#yeah i 'm focusing on the positives right now otherwise i might lose my mind
oetravia · 3 years
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fruitcoops · 4 years
could you do prompt 78 + 79 for coops or oknutzy?
Hello anon! I combined a few different asks for this long-awaited smut. It clocks in at 3820 words and took me about four hours to write; enjoy! This follows events from Tiktok Trend #19. Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for a fabric gag and the resulting difficulty with speech
Prompt 78: “What did you just say?”
Prompt 79: “Make me”
“Is it away?” Remus asked as he straddled Sirius’ waist, running his hands up and down his chest.
“It’s away, it’s away, I promise,” Sirius panted.
He stopped moving. “Are you sure? Because I really don’t want an accidental sex tape on Tiktok.”
Sirius groaned in frustration and pointedly turned his phone off, shutting it in the nightstand drawer for good measure. “There. Are we good?”
“I dunno…” Remus trailed one finger in a slow line down his torso, pulling back just before the waistline of those ridiculously tight boxer briefs. Sirius rarely wore them—the soft, snug fabric had an unexplainable effect on Remus that resulted in many, many long nights after fancy events. “I might have to make you wait for it.”
“Why?” Sirius pouted, grinding up slightly. “That’s not very nice of you.”
“Since when am I nice?” Remus teased, leaning down to kiss him. He closed his eyes partway there, fully expecting to feel soft lips pressing against his own, only for the world to turn upside-down as Sirius flipped them. He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“We’re not doing teasing right now,” Sirius said, skimming his hands down Remus’ ribs and sliding his thighs up. “At least, you’re not teasing me.”
“Are you sure? Last I checked, you liked it when I teased you for hours, and hours, and hours.” A light shiver ran down Sirius’ body and he grinned. “Yeah, I thought so.”
“Shhh.” Sirius held his finger against Remus’ lips, and he nipped at it lightly. “Hey, that was rude.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“If you want to be good, you’ll have to cut that out.”
Remus leaned up on his elbows until their faces were a mere few inches apart. A challenge lit in Sirius’ eye and he smirked. “Who says I want to be good?”
“You always want to be good.” Sirius’ hands curled around his waist as their noses brushed; Remus could practically taste his anticipation. “And part of being good is learning to shut the fuck up sometimes.”
Remus bit down on the edge of his jaw, making him gasp, then leaned back. “Make me.”
He was flat on his back in the blink of an eye, one of Sirius’ hands holding both his wrists above his head and his thighs pinning Remus’ hips down. He rummaged in the nightstand for a second without breaking eye contact. “You really want to go there?”
“I really do.”
“I’m not going to go easy on you.”
“You better not. If you do, I’m going to—” Remus’s threat was cut off by a wad of something that was suddenly stuffed in his mouth, which was a shame, because he knew it would have been kinky enough to catch Sirius off-guard. His eyes went wide and his breath stuttered.
“Is that okay?” Sirius asked, slowly letting go of his wrists. Remus felt around it with his tongue and teeth: it was small enough not to cut off his airflow, but present enough to make him feel a flutter of something incredibly exciting. He nodded, and Sirius visibly relaxed.
“Whuh iff—” This time, Remus stopped himself short. Gag. Right. Can’t talk. And, oh, wasn’t that an interesting development? He shifted under Sirius, adjusting to the feeling as he tried to work his tongue into a better position. “Whuh iff ih?”
Sirius’ pupils dilated and a sense of satisfaction made Remus’ toes curl. This was turning Sirius on just as much as it was making his own brain foggy. “Are you asking what it is?” He nodded, and Sirius pulled it back out. The tie was a little damp from being in his mouth, but otherwise exactly as it had been the last time they used it for winding around Sirius’ wrists. “I thought you might recognize it.”
“Well, it was a little out of my eyeline,” he said drily. When Sirius rolled his eyes, he nudged him none too gently with his knee. “What are you waiting for? Put it back.”
“That’s not going to be very helpful.”
Sirius frowned, studiously ignoring the small rolls of Remus’ hips in the way only he could. “If you want it off, tap me twice on the shoulder, okay?”
“Got it.” He practiced once for confirmation. “What if I want to smack your ass instead?”
The heavy sigh that earned him was well worth the trouble; within a couple seconds, Sirius had fitted the fabric between his teeth and tied it at the nape of his neck. “Shoulder only. Does that feel good? Not too tight?”
In response, Remus bit down on it and grinned up at him.
“One of these days, you’re going to kill me,” Sirius said as he began working a hickey on his pulse point. “I’ll just keel over and you’ll have to explain to everyone what happened. Here lies Sirius Black, who up and died because his wickedly hot husband was just too fucking kinky.”
