#yasuchika is such a bastard i hate that i love him
sakura-samsara · 2 years
Shigehira Main Story: Chapter 10
← Chapter 9
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✦ part one
We continued on our way, despite various people still calling for Shigehira to stop, until…
???: Ahh, hello again, you two!
(Oh, that voice—)
I looked in the direction of the blithe-sounding voice.
Yasuchika: Thank you for exterminating the ayakashi last night.
Yasuchika: I knew you could do it, Shige-chan, Yoshino-san! 
The nobles made way for Yasuchika upon recognizing him, seemingly taken aback by his presence. 
(Yasuchika-san must be a really important person.)
Yoshino: Good evening, Yasuchika-san.
Yasuchika: Good evening, fox-possessed princess. I’m so glad that I could see you two nights in a row.
(I feel like Yasuchika-san acts just as much like himself wherever he goes.)
Yasuchika’s demeanor was jarringly out of place within the formal and heavy atmosphere of the Imperial Court.
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Shigehira: Have you come to guide us?
Yasuchika: Mhmm. Well, this certainly isn’t the first time that Shige-chan has been here, so it was just a precaution…
Yasuchika: And I thought that I’d be able to kill two birds with one stone if I could give you a tour and hear your report at the same time. 
Shigehira: When you put it that way…
Yasuchika led the way as we resumed walking, and Shigehira and I verbally recounted the events of last night to him.
Shigehira: I’ll send you a written report later. 
Yasuchika: Much appreciated!
Yasuchika: At any rate, I’m a bit surprised that you got hurt, Shige-chan. 
Shigehira: It’s not a serious injury. I just got distracted for a moment.
(When it happened…)
(The ayakashi had shapeshifted into the form of a little girl, and Shigehira-kun had instinctively hesitated to kill her.)
Yasuchika: You got distracted, hmm?
Shigehira: Do you have something you want to say to me?
Yasuchika: Never mind~ You know, you seem to be in even more of a bad mood than usual. 
Shigehira: If that’s how it seems to you, then it’s because I’m standing in front of you.
Shigehira responded without making eye contact with Yasuchika, not even trying to conceal the rudeness in his tone.
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Yasuchika: You’re so mean.
Yasuchika: And here I thought all the members of the Heike flourished in the Imperial Court. 
Shigehira: Yasuchika-san…
(It’s such a terrible coincidence that he’d say something like that to Shigehira-kun now…)
But I knew I couldn’t talk about the altercation we’d had with the former members of the Heike before arriving at the court, so I kept my mouth shut.
Shigehira: It’s tasteless to speak of the social standing of another person’s family.
Yasuchika: Is that so~?
Yasuchika: Because we used to hear about your family’s prestige all the time. “Not among the Heike, not among the people” or something like that, no?
Yasuchika: If those of us who aren’t in the Heike aren’t people, I wonder what it does make us. I would love it if we were all ayakashi…
Yasuchika: But I suppose it's the Taira clan who have become ayakashi now. Perhaps the malevolent, power-hungry spirits that haunt the mountains and rivers are what’s become of your family.
Shigehira: …
✦ part two
Yasuchika: But I suppose it's the Taira clan who have become ayakashi now. Perhaps the malevolent, power-hungry spirits that haunt the mountains and rivers are what’s become of your family.
Shigehira: …
(I get it now. It’s not a coincidence. Yasuchika-san… is saying these things on purpose.)
The previous nobles’ contempt paled in comparison to the malice concealed behind Yasuchika’s carefree smile.
(I don’t know why he would do such a thing, but regardless of his reason…)
Feeling brave, I looked at Yasuchika and opened my mouth.
Yoshino: …I think that’s a horrible way to talk about someone’s family.
Shigehira: Yoshino-san...
Shigehira’s eyes slightly widened in surprise.
Yasuchika: Ohhh. I suppose it is, isn’t it? Sorry, sorry.
Yasuchika: Shige-chan is so genuine, unlike Yoritomo-sama and the rest of his friends. It makes me really want to poke fun at him and enjoy his reactions.
