#yeah I looked up how the elevators in the london ritz look like
ms-sakurai · 5 years
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The Ritz London, I’ve got you now and I’m not letting go of you
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Every Available Surface
Shameless self shipping RPF because Oscar Isaac will never actually inseminate me.
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Surface One
London is sunny this August. Not a big surprise, but rain is of course all too common in the Kingdom. I cross the Roman Gardens at Hyde Park. It is sort of crowded. Mostly with tourists, families with children. But one person stands out. He is unsteady on his feet, like he is unwell. I recognise him, but I don’t want to make any assumptions.
He drops his shades and swears. I see him almost keel over trying to pick them up. No one around him seems to care. So I rush over. I crouch to pick up the shades and hold them out to him, standing upright. “Sir, your shades.” I murmur softly. He looks at me, obviously taking some effort to focus on me. “Oh … thanks.” He rasps. “You are very welcome.” I murmur, sending him a small smile. His fingers brush mine as he takes his shades back. His skin is clammy and his hand trembles a little.
“Are you alright?” I ask softly. His slightly green hue does not escape me. “Y-yeah.” He lies. “Can I help you with something? Call someone, help you go somewhere?” I ask, like a fool. He’s a random stranger. But should I therefor not be kind to him?
“I .. gotta go .. to hotel.” He rasps. “Is it far?” I ask. He does not reply, but starts fiddling with his phone. I wonder, for a moment, if his attention has already strayed far away from me. But then I get his phone pushed into my hand. “Taxi… order a taxi.” He slurrs. It’s an app for the London cab service. I select the Lancaster tube station as pick up point and a time slot 20 minutes away. Better safe than sorry, as this bloke does not seem too steady on the feet. I hand his phone back. “Come, let’s go. I’ll make sure you get to your hotel safe and sound.” I murmur.
I offer him my arm, half joking. He takes it.
“Thanks.” He mumbles. He suddenly seems shy. His already rather flushed face becomes even more flustered. I can ever sort of see it between the hairs of his salt and pepper beard. He smells strongly of whiskey, from this close.
We walk to Lancaster Gate. It goes slowly, he is unstead. We are both silent.
Once at Lancaster Gate, we have to wait a few minutes for the cab to arrive. I take that time to drink in this man’s features. He is not very tall, but somehow cuts quite the figure. He has a very distinctive nose and tousled ebony curls.
Okay fuck, drunk stranger is hot!
The cab pulls over and I help the drunk man sit down. He grasps my arm. “Come with me, please.” He whispers. He sounds so sad. And sort of desperate. Like an absolute dumbass, I give in, sitting down beside him.
“I don’t usually do this, Mr…?” I look at him, waiting for him to supply his name. “Yeah … me either.” He instead replies. So much for trying to find what his name is.
The cab waves handily through London traffic, arriving at the flipping Ritz in twenty minutes. “Holy fuck.” I whisper. So, hot drunk guy is loaded, too. “Mr. Estrada, here we are.” Says the cabby. The name he probably read from the app. Mr Estrada.. wait…
This is Oscar Isaac! OMG!!!
I get out and walk around the cab to help him out. “Come, Mr Estrada.” I hold out my hand. He takes it eagerly. He is grinning at me like a loon. “Please, call me Oscar.” He murmurs. Suddenly his voice is husky and seductive. Oscar Isaac is a horny drunk ?!?
We head into the hotel. I feel so out of place.
I hold out my hand to him. “Key please.” I murmur. He hands me his keycard without any sort of protest. The room number is written on the back in silver marker. We head to the elevator and head to his suite.
Once I open the door, I happen upon a bit of a mess. It is evident Oscar did not bother to keep his clothes in his suitcase, or fold them into the wardrobe. There are also several empty whiskey bottles strewn about. I wonder what is going on in his life that he is letting himself go like this. But of course it is not my place to pry.
Oscar closes the door quite noisily. It startles me a little.
“How about you brush your teeth and get into bed.” I say softly. He nods, sort of meekly. “Will you stay with me?” He asks. I have no idea how to react. This situation is getting more unlikely by the second. “Sure.” I reply. Because, I’d be a fool to not take the chance when it presents itself. “Thanks.” Oscar murmurs.
He stumbles into the bathroom and I hear the tap starting to run. I take the time to gather up the Whiskey bottles and pick up some of the stray clothes. It takes Oscar three minutes to return, pulling his shirt over his head. And gosh is he attractive. I feel my hands itch to get all over him. But I will not take advantage of his inebriated state.
“Come, to bed.” I whisper. Oscar opens his belt and lets his trousers drop. “Hmm, what are you going to do to me?” He smirks a saucy smirk. “Nothing, you’re going to sleep.” I say. “Yes mom.” Oscar rolls his eyes. He bends down to take off his socks, but wobbles dangerously. “Let me do that.” I say. He furrows his brows at me. “C’mon.” I usher him to the edge of the bed. Oscar plonks down, groaning. I kneel and take off his socks for him.
I close the curtains and turn on the bedside light.
“C’mere.” Oscar rasps. I climb into bed with him, sitting against the headboard. Oscar puts his head in my lap right away. “Sleep now, sweetling.” I whisper. Oscar opens his mouth to protest, but I make a shushing sound. I start playing with his hair and he is off in a few minutes.
