#yandere bishop heket
yanderes-galore · 2 months
Okay but imagine The Bishops Of The Old Faith having a darling and sharing them... That's my concept idea, thank you! :D
This'll probably be short due to the amount of characters but I'd love to experiment with this :) Idk if you wanted Narinder or not, but I included some sections with him.
Yandere! Bishops of The Old Faith General Concept/Idea
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Harem
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Cults/Religious themes, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Isolation, Disturbing descriptions, Blood, Sacrifices, Violence, Forced companionship/relationship.
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For this concept I imagine maybe you're some sort of companion/messenger for the Bishops.
Leshy is the youngest, the chaotic and egotistical ruler of Darkwood.
Heket is the sister of the Bishops, the cruel Bishop of Anura and a deity of famine.
Kallamar is the cowardly ruler of Anchordeep, always submissive to his fellow Bishops... he is a deity of pestilence.
Shamura is the wise yet surprisingly sympathetic ruler of Silk Cradle and deity of war.
Lastly there's Narinder, The One Who Waits, a sadistic/cruel deity of death who betrayed his siblings long ago... he resides in the afterlife but originally had a temple of his own.
Despite this... I HC Narinder was once loving towards his siblings and followers.
The Bishops of The Old Faith are powerful beings due to their crowns.
They are some of the last surviving gods in these realms.
You are a servant of The Old Faith, am enchanted mortal who serves the Bishops.
You have been given a prolonged lifespan... but are still vulnerable to death by other means.
As a servant, you have grown a bond with the Bishops.
Leshy often looks forward to your presence in Darkwood, welcoming you into his temple and growing gardens of flowers for you to enjoy.
As egotistical as he is, the young Bishop adores yours presence.
Heket often orders followers offer food to her so she can prepare feasts for her beloved friend and servant in Anura.
She warms up to you, as you are well loved servant of her siblings.
Kallamar shows giddy excitement when you visit Anchordeep, often supplying you medicine with Leshy's help if you need it.
Kallamar even enjoys creating trinkets from crystals to give you.
Shamura welcomes you to Silk Cradle with a fanged grin, soothing your mind with wise tales as you sit in a silk hammock.
They do hope their siblings have treated you well...
Narinder often invites you to his temple to help tend to the dead and wish them off to the afterlife.
Narinder is the one who has blessed you with a long lifespan... but he wishes he could make you fully immortal to all wounds.
Each Bishop loves you deeply, sharing you amongst themselves as you roam the regions.
Their bond with you often causes fights.
The typical sort of siblings fights... right up until Narinder's betrayal, at least.
For the most part they work together to care for their dear servant.
Followers who do not respect you are harshly punished by their Bishops.
You are a key figure in their faith, worshipped as the loyal servant of The Old Faith.
Even when Narinder betrays his siblings with differing beliefs, he tries to drag you into his prison to keep you away.
The other Bishops, his siblings, disagreed with such a thought.
Now your time with them is different.
The remaining Bishops are more cautious and overprotective of you.
While Narinder, now known as The One Who Waits, pines for you within his prison.
Leshy holds you close in the gardens of Darkwood, unable to see you due to his gouged eyes.
Heket keeps you fed, but conversation becomes harder for her.
Kallamar is now even more fearful than ever, hearing dulled due to Narinder's torment... he never wishes to let you go and begs you to stay with many crystal gifts.
Shamura is now less sane, yet still wise... always speaking in riddles and keeping you wrapped away in Silk Cradle for long periods of time.
The remaining Bishops keep you under close watch, protective yet thankful Narinder never got his claws on you.
Meanwhile Narinder plots his escape... planning to have his revenge for being imprisoned.
As lamb after lamb is slaughtered... growing fear makes the Bishops' obsession worse.
Your freedoms are restricted the longer things go on...
Soon your only relief may be Narinder's release at the hands of The Lamb.
Only then will your ties with Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura will be lifted...
