#yeah but im gonna make it charmac bc im me
sunscall · 1 year
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Mac and Charlie + their relationship with colours
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transgirlcharlie · 6 years
ghost hunter charmac au in which charlie forces mac to come with him to find ghosts n ghouls (n i mean its canon that hes done that to the gang at least once) n mac is very very skeptical but indulges charlie bc its fun to fuck w him by makin spooky noises in all the haunted places n they just take road trips to find ghosts n hav aestheticly pleasin adventures n also probably fuck in a graveyard at least once in this essay i will-
this is such a good fucking concept and i can’t believe i haven’t thought of this before so thank you……your fucking brain……
this is giving me buzzfeed unsolved vibes (I haven’t actually seen a full episode ive just seen a bunch of compilations of funny parts on youtube and it’s great) like the guy that believes in ghosts and the guy that doesn’t and he’s just there for…….some reason (why is that guy in unsolved? idek but he’s funny)
but yes……. mac doing it bc it’s fun and charlie likes it and they do everything together and like……they’re alone together for a long time on a road trip looking at haunted stuff……and they don’t wanna go home cos it’s so much better when it’s just the two of them………..mac likes seeing how happy charlie gets and he actually loves seeing the buildings cos sometimes they’re pretty and like……hunting for things in general is pretty badass and he likes all the cool equipment…… but he also sometimes makes jokes and spoopy noises and pokes fun at the thought of everything being a ghost (like in unsolved lol)
but also…. u know mac with charlie’s thoughts……. ‘how do u know he’s not a leprechaun?’ ‘I don’t???’ 'how do u know he doesn’t have pointy feet???’ 'I don’t??’ - those obviously aren’t direct quotes but yeah that happens a lot…..so….. 'how do u know that wasn’t a ghost?’ 'I don’t’Ahskskskekrry it ends with mac being confused like 'DO GHOSTS EXISTS WHATTHEEHELL?’ cos they run into some spooky shit
but yes…..idk if they would start the trip in a relationship or end up in one along the way somehow…. cos i enjoy it more when things start off with them not together yet…….but they would just…..fuck in the most random fucjed up places…..graveyards…inside the abandoned buildings cos…….mac is a sexual freak and charlie would just fucking go along with it and 'yeh….fucking in spooky places that sounds cool sure but careful tho that might make the ghouls feel uncomfortable and go away’
and they would record most of it (taking turns on the camera) because those two…….do that…….and it’s like that time they recorded stuff to be used as news…….like they did as children as well…..and what is better news than catching a ghost? but it’s mainly in vlogging style but a lot of the time they’re just messing around and being stupid cute dorks with the recording…other times they (charlie) are serious with the camera cos they’re gonna get a ghost….I love them
charmac ghost hunting au……so fucking good i need this fanfic (i haven’t looked for it-yet?? but im assuming it doesn’t exist?)
idk about a fanfic but im definitely gonna be thinking about this in my head a lot so thank you………this is prime n god tier content….
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