He wakes up three hours later. I have tidied up his stuff and read a good chunk of Blood of Elves. He lifts his head off the pillow, looking at me with bleary eyes. “Who are you?” He croaks. “I’m Tessa.” I murmur. “Did we..?” He furrows his brow, trying to remember. “No, we did not. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you, Mr Estrada.” I cooe. “Do you want to?” He rolls onto his back. I reach to the nightstand and hold out a glass of water. He sits upright and takes a big gulp. I look at him. By the gods do I want to. But to just say yes and let him have at it … no.
“Maybe a bit later, when you fully realise what you are in for.” I reply. “I do believe I am in for a good time.” Oscar replies. He finishes his water and hands the glass back to me. “So, not now?” He asks. “You should shower.” I tell him. “And then?” He asks. “I don’t know.” I murmur.
He crawls a little closer. “You could.. stay.” He murmurs. He is leaning forward. I give him a little push. “You have morning breath. Go shower.” I tell him. He comes on a little strong. I am not sure if this is what I want. To be fucked and forgotten by one of the most stellar men of this planet. I can’t handle that. I need to find a way to make a lasting impact.
Oscar gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. “You can join me if you like.” He offers. “Go shower.” I hiss. Oscar rolls his eyes and disappears into the bathroom.
I gather my belongings and wait, sitting in the windowsill and looking out on Green Park. I wish I knew what a Nightingale sounded like, singing in Barkly Square. It would be romantic when this were like the Rita Reys song. But of course it is not.
Oscar appears again, a towel around his waist. I look away. “Don’t be shy.” Oscar purrs. “I don’t want to spoil things for later.” I reply. Oscar chuckles. “So you are staying the night?” He murmurs.I make a ponderous sound. “I will have paid for my own hotel in vain.” I mutter. I am not made of money and I can’t really stand to put that money to waste. “I’ll cover your loss.” Oscar offers. “I’ll try to arrange a return of the fee for the nights you haven’t yet spent there.” He says. “I haven’t yet slept there. I arrived this morning.” I reply. “That makes everything easier.” Oscar purrs. Once he is dressed, he comes over to me. “What do you want to do first?” He asks. I look up at him. “I was headed to the zoo, actually.” I answer. Oscar peers at his watch. “How about we do that tomorrow?” He suggests. “What about today?” I ask. “We can pick up your stuff and go out for dinner.” He replies.
“I am not an early eater, how about we pop by Regent’s Street?” I suggest. “Absolutely.” Oscar agrees. “Awesome.” I stand up from my place by the window and retrieve my shoes. Oscar sits on the sofa to put on his own shoes. “Is your hotel far?” He asks. “Just off Hyde Park, across from Lancaster Gate.” I reply. “Shouldn’t take more than an hour, lovely.” Oscar smiles up at me.
“Are you feeling better?” I ask, while we head out. Oscar orders a cab, for ASAP. “Yeah, I do, actually. Thanks for taking care of me.” He replies. A cab pulls over almost right away. We get in and are brought to the hotel I planned on staying. That plan is firmly overboard.
Once there, Oscar proceeds to flirt so thoroughly with the receptionist that I get all my money back. In cash. Because I haven’t been in the room yet. Goddamn, I am jealous tho! I wish he’d turn up those charms to me.
We are back at the Ritz within 40 minutes.
We drop my suitcase off at his room and head back out. This time we walk. From Green Park to Regent Street is only a ten minute walk. “What shop would you like to visit first?” Oscar asks. “It’s Hamleys or bust, baby.” I purr. “Hamleys it is.” Oscar chuckles.
We head into the bright red toy store and right away I feel excitement bubble up inside me.
“Got in mind what you are looking for?” Oscar asks. “Nah, I’m just browsing.” I reply. I skip off to look at all the plushies on the ground floor. Oscar calmly strolls after me. I browse for a good while, finding a beautiful pinto horse, which I put in my basket. I got money to blow on it now anyway.
Oscar nabs my basket. “My pay.” He says. I open my mouth to protest, but Oscar shakes his head. “I owe you.” He says. I send him a pout, but submit. He reaches his free hand out to mine. I let him, even though it feels strange. It’s like it’s always been this way, but at the same time new and a bit daunting. I am not sure what to think, or feel. But Oscar smiles at me. And gods, I am definitely feeling a lot! Maybe a little too much?
We head down the escalator. In the basement the Funko’s and Wands wait.
I rush to get a Crocoloki, right away! Oscar leisurely strolls after me. He holds out the basket to me. I plop Loki into it and discover there are already two funko boxes in the basket. In said boxes are two white suits. Steven and Marc. “I am not sure how to feel about those.” I tease as I streak past him. Oscar looks after me. “What do you mean?” He asks. “Well, that is you, twice.” I point out. “For you.” Oscar replies. “Both of them, or do you want me to pick a side?” I ask, while wandering over to the wand display.
“You can have all three.” Oscar tries to sound casual while gazing into the Tolkien replica display. I look over to him. Should I take the bait? He sure does his best to lure me in. And by the gods I am so weak. I want him so badly, already. “I did not see Jake in the basket.” I reply, just as casual. Better not give in yet. I might be weak, but I am not a fool. And I’d be a fool to believe something real could be between Oscar and I. He is so much better than I am.