That word—that goddamn word. Husband. Remus gripped his biceps as a wave of tingles washed over him and Sirius raised an eyebrow in question. “Hubban’?” he managed.
“I assume we’ll be married by that point.” The twinkle in his eye did not go unnoticed as he turned back to his work. “Knowing us, the wedding night is probably what’ll do me in.”
“Oo lub ih.”
“I do love it.” He moved back up until they were eye to eye. “I love you.”
“Shallig,” Remus tried again, frustrated. He hitched his thighs around Sirius’ sharp hipbones, holding tight as he tugged down. “Yur shallig.”
“I’m stalling?” Sirius laughed, kissing his forehead. “I’m telling you I love you.”
“I lub oo hoo, c’mon.” He was perfectly aware of the whine creeping into his voice, thank you very much; the smug look on Sirius’ face was completely unnecessary (but still appreciated).
“Ugh, you’re so needy,” Sirius sighed as he began leaving open-mouthed kisses down Remus’ chest with a playful smile.
“Needy?” Indignation flamed in his throat and he struggled to sit up. That was the most coherent word he had managed yet—Sirius looked a little surprised. “Needy? Me? Oo bah-uhmed fer a week buhcuz he wuff tired? Oo—”
“Okay, okay, don’t hurt yourself,” Sirius laughed, placing a series of small kisses to his cheeks and forehead. “I was teasing you, sweetheart, you’re not needy. You know, the whole point of the gag is that you don’t talk…”
“Awrigh, uh’ll be quofhjshf.” He frowned. “Quhsdfhjgh. Fuckin’—Uh. Wiw. Be. Quruwiyyfh.”
“You’ll be quiet?” Sirius offered, biting down a grin when Remus nodded in exasperation and settled back onto the mattress. “Good to know. I don’t think you can do it, but you’re welcome to give it a shot.”
Remus immediately started sitting up again, only for Sirius’ palm on his sternum to press him right back down.
There you are. He closed his eyes as Sirius’ lips feathered above his navel, but the combination of losing both sight and speech was off-putting. Not in a bad way, just���different. More different than he was planning on experiencing tonight. He opened them again just as a warm mouth closed over the outside of his underwear, and stretched upward, reaching to the headboard for some sense of stability. “Mmmmm.”
“Still okay, sweetheart?”
“Mhmm.” Remus reached down to slide his underwear out of the way, only for Sirius to bat at his hands. “Mmm.”
“I said no.”
“Yeff, Cabdin,” he said with gentle mockery.
Sirius rested his chin on his hands and Remus mentally kicked himself for the loss of contact. “You’re really going for it tonight, aren’t you?”
“Shoo me, ‘m horny.”
Both of them burst out laughing at that and Sirius kissed him just above the edge of the gag at each corner of his mouth. “I love you so much.”
“Uh lub oo hoo.” He couldn’t really smile, but he hoped Sirius could feel the overwhelming affection radiating off him all the same. “Pleev fuck me.”
“I’m getting there, be patient!” Thankfully, Sirius hooked his fingers in the band of his underwear and pulled them off before scooting between his legs once more. “Are you going to be good for me now?”
“…uh’ll think uhbut ih.” Remus hummed as Sirius’ mouth closed over the top of his dick. “Duhn get yer hobes up.”
Sirius moved to lick along the shaft. “My hopes are up because I know you, sweetheart. Ten minutes and you’ll be a mess.”
Remus couldn’t even argue with that—he was already halfway there. Ten minutes may as well have been a millennium. Sirius finally took him all the way in after a few more minutes of working him up and Remus moaned, twisting a handful of the pillow in his grasp. “Unh.”
He blinked some of the haze away. “Huh?”
“Thought you said something, never mind.” Sirius dipped down again, taking him until the head of his dick brushed the back of his throat and Remus shuddered with the effort of keeping himself still. Sirius groaned as he pulled lightly on his hair and Remus’ whole chest hitched at the vibration. He sat up just as Remus began teetering on the edge and smoothed his hands down his legs. “Good?”
“Uh-huh,” Remus grabbed his forearms and tugged. “Duhn stah, duhn stah pleev.”
“Don’t stop?” At his frantic nod, Sirius detached himself and leaned to the side. A broken cry escaped Remus’ mouth—immediately, he turned back, concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“Duhn leeb,” he begged. “Duhn leeb, suh close.” An aftershock ran through him like electricity and his legs twitched.
“Is it too much?” Sirius asked gently. Remus shook his head desperately. “Okay, okay, easy, sweetheart.” The nickname spurred an indescribable feeling to roll over him, making his eyes flutter shut as he flexed his hands around Sirius’ arms. Had he always been that strong, or were Remus’ senses just fucking with him? “Remus, I need you to look at me.”