In exchange for possibly an even worse beast... changed from his previous self due to years of imprisonment.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Do you do yandere cult of the lamb? If so can we have a one shot of platonic yandere bishops (including Narinder, before the betrayal) x gn!bishop!reader? The reader can either be the oldest or the youngest but they're still old like the bishops
As the youngest of the Bishops, it became very clear that you weren't going to be taken all that seriously. Or at least that’s how you felt your brethren treated you at first.
Your crown, as it did for all its bearers, gifted you with unfathomable divine power--the power of Life, in your case. From that blossomed your own beautiful realm and a legion of followers who were eternally loyal to your cause. 
So you shouldn't need any "extra protection". Yet the Bishops always watched you like a couple of hawks, intruding into your temple often without reason. All the wile, you noticed each of their peculiar behaviors towards you specifically..and nobody else.
For instance, one evening Leshy had the gall to interrupt one of your sermons....just to ask if you knew how to perform a Sacrifice of the Flesh ritual.
For Great One's sake! He thought you didn’t know the most basic of rituals in all the lands?! 
You felt outright insulted and scorned your elder brother for assuming such things, shooing him away from your temple.
The next morning, you visited your devotion statue and saw a bouquet of camelia flowers laid down in front of it--freshly picked from Darkwood’s finest gardens. Not only that, but there was also a stack of gifts for your followers.
It was an odd yet sweet gesture from Leshy. So you accepted his apology, believing that maybe you’ve been too harsh on him.
Then one day you received news that one of your most devoted followers was kidnapped in the middle of the night--by Kallamar’s own followers.
You knew him a coward, but to do something like this was appalling. The lowest of lows. So you stormed his temple in anger, demanding for their release.
Yet...the squid seemed happy to see you, smiling as he welcomed you despite the fact he clearly pissed you off. But it turns out that he only wanted to talk to you about exchanging doctrines, but didn’t know how else to approach you.
So he ordered his cultists to kidnap your follower to lure you into Anchordeep. And he’s elated to see that it worked! You came for him!
As an apology for angering you, he made those same cultists become violently ill and blessed your follower with good health for the rest of their life. You just scowled at him and quickly left for home with them in tow, insisting that he didn’t use them like that ever again.
Then Heket, the typically arrogant frog bishop, was actually quite sweet to you. Alhough you’d much rather see her true hardiness than this fake persona she puts on specifically in your presence, you don’t complain.
When she overheard your followers were struggling with growing food this season, she took pity and blessed your entire realm with bountiful yields. Every farm plot grew twice as fast.
She hasn't said a word about it, and while you felt like it insinuated that you weren't capable of solving your own food crises..you were grateful for her rare generosity.
Shamura, ever the wiser, suggested a fighting ritual between two of your treasured followers--both of whom desire the title of Witness. Their constant bickering only created rifts in your cult, disrupted sermons, and generally upset you whenever you tried speaking to either of them.
You firmly taught resolution in conversations, negotiations, and forgiveness..no way could you see blood spilt on your temple grounds!
But despite your protests, Shamura had foreseen more disarray within your cult. This was a problem that you could likely ignore, but they couldn’t for some reason. And so they took possession over those two followers one night, filling them with the spirit of warriors, and had them duel to the death for your approval.
It left you horrified, but you did bless the winner with that title, appeasing the eldest of the Bishops.
Narinder was the last in the pattern. Despite being judge, jury, and executioner of all souls who eventually meet him...he actually asked you to decide where the dearly-departed from your cult deserved to be.
He claims it would be “unfair” if he didn’t have your honest opinion. But you objected his request.
Isn’t it his job to make that choice so you and the other Bishops didn’t have to? He was Death, you weren’t, and for him to be influenced by your judgement would surely upset the balance of nature. Of the duties of Bishops.
Why should he put that burden on you? You’ve dealt with the “life” aspect of these souls..so it should be his turn, right?
It didn’t make sense.
None of the Bishops’ actions made sense, you soon realized.
Feeling lost, you sought guidance from Haro. He was quite the enigmatic bird, yet he had a unique connection with your family--ever elusive while simultaneously all-knowing.
You asked him about the behaviors of the others. Why did they act so strange and obsessive over you? To the point of infatuation or committing heinous acts upon your followers or theirs? Was this all just for a minute of your attention?