Oscar comes over to me. He wraps an arm around. “It is not Jake who’s the third in this scenario.” He murmurs. “Then who is?” I cooe. “Funny girl.” Oscar leans in, his breath gusting over the shell of my ear. I whimper softly. “I am not a girl.” I huff stubbornly. “Then what are you?” Oscar sounds so earnest I almost stop being petulant about pedantics. Almost .. “I am a woman, Oscar.” I murmur. “But ‘good woman’ does not sound very sexy.” Oscar replies. “Then call me a fox.” I cooe. “A good little fox, huh?” Oscar teases.
We head to the first floor. I spend a good few minutes at the playmobil section. I am hesitating if I should pick the Manatee set. It looks so nice. But I had best keep the money in my pocket, for later. Oscar grabs the set and puts it in the basket. I sputter a protest. But he shakes his head. “Let me.” He murmurs. I want to tell him that it’ll make me feel like I owe him something, but I know that that will just pool out in a useless conversation. So, I will let him.
Then I head to the second floor, where I pick up a few Breyer blindbags, before moving another escalator upwards.
On the third floor is what I am really here for. Schleich, CollectA and Papo. And I can’t decide what to pick. There is so much I want. But, I must make a choice, I can’t take it all home. No matter how much Oscar is willing to buy me.
“Got a lot of cousins to gift shop for?” He teases. I fluster, bright red.”No … I am a collector.” I mutter. That sure as hell tanks my fuckability. I can kiss my chance goodbye.
“Just the horses?” Oscar asks. I am not sure why that is his go to assumption. Maybe because of the Breyer. “No, just whatever appeals. But, a lot of it is horses.” I mutter, rubbing my neck. “Then pick what you like.” Oscar replies. I flush brightly all over again.
“Say erm.. what does your wife think of this little excursion..?” I ask, in a bid to distract him. How I have been so foolish to overlook the fact he is married until this point is beyond me. What the hell am I even thinking? I don’t want to sleep with a married man!
Oscar suddenly looks utterly defeated. His grip grows slack and the basket drops, the funko’s and playmobil rattling noisily. I have said the wrong thing.
“I am s-” I begin. But Oscar shakes his head. “You couldn’t have known. It’s the whole reason for my sorry state.” He mutters. I reach out to his free hand. “Is it final?” I whisper. It feels as though I am breaking his heart with my bare hands. I feel anguished for him. Oscar shows me his hands, no ring on his fingers, but he is trembling, too. “Oh, sweetling.” I mutter. I take his hands and bring them to my face to kiss his knuckles.
He looks up at me. A feeble smile. And gods does it break my heart. It is so vulnerable and open. And my gods, I fall in love with him right here and now. I want to lean in and kiss him, but realise I should not do so in public. So instead I let his hands go and stoop down to gather our items back into the basket. Oscar stands motionless, looking down on me.
“I’d really like to kiss you.” He whispers. I stand upright. “Not here.” I murmur. “Then where?” He reaches out for my hand. I don’t pull away. He draws me into a corner, shielded by a display. No one to see us. And then suddenly his arms are around me. He’s pulling me closer, my body against his. “Close those smiling eyes.” He whispers. I oblige, my eyes falling shut. And then his lips press down on mine. I sigh in delight and drive my fingers into his hair. Oscar groans against my lips. This makes me break away, all too conscious we are in public.
“Not here.” I repeat, breathless. “Why not?” Oscar murmurs. His eyes are still closed. He wants to keep kissing. I do too, but not in public. I give him another peck, though. The temptation is too big to resist. He cups my cheek and tilts his head a little. Kissing Oscar is so amazing. His lips are warm and strong and he smells of cloves and worn leather.
But then I do pull away again. “Save it for after dinner, hot stuff.” I murmur. “Must I really?” Oscar’s eyes flutter open. “Yes, you must.” I murmur. “I don’t think I can.” Oscar purrs huskily. I step out of the corner and go back to the Papo display. Oscar follows close behind. He puts his hands on my hips and his head on my shoulder.
“Should you be doing this?” I ask. “I want to, isn’t that enough?” He replies. “If you were just Joe Schmoe, it would be.” I say softly. “I don’t care who sees.” Oscar murmurs. I begin to wonder if he is still drunk. I put the Papo Clydesdale in the basket and then also the Tinker. I move to the CollectA display and begin agonising about which horse to pick. Oscar follows quietly.
Half an hour later, Oscar is paying for what I picked. I try not to listen or to look. I don’t want to know how much he is paying for my bullshit.
“Where to now?” Oscar asks, taking me by the hand. He does not hand over the shopping bag. I suppose I’ll have to earn it. I gaze down at his hand in mine. “I don’t mind. I am sure you know better restaurants than I.” I answer. Oscar chuckles huskily. “I guess I do.” He gently agrees. “Then show me the way.” I tease.
We end up at Covent Garden at a restaurant called Frog. It is amazingly luxurious and I feel like my Loki hoodie is not very befitting.
