#yandere Dell congaher
Howdy! I hope that you are doing well! I was wondering if I could request yandere engie (tf2) who is trying to get his s/o used to physical contact such as hand holding etc.
Yes, of course!
Yandere engineer x reader physical contact
Tw: past kidnapping, gaslighting, threats, vague sexual undertones, forced affection, one forced kiss, invasion of privacy. Dead Dove DNE
If you want a slightly lighter version lmk
Dell was tired, more tired than he’d been in a while. While he loved you more than anything you’d been more skittish lately. He never knew you’d take a hit this hard, he understood that he kidnapped you. He wasn’t that crazy, he understood that was difficult to cope with. But you had to learn at some point that you were gonna be with him from now on. Which meant at some point, you’d have to give him affection.
He knew that right now you didn’t care about him as a partner. You’d told him several times prior you loved him as a friend, but if you could be friends you could be partners. Dell stuck to that idea with his whole chest. He didn’t need a fancy chart or nothing to tell him that. The one thing racing through this bulldogs mind was the need for contact.
You refused to come out of your room.
He’d given you enough space to come out on your own where he waited at the end of the hallway. When you moved to duck back into your room he stopped you with a whistle.
“Where you think you’re going silly thing?” You frowned at the ground, trying not to look him in the eye. He stepped forward now, threat clear in his posture.
You had to answer.
“I forgot my journal.”
“No you didnt.”
“Why do you think-“ you tried to snap before you closed your own mouth. From the satchel on his belt he procured a notebook. He opened the pages and leaned against a wall.
“Journal entry one,
Today I met the handsomest man in New Mexico. Which isn’t much to say considering I don’t have a very high opinion of anyone else. I think he’s faking the whole accent for the ladies around, but aside from that I find him.”
He smirked evily at your shocked expression.
You lunged at him with no semblance of thought. The hidden need for privacy rearing it’s ugly head, and your lack of thought is what led you straight into Dells arms.
He dropped the book and stepped a bit to the side in an instant. His cheeky grin grew wider as he felt you come into contact with his elbow. The moment he did, he stepped behind you and constructed you. Effectively trapping you against him.
You bucked up frantically, only realizing your mistake as you felt his muscles press into your midsection. The way he was holding you felt bruising and too intimate. You thrust yourself down to now avail. He laughed in amusement before placing a small trail of kisses from your ear to your shoulder.
You whined in fear at his next move but all he did was steadily waddle the two of you to the living room.
“All that fuss over a diary honey?” He asked in a tone free of condensention. Though you imagined he made it sound that was to pretend like he cared. You couldn’t move on your own now. It dawned on you that your feet weren’t touching the ground.
“Bet it’s kinda silly, goin’ through all that hard work only to end up back in my arms? Down you go!” He set you down flat on the ground and before you could run he grabbed your hand.
The speed in which his gloved hand shot towards you hurt your fingers and you were almost certain he broke something. You held back a sob and a gasp of shock as he spun and dipped you over the edge of the couch.
In a desperate attempt to plead with him not to do what you assumed he was going to you backed up.
Dell held his hands up, big brown eyes showing clear offense at the mention of it.
“Whoa now honey, I never claimed to want and do that now.” You breathed heavily, not believing him for a second. He must’ve liked the game. At any second now he’d pounce.
“I’ll even sit on the other end of the couch.”
And so he did. On the opposite end of the room he sat, and he sat comfortably.
His legs were spread, presenting his lap freely. His arm lay on the armrest and the other on his thigh. He smiled at you like he used to.
You’d sat on his lap before but now that you knew the context you wanted to vomit.
“I’ll kill you.”
“You keep telling yourself that sugar. You’re stuck here without me, without a key to the outside, nor any other friends in the world. Ones that care- anyway.”
His voice got darker.
“So you better make a darn good choice about your next few actions.”
He was glaring now.
You wanted to sit up, but fear kept you down on the sofa.
“You’re going to let me leave if I want to right?”
“You ain’t in the position to bargain with me sug’ I’ll decide when you leave.” There was the condescending tone.
You resigned yourself, sliding off the couch that in any other circumstance wouldn’t have seemed submissive, and rather it would’ve been funny.
You tried to lighten the mood as you crawled your way over. You couldn’t get your legs to work.
“You remember a similar time at Kaseys?” He smiled warmly at the botched attempt at connection. He indulged you with a hand to help you up on his lap.
“You mean when you spilled wine all over yourself and to not get it on her sofa slid onto her tile?”
“Yeah” You chuckled awkwardly, throwing your leg around his thick thighs. Ending up only being able to sit on one with a bit of discomfort.
“When you had to take off your shirt in front of everyone because it was wet and you were drunk” he pushed your back so you were chest to chest. Your chin rested on his shoulder and his other arm (gunslinger) came around your hips.
