#yandere lord tirek
yanderes-galore · 2 years
May I please request Lord Tirek x Earth pony headCanons please
Like I did the other villains (Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombre, Queen Chrysalis kinda), this will be an AU of Season 4's finale.
Large centaur holds you like a rat, I guess-
Yandere! Lord Tirek x Earth Pony! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic/Pet-like (Darling's end)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Degrading behavior, Kidnapping, Demeaning behavior, Slight possessive behavior, Obsession, Forced affection, Sadism.
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- Lord Tirek's main goal is to rule Equestria by stealing all of its magic.
- He's selfish, violent, manipulative, and evil.
- He's a tyrant and could care less how people think of him.
- He doesn't care for friendship.
- It's very unfortunate you're an earth pony.
- Unicorns and alicorns have strong magic.
- Pegasai use magic to fly.
- Earth ponies have magic, but not as strong as the other groups.
- Tirek's view of you is already pretty low.
- Poor pony, you were weak before but now you're even weaker.
- How pitiful.
- Lord Tirek is not a believer of friendship, or even very affectionate.
- His views towards you would definitely lean more towards a sense of ownership than a mutual sense of attraction.
- After he gains all of the alicorn magic and the Tree of Harmony plan fails, all the ponies/beings in Equestria are little more than toys.
- He's massive and obsessive about his size and power.
- He could easily crush you in his claws, yet he doesn't.
- There's no point to it in his eyes.
- Lord Tirek is Obsessive, Manipulative, Aggressive, Possessive, and so Controlling.
- His views towards his darling would be like you're his pet.
- Even more so if you're an earth pony.
- It's like having a pet mouse with his size.
- You'd be kept in a cage, kept alive by his command.
- Your life is in his hands.
- You're considered lucky for not being on the chopping block.
- You're barely able to move due to your strength being absorbed.
- Even if he gave it back to you, you could not fight him anyway.
- Lord Tirek is already too strong once he has all the magic he can get his hands on.
- He technically doesn't need you.
- Part of him... just wants to keep you, however.
- Hearing you spew all sorts of random talk at him was at first annoying.
- Then he starts listening to you begrudgingly like a radio.
- A ruler such as himself needs some sort of entertainment.
- Hearing you speak to him, pleading or some sort of story, eases his boredom.
- Perhaps even eases himself.
- You feel even more like a caged bird due to this....
- As some sort of power play, he'd probably hold you or force you on his shoulder.
- He'd be very demeaning about your situation, calling you a cute and weak pony pet.
- He drills in the fact you're weaker than him over and over.
- His possessive behavior comes off like him being angered over you trying to escape or associating with other weak ponies.
- He rules Equestria.
- You're his little pet to play around with.
- In response he'll just pluck you from your spot and bring you wherever he wants you.
- The pairing is hard to decide, as it's not really platonic or romantic.
- It's much darker than that-
- It's more like, an owner being obsessive and possessive over a pet.
- Perhaps if you were the same size at first, he'd consider something more intimate (barely).
- He doesn't really form close connections.
- Which means, even if he has some sort of twisted affection towards you, he'd still treat you as a pet.
- To Tirek, he thinks in his twisted mind you should be thankful for what he does.
- He feeds you, gives you a large cage, and pets your soft body like a hamster.
- Compared to everyone else in your home... you're living the high life, aren't you?
- His 'affection' is better than nothing, right?
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