Oscar pulls my chair out for me. “Such a gentleman.” I murmur. Oscar smiles brightly and sits opposite me. “Of course, you deserve nothing less.” He purrs. I flush brightly. “Don’t be so silly.” I mutter. “But you do.” Oscar says. He takes my hands with his own. “You tore me out of my funk, that deserves some gratitude.” He murmurs. I flush even darker. He makes me sound so special.I am not special, I just tried to be kind. I tell him as much. “I only wanted to do a kind deed for a stranger.” I murmur. Oscar smiles and nods. “And that was all it took.” He murmurs. His deep brown eyes shimmer with something bright that I can’t name. It can be lust as much as boyish excitement.
The waitress takes our drink order. I foolishly request a gin tonic with iced tea green. Oscar grins and orders a non alcoholic IPA. The drinks are brought out quickly and we toast. “To what?” I ask, sipping my gin tonic. “To us, to tonight. To me no longer being a walking train wreck.” Oscar replies. “To tonight.” I agree. I won’t toast to him not being a train wreck, that is just a bit awkward. And not to us either, I am not sure if there will be an us. Maybe it is just these couple of nights… Maybe it will be more, no need for hurried assumptions.
We talk and we drink for a good while. Oscar does not hold back on telling me about his divorce. It was thunder from clear skies for him. But he chose not to trap his ex wife in a marriage she no longer felt happy in. But it fucked him up all the same. He turned to booze, drowning his pain. Until I pulled him out. In turn, I don’t hold back either. I tell Oscar about my own break up and trying to raise my daughter with only a little support from my ex. It is not like he does not love her, but he has so little time. My parents help as much as they can, but I can’t help being sort of lonely.
Around seven, we get our dinner and we fall silent for a while as we eat. It is arguably the best food I have ever had.
Oscar barely takes his eyes off of me. It makes me a bit shy.
After dinner, we walk back to the hotel. He holds my hand and kisses my knuckles every so often.
“Don’t do that.” I whisper. “Don’t do what?” Oscar asks, his voice a gentle warm purr. “Don’t make me fall in love with you.” I mutter. Oscar smirks and I know I’ve said too much. “Why not?” He stops, drawing me close. I blush brightly, avoiding his eyes. I am not sure how to answer him. I don’t feel worthy of him. I don’t want to be a rebound. I don’t belong in his part of the world. “I don’t think I could ever move on from you.” I mutter. “Who says you should?” Oscar replies. “Okay, you will need to explain me your intention, because my brain is coming up with seven possible scenarios.” I tell him.
“Can we first go instead, please.” Oscar murmurs. I nod meekly.
We walk the last few minutes to the hotel and head up to his room. There is an odd sense of tension while we ride the elevator up. Oscar opens the door and holds it for me.
Once we are in, Oscar is on me right away. He presses me against the door, kissing me fiercely. If I at all had a mind to protest, it dies when he licks into my mouth. We moan in unison. He presses his body into mine. He is so warm and so hungry. I will want no one else from this moment on. This is all I need. He is all I need.
I tangle my fingers into his hair and gave a slight tug. Oscar groans and tries to deepen the kiss even more. He wrings a leg between my thighs. I can’t help grind down on him. “Fuck yeah.” Oscar hisses. The sound of him turns me on so much. I can’t focus on anything but Oscar’s body against mine and his mouth devouring my lips and tongue. I am so fucking wet. I want him so bad.
I start to back him off to the bed. He lets me. That makes me feel so powerful.
Oscar kicks off his shoes and falls down on the bed. He draws me down on top of him. I wriggle free for a moment, so I can take off my shoes as well.
“Goddamn I want you.” Oscar topples me over as soon as I got my shoes off. His mouth is on mine again before I can even blink. I let him devour me, moaning and arching against him. Our bodies fit together so well. We are sort of the same height and neither of us has to bend weirdly to make our bodies align well. It makes my inner walls and clit throb.
“I need you.” I whisper against his lips.
His mouth wanders from my lips to my neck. I tilt my head away to give him better access. “Good fox.” Oscar rumbles. He kisses hotly up to my ear. I whimper loudly, arching against him. “You’re so eager.” He chuckles, before biting my ear. “Oh fuck!” I whine. He drives me wild. “You like that?” He growls. “Yes … fuck yes. Please… more.” I mutter. “Absolutely.” Oscar replies. He sucks at my earlobe and I shudder. I feel wetness gush from my core. He’s got me in the bag for sure!
“May I undress you?” Oscar asks. I can only nod in response. “You sure?” He murmurs. “Y-yeah.” I mutter breathlessly. “Good.” Oscar replies.
He backs off, sitting back on his haunches. He looks down on me with abject desire in those deep brown eyes. I look away and fluster. I am so afraid I will underwhelm him. I am not some gorgeous Hollywood woman, I am just little old me. And I fear it is not enough.
“I am going to enjoy you so much.” Oscar murrs. “Truly?” I whisper. “Of course.” Oscar leans in for a kiss, likely to reassure me. I eagerly kiss him back, looping my arms around his neck. He chuckles against my lips. “I can’t undress you this way.” He murmurs. “That’s fine.” I whisper. “Do you want me to fuck you with your clothes on?” Oscar growls. He uses the tone he used in the reading of Beirut. Lust stabs me fiercely through the abdomen. More wetness gushes from my core. I am so glad I am wearing a pantyliner. Because I am fucking drenched.
