#yandere mike dodds
noellawrites · 1 month
I don’t think you’ve ever got this kind of ask? But what if (yandere!suv men) the darling successfully got an abortion and left them before they got home?
OOOH this is so interesting. especially because it implies somehow you managed to outsmart them enough to get an abortion AND escape.
warnings: abortion, guilt, forced intimacy and abuse
All four of the men (Mike Dodds, Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi and Rafael Barba) are obviously not going to just let you go that easily. Alerts will be sent around the city and to every NYPD precinct, cameras will be monitored, no stone will be left unturned.
But I think there might be some different reactions to the abortion once the men find you and bring you home (because they will. don't doubt it.)
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Sonny Carisi will be heartbroken. He's going to drag you to church with him at least three times a week, forcing you to participate in confession and beg God for his forgiveness for killing your innocent baby. He's going to force you to spend more time with his family so you feel even more guilty, too.
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Nick Amaro and Rafael Barba will be so mad that they will likely get physical with you. How dare you run away from them and abort their child? Expect punishments, loss of privileges, being ignored, and they will also force themselves on you in an aggressive, abusive way.
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Mike Dodds will probably be more sensitive to your pain, wanting to make things better for you so you don't try and run away again or get another abortion. He wants that perfect family, though, and he is going to get it no matter what.
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noellawrites · 1 year
How do you think the yandere svu guys would react to a pregnant reader not wanting them in the delivery room while they give birth (double points if the reader wants someone else like a family member or friend to be with them instead of the yandere)?
Maybe she doesn't even want him to cut the umbilical cord
sorry i keep using the same gifs, the same ones pop up on the gif search
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oh my lord Nick is FURIOUS. the doctor has to call hospital security and the nurses are trying to restrain him and get him out of the room. this is the one time he can’t change your mind or your decision and he is never, ever going to forgive you for making him miss the birth of his child. he’s banging on the doors and windows, screaming about how you’re a horrible f*cking mother and you’re a terrible person and yeah just a lot of nasty stuff. he’s gonna punish the hell out of you, too.
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Sonny is completely distraught. he’s devastated at your choice and convinced it’s the wrong one. he’s talking to anyone he can, trying to tell them that you’re mentally ill and he needs to be in there for the birth of his child. if you pick one of his sisters or his mom, he’s going to take it better than if you picked one of your family members. he’s going to hold a grudge and try to prove you’re an incompetent parent.
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Mike is calling anyone he can, name-dropping, negotiating and contacting lawyers who are already drafting paperwork. by the time you’ve delivered the baby, Mike’s filing documentation to appoint him as your guardian so he can make all financial and legal decisions for you. his parents are at the hospital immediately to make the situation worse and argue more.
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Rafael is one step ahead of you. he’s forced you to sign paperwork appointing him your emergency contact and saying that he is to be in the hospital room with you. if not, he probably bribed one of the trainees to get him in, or at least take in a camera for him. if none of that worked, he is going to do something cruel like refuse to pay your hospital bill until you apologize and he can punish you properly.
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noellawrites · 1 year
So of course none of the SVU yanderes you write for respond well to a romantic rival. But how would they respond to it if you were already dating someone before you met them? Who would take it “best”, relatively speaking? Who takes it worst?
i love answering asks like this! they help with inspo as well, so feel free to send any questions like this :)
i hope i understood this correctly!
i'll rank them from best to worst lol
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Sonny Carisi would probably take it the best. He knows he's got this boyish charm and he can definitely kill your s/o with kindness. He knows you belong with him (and he's convinced you know deep down, too) so he doesn't lose sleep over it.
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Mike Dodds is next. He's not great at losing but he has plentiful resources at his hands thanks to his dad. He can bribe your s/o, threaten them or even put out a hit on them. Eventually, he'll weasel his way into your life to be your shoulder to cry on.
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Rafael Barba is not going to take this very well. He's definitely going to lose sleep over figuring out how to make you his and get your s/o out of the picture. He is very intelligent and determined, fatal traits in a yandere. Good luck.