He revealed to you that a prophecy called for a young Bishop who was fated to keep the balance of Life in the lands. But apparently many “false gods” claimed to be you, and were among the thousands slaughtered until only one remained:
You. The one true god of Life.
Knowing you were finally found, they were swift to take you under their wing, wanting to shelter you from the same mistakes they made growing up. And they did all they could to keep you happy..keep you reliant on them so you didn’t get hurt.
It seems a prophecy indeed drove them mad. 
And as Haro flew away into the night sky, you gained a better understanding of the Bishops you called family.
But it also left you uneasy, realizing they could use this against you.
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by-glass-and-waves · 1 year
IM LOVING UR FANFIC SO FAR omfg your latest chapter (how i found the fic too) was SO LOVLEY heket is i think my favorite bishop of the old faith, my beloved hungry anger lady, i love how you wrote her out and her little bit in the story, its lovely i'd imagine her being suuuper brash, and it feels like you kinda portrayed that aspect & i am living for it the relationship between lamb and narinder is exceptional as well, i am adoring the dynamic and what you've written so far, you're making really wonderful work it gives me so much serotonin -cata
ohhhhh thanks for enjoying it!!!
It was super difficult trying to figure out Heket tbh and I don't know why like I think other portrayals showed her as a badass bitch Bishop tired of everyone's shit?? I'm thinking she's a badass bitch Bishop and she knows it cause she will flaunt how good she is and that's why the others defer to her (and Shamura)
actually you know what maybe she's like one of those people who are like "yeah I am fucking GOOD, maybe you'll be like me if you strictly follow x routine" or something
I hope I'm not too soap opera with Narinder and Lamb but the insidious yandere instead of straight up getting into his pants is the way to go
she gotta take care getting into those pants because she got him fancy ones
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
yandere lamb with a bishop darling?
I can try my hand at this, sure! I really want to write more for this game but no one requests it :')
Yandere! The Lamb with Bishop! Darling
(FT. Yandere! Platonic! Narinder/TOWW)
Pairing: Romantic (The Lamb)/Platonic (Narinder/TOWW)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Worship yandere, Cults, Violence/Murder, Dubious relationship.
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The Bishops are deities worshipped in the Old Faith.
The religion itself is cruel and inhumane, often requiring sacrifices of unwilling subjects.
The Bishops themselves, your siblings, could be considered cruel themselves.
Narinder, Bishop of Death, was sealed away after harming his siblings, you yourself may even have an injury from him too.
Leshy, the Bishop of Chaos, has always been too arrogant of his power.
Heket, the Bishop of Famine, is often aggressive and brings hunger to her followers.
Kallamar, Bishop of Pestilence, is a coward who brings sickness to his followers and fails to lead them.
Shamura, Bishop of War, often forced obedience through mind control.
Compared to your siblings and this religion, you could be a Bishop in two ways.
Perhaps you're better than them, the hope the followers need to continue suffering under the others.
Or maybe you're just as bad as your siblings?
(I'm biased to you being some sort of Bishop of Hope and Radiance yet you can be anything you want)
The point is, The Lamb may want to worship a Bishop! Darling.
Sure, they are meant to worship Narinder to free him... meaning they may have to slay you.
But The Lamb can't bring themselves to!
Even more so if you genuinely care for your followers.
I feel what would make this story even more intense is if Narinder was attached to you as his sibling.
That way he'd probably ask The Lamb to spare you, to force you into a messenger of the new cult.
After all, the other four betrayed him...
Not you.
Honestly just the thought of The Lamb trying to appease you is adorable.
Narinder prefers sacrifices, so The Lamb tries to pick followers they think you'll like.
You're given gold as wealth and often given gifts.
Even if The Lamb had to slay you, they'd probably bring you back to make you a follower.
The Lamb's obsession is only encouraged if Narinder likes you.
Narinder trusts The Lamb to convert you and your followers... along with treating you well.
To you, you may even find The Lamb's attempts at worship and maybe even courtship cute.
They bleat towards you before offering you gifts.
