#yanek ragtith
doli-nemae · 2 years
my friend joked that my Sith Warrior looks like a cat....
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well, it's not a joke anymore
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doli-nemae · 10 months
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"Life of an Emperor's Wrath can give you so much pain and suffering fun!" (c) my Sith Warrior Yanek Ragtith
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doli-nemae · 2 years
2, 6, 7, 15 and 24 for swtor player asks :)
Thank for asking!!! owo I have answered 2 here and 6 and 7 here!!!
15. Show us your main(s)!
HERE THEY COME!!! Because of ADHD I can't play on one character for long and switch between all of them, I suppose I'll show ya those between whom I switch more regularly
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Captain Caroline Jester - Smuggler
Age: 40 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced Class: Vanguard Alignment: Sometimes Dark Side, sometimes Light Side Used to serve in Republic military before Treaty of Coruscant, some years after decided to leave and became mercenary. With time switched to smuggling. Everyone on her ship are her adopted kids and it's not even a question (for except Bowdaar). Kinda a goodhearted woman but won't hesitate to betray someone for money\Republic\justice. Has a romance with Darmas Pollaran.
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Revo (Kallig) Sepho, the Forcewalker - Sith Inquisitor
Age: 25 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced Class: Marauder (after Act 3 - Assassin\Sentinel) Alignment: Somewhere in the middle Former slave and arrogant lady. Does her best to appear selfish, but in fact has more light inside than it may appear from the first sight. Has a brother, Ashley, and does her best to protect him from dangers around and (especially) himself. Also totally by accident became a Revanite.
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Ben Revo - Jedi Consular
Age: 51 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced Class: Shadow Alignment: He's confused I should say, that he's NOT going to be my jedi consular. He's mainly my OC that I wanted to play for a bit. Ben used to be a Jedi Sentinel during First Galactic War. He left the Order after some events and started a family with a woman he loved. They had two children and they lived peacefully until the Empire came. When the Imperials demanded surrender, they protested and hoped that Republic will send troops to aid them. But they didn't. Almost whole village was slaughtered and those who survived became slaves. Ben survived only because of luck and because some good people took him in and helped him recover. Since then he tried to find his lost children since he there were no bodies of them. With years, hope slowly turned into hatred to all the Imperials and especially Sith. He became a Sith hunter in hope that if he can't find his lost family - then at least he'll avenge them.
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Will'ow Satori - Bountyhunter
Age: 16 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced class: Opertive Alignment: Goodie, but likes to blow up things (and people) She's not my main Bounty hunter, but I headcanon her being a part of my other Bounty Hunter crew. A runaway kid who wanted to become somebody in this life. A good mechanic and likes to make bombs. Doesn't really like Empire and tries to cover her face with helmet whenever they are on Empire territory. Also, really likes Mako and they're besties.
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Yanek Ragtith - Sith Warrior
Age: 20 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced class: Juggernaut Alignment: Dark Side Arrogant and privileged ass. Quite an egoist and selfish, but appreciates a good fight. Acts like an ass, but actually just wants to make his parents proud. Had a conflict with Revo Sepho and Ashley and they treat each other as rivals. Sepho calls him offensively "the Golden Boy". Actually, really likes Vette and her smirky comments.
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Jess Marli - Bountyhunter
Age: 19 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced class: Powertech Alignment: Bad-doer I have't made anything with her yet, but she'll be my main Bountyhunter.
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Gharess Ferr - Jedi Knight
Age: 18 y.o. in Prologue\Act 1 Advanced class: Sage Alignment: Dark Side but tsss don't tell anyone Deceptive kid, wants to wipe out all of the Sith. Also impatient and doesn't like droids.
24. Do you have a primary/preferred stronghold?
For now that's the one on Coruscant, but I'm really thinking of stronghold on Tattoine owo
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doli-nemae · 2 years
well idk much about swtor, but how about 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10? :)
thank ya so much for asking and sorry for responding only now!! qwq
1. How many characters do you have?
I have 15 characters but only 10 of them are implemented in my story in some way (and I play only 8 of them qwq). I have:
2 Sith Inquisitors - Dem`etra Revo and Sepho Kallig (the first was my main and another because I decided to replay story for the same character and remake first one into her mother if she survived) Marauder/Assassin, later Sentinel/Assassin (both)
1 Sith Warrior - Yanek Ragtith (Juggernaut)
1 Jedi Consular - Ben Se'men (Shadow)
1 Smuggler - Caroline Jester (Vanguard)
2 Bountyhunters - Will`ow Satori (Operative) and Jess Marli (Powertech)
1 Jedi Knight - Gharess Ferr (Sage)
1 Imperial Agent - Nicolas Wright (Sniper)
1 Stormtrooper - Ronesh Dough
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
Ok, for now - that's Sith Inquisitor class story I guess. I just really like all these spooky scary skeletons ghosts stuff and companions.
I can't say much about other stories since I finished only SI and on most of them I'm in Act 1\Prologue, but here's my top 3 for now: 1. Sith Inquisitor (Light Side) 2. Smuggler 3. Sith Warrior (Dark(??) Side) 4. Jedi Consular (Light but in the middle of corruption arc) 5. Bountyhunter 6. Jedi Knight (Dark Side)
5. Favorite advanced class and discipline?
Sentinel (Combat), Assassin (Deception) and Operative (Lethality) I guess!! owo
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
I'll just put here whole Smuggler's crew by the beginning of Act 3. I love other companions, but oh god, this kindergarten kids bunch of misfits is my favorite. I love all of them and I think they all deserve first place
Andronikos Revel - cool dude, a pirate, reminds me of my smuggler a bit, if my SI wasn't lesbian she would've romanced him
Ashara Zavros - my little meow meow WHY IS SHE HETERO
Mako - also my little meow meow and ALSO WHY SHE'S HETERO
Vette - I know her only one prologue and through KOTET\KOTFE but I'm ready to protect her with my own life
10. Favorite love interest?
Empress Acina and I DON'T CARE if it doesn't count, okay?
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