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Nick Amaro is going to beat up your s/o and leave them for dead on the sidewalk. Your s/o is going to get killed or at least very badly injured. The law? What law? In Nick's book, there is no law that concerns him when it comes to his loved ones.
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noellawrites · 2 years
How would you describe the SVU guys as yanderes? You’re definitely inspiring me to write and I want to make a dark/yandere series of my own. :))
a/n: great question! and thank you, it means a lot to know i’ve inspired you <3 if you ever do write or post something let me know bc i’d love to read it! ❤️
The SVU Men As Yanderes
warnings: yandere stuff, domestic violence, bullying, obsession, violence, breeding/pregnancy mention
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Nick Amaro is highly jealous and possessive. he’ll throw hands if someone even looks at you the wrong way, and chances are you’ll have to bail him out of jail. good luck getting away from him, he’ll rarely let you out of his sight. he text bombs you all the time when you’re apart, too. domestic issues would probably include him screaming in your face, grabbing you and leaving bruises and throwing shit (not necessarily at you). he’s scary so you’d better stay in line.
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Rafael Barba is manipulative and mean. he can easily outsmart you and he wants you to know that, too. he makes you feel dumb and useless, like you need him to even function. he finds joy in belittling you and hurting you, especially verbally. making fun of your clothes, teasing you for using a word wrong. he’s trying to subtly train you, make sure you’ll be well-behaved for him at fancy events and galas. he will strike you across the face or kick you down if he thinks it will make you behave.
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Sonny Carisi is obsessive and overly-affectionate. he sees no problems with love-bombing you, tracking your whereabouts and making everything in your life his business. he can be strict and mean when he thinks you’ve tried to trick him or betray him. he will also yell in your face and occasionally slam you into the wall and tower over you if it’ll get you to listen. he also has the biggest breeding/pregnancy kink ever (Italian Catholic w/big family) so get ready to have like 5 kids.
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Mike Dodds is protective and controlling. he has no qualms about using his power as a Sergeant or his father’s reputation to control you or scare you into submission. he wants you to be perfect for him at all times and he’s obsessed with being able to take care of you. he likes to think of you as his little doll, pliant while allowing him to bathe you, dress you and mark you up. he loves seeing his bruises on your skin, it’s just another way to control you.
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noellawrites · 1 year
So how badly would the SVU guys take you trying to break up with them? Do they allow it to happen? Does doing it by text and ghosting them work?
(i'm assuming you mean the yandere/dark versions of the SVU men)
you'll probably be at the point in your relationship where you're recognizing how toxic this is and you really need to run the other way.
most likely, you'll try to ghost them or send an "i just don't think this is working out" text when you're seeing the red flags.
this will not work. Nick is going to come to your door and kick it in if you don't answer. Sonny is going to play the victim and beg for you to take him back, basically manipulating you. Mike is going to blackmail you, threatening your job or the safety of your family and friends. Rafael is going to laugh and tell you that your relationship doesn't end until he says it does.
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noellawrites · 1 year
If you tried to get out of trouble with an SVU yandere by initiating sex, would it work? Would tears or passive aggression work or make it worse?
if you attempt to initiate sex and/or cry your way out of the situation:
it would definitely not work: Rafael
depends on what you did: Nick & Mike
it would probably work: Sonny
passive aggression would definitely make it worse with all the men, it would take less for them to snap than something else usually would.
Rafael’s already lost his patience with you and will drag you across the floor by your arm to where your punishment awaits in the bedroom. he doesn’t give a shit if you’re screaming and crying.
initiating sex with Nick will work, at least temporarily. he’s a horny motherfucker and his mind is always on you. but your tears fuel him, reminding him that you need to be put in your place.
Mike will go easy on you if you’re crying or showing remorse. he makes sure to give you proper aftercare if he’s inflicting a punishment.
Sonny is sensitive himself, so if you’re crying he’s not going to punish you. he’ll give you a stern talking-to later, but his goal isn’t to traumatize you. he just wants you to love him back.
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noellawrites · 1 year
How do the SVU yanderes react to a virgin? Love your blog.
thank you! <3
Rafael is excited that he gets to basically train you and teach you everything about sex, especially the darker stuff he’s into (like BDSM) and makes you think the “taboo” stuff is normal.
