#yandere james dominic fenix
yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can I request Yan Jd relationship with reader that look a like her mom? It's up to you if it's platonic or romantic
I wasn't quite sure what you meant but I hope this works ^^;
This idea is based on these HCs, for this you are the daughter of Marcus's darling.
Yandere! Platonic! JD Fenix Concept
(Mother! Darling AU (?) - Extended Idea)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Yandere sibling, Angst, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Marcus is yandere for your mother, Forced family dynamic, Blood mention, Violence implied, Forced companionship.
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I'm not going to lie, I feel like JD would resent you and your mother at first.
Your mother has been his father's obsession for... years.
Even when he was with Anya, he never loved her as much as your mother.
JD already has a strained relationship with his father.
So when he first meets you he's... unsure.
His father looks so happy around your mother.
Although, JD himself is a bit envious that Marcus acts like a father to you.
While JD may hate you at first... when working alongside you, he begins to realize you aren't that bad.
You are friends with Kait and Del, so JD begins to feel a bit bad for resenting you due to your mother.
He probably shouldn't even hate your mother, she doesn't seem to support his father's behavior.
However, when Marcus does announce that he is officially getting together with your mother, JD accepts it.
You're technically his sibling now... with the whole Swarm situation going on, he doesn't mind that anymore.
You two really do fight better alongside each other.
JD goes from hating you to seeing you as family.
Even more so when Marcus tries to encourage JD to see you as a sibling.
Marcus is doing his best to create a new family.
Marcus wants your mother as his wife, you as his daughter, and JD to be your brother.
While JD originally wasn't fond of you, he's always been loyal and protective of family and friends.
So you have him as your overprotective brother... making your little "family" have two yanderes.
JD may even apologize to you for blaming you.
Truth is, none of this was your fault... or your mother's.
JD may even know how toxic the bond between your parents is, but ends up feeding into it.
If anything, your beliefs swap.
You're against the whole thing while JD supports it.
He tells you he loves you as his new sister, that it actually isn't that bad being your step/half-brother.
JD makes a promise to his dad that he'll protect you in battle.
That or if Marcus wants you to drop working with the COG and come live with your mother, JD will support that too.
JD can't really blame his dad... even JD is coming to terms with the idea of losing those close to him.
For example, Del in Gears 5 if you make the choice.
So, in a similar manner to his father, he wants to protect you.
The Swarm may be a problem, yet when it's all over...
Maybe you can all be a family?
You and your mother are the only ones in the family who can see how wrong this all is.
JD sees you as the sibling he never had, his mother died before she could give him one.
He regrets ever hating you or your mother.
He loves you both and makes it a goal to keep you all happy.
If anyone tries to harm you, JD will be there to defend you.
He doesn't mind getting a little bloody for those he loves... just like his father.
If you tried leaving with your mother, he'd help his father find you both.
Anything to make his father happy... the two understand one another as time goes on.
He's... a lot like his father, actually.
While JD's hugs would feel innocent when you were both just friends...
Now they just feel like a cage...
After all, JD is just like his father in the end... and you can never leave your family.
"Y'know... being siblings doesn't seem that bad, does it? I'm sorry I hated you... I see you're important to me now. I'll be sure to protect you with my life... now and forever."
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Can I request gen hc for JD from gears
Sure! This includes ideas from Gears 4 + 5
Yandere! James Dominic Fenix Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Jealousy, Some stalking, Violence, Murder briefly mentioned, Blood, Delusional behavior, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Trauma, OOC JD, Forced proposal/Marriage, Mind break (Yandere), Forced kissing, Forced relationship.
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James, or JD, is the son of Marcus Fenix and Anya Stroud.
His parents were originally both soldiers of the COG.
Although, after the death of his mother, his father became disillusioned with the COG.
JD is an idealist who wants to live life with a purpose.
He went to boarding school, meeting his friend Del, and joined the COG against his father's wishes.
However, even he left the COG with Del to become Outsiders after they were ordered to harm protesting civilians.
He goes through a ton of other events through Gears 4 and 5 due to The Swarm making an appearance.
JD would be loyal, protective, and comforting for the most part.
He's a natural leader like his father and knows how to calm his team.
Although... during Gears 5 he us noticeably colder for a period of time before realizing the harm his actions are causing.
I feel as a yandere, JD is sweet for the most part.
He might have met you somewhere in his youth with Del, perhaps Boarding School or COG Training.
JD is so caring with you.
He'd be a good friend and would probably be awkward when it comes to romance.
He knows he loves you, if he didn't then Del can tell due to how dreamy his gaze is towards you.
JD seems like the type who would stutter and suddenly become embarrassed at the idea of a crush.
At first he is, at least.
Point is... JD would've known you before everything, you're a close friend just like Del.
Or in his case... close friend and potential crush.
He's always been there for you just as you are with him.
He cares for you, comforts you, helps you in any way he can.
The way his name rolls off your tongue, be it James or his nickname JD, it makes him euphoric.
