#yeah go fuck yourself. you sound like an right wing asshat building a backyard militia.
essektheylyss · 1 year
#[sharp inhale]#I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv industry works I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv#like. here's the fucking problem. every time you try to talk about business models of tv and why certain things are different than others#it's just impossible cuz no one wants to operate under the assumption that tv is in fact a business from start to finish#and there are better and worse versions of that#and right now we have the WORST version of that#down to 'a strike has been considered every single damn time contract terms are up for review'#like tv has always been a business and that has give and take but you have to start at that basic understanding#the fact that showrunners are now begging people to watch immediately is a symptom that regular people are feeling#but it is WAY larger than that. and creators of all types and actors and below the line folks need to fucking eat.#which means you HAVE to acknowledge that this is a business and then regulate it as such#but you get can't do that cuz internet leftists will be like 'um all government intervention in art is morally horrible—'#yeah go fuck yourself. you sound like an right wing asshat building a backyard militia.#'but megs!' you say. 'no one yet suggested that today!'#yeah cuz I'm not starting the fucking discussion BECAUSE every time anyone has the leftists crawl out of the woodwork#to rebrand what are basically altright talking points to fit their narratives.#sorry but if you try to go 'this should just be way less regulated and everyone should do what they want'#you are giving the state and the market free reign to steamroll over whomever it likes. and I can tell you who they'll go after first.#anyway. idk who you are or what that is. ama closed.
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