Sonny gets hard when you tell him, he thinks it’s so sexy that he’s going to be your first and only. purposely keeps you in the dark on stuff like birth control/condoms.
Nick is a bit more nervous, he has a lot of experience and he doesn’t want to scare you. ends up getting really into it and likes that you’re inexperienced.
Mike is like a walking pamphlet, tells you everything you need to know and makes sure you’re okay with what he wants to do to you. he’ll hit you hard though, so beware.
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noellawrites · 2 years
Helpless - Yandere!Mike Dodds x reader
summary: Mike shows you the new life he’s planned for you and you’re too afraid to argue.
warnings: yandere behavior, reader is held captive-ish, talk of children, manipulation
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You’d just heard Mike’s knock on your door, so you looked in the mirror one final time before grabbing your purse and running to open the door.
“Hey, baby,” Mike said, leaning down to kiss you, “you look beautiful!”
“Thank you,” you grinned as he handed you a bouquet of your favorite flowers wrapped in paper.
Before you had a chance to put the flowers in a vase, Mike gently tugged on your arm and pulled you outside.
You shut and locked your door hesitantly, clutching the flowers closer to your body.
Mike, ever the gentleman, opened and shut his car door for you. The warm leather engulfed you as you held the flowers and your purse.
Once you sat down, Mike put his large hand on your thigh protectively. He was large, muscular and powerful. He was smarter than you and you always trusted him to point out your mistakes. You would be nothing without him, he always reminded you.
All of a sudden, you noticed Mike was driving down a dark road, the opposite way of the restaurant he had invited you to.
“W-where are we going?” you asked, looking around cautiously.
“I’m bringing you to our new home, babe! We can finally build our family and you can be the sweet little housewife you’ve always wanted to be,” he grinned, the grip on your thigh getting tighter.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that he was the one who wanted you to be a housewife, not you. But if Mike thought it was best, you would do it.
You could tell you were now almost outside of the city as Mike parked and dragged you out of the car.
“C’mon babe, I wanna show you,” he grinned, grabbing your arm tightly.
As you entered the doorway, you felt a sadness wash over you. The house was beautiful, but it felt more like what Mike wanted, not you.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah, um, I love it,” you said, quietly.
“Let me show you the kid’s rooms!”
As your boyfriend showed you through the house, you felt a growing sense of dread. There were four rooms designated for kids, and one of them was already decorated as a nursery. You weren’t even sure if you could have kids.
“I’m thinking Michael Dodds Junior for a son,” Mike grinned, putting a hand on your stomach.
You felt flustered and could only give him a small smile.
“My father is going to be so proud of me,” he said, looking around at the house, “a beautiful wife, four children, a nice house. It’s everything he wanted for me.”
You stayed quiet, allowing Mike to speak. He explained that if you left the house without him, an alert would immediately be sent to his phone and the local precinct would be called. You were terrified, but even more terrified of what would happen if you talked back.
So you just played the part of the dutiful wife, nodding and smiling at your new husband.
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noellawrites · 1 year
I've had this idea for a while and was wondering if you could please write it (nothing long or anything). How would the yandere svu (all the guys you write for) react to a reader who's just genuinely academically smarter than them. I feel like a few of them wouldn't take it well, and their reactions would be funny. Love your blog.
Mike Dodds is going to love that about you, and he’s going to brag about you to everyone he knows. “Look, this is my brilliant partner!” Only after his father talks to him does he see it as a bad thing, ‘a threat to his manliness.’
Sonny Carisi is going to be happy for you and proud of you, unless it comes to a you vs him situation. Like if you were both studying for the bar exam, or sergeant’s exam? He’s going to manipulate you to make you feel stupid for sure.
Nick Amaro likes a strong partner, so he probably won’t mind much. But if you make him look stupid in any way, he’s going to punish you for sure. And to his kids, he always has to be the smarter one. No question about it, and he’ll hurt you if you disagree.
Rafael Barba is… the worst. If you’re smarter than him, than you’re really fucking smart. He’ll be fine as long as you don’t try to outwit him or prove anything, especially in front of his co-workers. If you do, you’re getting manipulated and punished for sure.
