#yeah I had a severe hangover lolololol
athyrabunlord · 7 years
May I ask how can you write so much? I always try to write a small one-shot but it ends up being less than 500 words unless I spend weeks over it and still it'll probably be under 1000 ?? I hope is not rude to ask.
super ironic that I sorta vanished for the past few days after receiving this ask Don’t worry Anon, it’s not rude at all! I suppose it comes for years of fanfic writing. If you peek at this original collab story The Bell Keeper, or even Trials of Kaguya, you’d see one chapter is of monstrous length… iirc, I’ve written an interlude chapter that was 25k words.
Ehehe although, having a high word count doesn’t necessary mean a good thing… more than often, I feel like I ramble too much and could still compress the content better. Even for this Prompt List Bliplet series I’m doing, my intention was to answer each request in less than 500 words.
Well… that’s not what happened eh? *faraway look
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