Shigehira: Are you mocking me?
Yasuchika: Of course not~. Honesty is a very good quality!
Shigehira gave Yasuchika a cutting look, to which Yasuchika only responded with a chuckle.
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Yasuchika: But they say that tact is an important thing to have when you’re a court official. Your honesty would do you no favors here.
Yasuchika: I suppose that means Shige-chan ought to be glad that the Heike has collapsed! 
(What did he just…?!)
Yoshino: Yasuchika-san!! Now you’ve taken this too far…!
Shigehira: It’s alright, Yoshino-san.
I was about to protest, but Shigehira stopped me.
Yoshino: But—!
Shigehira: Yasuchika-san is good at figuring out what makes others tick. He says things like this to people and gauges how badly they react.
Shigehira: We’re just playing right into his hands if we take him seriously.
If you say so (Romantic+4/Dramatic+4) Even so, it’s inexcusable (Romantic+2/Dramatic+4) I’m not convinced… (Romantic+4/Dramatic+2) 
Yoshino: …If you say so, Shigehira-kun.
Shigehira: Thank you. …I appreciate the sentiment, though. 
Yasuchika: I’m so jealous of you, Shige-chan. Yoshino-san must really like you.
Shigehira: …I’m sure she likes me better than you.
Shigehira pursed his lips as he responded.
I knew there was no deeper meaning to his retort, but for some reason, I felt my heart skip a beat. 
Shigehira: Yasuchika-san, I don’t believe that being cunning and underhanded is part of the true spirit of a warrior. 
Yasuchika: How admirable!
Yasuchika: What kind of commander will you become in the future? …I’ll look forward to seeing it.
I couldn’t be sure of how much Yasuchika truly meant by what he said, but he stopped walking instead of saying anything more.
Yasuchika: Well, here we are! This is the room your meeting in.
We entered the room together. Shigehira made a short statement, and then the meeting quickly began.
(...There are a lot more people than I thought there would be.)
Court Official 1: Is this the rumored kitsunetsuki?
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Shigehira: Indeed. Yoshino-san, please introduce yourself.
✦ part three
Court Official 1: Is this the rumored kitsunetsuki?
Shigehira: Indeed. Yoshino-san, please introduce yourself.
Yoshino: …Nice to meet you. My name is Yoshino. I am in your care.
I bowed deeply to them, feeling their stares bore into me.
Court Official 2: It appears that she is just an ordinary young woman. She is not barking or wailing, as would be typical of someone possessed by a fox.
Court Official 3: No, no, we cannot be sure of it. Perhaps she hides her wickedness with her innocent face to seduce men who are none the wiser.
Snickers spread throughout the room.
(...I feel like they’re appraising me at an auction. I’m so uncomfortable.)
Shigehira: …
Court Official 4: How do you spend your time at the Shōgun’s estate, my child?
Yoshino: I work as an apothecary, and I lend a hand with miscellaneous tasks here and there. 
Then the court nobles began gleefully whispering among themselves.
Court Official 5: My goodness! How dare they force someone who possesses a supernormal power to do such menial work? 
Court Official 6: They are samurai, after all. It is expected that they are such brutes… Would it not have been better to keep her in the capital?
(Was there something wrong with my answer…?)
I hurriedly began to speak again.
Yoshino: No, that’s not the case. The people of the shogunate have been kind to me.
Yoshino: I asked them if I could work, and they let me…
Court Official 7: Why would you want to do such work? You would be better off spending your days in the parlor and amusing yourself with makeup and board games. 
Court Official 8: Or perhaps… now that you have the chance, you could “lend a hand” to someone in particular in the shogunate.
(I don’t think he means “lend a hand” in the same way I did…)
The nobles exchanged a laugh in a way so obviously condescending that I couldn’t help but feel upset.
(No, no, no… I can’t let them humiliate the people of the shogunate.)
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Shigehira: May I have everyone’s attention?
