#yandere red relvet
kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober day 3
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Cant Stop Watching
Yandere! Red Velvet x Reader
Warning: Stalking, kidnapping
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This should have never happened. Its all because you treated him nicely when no one wanted to.
Him and a few others were on a mission for Dark enchantress, they were ambushed midway. The cookies that were with Red Velvet left him injured and behind. Now he’s sitting, propped up against a tree.
Thats when you came along, you were like an angel in disguise. You took him to your home and patched him and fed him. He was hostile at first but warmed up to you eventually. You treated him like a normal cookie. Luckily chiffon was never hurt and found his way to your home, greeting you with kisses.
Red Velvet fell deeply in love with you during this three week recovery. You were so sweet and innocent, he wanted to keep you from the cruel world. But, when it was time to leave, he left.
its been two months since the incident happened. He wants to repay the favor, so hes been watching over you from a distance, he told himself it would only for a week but he just cant stop watching. The way you move yourself with grace captivated him. All his free time is spent watching you sleep and doing thing through out the day. He has notebooks with all the things you do throughout the day. He also writes you letters and puts them on the desk next to your bed when your asleep so you have something good to wake up too!
Dear (name),
Good morning love, how’d you sleep? Do you remember the guy from yesterday, the one you tried hurting you? Well. Hes been taken care of, you need not to worry while doing your daily stroll past the jewelry stores.
The sender never puts their name. You have been waking up to these letter by your bed. It all started not to long after Red Velvet left your house.
You were sitting on the couch with your detective friend, Almond Cookie. The letters were sprawled out onto the table in front of you both.
“This all just started not long ago!” You never mentioned Red Velvet because you didnt want anyone to think your a traitor for helping a cookie of darkness.
Red Velvet is watching from the bushes outside your house, he doesnt know what your talking about but clearly something or someone made you upset, its his duty to keep you safe. Hes knows this is wrong but he just cant stop. It feels too good watching over you.
His breaking point is watching you hug Almond, you always said how much you cared for Red Velvet then you go off and hug another man behind his back!
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“Did you hear about what happened?” You cookie friend asked as you both were walking up and down the kingdom’s streets.
“Uhm, no?” You fiddle with your basket that has all the items you’ve purchased.
“Well, Almond cookie went missing this morning. There was no sign he left the kingdom but hes not in the kingdom either.”
You ponder over this, Almond was just at your house the night before but hes suddenly gone?
“Well.. I hope hes alright!” You say.
You continue to hangout with your friend until the sun started to set, you walked back to your home. The thought of Almond going missing continues to fog your mind. You stopped focusing on where you were walking and bumped into someone.
“Oh! Im sorry, i wasnt paying att-” You went quiet when you saw the face of the man you bumped into, It was Red Velvet. “Red Velvet! You cant be here! If someone sees you you’ll be in trouble.” You whisper yell at him.
“I just.. I just wanted to see you again. I wanted you to know whos doing all the things behind the scene.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Im the one who got rid of all the people who harassed you, I give you the notes in the morning, im the one who cares for you more than anything. Since the time we spent together, you were the only one to treat me normally and I couldnt just let you go!” He grabs both of your hands, pulling you closer to him. “I love you so much..”
You stay silent and just stare at him. You noticed his hands are covered in sticky liquid thats covering your arms. You take a better look at him and his clothes and see dark splotches at the bottom of his shirt and the sticky, dark liquid is all over his skin. You piece it together.
Red Velvet sees your discomfort and lets your arms go. You suddenly drop all the bags you were carrying and punch him in the face. You then went sprinting, trying to get as close to the main part of the kingdom, since you live pretty far from others.
You thought you got far enough so you started to slow down to catch your breath.
Next thing you know, you’re pushed up against a wall, Red Velvet trapping you in. Theres blood running down his face. You try to kick and push but its all useless when he pins your hands to your side.
“Why wont you just accept my love!” Red Velvet yelled.
“Because I dont love you!”
“Liar! The way treated me, how you talked to me, the way you understood and listened to me, and held me. You’re telling me that wasn’t love!”
“No, it wasn’t. I would never love a cookie of darkness.” You say, you finally look him in the eyes. He had a pained expression for a split second before he looked back into you eyes.
“You’re just in denial, come on, we’re leaving.” He lets go of one your hands but still has a grip on the other.
“Where are taking me!” You try to pull away but he yanks you forward.
“Home, these cookies are just brainwashing you.” He stops in his tracks when you keep trying to pull away. “Either you come willingly or I’ll use force.” Red Velvet glares at you.
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None :)
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