#yay two gifs in a night lol im tired goodnight
dixonious · 6 years
She's My Lover.
Summary: Tristian had been pestering Y/N pretty much ever since she and her groups' arriving at Alexandria, he just won't take the hint that she isn't interested. And one night Y/N has had enough.
Warning: swearing, fluff, and possible, grammatical errors. :)
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You had been reading a book while sitting on the front porch of the house you were sharing with some of the people from your group. Having had been out all day hunting with Daryl, it had been an extremely long and tiring day. As soon as you walked through the gates of Alexandria, and reached your home, you collapsed right there on the steps. You had been in the same spot for about two hours now, and it was already nightfall.
It was hard being here, in this new place, with all these new people. You pretty much thrown yourself into anything you could help out with, to keep yourself busy, to not fall asleep because you had horrible nightmares, and now more especially, to avoid Tristian Hallaway. Day 3 of living in Alexandria he had approached you, making small talk, and it was fine, awkward, but fine.
You lacked a lot on people skills, so when he started talking to you it was weird and hard. But not as weird and hard as when he started to flirt with you. At first you hadn't fully notice, or maybe you just ignored, but when he made the very cheesy "Life without you is like a broken pencil...pointless" pick up line, you couldn't ignore it. And that's was when hell started, from that that day, with that horrible pick up line, he bugged you non-stop.
From him wanting to go on runs with you, to him asking you over for dinner at his place nearly everytime he saw you. And you tried so hard to give him the hint that you did not, and would not feel that way about him. But apparently, it just didn't stick.
Closing your book on chapter 82, you decided it was time to go in and try and get some sleep. So, grabbing your pack you had took out hunting with you today, you stood up and headed for the door.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up." You heard the voice of Tristian, just as you were reaching for the doorknob. "So close, yet so far." You mumbled to yourself as you sighed in annoyace. You turned around to face your stalker, "Hi, Y/N. I was just hoping tonight would be the night you'd come over for dinner." Tristian said as he walked up the steps toward me. "Tristian, look I'm not really..in the mood to talk right now, I had a really long day and I just wanna sleep." You said tiredly, hoping he would just leave it at that.
But he did not. "Aw come on, just tonight and maybe we could rest after dinner." He said, giving me a pointed look. "Look, dude, I'm not interested, in having dinner with you. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever." You said sternly, this had been going on for so long. It needed to stop.
"Well, why not?" Tristian responded, somewhat heatedly. "Why aren't you interested, hm?"
"Because, Tristian. You're not my type, and even if you were, I'm not looking for a relationship. And especially one that would be just about sex. So, you should go now." You replied, turning backs towards the door, pausing when you heard his voice, yet again. "How can I not be your type?" He said in a chuckle, "I'm everyone's type."
You stayed in that spot for a minute, thinking he's never gonna let this go. You smirked as and idea crossed your mind, and you turned back around to face him again. "Well, Tristian. You're not my type because, I'm gay." Let's see what he thinks about that. You thought to yourself.
"Y-you're what?" He spluttered. "I'm gay. Lesbian. I, 100%, like girls." You said as a matter of fact.
"There's no way." Tristian said, narrowing his eyes at me.
"There is a way. In fact, I already have a girlfriend. So, I'm spoken for already. And with that being said, goodnight." You turned on your heal once more when you heard him say, "Well, who is it?" Shit. "Who's what?" You responded. "Your girlfriend." He said back, and you could practically hear the quotation marks on 'girlfriend'. You faced him again, crossing your arms over your chest, "It's Maggie. Maggie's my girlfriend."
"Yeah right, Maggie's with Glenn." Tristian said, shaking while laughing. "You're a terrible liar."
"I'm not lying. Maggie and I..are...having an affair. We've been at it for awhile now." You said, with a straight face, this certainly was not going as planned.
And as if she had heard you say her name, there came Maggie, walking out the front door, "Hey, Y/N, I was won-" You cut her off by grabbing the sides of her face, and smashing your lips to hers, muffling her gasped, as she tensed up in shock. But soon you felt her start to kiss back, and you were so thankful for it. You kissed her slightly sloppily for a solid 8 seconds, and as you did, you realized the door was wide open and that, members of your family may or may not be watching you, but you couldn't blow your cover now. "Mwah!" Was the sound you made as you pulled away from her. You both look at each other for a second.
"See, Tristian?" You said, taking Maggie's arms and wrapping them around your waste before, wrapping your own around hers. "Maggie and I, are together. We are gay together, we are in love together. We. Are. Together. She's my lover." You said, turning away from Maggie, to meet Tristian's eye. And there he still stood, but with his jaw hanging open. "Wha- you're really?"
Maggie cleared her throat and turned to Tristian as she tightened her grip on you, "Yeah, she is. We are. But Honey, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone." Maggie said, looking back to you.
"I know, Baby, and I'm so sorry. Tristian here just keep pestering me, ya know? And I just had to tell him. In order for him to, get it. Please don't be mad at me." You pouting as you looked into Maggie's eyes.
"You know I could never be mad at you, Y/N." Maggie responded before planting a kiss on your cheek.
You blushed, "Thank you, Maggie." You said back sweetly, with a small smile.
Tristian cleared his throat, "I-I-I'm truly sorry, Y/N, I really didn't know you were, already in a relationship, or that you were..you were um-"
"A lesbian." You offered.
"Yeah...I'll um, leave you two alone now." He said, before walking back down the steps, "g-goodnight." He stuttered look back at you and Maggie, who were still wrapped in each other. "Night." You both responded in unison.
You walked yourself and Maggie back into your house, and you released her from your gripped once inside, and as you closed the door, you let out a relieved sigh. "Ya know, when I said you should go help her, I didn't mean go and kiss her." You heard Glenn say, and you turned around to face him, "help me?" You questioned.
"Yeah, we saw that Tristan's been bothering you for a little while now." Rick said from his spot on the couch, alongside Daryl, and Michonne.
"I was coming out to with an excuse to get you away from 'im." Maggie said. And you gave a nod, "But I guess kissing my wife was excuse enough, huh Y/N?"
You chuckled nervously a bit, "Sorry, Glenn. I sorta maybe told Tristian I was with Maggie, in order to get him to piss off. Looks like it work! So, yay!" You said as you walked over to the table where Tara sat, and you sat across from him.
"Why didn't you tell him you were with me? I kill to kiss you like how you just kissed Maggie!" Tara said, half-jokingly, and you laughed, "Sorry Tara, maybe if I'm being pestered my another, guy I'll tell him your my girlfriend." You teased. "Alright!" Tara responded, fist bumping you.
"As long as it's not my wife you're kissing anymore, I'm fine with it." Glenn said to you, as he wrapped his arm around Maggie, "Hey, if you saw us kissing, then I'm pretty sure you enjoyed, yeah?" You said with a chuckle and a wink. And Glenn laughed shaking his head at you, "You're a child." He said, and you laughed.
"Just saying some truth. An another? I enjoyed it, too." You whispered, and then you looked to Maggie and winked at her, and she looked down, smiling and blushing, and that smile turned into a huge grin. "Love ya, Mags." You said, as you smiled at her grinning, and everyone gave a chuckled or a laugh. It was no secret that the two of you almost always flirted with one another. It was just your thing.
There was a comfortable silence for a moment, and you stood to go shower and sleep, and just as you did you heard Glenn's voice teasing you once more, "She's your lover, huh?"
You snorted, and before exiting the room you responded, "She's my lover."
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