Shigehira, who was standing beside me, spoke up in a dignified voice out of the blue.
Shigehira: She is weary and stressed after our long journey. Kindly give her grace and refrain from bombarding her with questions.
Shigehira: If you would not mind hearing about them, I’d like to share with you some recent happenings in Kamakura. 
Shigehira: I am aware that you all may find the samurai’s affairs dull, but there are a few “rumors” from the estate that may be of interest to you. 
✦ part four
Shigehira: If you would not mind hearing about them, I’d like to share with you some recent happenings in Kamakura. 
Shigehira: I’m aware that you all may find the samurai’s affairs dull, but there are a few “rumors” from the estate that may be of interest to you. 
Court Official 1: Oh…? I assume these happenings must be worth hearing. It is not often that Shigehira-dono discusses such things. 
Court Official 2: We certainly cannot miss this. Let us sit and discuss this over sake.
The officials, now smiling broadly, ordered their attendants to prepare drinks for us all. 
(I bet Shigehira-kun was covering for me.)
Thanks to his kindness, I breathed a sigh of relief.
The anger I’d felt earlier had subsided, and warmth welled up within me.
Even after the drinks had been served, Shigehira effortlessly indulged the nobles in conversations about various topics.
And then…
Court Official 1: My, you are certainly an entertaining conversationalist!
Shigehira: It’s kind of you to say that. I am truly honored.
(Shigehira-kun is so amazing…)
His ability to stay courteous and composed to the very end gave me a newfound respect for him.
Court Official 2: Indeed. I’m sure we all know that Shigehira-dono is also a master of musical instruments.
Court Official 2: What do you say, gentlemen? Shall we conclude this evening with a performance from Shigehira-dono?
(What? Shigehira-kun can play musical instruments too?)
Court Official 3: That would be lovely! Let us have a biwa brought in at once. 
Shigehira: No. I am ashamed to say that my arm has been injured, and it is too weak to play.
Shigehira: Though I greatly wish to share a performance with you all, I do not believe I would be capable of doing so at this time.
Court Official 3: You are too modest.
One of the nobles opened his fan, smiling insidiously. 
Court Official 3: …It seems to me that you are much more skilled in the art of music than the art of war, Shigehira-dono.
(What an awful thing to say!)
The air of the room became thick with curiosity and malice.
Shigehira: …Very well.
A biwa was quickly brought into the room, and Shigehira took the instrument into his hands.
(Will Shigehira-kun be alright…?)
(If I was him, I wouldn’t be able to keep it together at all.)
I clenched my fists tightly with worry.
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Shigehira: I shall begin.
His slender fingers held the plectrum in a practiced manner against the strings of the biwa.
Long lashes fanned over his cheeks as he lowered his eyes and inclined his head, giving his appearance a cool and elegant allure. 
I heard someone exhale, and at that moment…
A striking tone sliced through the stagnant atmosphere of the room.
The graceful movements of his fingers produced a powerful, gorgeous melody.
(Oh… It’s so beautiful.)
I couldn’t take my eyes off of Shigehira, who looked more mature than usual as he played.
(But there’s something about the tone of his sound…)
(...Is Shigehira-kun angry?)
✦ part five
I couldn’t take my eyes off of Shigehira, who looked more mature than usual as he played.
(But there’s something about the tone of his sound…)
(...Is Shigehira-kun angry?)
Every quiver of the biwa’s strings and every vibration of the sound through the air resonated in my heart.
And as a result, memories began to resurface in my mind…
Naoie: “Not among the Heike, not among the people.” That’s what your family used to say back in the day, isn’t that right?
Naoie: Well, that doesn’t mean shit anymore.
Shigehira: Only a vulgar and base person envies what another person was born with.
Shigehira: Didn't you all learn that too?
Shigehira: Don’t do this. You’re forfeiting your lives by affiliating yourselves with the rebel army. 
Man 4: We are already ghosts!