He is infatuated, but hides it.
What makes him happier is you follow him into battle.
Be it as COG, as Outsiders, or with Kait, Del, and him against The Swarm... he appreciates your aid.
JD is a yandere who's attached and delusional at times.
Before the events of Gears 5, he's childish about his feelings and may even try to initiate romance at times to test the waters.
"Hey... why don't we try this? I'll back off if you don't want to, just... thought I'd ask."
He tries to respect your boundaries, but also pushes against them to see if they'll give.
He wants to know how far he can take his feelings before you push him away.
Things like hugs, holding your hand, a kiss....
He gets ahead of himself sometimes but apologizes afterwards.
There's times he's oblivious to his own issues.
For example, being too controlling.
He may let his jealousy get ahold of him and end up commanding you as a leader too harshly.
He doesn't like abusing his power... so if you point it out he'll correct himself.
During Gears 4 he's sweet and somewhat aware of the mistakes he makes.
He tends to blindly follow his love towards you... probably craving some sort of loving connection.
You can deal with Gears 4 JD, he wants to impress, protect, and care.
He puts you first... even when he's jealous.
Most of his obsession is subconscious, even then he's remorseful.
That begins to shatter once Gears 5 happens and he pushes those close to him away... instead being closer with Fahz.
After the Hammer of Dawn malfunction killing most of those under his command, he... changes.
Not just physically, mentally.
He's much more controlling and possessive, he's much colder and uncaring.
Before the incident, he was extremely attentive and caring.
Now? Well now he's more focused on himself and his needs.
JD feels irritated and betrayed when you side with Kait and Del over him.
He thought you loved him!? (Dating or not)
At first he blames you... then he blames everyone around you...
He doesn't blame himself until much later.
How dare you leave him!
How dare they take you!
JD no doubt vents about this to Fahz.
Who merely encourages him.
In Gears 5 JD has a higher chance of snapping.
Pushed far enough and the blood on his bayonet isn't Swarm blood.
He gets more violent and volatile.
Even when he knows the truth of Kait, while he is remorseful a bit and wants to help, well now he doesn't want you near Kait... a Swarm Princess.
You may hate him... but JD tries so damn hard to make you like him again.
If that doesn't work... he blames himself for causing this to happen...
However, due to previous traumas, now he fully breaks.
Next thing you know, once he loses Del to Reyna, he's locking you in a room with him.
He doesn't force you into anything at first... no... he just breaks.
He caves and admits everything on his mind and in his heart.
He loves you, he's scared to lose you, he ended up killing at least one person for you and liked it a bit...
He doesn't plan on losing you... no, in fact he plans on fixing things.
You squirm when he pulls you close, a hand tightly around your wrist.
His lips are dangerously close to yours and he whispers about how much he loves you... how much he needs you...
Then he proposes... he's always wanted to marry you...
You're stunned by the lovesick delusional gaze in his eyes.
You barely even register the kiss he presses to your lips... barely acknowledging him whispering about how much he's dreamed of this before going in for another.
He's... lost it.
His mind breaks and all he wants to do now is settle down and care for you.
His grip on you is tight, like he'd lose you if he let go.
You can only shake when he pulls away to caress your cheeks, pressing you against the wall with a lovesick grin.
His heart belongs to you... he's killed for you and will do it again... he doesn't want anyone else to have you...
He whispers for you to say yes... to marry him... to let him have you.
The words stick in your throat, but JD squeezes you tighter.
Eventually, you'll cave too... you'll say yes to appease him.
Such a response earns you another kiss... JD promising this is the start of him fixing things between you...
Yet you know better than that... he won't fix things... he'll just make them worse once again.
"Dreamed of this forever, baby... love you so much... no one will take you from me EVER again, okay? Gonna marry you... make you mine... just as I've dreamed about...."
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can I request gears with jd, kait and Gabriel with reader kissing them on the check as a gratitude and running away because of embarrassment
I can try, these are short reactions and not that intense due to the prompt but I hope you enjoy :) @krystalkitdemi helped me a bit for their overall reaction.
Yandere! JD, Kait, Gabriel with Darling kissing them on the cheek
(Short Reaction HCs)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, More light-hearted than most content I do, Tame HCs, Delusional behavior, Dubious relationship.
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JD Fenix (Gears 4)
JD would be stoic yet shocked.
His reaction is more internal, similar to his father.
In terms of how it happened, you are both no doubt fighting The Swarm and looking for Kait's mother together.
JD ended up saving you from a Swarm Snatcher before you were taken away.
Caught up in the moment, you end up clinging to JD.
He's surprised by this alone.
His body freezes momentarily as the threat is gone.
He's always had an... obsessive crush over you.
You just hugging him is enough.
But then you kiss his cheek.
It's nothing long, just a quick peck before you realize what you did.
JD notices your cheeks flush quickly before you release from him and run off.
JD desperately wants to grab your hand and pull you back, but he stops himself.
