#yandrer avocato
finalspaceyandere · 7 months
Don't do it baby, remember that you are still in tera com primre, outside of here you have nowhere to go, I already took care of that, here everyone is loyal to me, if you call the police I will know, here I am the authority, behave well and Maybe he won't punish you... at least not much.
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Yup I also illustrated that last scene, in my head it looks something like this
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finalspaceyandere · 2 years
What would your yandere Avocato reaction be to his obsession running away
clear and sorry for the waiting time, in compensation I am writing a little story, inspired by this, thanks for your request
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bruises, unhealthy behavior.
What was your fucking attempt today?
a kind of motion detector on your ankle, in an almost dark, humid and ugly room, you felt how your tears did not stop falling, everything hurt, you felt that despite your second attempt to feel free, he was dying, you were in backs against a large metal door.
Although you cried, you didn't really make any noise, just your gaze at a fixed point in the room, the door opened, you felt his anger, although you didn't see his eyes, you felt his anger spread throughout the room.
You didn't answer, beyond your annoyance, you didn't know how he could react, he's a little unstable, the damn commander was right, he wasn't wrong with him.
Avocato just chuckled in disappointment, rubbing his face with his hand, trying to calm himself down as much as he could.
What I do is to take care of you, and if I punish you, it's so you don't do it again, I know I can leave bruises, my hands are strong, but you forced me, I felt like my world was sinking. Why don't you love me like I do?
It's not love, you sick bastard.
your words came out faster than your own thoughts, you just closed your eyes expecting the worst.
A silence covered the room, so much so that your back felt so cold that you stopped crying, for a moment your body froze.
Slowly you heard his footsteps approaching you.
I've been taking care of you, keeping you alive, and I've done what you asked, I've been there for you, my ears to you, my hands to you, my eyes to you, shit, MY EVERYTHING TO YOU.
It is not love?
almost in the blink of an eye he was close to you, so close that you could almost feel his ragged breath.
His voice, though it was soft, his pain was still heard in it.
I know that I have made many mistakes, I have lost many loved ones due to my actions, with you I am giving what I did not give to anyone else.
He took your hands, with such care that you looked like something that was going to break, he kissed them with love and closed his eyes hoping that you would reciprocate his love, but you had many mixed feelings and you withdrew your hands, you looked at him as coldly as you Your fear allowed it, although his word felt real, you doubted, if he loved you so much, why did he lock you up?, if he loved you so much, why did he hurt your leg? , why?, why?, why?
Her expression of pain and sadness turned into pure anger, as if the sweet man who was holding her hands a moment ago disappeared, she slowly opened her eyes, she knew exactly how to intimidate you with a single glance.
If that's what you want, that's fine by me, you won't eat shit for the rest of the day, I gave you a chance, but I see that you don't want it, his Claws grabbed your face with force, forcing you to be inches from his face You felt like you were bleeding.
in a deep voice, slowly getting to his feet.
He threw you on the poor bed, a little rough but not enough to hurt you, his eyes on you, looking at you, for a few seconds that you could swear were hours, speechless, he just left.
Do not think that you will have another opportunity, as of today your privileges have been eliminated, you will not even be able to bathe without my presence,
You know I don't lie.
You don't want to lose hope, but you don't see any relief, you don't want this fate, it can't end like this, it's not fair, it's not.
your thoughts were interrupted by some sobs behind the large metal door in front of you.
you wondered.
Will give it a try?
Or will I just play his game?
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finalspaceyandere · 2 years
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According to Olan, Avocato is around 512 years old, from what I researched, the latter may or may not be true, but this time we'll take it as true.
Taking this into account, Avocato would have as much experience and skills to spare as you have already seen, and not counting the ones we don't know yet, what gives this man a plus is his knowledge as a surgeon (when he connected the robotic arm to the body of Gary) that fact adds a bit of darkness to this shit.
He is very intelligent, serious, stoic, strong, good liar (this is seen because he could lie to lil cato all his life, and trying to see him as an idiot will not be exactly easy, he has been in this world for a long time, so baby, he has a lot of experience to spare, and a very important fact about him, according to Lord Commander, Avocato is very unstable, that is, he can be a damn, obsessive and dangerous Russian roulette.
And like almost all the characters, a psychologist would not do him any harm, he could say that he is a bit selfish for not wanting to let go of his "son" in the sense of telling him the truth, instead, he hides everything . of him, if he did that to his son so she wouldn't leave, or maybe out of fear that she would hate him, imagine what he could do.
I feel like he would be 2 or 3 of the most dangerous yanderes in fs, because with all his knowledge and skills, they make him very, very dangerous.
This guy wouldn't notice you right away, but given enough time, fuck, I think he's not one to kidnap you, only if he sees no danger, although he's been seen to be very protective of his loved ones, so anything. That would be reason enough to keep you close.
Also, I don't know if it's me, but I feel like he has manipulative tendencies.
I feel like he could get his hands dirty, in fact, he killed his co-worker (terk, I think it's spelled like that) without any remorse, he even seemed a bit annoyed that he didn't die fast, although this would be to be at a crucial moment, where your life depended on it, oh maybe not? Maybe if he sees that you're interfering too much with his goal, the smothering guy, or maybe he's picking on you, that person would just disappear and you wouldn't realize how it happened.
And he would be both obsessive and possessive, more possessive, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous.
In conclusion, he enjoys what little you have left of your freedom ^ _ ^, and remember...
You look so cute when you think no one sees you.
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finalspaceyandere · 2 years
⚠️ this blog is preferably for adults, minors are warned⚠️.
but let's be honest, my warnings can go up your ass💖, so I only ask for discretion.
Hello, I introduce myself as the girl who apparently, like you, wanted to find fs yan content (just for fun), but not finding, at least not so many, she decided to create a blog.
If you find someone with my content, or want to post my stuff, please, I ask for credits, oh instead, don't steal my content.
💐thanks babies💐
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