Man 4: We escaped the hunt for the survivors of the clan and were forced to live miserably in hiding. Yoichi-sama saved us from that wretched existence! 
Shigehira: Yoichi-san, you…
Yoichi: Don’t look at me like that, little lordling.
Yasuchika: But they say that tact and cunning are important things to have when you’re a court official. Your honesty would do you no favors here.
Yasuchika: I suppose that means Shige-chan ought to be glad that the Heike has collapsed! 
Yoshino: Yasuchika-san!! Now you’ve taken this too far…!
Shigehira: It’s alright, Yoshino-san.
—flashbacks end
(That time, and that other time, and that time too… Shigehira-kun had been angry all along.)
Those incidents were sure to have angered his honorable spirit.
(But he endured each and every blow, and he kept moving forward with dignity.)
Court Official 4: How magnificent…
One of the nobles murmured to himself, as though his contempt had been overpowered by Shigehira’s skillful performance. 
(...How can Shigehira-kun’s anger be so beautiful?)
I’d lost myself in listening to his performance, but then I suddenly noticed the cloth bandage I’d wrapped around his arm last night.
(...Shigehira-kun is so strong that he can effortlessly take on multiple samurai in a fight,)
(Yet the only time I saw him get hurt was when he fought that ayakashi, because he was unable to bring himself to kill it when it was in the form of a little girl.)
(I think what happened to him then might be the same as what’s happening to him now.)
Shigehira is so kind, but the world is not kind to him.
It hurts him without reason, sometimes to the point of making him bleed. 
(Is this how he’s lived his whole life?)
I felt hot tears slip down my cheeks—only then did I realize that I’d been crying.
Just as Shigehira had finished playing, our eyes met…
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Shigehira: !...
(I shouldn’t let him see me cry. It would just make him worry.)
I quickly looked down and rubbed my eyes, trying desperately to stop my tears.
The final sound from the biwa faded into complete and utter silence. 
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Shigehira: I am humbled that you all would listen to my shoddy performance.
Shigehira: To those of you who are capable in combat�� I hope there will never be an occasion during which you will witness a display of my martial ability for yourselves.
Court Official 1: A-Ah, yes… But of course…
Shigehira slowly cast a look around the room, and all of the nobles nodded as his gaze fell on them, like they’d swallowed their own venomous words. 
Shigehira: Now, if you will excuse us.
Prompted by a look from Shigehira, we bowed and exited the room together.
We quickly left the court building and got in the bullock cart that had been waiting for us outside. 
Yoshino: Um… Shigehira-kun, thank you for—
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Shigehira: Why were you crying?
Chapter 10 Premium Story →
For notes on the Heike’s influence in the Imperial Court, as well as the phrase “not among the Heike, not among the people,” see the translation notes for Chapter 2 of Shigehira’s route! 
Shigehira usually uses the first pronoun 俺 (ore) to refer to himself, which has an informal and masculine vibe. It would be considered rude and arrogant for him to use 俺 in a formal setting like the Imperial Court, so when he addresses the court officials, he uses the more polite, gender-neutral pronoun 私 (watashi) for himself.
The biwa (琵琶) is a string instrument often used in Japanese classical music. It’s a wooden lute with a short fretted neck, usually struck with a plectrum rather than plucked by the fingers. Traditionally, it’s played as accompaniment for reciting scriptures or oral storytelling, (most famously) including the Tale of the Heike, which was first performed orally by blind biwa-playing bards in the 13th century before it was compiled and written down. (This is more of my personal speculation/headcanon, but because of the fact that the biwa is used to recite the Tale of Heike, I think it’s beautifully symbolic and fitting that the biwa is Shigehira’s instrument of choice.)
If you’re interested in what a biwa performance sounds like, here’s a video of biwa musician Kumada Kahori performing a piece that tells the story of the Battle of Dan-no-Ura, the final battle of the Genpei War in which the Heike fell to the Genji. Notice how she strikes the biwa while she’s singing to recreate the sounds and tension of the battle as she narrates it!