With monumental effort, he opened his eyes and focused on Sirius. “Hmm?”
A shaky exhale left his lungs and he began rubbing his palms along Remus’ arms. “I know you’re super turned on right now, but you’ve got to calm down a little bit. Is it alright if I get the lube?”
Lube. He’s getting lube. He’s going to fuck me. Oh, god.
“Remus?” His eyes had glazed over and he quickly found Sirius again, nodding slowly. “Do you want me to take the gag off?”
Another head shake.
“It’s okay if you don’t last very long.” Sirius licked his lips like his mouth was dry and brushed a sweat-damp curl out of Remus’ eyes. “I might not either, to be honest.”
Vaguely, Remus wondered if his nose was whistling or if he was just whining on every breath. Mysteries of the world, he thought giddily as Sirius uncapped the familiar bottle and spread some on his fingers.
It took a bit to get the first finger in—Remus was wound up wire-tight and nearly bruised Sirius’ wrist when his thighs snapped closed on the initial press, making them both gasp. “Suhrry, suhrry.”
“Shh, just take some deep breaths for me,” Sirius said as he began moving it at a steady pace. Remus stared up at the ceiling and tried to calm himself; inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale—
“Ohhhhh.” The second finger added an extra pressure that he hadn’t known he needed. One more and then he’ll fuck you. Just hang on for one more. In and out, Lupin, come on.
“Sweetheart?” Sirius swam into his field of view and he sighed, feeling every muscle loosen just slightly. Safe, he thought deliriously. That’s safe. “Re, I’m going to do four, alright? It’s just—you’re really tight today and I don’t want to hurt you.”
He felt his eyes go huge at the thought.
Sirius quickly backpedaled. “No, hey, don’t panic, we can just do this. I am one hundred percent okay with fingering you or giving you a blowjob, I promise. We don’t have to do anything else.”
Remus huffed. “Uh wahn ih.”
“Honey, I can’t understand you:” Sirius pressed his lips together and reached for the knot. “Maybe we should take this off—”
“Nuh!” Remus tilted his head sideways before he touched it. “Nuh-uh. M’okay. Oo wahn to take ih off?”
Sirius hesitated. “Not really…”
He reached up, cupping Sirius’ face between his palms and pulling him down until their foreheads touched. “M’okay. Promise. ‘s good. If oo wahn ih, ‘n uh wahn ih, ‘s okay. Uh lub you.”
A small smile tilted the corner of his mouth. “Hey, you got a whole word there.”
“Shush,” Remus laughed, swatting his chest as he sat up again. Unfortunately, the hard ‘sh’ sound dampened the tie even further and he made a face at the wetness gathering around his lips.
“Do you want me to go a little slower?” Sirius asked as he slicked up a third finger. Remus gave him a look. “Or not.”
Sirius was ninety-nine percent sure he was going to spontaneously combust before he even got his dick involved. Just blowing Remus and hearing the noises he made around that damn tie was nearly enough to get him off untouched; it was equal parts thrilling and terrifying to think about actually being inside him.
The fourth finger slid in surprisingly easily compared to the first three, which had threatened to snap off every time a new wave of pleasure made Remus seize up from head to toe and drew stifled moans from that beautiful throat. The constant litany of come on come on come on was driving him crazy, but he was afraid that if he let go too much they would both just dissolve.
“Alright, sweetheart, are you ready?” he asked as he lubed his dick up and moved to look at Remus properly. His eyes were glassy and his lips were shiny around the soaked fabric; he had never looked more beautiful as he nodded, mumbling something incoherent.
Remus was blazing hot as he pushed in, moreso than Sirius had ever felt. He swallowed around the lump in his throat and kept going, inch by inch, until their hips were flush together and gasping whimpers accompanied the majority of Remus’ breaths.
“Are you okay?”
Remus seemed to snap out of his daze at that, sliding his arms down Sirius’ back with hard pressure. “Mhmm.”
“Good job.” Fuck, no! He gasped at the sudden tightness around his dick as Remus absorbed the praise. He had tried to avoid it up until now for exactly that reason.
“Muh,” Remus demanded breathlessly.
He made a face. “Muh.”
“More?” Bright eyes and a nod. “You want me to talk more or move more?”
Remus paused for a moment. “Boff?”
“I can do both, yeah,” Sirius laughed, kissing the corner of his lip. “You’re so beautiful like this.”
The pads of Remus’ fingers pressed down hard into his back as he rocked in a bit and a low groan rumbled against his chest.