“When I had to tell the folk to clear the room so I could get the mess sorted.”
“I-“ you wanted to ask him to stop going on. It was embarrassing. But the embarrassment made you forget the situation.
He squeezed you teasingly, reminding you of that night.
“The night you pressed against me and asked me if I’d marry you?”
You used what little strength you had to push yourself away, opting to refute before you saw his expression. He took your hands in his and stared at you earnestly.
“And if I am gong to be honest my dear, I would not want a single thing more than that.”
He pressed a surprise kiss to your lips. An action not appreciated, as you bit him hard. He only groaned against it. You flipped shit and ran, pushing him away by his face, and barreling to your room.
You slammed the door and let the tears run down freely. But he didn’t come after you.
He just smiled and sat back.
That was painful.
But it was progress.
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yandere emesis blue tho.. 😭 imagine you as a random citizen just get thrown in the mix
This is such a hilarious idea actually, I mean- in its own respect it’s horrifying!
They’re on a preset destiny and they are STILL going on about “What if I need them?!”
Babygirls, yall’re doomed by the narrative.
Characters: Conagher Brothers (Platonic), Dell himself, spy, soldier, medic
Tw: Yandere stuff, killing, time loops, feelings of general insanity, stalking and harassment, delusions, gaslighting?, bugging, mentions of skinning, incel vibes radiating off of spy.
Congaher brothers: Zed and Maynard love their younger brother, so of course when they’re told to get close enough with you they do so willingly. Though they aren’t expecting to get attached themselves. They genuinely approve of their brothers choice and make a point to try and hint at him. They fight for your attention a LOT. Which is difficult to get considering their predicament. But they gotta act fast because they know when Dell is gonna need you. Its gonna have to take some convincing from Maynard because Zed is too childish and whiny about you refusing to go. Maynard suggests that the ‘attraction’ they run is owned by their brother and you should go. They feel bad when they have to kill you and go on. They feel really bad, especially because what they were told to do was to make sure your conscious only was ran through the respawn. They however, refuse because it��s ducking rude Dell should have you only to himself. Becomes sort of a Persephone situation.
Dell: Dell can’t find himself getting mad at his brothers for getting attached, though this does mean he makes targeted alterations to the timeline. Some key to getting you near him. You’ve seen him in ‘dreams’ from what he can gather. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t pleased with the look of fear on your face, as collected as he is he can’t deny himself that satisfaction. You talk to him more through ‘dreams’ and he’s proud that he’s been able to make you laugh on more than one occasion. He knows what he can do to get you through the respawn machine but here… here he can build a solid connection with you without infringing on his brothers time to build a platonic bond. He’s proud to have strategized this, and he knows when y’all get together, for eternity that you’ll thank him.
Medic: Medic himself is not amused with the situation he finds himself in. A person deciding to follow him around after he’s done with his job, en route constantly asking him about his day. But as he notices more, as the loop continues he noticed you more. He noticed how you’d always smile with brilliance. How you always remarked him so happily, even though he felt he didn’t deserve it. And what would happen if he just decided to- keep you? To keep tapes, to keep mementos. He’d get this violent itch, to wear your skin against his. To dance with you in the night but in the end, when your image flashed across his eyes he couldn’t. He couldn’t even fathom why he would do that. Or think that even. It’s creepy to you when at the same time a man who looks like your perfect stranger wreaks havoc on your streets, a flash appears outside your window. Something bright blue, almost neon. Then you hear on the news that your stranger was found dead.
Soldier: He’s an idiot when it comes to love but never to passion. He notices the familiarity you have. Rinse and repeat he can count on you giving him the order of the most eventful day of his life. He doesn’t know that of course. He keeps a small picture he was able to convince you to take with him. He keeps it in a band under his helmet. He loves the way you do everything, and he counts on you to make his morning more livable. He, having served in the Second World War just wants that stagnant comfort. You remind him of everything good. And that’s why he gets the exact same thing you recommended the first time he can to you. Coffee black, with one cream. Sausage Gravy and flaky biscuits, with fried chickens, and fruit. He memorizes it, and he carrys your voice like an anthem. (Going as far as to hide a Walkie-Talkie talkie in your house so he can tell what you’re doing when you get home.) he’s most calm when he can hear you breathe.
Spy: Jacques believed he was entitled to you before he even started working with Jane. He’d always seen you walking and constantly tried to woo you to no avail. He eventually decided he’d become very pissy with you when not offered sufficent attention. He’d become very very outspoken about his rejection, going so far as to track you til you threatened to tell the police. Not caring he’d advance till he managed to find where you lived. If you tried to change the place you’d stay it would only put you closer to him. And he liked it that way. Until he didn’t, until you started to feel off as well. The same song and dance skipped over and repeated and then where it ended it would start again. You’d change a tactic and he would ensure your day was hell until the day rewound.
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