They conduct sermons about you and Narinder.
You're often depicted as the sibling of TOWW and are worshipped as such.
Anything romantic would be sort of strange unless you were made a follower.
The Lamb's romantic attractions towards you while you're still a deity may be more akin to someone saying they "love God" or something similar.
They love you and devote themselves to you.
Narinder, your brother, may even see The Lamb as a connection you two share.
A temporary connection... as TOWW has plans to ditch The Lamb once he is free.
You may see The Lamb as a follower of your own... or maybe even a pet.
You often speak to The Lamb, asking how their conquest is going.
You are aware of what they must do... it's bittersweet.
On one hand, your siblings (and maybe you) had it coming.
On the other hand... you wish none of this has to happen.
The Lamb tries to distract you from your mourning.
As Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura fall... The Lamb tries to comfort you.
You try not to blame the pawn too much....
They are Narinder's form of punishment.
Lambs should never have been targeted in the first place after all.
It was foolish to think Narinder would never return.
As a result, you are in acceptance of your fate.
You accept The Lamb's offerings and bless them on their journeys.
You aren't sure how things will go when Narinder returns.
From what you hear, the Bishop of Death seems eager to see you again.
Part of you fears what's to come, but the others tried to fight it and perished...
So why should you?
The Lamb is often the one to pull you from your thoughts.
They come back from their crusades all proud and happy.
They always come to see you at your land and at the cult.
Knowing you can't fight the return of your brother, you aid his pawn.
His pawn, The Lamb, appears to adore you just as much.
The Lamb isn't entirely an intense yandere when you're a Bishop.
They come to see you often and try to follow where you go.
They only wish to worship you alongside your remaining brother!
You are wise enough to know you can't fight fate compared to your siblings...
So you accept The Lamb's offerings and adoration... which includes all of their love.
You wonder if Narinder will spare The Lamb once he comes back to rule yet again.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
What about some platonic concepts for Kallamar where the reader worships him?
Tumblr crashed and annihilated my draft so guess I'll die 🤷‍♀️ I am trying again like weeks later, lol.
Yandere! Platonic! Kallamar with Follower! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Religious themes (Cults), Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Some threats, Controlling behavior, Sacrifices mentioned, Kallamar makes you sick on purpose, Jealousy, Forced companionship.
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Kallamar is the most cowardly of his siblings.
He is the Bishop of Anchordeep and a harbinger of pestilence.
His followers present sacrifices to him to stay in good health.
You never liked the sacrifice aspect of The Old Faith.
Each Bishop always demanded gifts and sacrifice just so you could thrive.
If you didn't follow through... you became the next sacrifice.
No other religion is permitted, The Bishops of The Old Faith made sure of that.
You are a citizen of Anchordeep, an aquatic realm Kallamar rules over.
You do whatever you can to appease the Bishop, silently hoping he stays merciful.
You gift him crystals, gold, and food.
You tend to stay away from the sacrifice practice.
The idea of it makes you (ironically) ill....
Kallamar sees you enter his temple often.
You always come offering gifts and small chatter.
You really try not to catch the gaze of the Bishop... but when he summons you more often, your fears get worse.
Kallamar finds speaking with you refreshing, truthfully he wants a companion that isn't his siblings.
His siblings always expect things of him.
Leshy is so loud, Heket is so bossy, and Shamura is always so cryptic.
Speaking with a follower such as you makes him feel in control for once.
You are so weak compared to him, shakily giving him gifts.
Kallamar doesn't wish to hurt you, he even finds it amusing that you appear just as scared as him at times.
In a way... a feels you two are similar.
Which makes the Bishop see you as a friend and companion.
While you just wish to stay out of the way, Kallamar wishes to summon you often.
He enjoys your chatter and doesn't mind your gifts.
He often tries to keep you in his temple for as long as you can.
To the point of even bribing you to stay longer.
When you leave he even offers you a parting gift.
Kallamar seems like he'd be clingy towards you.
You're clearly his favorite follower, like it or not.
You still fear Kallamar, even when he gurgles about you and him being companions.
Kallamar could easily make you ill if you angered him.