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noellawrites · 1 year
How about the yandere SVU characters you write for, the reader gets pregnant from a one night stand with them. Where they slept with the reader (pre yandere feelings) and then the reader gets pregnant. The reader finds them and asked them about what they should do. Then the yandere feelings develop.
warnings: discussions of pregnancy, abortions, adoptions and overall themes of forced pregnancy and loss of bodily autonomy
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Sonny is immediately thrilled. this man was BORN to be a father. an abortion is absolutely out of the question to him (unless your life is in danger). he steps up immediately and proposes to you, asks you to move in, calls up and tells his mom and all of his sisters, never lets you out of his sight and never shuts up about it at work. he doesn't even ask you how you feel about it and he frankly doesn't care. as far as Sonny's concerned, this is a miracle sent by God himself.
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Nick is pretty happy about it. he loves being a dad to Gil and Zara, so what's the harm in one more? just know he's going to rope you into mothering his other kids, too. the more he can keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe, the better. Nick's an expert of being a dad by now, and if you have any doubts about keeping the baby, he'll make false promises about how much he'll be there for you and the kids.
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Mike is excited at the prospect of making his parents happy and exerting control over you and your body. finally, the Dodds family will have an heir. he is strict about your diet, makes sure you take your vitamins, forces you to exercise with him. he's basically a pain in your ass. Mike's worst nightmare is giving the baby up for adoption. a Dodds baby? in the custody of a complete stranger, being raised away from its true family? no way.
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Rafael is very nervous at first. his initial concern is making sure he treats this child absolutely nothing like his father treated him while still controlling you. he can't have you running around the city, going to work or being far away from him. you're the vessel of his child, of course! you start to worry Rafael likes the baby more than you (which might be true tbh). he talks to your belly but won't talk to you if you've disobeyed him. don't worry baby, you'll be safe in daddy's arms soon.
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noellawrites · 9 months
Yandere svu with a reader whose job earns more money than theirs.
i think there’s one approach that all the guys would likely take, in some form or another.
let’s say you start out as a low level employee, and put in for a higher-level position in the company without telling him.
you know he’d find reasons to talk you out of it, and you just can’t deal with that.
when you get the job, you have to tell him. he congratulates you but you can see the anger and betrayal in his eyes.
maybe he deals with it for a while. but once your first paycheck comes in, your benefits start to outweigh his and you become the primary earner, he can’t stand it anymore.
drugs were planted and found conveniently in your office, and you were handcuffed and dragged out of the building in front of all your colleagues.
he picks you up from the jail, bail paid, ankle monitor on. you’re ordered to strict house arrest and you’re unemployed again, now relying on him for everything.
eventually he is able to get the charges dropped with some called-in favors, but you’re the disgrace of manhattan and can’t return back to your company.
he convinces you to lay low for a while, avoid drawing any attention by getting a job. now, you have to rely on him for everything and you have nothing without him.
just like he wanted.
big shoutout to @eltrujillo who helped me out with this one!!! ❤️
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noellawrites · 2 years
SVU Requests‼️
if anyone has any dark/yandere Law & Order: SVU requests, please send them in! I have a couple in progress but I would like to write more!
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noellawrites · 2 years
SVU Requests!
hello! i have been feeling a lot of inspiration for Law and Order: SVU lately so i would love some dark requests for it!
I have a Sonny request to be posted soon also :)
as of right now, i take requests for:
Nick Amaro
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Kat Tamin
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noellawrites · 3 months
Yandere svu; what if they found out the reader still slept with a childhood stuffed animal?
Would they still let the reader sleep with it?
Would they take it as a punishment?
What if the reader preferred the stuffed animal to them? Like cuddling it over them.
oooh i like this question!!! my opinions are below
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if somehow you manage to hold onto your favorite stuffed animal and it ends up with you at their place:
Mike Dodds will be very sympathetic. he did take you away from your life and everything you know, after all. the least he can do is let you hold and cuddle with your childhood stuffed animal when you’re feeling sad. eventually, if you keep preferring it to his own warmth, he will take it away at night and you’ll have no choice but to cuddle with him.