“I can smell you. I want to taste you.” Oscar murmurs hotly. “Take things slow, please.” I whisper. It has been a while since I last been this intimate with someone. Sure, I’ve had sex with my ex before we broke it off. But I haven’t heard this desire in a man’s voice in a good while. “I will, don’t you worry.” He purrs. “I will fucking worship you.” He promises hotly. “Oh gods.” I whisper. He kisses me again, fiercely and I moan into his mouth.
He sits back again and slowly tugs my shirt upwards. “Wait, hold on.” I whisper, tugging off my hoodie. Oscar patiently waits for me to finish doing so. Then he continues rucking my shirt up. His eyes trail to my waist, gazing at my marked skin. He brings his hand down to caress my most obvious stretch mark, just off my right hip. A ponderous look crosses his face.
“Oscar..” I mutter. I wonder if the marks make me less attractive to him. He tears his eyes from my belly and looks back to my face. “Yes baby?” He murmurs. “What is on your mind?” I ask him. An airy chuckle tumbles from his lips. “I am wondering what you looked like when you were pregnant.” He replies. I fluster, very suddenly. Oh… oh gods. Oscar talking about pregnancy is making this all sorts of complicated.
“I got some pictures on my laptop, I can show you tomorrow.” I mutter. “I would like that.” Oscar affirms. I can’t help but wonder if it will arouse him. I hope it does. “I am looking forward to it.” Oscar gives me a saucy smile. I feel more wetness gush from me. Oh to be in the presence of a celeb who actually has the same kink as I. Am I that fortunate?
I pull my shirt up over my head. Oscar’s pupils blow wide when he sees my bralette. My breasts are almost spilling out, but I just can’t stand to part with it. Oscar leans in and presses a lewd, open mouthed kiss between my breasts. “You smell nice here.” He murmurs. I can’t help a soft moan. Oscar smirks against my skin. “So warm and soft, too.” He purrs. He withdraws a few centimetres and his hot breath gusts over my skin. I moan and arch up at him.
Oscar swears, bending down to bite at my nipple through the bordeaux red lace of my bralette. I moan loudly, arching into his touch. He growls eagerly and bites again. “You turn me on so much.” He hisses. He moves to my other breast, nipping through the cloth of my bra, leaving slight marks on my flesh. “More, please.” I whimper. “Absolutely.” Oscar replies.
He draws my bralette over my breasts, but not further. There is no more patience in him.
He lavishes my flesh with kisses and licks, groaning while he does so. It is like the sheer feel and scent of me is driving him wild. I can’t help my own moans. “Oh Oscar.” I whimper. He takes my left nipple in his mouth and licks and suckles on it. My moans quickly get louder. It just feels so fucking good.”Yes .. fuck yes.” I rake my fingers through his dark curls. Oscar switches to my right nipple to suck and bite at it. I moan loudly and press him into my flesh. Oscar grunts and bucks his pelvis down against mine.
I can feel how hard he is through the cloth of his trousers. I want more of him. I want all of him!
I draw my bralette over my head and hook my leg around his hip. “Your shirt, too.” I whisper. “Of course.” Oscar murmurs. He sits upright and draws his shirt over his head. I put my hand on his torso right away. I bite my lip at how warm his skin is. Oscar groans when I swipe my thumb over his nipple. “Damn.” I whisper.
I let my hands slip down to his belt. “Go ahead.” Oscar smirks. I smile back up at him and pull open his belt. Then I undo his button and zipper, dipping my hand lower to caress just underneath the waistband of his boxers. "Shall I take them off?" Oscar asks. I nod, trying to send him my best doe eyes. "Yes please." I murmur. Oscar bites his lip in reaction. "Goddamn you are so fucking sexy." He hisses. He backs off and stands up from the bed to take off his socks, trousers and boxers, in that order.
And goddamn is he glorious when he is naked.
His cock stands hard and proud. And it is indeed very prominent. He wasn't lying when he said that. My mouth and core are watering with hunger. I want him so bad.
"Come here." I gesture. Oscar obliges, coming back to the edge of the bed. I reach out behind him, grabbing his ass and reeling him in. His knees hit the edge of the bed and I waste no time getting my mouth all over his cock. "Oh fuck, fuck." Oscar groans. I smirk, flicking my tongue at the veins of his length and at the slit in his glans. "Oh yeah, that's right, suck my cock." He growls. The tone of his voice makes me so wet. It is exactly what I am yearning for.
After a minute or so I move my mouth to his sack. I have never done that before, or felt remotely tempted to do it. But I simply want to drag more hot moans from Oscar's throat. He groans when I put my mouth around one of his balls. His fingers tangle in my hair and drag me off. "Don't, I don't want to cum yet." He pants.
"How about you make me cum instead?" I purr. "Fuck yeah." Oscar smirks.
He grabs me by the hips and drags me to the edge of the bed. He makes quick work of my socks, trousers and boxers. "Holy shit." He growls. "Wh- what?" I stammer. "You glisten so prettily." Oscar murmurs, as he climbs back onto the bed. He lays down on his belly, face between my thighs. I grow a little nervous. I am not good with this part. "Take it slow." I mutter. "I'll try." Oscar replies. "But you just look and smell way too good to hold back." He gusts his breath over my folds. I whimper and my body tries to squirm away, entirely beyond my control. He grabs me firmly by my thighs, pressing me into the sheets.
I do want him to manhandle me like this.