He... almost doesn't believe what happened.
He uses his hand to touch his cheek in shock, unsure what to think.
Then his own cheeks flush when no one is around.
JD... finds himself wanting more.
You've given him a taste of what he could have with you.
Just a small peck on the cheek was enough to make his mind rush with all sorts of thoughts.
On the outside he seems like his usual focused self.
On the inside? Fanboying, fantasizing, and pumped.
Eventually he collects himself and follows you to continue the mission and keep you safe.
Just a small amount of affection... and he's hooked.
If only you knew what you woke up inside him with just a small kiss.
Kait Diaz (Gears 5)
Kait would be more emotional and reactive.
She'd be more likely to reciprocate on the spot.
Truth is, her crush is a lot less hidden.
She doesn't try to deny it, she loves you and is easily flustered.
Kait most likely saved you during a mission with Del sometime around Gears 5.
You had been fighting The Swarm and before a Warden could take you out, Kait took it out.
In response you embrace her, Kait quickly hugging back with little hesitation.
Kait would've been fine with just a hug.
Any affection fuels her desire and makes her able to cope with the fact you aren't together.
Then you kiss her cheek.
Kait also just... can't believe it.
Her cheeks are red and she begins to wonder if you do feel the same.
Then you run off due to the realization of what you did.
Unlike JD, Kait quickly follows you.
She calls you back over, telling you it's okay.
She doesn't want things to be awkward... in fact...
You deserve to know how much she loves you.
Kait would definitely pull you over to her and hug you again.
Honestly your small act of gratitude might be enough to make her obsession boil over.
She'd confess on the spot.
She'd tell you everything about how she feels, trying to justify your little peck.
And I mean everything... including following you around and any similar behavior.
Then, perhaps, she'd ask for a little more?
It's up to you if you accept her confession right now or not...
She definitely isn't going to let you go when she's so close to having you now.
Gabriel Diaz (Gears Tactics)
Gabe would play it off but be more attentive afterwards.
He'd want to play it off around the others but adores the affection.
Ever since he picked you up in his crew to take on Ukkon, he's developed a bit of an... attraction to you.
There have been times you all have saved each other in your group.
It's the Locust War and the COG won't help Gabe.
However... This time Gabe saves you from a Locust Kantus.
You freeze for a moment but Gabe manages to kill the Locust before they can touch you.
He comes to check up on you in a soft tone, asking if you're alright.
Only for you to hug him tightly.
Gabe hugs back, confusion on his face yet he enjoys the affection.
He... had no idea how much he craved this, actually.
Then you kiss his cheek.
Gabriel's eyes widen, glancing at you before he notices the shock in your eyes.
You go to run off but Gabe stops you, a smile on his face.
He brushes it off in a playful manner, he knows people were looking but he just states you must've been excited.
He then pats your back, an affectionate (yet dark) look in his gaze as he releases you.
He acts like it wasn't a big deal, yet Gabe finds himself craving more of that love.
He didn't realize how much he needed you until now.
Afterwards, Gabe's protective and attentive nature over you increases.
He wants to be the one to protect you... to love you... to care for you.
After that kiss, he's convinced you're the one for him... you just can't be with anyone else...
Once Ukkon is dead, Gabe plans to show you exactly how he feels for you... even if it's suffocating and intense.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere! Gears of War Masterlist
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Multiple Characters
- General Look at Delta Squad as Yanderes (Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- General Ideas on Locust Leaders being Yanderes over Myrrah's Kid (RAAM, Skorge, Karn, Sraak) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Marcus vs Baird (+ wingmen Cole and Dom) [Romantic - Rivalry (Marcus+Baird)/Platonic (Dom+Cole to Marcus+Baird)] [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Marcus + Baird finding their Darling with a kid (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Carmine Brothers Sharing Darling (Anthony, Benjamin, Clayton) (Romantic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Marcus Fenix
- Yandere! Marcus + Baird with Mother! Darling (Darling Tries To Escape - Expanded Idea) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! JD, Kait, Gabriel with Darling kissing them on the cheek (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yanderes Alphabet - Marcus Fenix (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Damon S. Baird
- Yandere Alphabet - Damon Baird (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tai Kaliso
- Yandere! Tai Kaliso Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Clayton Carmine
- Yandere! Clayton Carmine Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Clayton Carmine with Awkward/Shy! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gabriel Diaz
- Yandere! Gabriel "Gabe" Diaz Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Reyna Diaz
- Yandere! Reyna Diaz Concept (Gears 4/Human! Reyna Diaz) (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
JD Fenix
Anya Stroud
- Yandere! James Dominic Fenix Concept (Platonic -> Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! JD Fenix Concept (Mother! Darling AU (?) - Extended Idea) (Platonic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Anya Stroud Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Queen Myrrah
- Yandere! Queen Myrrah Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Locust Horde/Swarm
- Yandere! Locust Drone with Locust Princess! Darling (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Possessive/Attached Berserker Concept (Animal/Pet-Like) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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