#yang zhen and his magical eyebrows
accio-victuuri · 4 months
wang yibo - formed police unit weibo update
The daily life of the peacekeeping team, come and see your sworn brothers.The movie "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" is now in theaters. Looking forward to seeing you in the theater!
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innerpalaces · 5 months
CHAPTER 168: The Death of Anguo
Tuoba Zhen suddenly woke up from his nightmare, only to find himself sitting in the tent with a marching map in front of him and only an oil lamp on the table.
How ... how could he have such a dream? Tuoba Zhen looked at his hand in disbelief. Why did he dream of Li Wei Yang? And it was such a strange dream ...
"Your Highness, the cause of your past life and the consequences of this life, now you understand everything." At this moment, a cold voice came from outside the tent. Tuoba Zhen stood up suddenly and said sternly: "Who is it?!"
A figure in black robes walked in from outside the tent. He was smiling, and the red mole between his eyebrows was mesmerizing sight to behold. "Your Highness, besides me, who else can there be?"
Seeing that it was him, Tuoba Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly: "Why didn't the guards announce you?"
"Your Highness, we have a cooperative relationship, and people outside will naturally not stop me." Jiang Hua smiled, shaking off his black cloak, and there was no trace of the madness on his face.
"What do you mean by what you just said? What should I understand?" Tuoba Zhen suddenly thought of this and his brow suddenly wrinkled.
Jiang Hua smiled and said: "I just used a little trick to let you see some things that we have never understood."
Tuoba Zhen was even more confused, but his heart was greatly shocked. He vaguely felt that Jiang Hua was not just talking nonsense: "What on earth are you trying to say?"
"If I tell you that everything that you just dreamed happened, wound you believe it? The reason why Li Wei Yang has always hated you, refused to accept your feelings, and even regarded you as a savage beast is because of this - "
"No! Are you crazy?! You're actually talking nonsense!" Tuoba Zhen felt a burst of anger in his heart. He hated being toyed with by others. At this moment, he couldn't help but shout angrily, as he stepped forward, drew his sword and placed it across Jiang Hua's neck. He said coldly, "What kind of evil magic did you use?"
Jiang Hua smiled, gently pushed away the long sword, tsked twice, and said: "Why is Your Highness so anxious? Well, since you want to know, let me tell you. This time, I went to Yuexi and I told Empress Pei about the struggle between Princess Anguo and Li Wei Yang. It happened that there was a ghost witch by Empress Pei's side who had psychic skills. That person told me that according your birth chart, you, Tuoba Zhen, were meant to be the Emperor of Dali. And Li Wei Yang should also be Empress. Unfortunately, the two of you had a feud in your previous life, and your fates collided with each other. Now no one can see your future - "
Tuoba Zhen had big beads of sweat on his face, and his eagle-like eyes stared at Jiang Hua coldly, as if he wanted to find signs of deceit on his face. However, Jiang Hua's face was very calm, and there was even a hint of probing: "He said he could only see that you two had a grudge, but he didn't know what kind of grudge it was. He also said that people's souls generally don't linger after death, but if they do it must be due to obsession or anger and unwillingness. If these feelings are too deep, they will eventually turn into a ghost, wandering in the earth, or reborn in the world, and this is the case with Li Wei Yang - what did you see in your dream? "
Tuoba Zhen suddenly took a step back and murmured: "How is this possible? How is this possible?"
He has always been the most ruthless and calm person. The scene in the dream had already shocked him to the extreme, and what Jiang Hua had just said was even more unbelievable.
"This blood jade can allow you to see visions of the past, but -" Jiang Hua carefully observed his expression, trying to find clues. Then, he suddenly took out a blood red jade pendant that seemed radiate an indescribably strange aura.
Tuoba Zhen calmed down quickly, went over and snatched the pendant away. He said in a cold voice: "You're talking nonsense, I have heard enough! I invited you here to fulfill your promise, not to indulge your madness!"