12 notes · View notes
ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 5~Part 1
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Kurama is already in love with Yoshino, he just doesn’t realize it. Also yeah, I hope I did give a warning in Chapter 1.
Chapter 4
-----Part 1-----
Ibuki: “As usual, the powerful Onmyoji of this court is well experienced. As expected of my ‘master.”
Yasuchika: “Stop talking like a creep, you bastard.”
The tone of voice was harsh and unbelievable for a young child.
But Ibuki didn’t show any care....
Ibuki: “How can you be so cold to a cute child? Yasuchikaaa.”
Yasuchika: "Your catnip is too transparent. If you went to Kamakura, why didn't you just drink some of Yoritomo-sama's nectar?"
Ibuki: "That Shogun. Not bad for a playmate, but this time I found something cuter."
Yasuchika: "You mean Kura-rin? What would you have done if he found out we were messing with him? ......Well, you know what, I suppose it's no use asking you."
Ibuki: "You understand me very well, don’t you. I’m impressed."
Yasuchika: "That’s the worst and most disgraceful swear words I've ever lived to hear."
Without seeming to care Ibuki put one hand into his long sleeve and removed the heavy bracelet....
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Ibuki: "Phew, I feel comfier in this body."
Ibuki sits comfortably in front of Yasuchika in his adult form, his well-groomed face intact.
His bright, wavy blonde hair was beautifully long, with two ivory-colored antlers peeking out of the gaps.
Yasuchika: "Take it on and off too often and you'll lose it, your charm bracelet."
Ibuki: "Captious as ever. In front of the court and the people in the Onmyoji dormitory, I have to wear the right disguise. .....No one should suspect that a demon is nesting in the mansion of the Abe family, a family of Onmyoji masters with a long history."
A sarcastic smile appeared in Ibuki's noble, slitted eyes.
Yasuchika: "That's enough. Now, where's the rest of the report? The original plan was to test the fox princess's strength and investigate her character, right?"
Ibuki: "And then Kurama poked his head in from the side. It's not my fault if he was there before."
Yasuchika: "Do you take me as a fool. You were aware of Kura-rin's presence, so you deliberately led the demon towards him."
Ibuki: "Have you been using those paper dolls to keep an eye on me? ....Geez, I can’t trust you anymore."
Yasuchika: "Why need a shikigami when I can predict how you’ll act based on my knowledge of your character."
Ibuki: "Are you also good at telling personalities?"
Yasuchika: "Well, of course. And your character is disgusting. You're irredeemable and love to play with people’s hearts."
Ibuki: "No more, or you’ll make me blush, Mr. Onmyoji."
Yasuchika: "Ibuki."
Yasuchika's dark eyes are filled with a murky gloom.
Yasuchika: "You're free to play as long as you don't bother 'him'."
Ibuki: "You really love him, don't you?"
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Ibuki plays with Yasuchika's hair with his fingertips giving her a derisive look.
Ibuki: "Okay, don’t pout. Plans have changed, but we're still getting the bare minimum of information using remote monitoring techniques. Unfortunately, I couldn't listen to all the details of the conversation without Kurama noticing."
Yasuchika: "So?"
Yasuchika asked, not caring about the tousled hair and not blinking.
Ibuki: "First of all, our little fox princess is only taking baby steps towards using her powers. She didn’t even think about her fox powers."
Yasuchika: "But Yoshitsune-sama was able to make a wind blade, on the very night he made the pact."
Ibuki: "What I saw at that time, she was scared to be eaten alive, let alone face the demon by herself."
Yasuchika: "......I see."
Yasuchika murmured as if thinking about something.
Ibuki: "But above all that, she is a big softie and even tried to hide Kurama from her own allies. As a result, Kurama was intoxicated by it, so no one died."
Yasuchika: ".....Kura-rin being disturbed. That's something new."
Ibuki: "Isn't it?"
Ibuki laughs happily.
Ibuki: "Fox princess is the eye of the storm. If you play with it enough, it can send you into a tailspin, as I see it."
