back.
“Y/N, sweetie, don’t doubt that they like you. They love you. They just want you to be happy and safe on a night that is known for being crazy,” he said, his rhythmic voice calming you down.
“But Joon,” you sniff, “isn’t it my choice? Don’t they respect me as a person with agency? I’m not theirs to protect, and I’m capable of making my own choices.”
“Of course, Y/N-ah. But if you thought any of us were in danger, wouldn’t you try to dissuade us?” 
“In danger?” you scoff, sadness dissipating and anger returning. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic? Our campus may be big, but we still all mostly know each other, and there is a sense of community. Plus, you know they amp up campus security this weekend anyway.”
Joon had an unreadable look on his face. He was so logical, calm and collected, and knew how to explain things clearly. So his vagueness was confusing to you.
“Halloween, All Hallows Eve, All Saints Eve, All Hallow tide, Samhain, the equinox: call it what you will, but it is the start of the darker half of the year. Various world religions acknowledge it as a time to placate spirits and to celebrate the dead, and you don’t know what else could be out there that night.”
Your eyes turned to saucers in disbelief. “Who are you? What have you done with the ever logical, scientific, there-is-an-explanation for everything friend that I know and love?” You pack up your books. “Sorry, Joon, but I don’t think I have it in me to listen to more bullshit reasons about why my friends don’t want to hang out with me. I’ll see you later.”
 “But Y/N-ah, we haven’t even studied at all,” Namjoon’s voice echoes after you, but you are already halfway out the door and headed to the hall. You head directly back to your dorm room, lock the door (you have zero energy for Jimin or Tae today), and brew yourself some calming tea. You turn on a meditation channel on YouTube and try to cleanse your mind of the toxic thoughts that have been haunting you all day. You finish and decide to burn some incense, hoping that it will add to the calming atmosphere. You settle into bed, in an oversized well-loved hoody, and in a pair of boxers from who knows where. A knock at your door makes some of the calmness you worked so hard for evaporate.
 “WHAT. If you’re Jimin, I don’t want to see you tonight. If you’re Tae, I don’t want to see you tonight. Actually, if you’re Jin, Namjoon, Hobi or Yoongi, I also don’t want to see you tonight.”
 “What if I’m Jungkook?”  a quiet voice asks. You debate in your bed a moment longer, before getting up. When you open the door, he flinches back.
 “Looking that rough, eh?” you laugh. “It’s kind of been a shitty day, so spare me your judgement.”
 “No, noona, I would never think that,” he stumbles over his words. “What were you burning in here? It smells disgusting. It’s making my skin crawl.” You move to the side, but he says in the doorway.
 “It’s supposed to be cleansing, and to keep away negative energies.  I went to a pagan supplier somewhere and it was given to me.” The door is still open, but Jungkook remains in the hallway.
 “Are you waiting for an official invitation or something? Come in.” you climb back into bed. Jungkook does enter, but lingers by the door, looking any minute like he’ll make a run for it.
 “Just wanted to make sure you know about the party on Friday night,” he mumbles. “The football team is having a bonfire party, and I’d love for you to come with. It would make it less lame.”
 “Wow, you’re really selling me on this…” you mutter into your pillow.
“Come on, noona. You hang out with Jimin and Tae all the time, I see you with Namjoon in the library 24/7, and just this morning I saw you, Hobi, Yoongi and Jin at the coffee shop as I was on my way back from practice. How come we’re the only ones who never hang out together?”
You debate answering Because you’re acting like a little shit right now, but instead settle on “Stalker much? But fine, I’ll see you Friday night.” He practically jumps on your bed and tackles you into a hug. “It will be so fun, noona! Be sure to wear your best flannel shirt. Or I can let you borrow one of mine!” He sounds far too pleased at this, so you kick him out of your bed and guide him back to the door. “Alright young man, back to bed. Noona needs her sleep.” Though he could easily stop you, he lets you lead him out the door, where you wave as he walks down the hall. 