Jiang Hua was really curious about what Tuoba Zhen saw in his dream and why he lost control like this. However, he just smiled and said: "I will naturally do what I promised you. This time at the border, I have already made it clear to Grandfather that within ten days, his 500,000 soldiers must support you in successfully seizing the throne. But don't forget our agreement. No matter what grudges or entanglements you have with Li Wei Yang, I want her life!"
Tuoba Zhen sneered and said, "I won't go back on what I've promised you."
Jiang Hua smiled, but saw him taking the piece of blood jade into his arms, and told him vaguely: "The ghost witch said that this blood jade can only be used once. I have used it just now. Wearing it on your body is useless."
Tuoba Zhen glanced at him coldly, and his voice seemed to have abandoned even the last trace of emotional fluctuations: "There will be a day where I will be able to figure out the mystery behind it. However, all of this has nothing to do with you."
Jiang Hua raised his lips, and a cold and eerie light flashed in his spring-like eyes, and he said nonchalantly: "Then, I hope our cooperation will go smoothly." Then, he glanced outside the tent and said, "It's almost time now. General Sun should be back with news soon."
Tuoba Zhen walked out of the tent and looked at the sky in the distance. He was speculating fiercely in his heart about what happened in the capital. Why had Sun Chongyao not sent any signal yet? Could it be that he had not successfully entered the palace? Or was he discovered halfway? No, unless someone can understand that Sun Chongyao is his person... But how is that possible? Because of Princess Anguo's actions, Sun Chongyao appeared to have a deep grudge with him and joined Tuoba Yu's camp.
Although Li Wei Yang is sinister and vicious, she has a fatal weakness. She always risks her life to protect the people she cares for. Therefore, although she acts as if nothing has happened on the surface, she is a person who values ​​love and justice in her heart. And she is very smart. One characteristic of smart people is that they will act themselves for the sake of others. She would not hesitate to take revenge for Sun Yanjun. Of course she would think that Sun Chongyao, like her, would defect to Tuoba Yu to avenge his daughter. However, she cannot understand a man's determination and ambition. If Sun Chongyao helped Tuoba Yu, at most he would remain just a small general. But when he helped Tuoba Zhen, he promised him the position of prince with a different surname. What an honor it was. How could Sun Chongyao refuse?
He won't, even if it means death, even if it means betraying his daughter and wife, he will agree. This is the difference between men and women - Tuoba Zhen sneered. Therefore, Li Wei Yang will not discover Sun Chongyao's betrayal, let alone their plan, and everything should go smoothly.
However, he waited until dawn, but the pre-arranged signal did not light up - Tuoba Zhen returned to the tent with a gloomy face. Jiang Hua sneered and said: "The so-called marching and setting up the formation requires the most favorable timing. From what I see, Sun Chongyao must have been captured by now. But it doesn't matter, you still have 200,000 soldiers and horses, as long as you make up your mind, you can capture the throne without his help."
Tuoba Zhen looked at him coldly and said, "You want me to be charged with rebellion?"
If Sun Chongyao successfully controls the palace and the imperial army controls the capital, then all public opinion will be in the hands of Tuoba Zhen. He can claim that Tuoba Yu poisoned the Empress Dowager and intended to murder the Emperor. Sun Chongyao led his troops to protect him. Of course, this kind of thing cannot deceive people who knew the ins and out of the imperial struggle, but for him, this kind of whitewashing is very important. A throne gained through rebellion would never be secure, so he had been waiting for news about Sun Chongyao. By justifiably controlling the capital, he would be able to hold everything firmly in his hands. Even if Duke Luo suddenly launched an attack, he would still have a way to deal with him.
But now, if he rashly raises his troops, the whole world will know that Tuoba Zhen is plotting to rebel and usurp the throne, and this crime will definitely follow him for the rest of his life, even if he becomes the Emperor.
Jiang Hua sneered: "Now that you have come to this step, there is no turning back, Your Highness!"
Tuoba sat back down and held the teacup in his right hand for a long time. When his hand gradually unfolded, the tea bowl also split into six or seven pieces and the thin porcelain was stained with blood. He suddenly stood up and said coldly: "Order the army to return to the capital immediately!"