----Part 2----
Ibuki: "Fox princess is the eye of the storm. If you play with it enough, it can send you into a tailspin, as I see it. I'm sure it will be interesting to see Kurama, out of all people, would have anything to do with a human woman."
Yasuchika: "For better or worse, she's just a normal girl. I don't think she's got much chance of winning."
Ibuki: "It's true that she wasn't able to kill even one demon that time. Even Kurama thinks the same. .....But don't you know me already, Yasuchika? That I love to try humans."
Yasuchika: "I know. That's why I hate you."
Ibuki: "What? You too."
Yasuchika: "Yes."
Ibuki: "Anyways, do you have any interesting news?"
Yasuchika: "..... I hate to please you with all my heart."
Yasuchika picks up a letter from his sleeve and shows it to Ibuki.
Yasuchika: "----The Shogunate has asked me to help the fox princess who wants to practice slaying demons. Apparently, the brave princess is trying to overcome her fears herself."
Ibuki: ".......He...hahahaha...that's a piece of good news. This will be a most amusing game, Yasuchika."
Yasuchika: "Children who are absorbed in playing are apt to fall. You have to watch your step."
Ibuki: "I'll try my best not to fall."
With cold eyes, Yasuchika brushes his hair and looks at Ibuki.
Ibuki's eyes, on the other hand, were shining brightly.
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Ibuki: "It's been a long time since I played with Kurama. It reminds me of the old days."
Yasuchika: "You've already harassed him enough when he was a child and you’re still greedy. If that's what you call love, then it's distorted. I feel sorry for Kura-rin."
Ibuki: "I don't need you to tell me about love. You are a misanthropic Onmyoji."
Yoshino: "Well, I'll be off then."
Yoritomo: "Are you sure about this, Yoshino?"
Yoshino: "Yes."
Kagetoki: "You really like strange things, don't you? Like going to wars."
The battle, said to be an outpost of Shogunate and the rebels, was about to begin.
Tamamo: “The war began between the Shogunate and the rebels’ respective countries. The two armies go to each other’s side of the battlefield, which has become a stalemate...”
Yoshino: “The two armies are not going all out ahead of the war. In other words...The aim was not to win the game outright, but to win the game in our favor.”
Kagetoki(smiles): “Well done.”
Tamamo: “Once again, I’m sorry I can’t be there for you.”
Tamamo’s shapely brows furrow languidly.
Yoshino: “That’s reassuring enough. Thank you, Tamamo.”
Yoritomo: “I’m sorry. I’d love to send him with you, but he’s got another job.”
Yoshino: “Yes. I understand.”
As a demon who has lived longer than Kurama, Tamamo has a wealth of knowledge about the other side of the sea.
Now under the pretense of being a guest from the Song Dynasty, he is helping to plan tactics for the war against the rebels.
(I’ll do the best I can with what I’ve got.)
Yoshino: “In a real battle against the rebels, you can’t rely on someone else all the time. It’s a good opportunity to practice.”
(Not only that.)
(If I, a pharmacist, go, I may be able to reduce the number of deaths on the battlefield.)
And the nursing regime we planned with everyone in the Shogunate.
If you can try it out on the actual battlefield it will be so much the better.
1. I’d rather be doing something....
2. I have to be strong...(+4/+4)
3. If I keep trying...
Yoshino: “Because I have to be strong...”
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(To fight that Kurama proudly someday.)
Black feathers fluttered brightly in the scene behind my eyelids.
At that time...
Morinaga: “Ready, Yoshino.”
Shigehira: “.............”
------Part 3------
Morinaga: “Ready, Yoshino.”
Shigehira: “.............”
(They’re here.)
Morinaga-san and Shigehira-kun, who are going to this outpost, are already finished wearing their armor.
Yoshino: “I’m ready as I’ll always be.”
Shigehira: “I won’t listen to you whining once you’re on the battlefield. Okay?”
Morinaga: “I’m counting on you, but don’t take any chances.”