In fact... maybe he even casts an illness on you to keep you at his temple.
He can cure you of your plague... but you have to stay with him.
Kallamar may even keep you just sick enough to make you rely on him.
You can't go to any other followers for help, no, you must stay with him.
He can ask Leshy for flowers to cure you, or just look after you himself.
But his obsession over his new "friend" mostly culminates in him just keeping you in his temple.
Staying there gives him constant access to you.
He can speak with you, meet with you, at this point he doesn't expect gifts from you anymore.
You and him (in his eyes) have a bond much more valuable than crystals and gold.
You're the best gift he could ever have.
To the point that if you ever managed to flee somehow, Kallamar would order other followers to drag you back for some sort of reward.
Other than that, any follower who tries to speak with you is usually the next sacrifice.
Kallamar is easily jealous
Kallamar would want to hold you, which is an interesting experience.
He's much larger than you and a squid... you can imagine how it feels to embrace him.
If you misbehaved him, he'd make you sicker.
Kallamar definitely uses pestilence to keep you with him.
He adores his little follower companion... the best follower in his area...
You'll never leave him.
He'll make you sick to the point you can't leave him...
Then you'll have to rely on your friend and Bishop for as long as you live.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you write the Yandere Alphabet for Lamb (Cult of the lamb)?
I love that chaotic lamb, Istg- First ever Yandere Alphabet so bear with me!
Alphabet Found Here
Yandere Alphabet - The Lamb
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Religion, Cults, Murder, Sacrifices, Jealousy, Forced relationship, Marriage, Clingy behavior, Rituals, Brainwashing mention, Sadism.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
OH, The Lamb is extremely affectionate. They are shown to give gifts, bless others, and gives kisses to their spouses. The Lamb would definitely get attached to you, a follower of theirs, and be extremely affectionate. You'll be given a Skull Necklace (Improving your lifespan), given extra attention when sick, and given only the best food. Also, expect The Lamb to soon drag you off to a marriage ritual. You'll be given all the kisses. The Lamb is extremely close to their darling and would give you anything in their power to keep you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Does slaying literal Gods count? The Lamb ironically thrives off sacrifice. They'd be willing to get as messy as they need to. Did you like another follower? Even as their spouse? Turns out The Lamb has given them the chance to be the next sacrifice! Were you originally a follower of one of the Bishops? The Lamb feels they've hurt you and slay them in your honor. They'll bring their heart back to the cult on a platter. Aren't you happy? They'd do anything for you!
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Well, abducted just seems like the same as indoctrinate to them. They'd treat you different from all the other followers of theirs. The Lamb feels no need to mock you unless you become a dissenter. If you follow them, you're given the best housing, food, and care. If you refuse to follow them, they'll click you into a prison and reeducate you. In a way you feel as though you're mocked by all the other followers. The Lamb themselves is kind when teaching you their doctrine, promising only the best things for you if you follow them. Who knows how much of it is lies.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
They'd try their best to be patient, but The Lamb feels they know what's best for you. It's an honor for them to give gifts and marriage. No need to question them. Whatever they do for you is the best for you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
They bare almost all of it. They must be caring to the others, but you and them are the heart of this cult. They are very vulnerable towards you. The very second you're threatened by another Bishop, they're seeing red. They don't want Heket to starve you, Kallamar to infect you, or Shamura to turn you against them. If they ever killed you, they'd slaughter them. You'll then be given resurrection later. They can't ever lose you. The Lamb would cry over you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Oh... it's so upsetting you've become a dissenter. It looks like The Lamb will have to put you in a prison after all. They'd feel upset and disappointed if you fought back. Not to worry, however! They'll show you the right way.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Game? They don't entirely consider their love a game. TOWW may think The Lamb chasing their obsession around is funny, but The Lamb does not. They don't like it when you try to leave their cult. Hate it, even. They'd shut that behavior down fast. Even if it takes a brainwashing ritual.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Seeing them kill a follower you enjoyed. They look like they enjoy it as they carve into their flesh. The Lamb feels their sacrifice was needed. They'd try not to hurt you, but you still can't trust them. Another experience would probably be seeing them mad, red eyes and everything.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Marriage! Mostly marriage and having you as their most devoted follower. They want to give you all the kisses and gifts! They want you to live forever with them. The Lamb is very passionate towards their obsession.