His tongue almost gingerly parts my folds. "Oh … oh!" I moan. Oscar growls lustfully. He laps carefully at my clit. I whimper, my body squirming as much as possible. Which is, argueably, very little. Oscar is very strong. With his thumbs he parts my folds wide. He tastes of my arousal and moans. "You taste so good, baby." He whispers, pressing his tongue into me. I whimper and my body tries to wriggle away on own accord again.
Oscar takes it slow like I asked. Each touch is sweet torture and I am slowly but surely pushed to two inevitiblities. A shattering orgasm and an overstimulation meltdown. Do I want to saddle Oscar with that? It is too late to stop him though, because the tension that has gradually drawn into my muscles, is about to all come unravelled, rapidly.
"Oh gods!" I cry out. Tears roll down my face and I sob as my orgasm utterly overwhelms me. Oscar, obviously startled, sits upright. "Baby… baby." He murmurs, pulling me into his arms, against his chest. My poor overwhelmed core is so close to his cock. I need it to anchor me. But I am still a bit of a sobbing mess.
"Please…" I snuffle.
"What can I do?" Oscar asks. "Fuck me." I mutter feebly. "I just … I need you." I nuzzle into his neck. "Are you sure?" Oscar asks softly. "Yeah." I affirm. He gently lays me down. Sobs are still wracking my body, but it's less gross crying. "I am going to fuck you so good baby." Oscar murmurs. "Please." I whimper.
Without any further ado, Oscar lines up and thrusts into me. "Oh fuck!" I moan loudly. It is exactly what I needed. It feels amazing to be filled up by his cock. He is larger than my ex, but it is like we slot together perfectly. I arch up, leaning my forehead against his. "It's so good." I whisper. "Yes .. yes it is." Oscar agrees breathlessly. He kisses me fiercely, bottoming out in the most delicious way. I am so full of him!
He fucks me so good. It's deep and steady. And the sounds of us are obscene. His groans mingle with my moans and the slapping of his sweaty flesh against mine. "God fuck, this is so good." Oscar grunts. I can only whimper, teetering on the edge of another orgasm. "Harder, please." I whisper. Oscar obliges. He absolutely ploughs me. And by the gods is it exactly what I need. What I have needed for a good long while.
I cum on his cock. And he is swift to follow me into climax.
"Oh god." He gasps, leaning his forehead against my shoulder. His chest is heaving with deep pants. "That was so good." He whispers.
Once his cock grows soft, he retracts. I whine at the loss and watch on as he slowly pulls out of me. The dime drops when I see his bare cock and feel a bit of his seed gush out of me. "Shit.." I hiss. "What?" Oscar, alarmed. "We forgot about a condom.." As I say it, my core gives a little twitch. "Oh fuck." Oscar mutters. He looks down on my gasping core. "You're turned on by it, aren't you?" He whispers. I flush bright red, but nod in confirmation. Oscar swears under his breath. "Look at you getting all horny again at the very fact that I came inside you unprotected. Your nipples are hard as bullets and your pussy is gasping for more." He growls. "You love to be bred, don't you?" He smirks.
I need more of him, now!
"Yes, please breed me." I whimper. I do my best to give him doe eyes. "Fucking hell, I will." Oscar growls. He pushes his cock back inside, already fully hard again. He too is very turned on by it. Even I can see that, clear as day.
He fucks me all over again. While he spews the exact sort of dirty talk I am weak for. It is everything I could have ever dreamt of. That I in fact did dream of. "You like it, huh, getting knocked up." He growls. "Get all round and full with my baby." There is a wicked shimmer in his eyes. "Yes, fuck yes. Oh Oscar, give it to me." I just can't help myself. Oscar swears in response and leans in for a sloppy, greedy kiss. I moan into his mouth and he groans back at me. Oh gods, he'll make me cum again. "More, please." I whimper against his mouth. Oscar obliges. He ploughs me so hard I can only gasp and whimper. Nothing could be better than this.
"Breed me Oscar!" I cry out, as I cum. "Fucking hell!" Oscar replies. "I will baby, I will. I will fucking knock you up." There is something desperate about his voice. "Cum for me Oscar, cum deep inside me, please." I breathe against the shell of his ear. "Fuck!" He growls. And he spends himself inside me again, his pelvis spasming against mine. I curl my fingers into his hair, pressing him down against me as firmly as I can. "Good, good boy." I whisper. Oscar chuckles hoarsely. "Do you like it when I am a good boy?" He asks teasingly. "Only sometimes." I tease back. Oscar chuckles, a warm rich sound. Hearing it makes me all fluttery.
Slowly, Oscar pulls out. I whine at the loss. "Hush hush, if I could stay inside you forever, I would." Oscar murmurs. The statement makes my core clench. Quite a lot of his seed leaks out. "I should help you get cleaned up." He purrs.
He gets up and heads to the bathroom. I pout and gaze after him. Every moment without him beside me is a little lacking. Lacking him. I feel empty, bereft almost. But he is back in a blink. He hands me a washcloth and falls down beside me. "That was phenomenal." He murmurs, kissing my cheek. I mop up the mess, his and mine and chuckle softly. "Yes it was." I agree. Oscar pulls me in his arms. I toss the washcloth out of bed. We're both quiet, still basking in bliss.