Rafael Barba rolls his eyes at the way you even still have this piece of crap. but of course, it’s so much like you. he’ll love having a bargaining chip that you actually care about, though. you’re refusing sex? he’ll dangle your stuffed animal out the 14th story window. crying and won’t stop? he’ll take scissors to it with a smirk.
Sonny Carisi will think it’s cute at first, but he will get tired of it very quickly. what’s so special about a stupid stuffed animal anyway? he’s right there, and he’s a real human who loves you! he’s jealous, so he’ll take the stuffed animal away when you act out or when he has any excuse to.
Nick Amaro has mixed feelings. he understands your bond to the stuffed animal, but he gets annoyed when it takes your attention away from him. what do you mean you don’t want to cuddle him or touch him? what do you mean you’re sad? you miss your family? it must be that stuffed animal. don’t worry, it’ll go bye-bye for a while.
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noellawrites · 8 months
Yandere svu with a reader whose in college, trying to get a high level degree like a masters/doctorate/PhD.
Are they supportive, or are they sabotaging the reader?
i’m going to do a little blurb for each! however i do think each would be disapproving in some form, especially if they know it’ll take you away from them or possibly expose you to the toxicity of your relationship.
i typed this all out then tumblr deleted it so ://
Nick Amaro: he probably wouldn’t mind you picking up a few classes online, especially if it meant you’d be home more. but he’ll convince you that you can’t afford to go any further, and you just don’t have what it takes.
Mike Dodds: totally on board until he talks to his dad, then all of a sudden you can’t. who will watch the kids? clean the house? cook the meals? you’ve got more important things to worry about and besides, Mike can provide for you both.
Sonny Carisi: okay with it until you start to reach his level of education. he does not want you to be more high-achieving than he is, it would hurt his masculinity and the way he thinks his family perceives your relationship, and family is very important to him.
Rafael Barba: will gaslight you and tell you you’re not intelligent enough to keep going, and bring up examples too. whatever your aspirations are, he’ll promise to give you better and he’ll have ready examples of why he doesn’t want to waste money on your pursuit of a degree he doesn’t think you’ll be successful with. he’ll let you take some non degree classes, though, if you keep bothering him.
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noellawrites · 5 days
Hi there! How would the yandere svu guys propose?
oooh i love this! bold of you to think they might actually "propose" naturally LOL. this is just my take but feel free to pitch in with what you think!
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Rafael Barba is going to be very strategic with his proposal. He's not taking no for an answer, but he also doesn't want to be humiliated with a rejection. He makes his mama and grandma spend a day with you, and then meets you three at a ritzy NYC restaurant for dinner. He's not getting down on one knee, he's too old for that. Instead, he puts his hand on yours and opens the ring box. It's insanely ornate and expensive, but you'd expect nothing less from Rafael Barba. You look up and see his soft smile. With his mama and grandma there, of course you say yes.
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Nick Amaro is gonna get one of those rings that has thorns and legit hurts to remove (like Megan Fox's— google it). He's gonna put it on your ring finger when you're sleeping and give you a big smile when he sees your confusion. Of course he's not giving you a choice, he's "the man" of the relationship. He gets off on this dynamic. You're now going to take care of Gil and Zara, and take care of the home while Nick's working. He's had too many failed relationships, he's not gonna risk things this time.
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Mike Dodds has some cutesy romantic thing planned, probably something like a walk by the Hudson. He doesn't plan for a rejection, but if you do reject him, he's gonna give you that brokenhearted puppy expression and you'll reverse your words quickly. His dad is really proud and helped him pick out the flashiest engagement ring. Of course, this is only after Dodds Sr. has fully vetted you. I mean, where else do you think Mike learned these yandere traits from?
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Sonny Carisi makes his proposal soooo romantic. He's asked all of his sisters for help, not wanting to risk you saying no. He’ll pick a public place so you’ll feel obligated to say yes and be excited as he declares his undying love for you. The night you get engaged, you bet he’s gonna try for multiple rounds to knock you up. Now there’s a ring on your finger and he has the power in the relationship, so you can’t disagree.
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