#yall need to leave ppl alone tho
robloart · 25 days
Really wish y'all would realize masc4masc isn't some revolutionary concept. U are not more queer for liking ur gay ships both masc and no one is a fetishizer if they like fem/masc couples or if they like the bottom smaller/slighter or some shit. No it's not superimposing heterosexuality onto queer ships bc y'all are literally implying that fem gay men aren't men that fem/masc gay couples are somehow more accepted or more heteronormative than masc4masc. Bc wtf do y'all mean "the girl in the relationship" they're both fucking men??? Y'all have these discussions that lack any nuance and always assuming the ppl who like these ships are straight women who are so "uncomfortable with masculine men" nigga what????? Just a bunch of close minded annoying weirdos who get all their opinion from Twitter and probably uses the word fujoshi like a slur. Like omg shut up let ppl like what they like. Also I think ppl should examine all of the things they like but examining ur interests doesn't mean that the like for those things disappears u can still like the things I like while having fully understood why u like them good or bad. Y'all so one dimensional I swear. I wish all fem twink/masc lovers a good ship whatever u want 🤗
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