Eventually Oscar nods off and begins to snore softly. I lay still in his arms and listen to him. I feel like half a fool. And entirely in love.
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theartificialdane · 6 years
Andromeda, chapter 2 (Vitan - Cassiopeia)
In this we check in with our love stuck fools, Violet works on a dress, Sutan tries to have drinks, we make a call to Manhattan and a surprise is waiting at the hotel.
In case you missed it, here is a link to chapter 1
Thank you to @veronicasanders for being my beta and cowriter on this <3
“Stand still please.” Violet spoke through the needles in her mouth, taking a step back to look at the clothes she was doing the final fittings of to Aja Rivera, Dior picking the Instagram influencer as one of the woman they offered to dress. Somehow, Violet had become responsible for the majority of the celebrities and influencers who came through their showroom. She wanted to believe it was because of her level of craft and the fact that she was one of the only ones that didn’t speak English as a second language, but the atelier premierés and her bosses Florence and Monique dashed pretty thoroughly by informing her, "We know you can handle prima donnas with your history. Bon chance.”
The dress was almost done, a stitch here, a stitch there and it would be perfect.
“I’m going to touch you now.”
“Touch away, sis.”
Violet placed a hand on the woman’s hip, Aja’s cotton candy blue hair a cloud around her head matching perfectly to the creamy white of the dress. Violet knew her, or, she knew off her. Violet had seen Aja perform once when Raven had dragged her out for a ‘super fun night out’, not that Violet would have used those adjectives to describe it, but Adore has seemed so happy on stage that it had almost, almost been worth it.  
Violet started sewing, trying to keep her mind on the task in front of her and staying out of view of Aja’s team that was taking pictures and documenting her experience. But it was hard when her thoughts kept circling back to Sutan, back to the feeling of his lips, back to how she wanted nothing more than to be with him.
Violet turned Aja, letting her look in the mirror.
“Wow!” Aja twisted, looking at herself. “I look totally fuckable!”
Violet smiled, this the first time she had heard anyone describing a Dior piece as something that made them fuckable.
“And then- Sutan, are you even listening to me?”
“You’re too old to pretend you’re not using your phone.” Fame pursed her lips, looking at her friend who was sitting with his phone, tapping his fingers on the table while he was very clearly scrolling, his glasses giving him away. Fame put her drink down. “What are you looking at?”
They were all together at the Ritz hotel bar. If you asked Fame, it was a miracle that they had even had time for the drinks. She would much prefer a proper dinner for everyone, but her poor assistant Roxy had almost not managing to find time for this simple night of staying in and sharing a table.
“Sure you are, mate.” Karl smiled, taking Sutan’s phone.
“Calm down you big drama queen.” Karl put Sutan’s phone in his inner pocket.
“I’m actually using that-”
“It’s fashion week! Spend some time with your friends, Sutan.”
“I am-”
“Leave him alone, Karl.”
“Thanks Raja.”
“If my brother wants to sulk, let him sulk.” Raja smiled lazily, sitting up from where she had been making out with Raven, her hand still in her wife’s hair. Raven was heavily pregnant, her big belly almost bumping into the table.
Bianca had snarkily asked if it was wise to fly with a whale on board the jet, but Raja had simply flipped her off and said that it would be exotic if their kids was born in Europe. Raja gave Raven one last kiss, before she finally turned her attention away fully, the two of them completely lost in each other. They’d been insufferable since Raven’s pregnancy had taken, Raja barely letting Raven out of her sight. Somehow, their utter bliss was incredibly irritating to Bianca, but she was doing her best to hide that.
“I’m sure he has a good reason,” Raja added
Fame rolled her eyes. “This is our one night all together, please pay attention.”
“Yes Blondie, because everything you say is so interesting.”
“I only speak the truth.” Bianca took a sip of her drink, smirking slightly when Fame huffed and pretended to be offended.
“You’ve been such a beast ever since that last press release about Courtney. Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”
“I have moved on! More than our resident sad boy. At least I’ve been pulling some tail.”
“Yes Bianca, we all remember London.” Fame rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe I wanted to do something nice for everyone.”
“Some of us appreciate your beautiful heart, darling!” Raven piped up.
“Yeah, and some of us think the nicest thing you could do for the group would be to smother Raven with a pillow.” Bianca emptied her drink.
“That’s nice, B. Therapy is really working for you,” said Raja.
“I didn’t say me!” Bianca cackled.
“So...” Sutan looked at Karl. “Can I have my phone back?”
“Karl, I’m serious.”
“Be in the moment, Sutan.” Karl smiled. “It’s not like anything more important is going to happen tonight.”
“No... Of course not…”
“Garçon! Around round for me and my dumbass friend!”
“Did you get the earrings?!”
“Yes, I got the earrings.” Violet rolled her eyes, as she held out her phone, a small smile playing on her lips. She was on the metro, talking to Betty on Facetime. Violet hadn’t really enjoyed it at first, talking on her phone like this, but Betty had been enough of a force of nature that Violet hadn’t really had a choice.
“You’re a lifesaver Shitshcki.”
“I can’t believe you’re already this obsessed.. They were on the runway yesterday.” Violet shook her head slightly, still not believing that Betty had fallen so completely in love with something from the Balenciaga that she had called her and begged her to do everything she could to get her hands on the earrings.
“And it was love at first sight.” Betty smiled.