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Yes they do. They have all the power in this cult so they could totally remove the source of their jealousy easily. The Lamb would hide it as a sacrifice for TOWW, but they know the real motive. Only they can have you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Affectionate. Everyone in the cult knows their leader adores you. The Lamb always comes to you after a crusade, expecting affection. There's only one lamb left in this land. They get lonely at times so their darling is their guilty pleasure. The Lamb would embrace you tightly, smooches and everything. They barely leave your side and are adamant on you participating in every sermon, ritual, and prayer. You mean a lot to them. They'll do everything they can to show that.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Gifts, inspiring you, small things to gain your loyalty. If they can prove to you they'll do anything to love you, then they'll do it. Including slaughter.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, not really. You kind of know what you're getting into.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
They'd put you in one of their prisons usually reserved for dissenters. Don't worry, you can come out when you trust them and they trust you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You'd have freedoms, but there's some exceptions. You can only be intimate with them and you can't leave the cult. It's all The Lamb asks.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As patient as they need to be. Yet they'll get irritated if they are feeling starved of affection.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. They won't allow it. The Lamb will just bring you back. They can with their power. They have rituals and prisons to keep you. You aren't leaving.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope and nope! Your home is with them in their cult!
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
The loneliness of losing their entire species, mostly. There's no doubt the crown and their surroundings encouraged it too. Other than that, they're lonely
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
They feel both irritated and... sad. You are taking longer to like them than the others. You are their most treasured follower and The Lamb doesn't want you sad! They'd stick very close to you, trying to comfort you with the softness of their wool. They may even shed tears alongside you. You'll love them soon... they know it-
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Ehhh... they own a cult and can manipulate you using rituals and their followers. They use a lot of manipulation and abuse their power.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I guess their overly affectionate behavior. There is no weakness, though. Even if you distracted The Lamb, TOWW may tell them what you're up to.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
They'd try not to.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
They prefer it if you worship them, but in a way, they worship you. The Lamb does everything for you, even if they follow TOWW. They're just as dedicated to you as they are with TOWW. If not more, really. They'd do everything within the Red Crown's power to win you over.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Really, there is no snapping. They're pretty much intense all the time.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
With all the manipulation The Lamb does, you'd think you would, right? Yes, they probably would.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
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Sure! I accidentally posted this early 😔 My bad! Doing it now :) Ending a bit weird but I hope I made things work.
Yandere! The Lamb Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Blood, Murder, Cults, Religion, Marriage, Jealousy, Sacrifices, Manipulation
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Sacrifice was what ran this land. No matter your territory, there was sacrifice. Usually always chosen at random, always to a Bishop.
There was Leshy of the grassy Darkwood. Heket of the fungal plagued Anura. Kallamar of the underwater Anchordeep. Lastly, Shamura of the webbed Silk Cradle.
All of them required the lives of their followers. You never enjoyed their rule, but there was no choice. As you lay there in the sacrificial circle, cultist chanting the name of their Bishop, you close your eyes.
All life comes to an end.
You couldn't believe what you heard. Your eyes snap open to see a crowned lamb. In an instant, they slay your captors. With eyes both innocent and powered by the Red Crown, they approach you.
They're diligent with their hands, undoing your bonds and standing in front of you. They have a small smile on their face when you look at them bewildered.
"You... you saved me-"
The lamb bleats, presumably in agreeance. They looked proud of their work.
"I am... grateful for you."
Before you can continue and ask much needed questions, their eyes glow red and you're sent through another circle. Darkness consumes you and you wonder if what they did was better than sacrifice.
You awake on a stone circle and see many faces hard at work. On closer look they all wore red robes. A temple stands in your view along with a large statue. You see many pray before it and look closer.
A statue of a lamb...
Where was the lamb?