Tuesday morning comes, and you are awakened by another unpleasant surprise. Mother Nature has decided to pay you an unwelcome visit. You stumble to your small en-suite bathroom, looking for your stash of supplies. Your hair is sticking everywhere, and you feel bloated and gross. You opt for one of Jimin’s old oversized sweatshirts that he has left behind, and your comfiest pair of yoga pants, and your black Converse. You throw your hair up and debate staying home from class, but decide it’s not that bad, yet. You are definitely craving some kind of carbs, and know you will need caffeine to get you through the day. You decide you will buy another three-shot latte, and possibly a blueberry muffin. You grab your bag, and head out the door, only to run directly into Jimin. 
“Yah, you scared the shit out of me,” you say, heart pounding loudly. “What are you doing lurking outside my door?”
Jimin pouted, sticking out his lower lip more than was strictly necessary. “I didn’t even get to see you yesterday, and this is how you treat me? Can’t I want to grab a coffee with my best friend-hey, is that my sweatshirt?”
 “Possession is three-fourths of the law,” you say simply, locking your door.
 20 minutes later your dreams of a muffin and coffee have come true, and you and Jimin have snagged the much-coveted table near the bay window. It seems like today will be better than yesterday. Jungkook passes by the café, waving as he walks by. He has his gym bag, so you can only assume that he is on his way to practice. His eyes pan over you and his expression changes. He and Jimin exchange a look, and mochi Jimin is gone. His face settles into a smirk as he watches the freshman continue on his way.
 “You know, I think you should keep that sweatshirt. It looks way better on you than it does on me,” he winks, getting up to throw out your trash.
 You scoff at his sudden grease. “Yes, because looking good is what I was going for when I got dressed in my athleisure chic this morning.”
 “I’m serious right now, Y/N,” he intones, moving closer. For half a second, you feel entranced by his gaze, but then you blink and the moment passes. You wonder if you’ve imagined it, or if it’s your hormones running rampant.  You are not ready for this weirdness from your childhood friend, so you push past him and head out the door, waving back without a second glance. You hear his quiet laughter before the door swings shut, so you know he’s not too offended by your brusque exit.
The rest of the week passes quickly, and though you are still kind of salty about Saturday’s party, you’ve decided that you will deal with it when the time comes. Your entire friend group has been extra attentive the entire week, so you feel your icy anger melting away. Maybe they are just being overly protective. Which still isn’t cool, but at least they’re not shunning you. It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re wondering how long you have until you need to leave your bed and get ready. But if you’re going to the party with Jungkook’s football friends, you need to make a good first impression.
 While you’re not sure what to expect from the bonfire, you heard from some classmates that it is a costume party. You want to be comfy, since it’s outside, but Halloween is a big deal. You decide on a red dress, black tights and sneakers, and some devil horns. You do your makeup as dramatic as possible, opting for a red lip and smoky eye at the same time. Simple, but dramatic.
 Jungkook shows up later, dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans. Just as you’re starting to feel insecure about being overdressed, he compliments how good you look.
 “Your alter ego makes an appearance,” he smirks, looking at the devil horns.
 “All good superheroes need one,” you shoot back. “What about you? Any alter egos I’ll be seeing tonight?”
 His smile lessens into a grimace. “Let’s hope not. It’s too soon for that.”
 You arrive to the scene of the bonfire, and before you can ask him what he meant, his teammates are jostling him and shoving drinks at the two of you. You crack your beer open, and settle onto a bale of hay that has been arranged in a ring around the fire. They really went all out with the theme. You look up at the stars, and notice how full the moon looks. Despite your hippie tendencies, you are not one for astrology, but it seems foreboding. You take another sip of your beer. Jungkook sits down next to you, own beer in hand.
