#yeah here you are
thefixeraa · 1 year
* @parieur , marcel hardly ever was late , but today was one of those days , the drive to the diamond district taking longer than he had hope . " sorry i'm late , but i had to do something ... " he placed the red large paper bag in front of her , a smile on his face ever since he saw the little thing , a plushy grey seal with stripped belly ( the better choice between a beluga , an octopus and a turtle , ) and decided to buy it . it had been a rocky road before , one that had him holding back for a few months to wait and see , but now that things seemed to have come out on the bright side , it felt appropriate to now start planning ahead . " we don't know what they are yet but , i thought it would be cute regardless . "
it has been a little over three months now , and with the knowledge that her pregnancy was stable and healthy . it was time to look to the future and be joyful . it's been difficult to stay pregnant , despite being fertile and not having any issues to conceive . this whole thing was fairly hard on mia , her mind and body both suffering from the conclusion of a miscarriage . she stayed hopeful ( or at least tried to , ) because these things happen . it's normal : she kept telling herself ... none of that changed the way she felt it difficult to get out of bed or eat . none of that mattered because she still mourned the loss of a potential life .
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hand roams over the small swell of her stomach , the thought that life was growing inside of her was ... surreal to say the least . never in her life , and this is very typical of someone who lives the way she has . never did she think that this was possible . the idea alone was farfetched and unreachable - it was crazy to think that anyone , including herself could be a parent . a mother . yes marcel has told her before she'd make a great one , but she didn't believe it ( and often still thinks she wouldn't be . ) maybe that is at best an insecurity , because she would be the first one to tell you she ins't at all confident in this . it's to be expected anyhow , but the thought that all of this was happening , it didn't seem real . it was however , and before she knows it , she'll be kicking and screaming and pushing this child out .
her thoughts are focused to the present , moment she hears the front door open . she blinks as marcel moves through the foyer , the red paper bag is the first thing she notices ... she also knows where that paper bag is from . the logo ' fao schwarz ' centered in the middle , her dark brow arching at him as it is then placed in front of her . offering little explanation , its on her to take a peak on what's inside . she pushes away the thin , white tissue paper and finds the large head of the seal . lifting it out of the bag , her lips pull into a wide closed smile , eyes immediately lighting up . " aww , " she says almost immediately as she holds it out in front of her . " look at this fuckin' thing , " adding to the previous statement . " you sure are preparing this kid for the aquatic life , " which she holds no qualms of , as she is very particular with aquatic mammals herself .
a little giggle is let out as she rounds the long kitchen island and slips her arms around his waist . a small kiss pressed against his lips as for one , a greeting and also as a appreciative gesture . as she pulls away that same smile is fixed on her face , her eyes are pulled up to marcel's as she holds him close . " our baby is going to be so loved knowing it's got you as their father . "
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