Everything stops once you hear the jingle of a bell, a figure walking onto the grounds of where you lay. This was a cult... but one like no other. This was no cult of any Bishop you knew-
You widen your eyes when you see the lamb.... The savior of you from sacrifice and from what it seems, the leader of this cult. The Cult of The Lamb....
Again, they stand before you. The Lamb's eyes softly stare at you, expecting an answer. You quickly find your words.
"Please, savior... let me join your cult. I wish to be safe here."
The Lamb stares more before finally bleating in reply. With a blinding light, you don red robes. Stepping off the circle, you look to The Lamb and know what you must do.
It's time for work.
This was your family. The Lamb, your savior. Anything they did was met with praise. They did well to heal your pain.
Unexpectedly, The Lamb had been sensitive around you. Your strong leader often came to speak, or, bleat... with you. You felt... honored.
You felt you were special. They gave you gifts, necklaces of all kinds. They made the best meals to gain your loyalty. You pushed yourself harder in response.
The Lamb was even sensitive to your sadness. It was as if they could read your mind. The moment they sensed your distressed mind, a bleat is heard behind you.
They knew your pain. They knew, even in this sanctuary, you still feared the Bishop who hurt you. The Lamb... felt they knew what to do.
They comfort you with flower crowns and small gifts. They assure you that they'll protect you. When you're feeling better... they leave.
They come back days later...
The Bishop who hurt you's heart in their bloodied hands.
The sight stuns you at first, the cult wooing at the victory of their leader. You stare wide-eyed at the heart when your leader comes forward. They bleat, tilting their head. They await your approval.
"Thank you... my lamb-"
With an excited bleat, they gesture to the temple Another sermon for their victory.... A sacrifice of a heretic for the cult...
They want you to see it... all in your honor.
A marriage. Bells ring through out the holy wood building and cultists sit patiently. It was a day of comfort, a day of relaxation...
A day where your leader shows just how much they care for you.
Standing in the circle, you feel The Lamb hold your hands/paws. You can barely process the situation before they pull you into their wool, kissing you. A ring is placed on the both of you, the crowd cheers.
The Lamb was your savior... and your spouse.
Ever since they slaughtered your old Bishop, The Lamb has been dedicated. They had been giving you gifts up to this point to show you they care. What other way to say you're theirs than a marriage ceremony.
You thought they did it all for you. They did, but they also had other motives. They wanted to keep you to themselves.
All of your friends had been sacrificed by them. For the greater good, you assumed. You never suspected The Lamb to get rid of them out of jealousy.
They were brutal to the Bishop who hurt you. Not only for The One Who Waits, but for you. Their blade cut them down and they knew they could never hurt you anymore.
To The Lamb, marriage was the best thing for the both of you. You continued to work, the skull necklace around your neck being a promise of long life. Each time after a crusade, The Lamb kisses you softly.
The Lamb is more than your savior. They're your leader, your spouse... you love them. They love you, even sacrificing other followers to keep your attention to themselves.
You are indebted to them....
The One Who Waits laughs at his vessel's attraction. A slayer of Gods yet so vulnerable to this one follower. He wonders their motive.
"Lamb, what is so special about them? Why do you commit such vile acts in their name, not mine? I applaud you... even if your reasoning is so strange."
The chained one thinks The Lamb's experiences with love are funny. Even if when he brings it up, The Lamb pouts. He truly wonders just how far they'd go for you...
In return how far would you go for them?
At The Lamb's upset bleat, the chained Bishop of Death laughs.
"As long as they help our cause, vessel. I will be sure to keep them alive for as long as you wish in return for your obedience."
The One Who Waits watches as The Lamb bows and is sent away. The fallen Bishop hums to himself while he watches his vessel return to their beloved.
He thinks you'll prove useful...
You may be a good form of motivation for The Lamb, maybe you'll follow the chained Bishop too
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere leshy hehe
Murder child. His wiki doesn't give a personality so I just pulled one from his voicelines/dialogue.
Yandere! Leshy Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Religion, Cults, Isolation, Murder, Sacrifice, Jealousy, Forced affection, Forced worship, Abuse of power, Violence.