 You were worried that the night would be awkward, since the two of you rarely hang out without the rest of your group, but he has you laughing the whole time. Whether it’s the fire or the beer, you can’t tell, but your face feels warm and you find yourself staring at his mouth as he talks. His own eyes seem to be drifting downward, and linger on your neck. Though you like Jungkook only as a friend, you start to wonder what this moment would be like if Jin were here. A girl can dream, right? You laugh at your own absurdity. He’s probably at a posh club somewhere-well, as posh as our college town can be. Or home for the weekend, or busy modeling turtlenecks or staring at his reflection in the mirror somewhere. You don’t think he’s quite that narcissistic, but frankly you wouldn’t blame him if he were.
 You and Jungkook slowly drift off from the rest of the party, and into the quiet woods that surround the clearing.  Before you can even process what is happening, the two of you are kissing frantically. Though you had just reminded yourself that he was your friend, you have to admit that he is a phenomenal kisser.
 “I can’t believe this is actually happening-I’ve liked you for so long.” he mumbles, lips crashing against your own. You’re flattered to say the least, but how do you kindly tell someone that these are just meaningless, drunk kisses between friends? So you say nothing.
 Your hands are in his hair, as peppers kisses along your collarbones. Right as you’re about to tell him not to leave any marks, you feel teeth against your skin. He glances up, eyes, glowing, but you convince yourself it is just the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. You shiver slightly. This isn’t something you’re usually into, but what harm could it do?
The answer, as it turns out, at least in this particular case, is a lot.
 It is Jin, who finds you a few hours later, curled up at the base of a tree, shivering from both cold and fear. In the back of your mind, you know that you would be embarrassed by him seeing you like this, but you are beyond caring. All you can focus on are the glowing eyes, and the image of razor sharp, bloodstained teeth. Not to mention the blinding pain in your neck. It doesn’t seem to be subsiding, and the small, logical part of your brain is surprised that you haven’t passed out yet. You can feel wetness trickling down the side of your torso, down your arm, and to your fingers, and you idly wonder how much blood someone can lose before it becomes a medical emergency.
 Jin moves slowly, so as not to startle you, but you still flinch when he drapes his coat around you. His face, which is fading in and out of focus, looms closer.
 “Shit, Y/N, stay with me, please,” his voice sounds frantic. You flinch back again at the sound of his voice, and at his sudden closeness. “Don’t be scared, I promise I’ll keep you safe. You have my word.” His hands are placed gently on either side of your face, forcing you to look into his eyes. It looks like his eyes flash, lighting up briefly as he says those words, but you are so far gone it is hard to tell. The longer you look into his eyes, the heavier your limbs become, and soon you fade off into oblivion, something you would have thought to be impossible just a few moments before.  
 You feel someone pick you up, and it feels like you are floating. You are set down on something soft, and you can hear voices, but they sound like they are under water.
 “Joon, that bastard chewed the shit out of her. He didn’t even seal the wound. By the time I found her, she had half bled out. I don’t know if she’ll make it-you have to save her! As the leader of the coven, you’re the only one with enough self-control to pull it off.” It sounds like Jin, but you’ve never heard him so agitated in real life. It must be a dream.
 A pause, and then a sigh. “I’m not sure I should. I’d be condemning her to an eternity with us. She would have to see the people that did this to her every day for the rest of her ‘life.’ You know that the survival rate is low for those who are turned, and she wouldn’t have the family support that those of us who were born with this…condition… have.” Namjoon’s voice sounded deliberative.
“Joon, you have to do this! For me. I won’t ask for anything ever again, I swear. But I promised her that I would keep her safe. I made an oath. I will be her family.” This must be a dream-Jin would never be so heavy and serious. The campus flirt? When you wake up, you will 100% do a dream analysis to figure out what this all means. There is silence again, and you begin to drift back off.
 “Yah, there isn’t much time! You can hear her heartbeat slowing.”
 An exasperated huff- “Fine, but you will take full responsibility. Call Yoongi and Hoseok to stabilize her while I do this.”
 After a few moments, you feel cool, strong hands on your arms and legs. Before you can ponder who they belong to, the white-hot burning in your neck explodes into a supernova, and your screams block out everything else.
A/N 3: Ahh what is this? I’m scared to put it out into the world, but I hope you all like it! 
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Drunken Tiger-Monster 
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