Tuoba Zhen was dressed in military uniform and stood on the high platform in front of the big tent. In front of him was an army of 200,000 well-trained soldiers. They gathered in front of him and stood in line without any chaos and in silence. Tuoba Zhen raised his voice and said: "Everyone, I just received an emergency report that Tuoba Yu has launched a rebellion in the capital. He kidnapped His Majesty and poisoned the Empress Dowager. His ambition is known to everyone. It is a heinous crime!"
Everyone in the audience listened to him with bated breath, and the scene was extremely silent.
"Rebellious officials and traitors must be punished! Are you willing to return to the capital with me!" Tuoba Zhen's hawk eyes remained fixed on the audience as the atmosphere became incomparably tense. He had already arranged for several of his trusted aides to hide in the crowd and respond appropriately when needed. What's more, he has the imperial edict and the military talisman in his hand, which can mobilize these 200,000 people.
However, there was silence and no one answered. He asked again, but still no one answered. At this moment, Tuoba Zhen's expression changed slightly. Has there been a change in the people he arranged? His eyes wandered around the crowd, but everyone looked at him expressionlessly. How could that be? ! He has obviously planned everything——
Jiang Hua frowned when he saw this situation.
At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Your Highness, are you looking for these people?"
Tuoba Zhen's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw more than ten heads rolling out of the crowd. Even though they were stained with blood, he recognized them at a glance. The owners of these heads were clearly his aides, and he was shocked. He demanded angrily: "Who is it! Who did this?"
Then several generals walked out from the crowd. One of them laughed and said, "His Majesty's decree is here. Please accept the order."
Tuoba Zhen's expression changed dramatically in an instant. His brow couldn't help but tremble and his lips pursed into a straight line: "What did you say?! Where did an order from His Majesty come from! Who are you!"
The man smiled coldly and said: "I am the supervisor sent by His Majesty! His Majesty is worried that You Highness may make mistakes during his first expedition, so he ordered us to support him from afar and escort Your Highness all the way to the southwest border."
Tuoba Zhen finally understood that the Emperor had never trusted him. The supervisors he sent were not really escorts, but were sent to monitor him. In the opponent's hand was an imperial edict, so light and fluttering, but yet so heavy. In Tuoba Zhen's eyes, this meant that his death was imminent.
Li Wei Yang's face with a light smile immediately appeared in front of his eyes. In his mind, this face was slowly overlapping with the person in the dream.
Now he finally understood the meaning of that dream - if there was no enmity in the past life or grudges in this life, why would she want to ruin his plan? At this moment, he has forgotten his hostile acts against Li Wei Yang, and only thinks of how the other party has wronged him! He clenched his teeth so tightly that blood oozing from the roots. It turns out that this is the so-called retribution! Although the hatred for Li Wei Yang was fierce, it only stayed on his mind for a moment. Because he has more important things to think about now. How to solve the situation in front of him!
Jiang Hua saw the situation and knew that their grand plan would not happen. He quietly took a few steps back and hurried to the back of the tent. Just as he was about to find the horses he prepared earlier and leave, several guards in black suddenly appeared. Behind him, he heard someone laughing softly: "Young Master Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you well?"
When Jiang Hua heard this voice, it was like falling into hell for a moment. It's her - why is she here?! He slowly turned around with a cold look: "Li Wei Yang, you are actually here."
Li Wei Yang just smiled and said: "The legs of four horses were broken on the road. It's really not easy for me to get here before dawn."
Jiang Hua sneered and said: "It turns out that these 200,000 troops are just a trap to kill me." His voice used to sound like the sound of gold and jade, without a speck of dust, but now it is full of fatigue and nervousness, like a zither string about to break.
Li Wei Yang wore a men's green shirt, and it seemed that her jade-like face had a man's heroic aura. Her voice was very gentle: "I originally thought you were really crazy, and I intended to let you go, but I didn't expect that you pretended to be crazy and acted foolishly on the surface, even turning a blind eye to Concubine Jiang's death, but secretly colluded with Tuoba Zhen. What a good show!"