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Leshy is the youngest of the Bishops.
He is overly eager and easily annoyed.
The worm is also childish at times.
He believes himself as strong and sometimes overly confident.
Like a child, he believes himself to be capable even when he isn't.
Leshy has also been blinded by TOWW, his senses are enhanced around him.
The Green Crown sees for him at times, but his hearing is even better.
Leshy, out of all the Bishops, seems the most likely to throw tantrums.
Heket is moody but not childish, Kallamar is skittish and barely has any rage, and Shamura is too mature to be enraged so easily.
Even with Narinder, he too never had childish tantrums
Leshy would, like the other Bishops, fall for a darling of his territory.
You live in the lush forest of Darkwood, the region ruled by Leshy.
You could follow his teachings or not.
If you do, he commends you for being so faithful to him.
He loves your loyalty to The Old Faith.
He'll spare your execution and try to convert you.
If you don't entirely believe him but aren't opposed to the Old Faith...
He likes the idea of more followers.
Leshy is probably a Bishop who'd promise you blessings if you swear loyalty to him.
He'd also get frustrated and easily jealous over his darling.
Leshy would probably make something up about you being his chosen one.
The follower that shines above the others in a way.
It's more of an excuse for several reasons.
He wants his siblings to allow him to keep you close.
He's also trying to rationalize this fondness he has towards you.
Lastly, he wants you to believe and trust him.
Your loyalty and faith is what gives him strength.
When Leshy manages to meet with you alone, among the gardens of flowers in his region, he likes affection.
The worm is so much larger than you due to the crown on his head, but he loves the feeling of your smaller hands touching his head.
The feeling against his leaves makes him realize even more that he adores you.
Leshy has hands/arms despite being worm-based.
He mutters praises towards you, using hearing and touch to sense you.
He looks scary due to being a Bishop and the bloody bandages, but he's so gentle with you.
Leshy is similar to Kallamar in terms of affection, he leans into it like it's the best thing he's ever felt.
Unlike Kallamar, he's less submissive to you despite you being his most important follower.
Leshy's behavior would probably be Affectionate, Temperamental, Obsessive, Manipulative, and Demanding.
Most of your time is being summoned by Leshy to either his temple or a garden he made in your honor.
The garden is filled with pretty crystals that Kallamar gave him and flowers coat the area.
Leshy felt his most precious disciple needed a precious space to flee to.
This is your most common spot to meet at.
Leshy often comments how the area accents your looks....
His siblings find his fondness towards you a bit strange.
He sacrifices other followers, but never you?
You also have a garden?
They ask for what his plans are and Leshy hates that they're so nosey.
"They are mine, that is all."
Leshy definitely dislikes it when other followers cozy-up-to you.
They wonder how you became their Bishop's favorite.
Leshy's response? Hiding you in your garden and calling for their sacrifice.
"They do not understand us... no one does. Pay them no mind. Just stay faithful to me."
Jealousy makes him upset.
To keep him in a good mood, he likes feeling you beside him.
It calms him greatly.
Just you and him... in your garden... sitting amongst the flowers.
The Bishop is also obsessive about keeping you loyal.
Even in your garden, a statue of him looms over you.
One you are expected to pray to....
You are easily manipulated as a follower.
Propaganda from other followers spreads like a disease.
If you even think about dissenting, Leshy corrects you.
He sits you in his temple and lectures you.
He says he's done so much for you.
The garden was made for you, by his order...
Why would you want to leave Darkwood?
Do you not trust him?
He's demanding, like a child not taught proper manners.
He demands affection and praise...
He demands you to worship him...
He demands you not to leave.
Leshy, in my HC, would probably be able to manipulate the flora somewhat in Darkwood.
Think about it... Leshy holds you in your garden by vines, his personal form of chains.
Until you're loyal and allow him in your heart, you can stay right there...
Don't be so sad!
He thinks you're even more beautiful than the garden he keeps you in... like a flower meant for him.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Anyone have Yandere Bishops of The Old Faith (COTL) thoughts? I want to give them more attention.
(Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, Shamura, Narinder (Although he has enough fics))
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