#yay yay yay haico question ! ! thank u soso much for asking ! 🥺 u’re so sweet ! ! ♡
hwaitham · 1 month
hello sweet coco ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و what r some instrumental or orchestral pieces that make you think of haico ! !
haii secret angel ! (人* ˊᵕˋ) this is such a fun question n one that i will hv to try to give u a short response to bcos i cn write a whole essay on this if u let me . . ! ♡
the Quintessential haico instrumental piece is enchanting bedtime stories frm gnshn itself :3 it is so . . . quaint ! n peaceful yet whimsical n playful . . which i feel best describes our relationship ♡ . . village surrounded by green is another track ( utilising the same leitmotif ) that also reminds me vrie much of myself n haithie ♡
marginalia #144 by masakatsu takagi is another essential haico song ♡ it reminds me of blissful friday evenings spent reading with him under our special tree just on the outskirts of sumeru city . . me between his legs and my back laying against his chest . . . our hearts dovetailing each others as we share solitude with each other 💞💫
the entire theory of everything ost ! but namely forces of attraction . . this is what falling in love with al haitham felt like ! so happie n carefree . . . so naturally n instinctively ,, like i was Made solely to love him 🥺 ! ! like loving him was my lifes entire purpose . . . this song feels like a ticking clock to me ,, either winding it back to replay all the moments you cherish most ( those tiny pieces of ur life where u realise ure falling in love ) or winding it forward to a time youre anticipating with your whole heart . . for me it was anticipating the moment i cld finally tell him freely that i loved him waaah ! !
n the last song i will share ( i hv many more but i will not take up too much space eekk ) is ill never see him again frm the pocohontas ost ^__^ it is so . . heart - achingly beautiful . . but littered with little bits of hope ! 🥺 listening to it reminds me of this piece of our lore where my parents send me off frm sumeru to fontaine to pursue a full time education in music a few months after we become good friends as children ,, n im crying to him about how ill never see him again 🥺 . . how he is my only friend and now we'll be so far away and i cn never read books with him again 🥺 . . . or sneak him a few laddus my mother makes 🥺 ! or hold his hand when im scared or fall asleep on his lap ! ! 🥺 ( needless to say — i come back to sumeru 20 years later . . meet him as a stranger . . become friends again . . read books with him again n make him laddus n hold his hand n fall asleep on his lap . . eventually fall in love n kiss at some point n get married ??? WAAAH )
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