Yoshino: “Yes!”
I follow them tightly and put my feet on the stirrup of the horse that is being pulled.
Shigehira-kun and Morinaga-san, also jumped on their horses, too.
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Yoritomo: “---Come home alive. For the sake of the Kamakura Shogunate and yourself.” (Spoilers: she’s not coming home. Come on! even if I don’t give spoilers here, I’m sure you guys will already understand that this is foreshadowing.)
Yoritomo-sama’s eyes, which usually have a teasing tinge, were serious today.
Yoshino: “.....I will.”
I replied with a strong will and went with Morinaga-san and Shigehira-kun to the soldiers.
A few days later, on a battlefield, the two armies arrive almost simultaneously...
As if to add fuel to the smoldering fire, the battle situation suddenly flared up.
Rebel soldier 1: “Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”
Rebel soldier 2: “Damn the Shogunate! How did they find out about our supply routes?”
Shogunate soldier 1: “Go! Push through----!”
The rebel wielded their swords in a desperate attempt to prevent the Shogunate soldiers from breaking through.
Swords clashed, arrows whizzed through the air, and the shouts of the soldiers filled the air.
Rebel soldier 1: “Ngh....this is not right. It wasn’t supposed to be this intense.”
Rebel soldier 2: “Oh, this is not a prelude.---- What the hell is going on?”
Rebel soldier 3: “No, no, no----”
Just when the rebel soldiers were moaning in despair----
Shogunate soldier 2: “Gwaa”
Rebel soldier 3: “......!”
Kurama: “----What a mess, I can’t stand it.”
As soon as Kurama, who had ridden in on his horse, jumped into the fray, he cuts down several soldiers with just one swing of his sword.
Rebel soldier 3: “Ku-Kurama-sama!”
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Kurama: “It is shameful that a soldier of Yoshitsune should kneel on the ground. I’ll let you choose whether you want to be killed by me before the enemy kills you, or to die in vain in the service of the enemy.”
The heavy voice, which seems to push aside the clamour, naturally freezes friend and foe alike.
Shogunate soldiers 3: “Nn...don’t be frightened! He’s not Benkei or Yoichi, we don’t know his strength....”
Shogunate soldiers 4: “Yes! Don’t let the unknown soldier get away with it!”
Kurama(smiles): “.....Ha. It’s just that I’ve never had a name to tell you before. Why should I tell my name to a weak bug that going to be crushed under my feet, anyway?”
The white blade danced faster than the words, and by the time he had, finished several of the Shogunate’s soldiers had been knocked down without a sound.
Shogunate soldier 5: “Ah.......”
A few soldiers of the Shogunate realized that he was stronger than any normal human, began to retreat.
Kurama: “Too late. Not only were you born weak, but you have a fragile instinct to recognize the strong. Weak and stupid, don’t show me any more abominations than you already have.”
Rebel soldier 4: “Ah.....Kurama-sama, gave us a chance to win!”
Rebel soldier 5: “It's his words of encouragement. Even if we die, we can’t be called weak----!”
Awe and mortal fervour made the blood of the rebel soldiers boil.
They regained their momentum and pushed the Shogunate soldiers back again.
Kurama(Making the ‘I can’t understand humans’ face): “......... Samurai are so annoying.”
Kurama stated and swung his sword again.
(.......It’s  funny, the number of wounded is much higher than planned.)
Yoshino: “Excuse me, please bring the most seriously injured ones to this tent!”
Shogunate soldiers 6: “Yes!”
Rearguard troops were coming in and out of my tent.
Injured soldier: “Nn....Thank...you, Yoshino-san.”
Yoshino: “You don’t have to say anything. Everything will be fine.”
(Aside from the wound medicines I’ve been making....)
(With such a crowded situation, it’s going to be difficult to get the water needed for treatment.)
I stop the bleeding of the wounded soldier and wraps the torn cloth tightly around the wound.
Shigehira: “Yoshino-san!”
Part 2
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