Let him go? She just wanted to make him suffer for the rest of his life, that's all. No one understands Li Wei Yang's thoughts better than him! Jiang Hua laughed, but his laughter seemed to be sighing, and it also seemed to be sad: "Yes, I have been thinking about how to defeat you, and I did not hesitate to pretend to be crazy. I thought I had successfully evaded your surveillance. Now I know, you never meant to let me off."
Li Wei Yang smiled lightly and said: "Third Young Master, between you and me, we can only fight to the death. This is what you said, and I have always remembered it."
At this moment, for some reason, strong winds roiled through the sky, making it difficult to open one's eyes, and the snowflakes became bigger and bigger. Jiang Hua raised his face and smiled coldly: "Do you think you will win this way? Do you know that my grandfather's army of 500,000 is about to invade the capital? At that time, whether it's you or Tuoba Yu, who would be able to escape death?!"
Li Wei Yang suddenly covered her lips and laughed softly. Seeing Jiang Hua's surprised look, she said sarcastically: "It turns out that your information is so out of date, why don't you know? Just two hours ago, Duke Jiang was assassinated in front of his army, and all eighteen of his trusted generals were killed overnight. Now, the army of 500,000 has been taken over by the trusted aides sent by His Majesty! What a pity, you were just one move away."
Jiang Hua's pupils shrank at this moment: "Are you lying to me?"
Li Wei Yang sighed: "If only I was lying, but, you know, I have no need to tell lies. You can't mobilize the 200,000 troops here, and you can't use the 500,000 troops either. Now, what can you do?"
Jiang Hua did not expect that everything he had carefully planned would end like this, but he was such a tough-minded person. A series of thoughts quickly flashed through his mind. Without even thinking about it, he dropped to his knees and said, "Princess, Princess, please let me go. Please spare my life! I can be like my fifth brother and never return to the capital in this life!"
The Jiang Hua in front of her was completely different from the stunning third son of the Jiang family before.
Li Wei Yang hadn't spoken yet, but she stared at Jiang Hua kneeling in front of her. Jiang Hua had already crawled in front of her, looking as if he wanted to grab hold of her skirt with a guilty look on his face. At that very moment, a bright light flashed from Li Wei Yang's side, and pierced into Jiang Hua's open mouth, causing him to fall backwards. He was in extreme pain, but could not die immediately, and his eyes were so wide that they were about to burst. Li Wei Yang seemed to have expected this to happen, and she squatted down and looked into his eyes.
Jiang Hua looked back at her, with the last glimmer of light in his eyes. He struggled, breathing  intermittently in a low voice, and weakly formed a sentence: "I didn't lose..."
With his last words, he still cared about victory or defeat.
Li Wei Yang didn't notice the weird smile on Jiang Hua's lips, and just whispered: "No, you still lost." Zhao Yue pulled out the long sword from Jiang Hua's jaw. Jiang Hua's pupils immediately dilated and blood flowed from his mouth, but the sneer was still on his face. The scene was really horrifying.
Li Wei Yang watched Jiang Hua collapse in front of her, and something glinting coldly rolled out of his sleeve. It was a blade only as long as a finger. There was a trace of regret on her face, and she said: "You are not asking for mercy from me, but rather want to take the opportunity to kill me." Jiang Hua is not only smart, but also strong-minded. Li Wei Yang smiled, he is a good opponent. Unfortunately, he was too proud and refused to admit defeat. Sometimes, winning or losing doesn't matter. Only by surviving can you have a chance at victory.
Zhao Yue snorted coldly and said: "This person had evil intentions and really deserved to die."
Li Wei Yang did not answer her, but looked at the square not far away. The real person who deserved to die was Tuoba Zhen.
Editor: I thought in this chapter we would see Tuoba Zhen die——
Xiao Qin: If he was defeated by Li Wei Yang so easily, he would no longer be Tuoba Zhen. Do you think he can still stand back up?
Editor: If he turns over again, I will crawl out of your computer and into your bed——
Xiao Qin: ,>_<, Then don't let him turn over, just die.
Editor: You have to torture him before dying.
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