“Of course.” Violet had gone to their showroom, lucky enough to get in since one of the assistants there recognised her from the time she had been Fame’s assistant and shadow for two years.
“You can give them to Trixie.”
“Is he in Paris?” Violet looked at Betty, the other woman on her couch in the cozy Brooklyn apartment she still shared with Shane and now also a parrot, the animal the closest thing either of them ever wanted to a child.
“Oh..” Violet hadn’t expected that at all. If she was being honest she hadn’t even thought to look for her old roommate, fully believing he would be at home since Katya had given birth to a tiny baby girl just the month before, little Svetlana Zamoldchikova, Lana for short, joining her big brother Ivan and her new family out in the world. Pearl had sent her photos of the entire thing, though thankfully not of Katya’s actual body during the birth though she wouldn’t put it past the blonde to attempt it if she ever got the chance.
“You look good.”
Violet smirked, surprised at Betty’s honest tone. “Are you sick?”
“Urgh. Just shut up and accept the compliment.” Betty rolled her eyes. “Are you going somewhere special? Fuck I wish I was there.”
“No.” Violet bit her lip, hoping her cheeks didn’t betray the embarrassment she felt as she knew exactly where she was going.
“You’ve always been a terrible liar Violet.”
“I’m not-”
“Just don’t do something I wouldn’t do, and don’t forget my earrings.” Betty hung up, and Violet shook her head fondly, the list of things Betty wouldn’t do very very short, though Violet was more than sure that she would not approve in any way of what she was about to do.
Sutan sighed as the elevator opened. He had been checking his phone all night, waiting for Violet to text him, for something, anything to happen. The night had been fine, spending time with his friends usually something that made him happy, but tonight he hadn’t been able to enjoy it at all, his thoughts all focused on Violet Violet Violet. Sutan turned the corner, ready to get into bed, when he saw someone standing by his door, the white fur coat one he recognised right away.
“Took you long enough.”
“... Violet?”
“Are you in doubt?” Violet smiled, taking a step forwards him. “As far as I remember, I’m not the twin here.” Violet gently grabbed Sutan’s tie, pulling him towards her. “You smell like beer.”
“Yes, I had a drink with everyone earlier, I- What are you doing here?”
“I told you I’d see you later.” Violet looked up at him. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Violet bit her lip, for a moment looking insecure, and Sutan put his hands on her hips, not even thinking as he kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing together.
“Sit down”
“Sssh.” Violet pushed Sutan back, his knees hitting the edge of the bed before he sat down, his eyes following her every move. He was gorgeous, his cheeks flushed. Violet felt hot all over, her stomach like bubbling lava, ready to erupt. The night before Sutan had been in control, pulling her around, Violet happily following, but that morning something had shifted when Violet had left the car. This was her choice as much as his. She had had other lovers while in Paris, Nate and Louis, Juliette, Franka and Benjamin, but none of them had ever felt like Sutan, had ever gotten anywhere near what they had together, and Violet had missed his touch, missed his cock, his mouth, missed /him/.
Violet took her fur off, throwing it at the chair in the corner, a gasp coming from Sutan. Violet reached under her skirt, knowing she had his full attention as she pulled her panties down, her heels still on, the green dress Sutan had picked earlier that day still on her body.
“Lay back.”
Violet walked forward, sitting down in Sutan’s lap. “Lay back.” She smiled, giving him another push, Sutan following her lead and Violet crawled over his chest, Sutan groaning deeply when he realised what she was doing, his hands grabbing her thighs and pulling her down, his tongue finding her cunt and Violet grabbed the headboard.
Sutan dove right in, his teeth nipping at her and it felt divine. No one had been allowed between her legs, not like this, Nate trying a few times but Violet had pushed him away again and again. It was so intimate, too intimate to do with just anyone-
“Fuck!” Violet shook, her breath catching in her chest. Sutan was eating her like a peach, his fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs, her hips thrusting down. She grabbed Sutan’s hair, pushing the man closer, Sutan moaning and she knew he had to be hard. He loved eating her cunt, had always loved it, would spend hours there if she allowed him, and tonight she was selfish.
She had followed his Instagram. Violet wasn’t proud of it, but it was hard not to keep an eye on Sutan now that she knew he was here, impossible not to look at what Fame put up, Karl catching him in the background several times, Raja posing with her brother in the hotel bar.
Violet felt Sutan’s hand on her hip, grabbing her, touching her, feeling her, his chest moving as his hips couldn’t keep still, Sutan thrusting into the air. She could feel his moans against her skin, knew she was soaking him, a deep groan leaving the man when she leaned back on her hands, giving him even more access to her cunt.
“Please, Sutan, please, just a little- Ah! More, please- I-”
Violet hadn’t known if she would actually come, had gone all the way home to Frida, taking the little dog on a walk as close to normalcy as she could get, but the knowledge that Sutan was there, so close, that he was maybe waiting for her to show up, waiting for her to make the next move.
“Ah!” Violet closed her eyes, cumming on Sutan’s face, her body shaking, the only thing holding her up his hands on her.
Violet knew he would leave, knew that she’d be alone again when this week was over. That nothing had truly changed. Sutan’s family was still the most important thing in his life. She knew that would never be any different, knew that she would always be his second choice, but tonight, he was hers.
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