“You are, sweetheart. You’re such a chatterbox, but you’re being so good for me right now.” He made a path of feather-light kisses up Remus’ neck. “Earlier, you were pushing every button you could find, but this is what you were after all along, huh?”
Remus nodded and his eyes rolled back as Sirius angled upward, drawing a strangled yelp from him.
“Two taps if it’s too much, Re,” he murmured as he picked up the pace. Muffled and slurred strings of sentences jumbled together. “I wish you could see yourself right now. Tu es débauché, mon coeur. Like a fallen angel.”
“ ‘n angel th’ts getting’ fucked by ‘is fiancé.”
“Exactly.” Sirius smiled when he saw the sharp edges of a grin forming on Remus’ face. Oh, you’re so out of it, he thought as Remus’ leg pressed into his side. Look who’s laughing now. “Hey.”
“I love you.” Remus mumbled a response and his abdomen jolted. That’s fun. “Remus, I love you.”
“Uh lub—hnnn.” The words stuck somewhere in his mouth as a shaky moan took their place and he pushed back into Sirius’ thrusts. “Uh lub, uh lub, oh fuck.”
“Are you almost there?” Remus nodded with a breathless whine. “Alright, hold on.”
He moved to pull out and get more lube, but Remus’ thighs squeezed around him and stopped him in his tracks. “Nuh.”
“Wh—” Sirius tilted to the side a bit, but found he really couldn’t move much, even though Remus’ legs shook with the strain. “Re, I was going to get more lube.”
“Duhn need ih. All good.” He tugged at his shoulders, clearly trying to pull him back down. “Pleev, b’by.”
He raised his eyebrows and slowly returned to his previous position, sinking in to the hilt as Remus’ breaths caught in his chest. “Is this what you want?” After taking a moment to catch up, he nodded quickly. “You’re so cute, oh my god. You’re barely even here right now, huh?”
Some of the blissed-out haze melted away and Remus gave him an indignant look. “ ‘m here. Bold iff oo t’assume yer thah good.”
“I think it’s a safe assumption.”
“Yer thah good, who’m uh kiddig.” Remus settled his shoulders back and sighed. “ ‘s good, Shurrus. ‘s good.” He frowned suddenly. “Shurrus. Shur-ee-ush.” His frown became a pout and he made a disgruntled noise.
“Can’t shay yer name,” he said sadly. “Sheer-ee-us. Ha! Clohsh ‘nuff.”
Warm adoration wove through every fiber of Sirius’ being and he sighed happily. “You’re amazing.”
“Why’re oo lookin’ ah me like tha’?” A smile crinkled the edges of his eyes. “ ‘m all shlobbery.”
“You’re a little slobbery,” Sirius admitted, kissing his cheek. “But you’re still amazing. Ready?”
So he might have gone back on his original plan of taking it slow. Just maybe. But, hey, riling Remus up was fun. Sue him.
Sure enough, Remus was a mess within ten minutes. Far less than that, actually; the choked moans and wavering cries that slipped around the gag he held between clenched teeth started up almost immediately after Sirius wrapped one of his legs around his waist and lifted his hips off the mattress just right.
“You sound so good, sweetheart,” he said lowly, scraping his teeth over Remus’ collarbone as he scrambled for purchase on his shoulder blades. The nickname made him whine. “If you calm down a bit, you’ll remember this better.”
Remus shook his head frantically and his hair fell into his eyes.
“Shhh.” Sirius ran his fingers through his curls, then kept his hand there to cradle the side of his head. “Shhh, mon coeur, I’ve got you.”
The dry sobs catching and releasing in his throat would have worried Sirius if he didn’t look so damn happy, staring up at the ceiling with half-open eyes. A constant string of muffled words replaced the noises as a flush spread up his chest and his hold tightened.
“What are you saying, Re?” He mouthed along his neck and Remus shivered, but never stopped talking. Realization hit Sirius like a puck to the face—I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. It never ended, never faltered, even as Remus’ back arched. “I love you, too.”
That was the tipping point. Remus’ hand slammed down to the mattress with a dull thud and he groaned, going rigid before falling completely limp. Sirius thrusted in half a dozen times before following suit; every time, it felt like he was grabbing Remus’ hand and leaping over a cliff into deep water below. He gasped into his neck, feeling a clumsy hand comb through the slightly-too-long hair above his ear as a low voice mumbled assurances to him.
“Sheer-ee-ush, you wi’ me?” Remus’ voice was hoarse and unbearably comforting. He was so careful with Sirius’ name, so deliberate in getting it right. It made his heart pound.
“Yeah. Yeah, sweetheart.” He pulled out and they both winced a little bit, but he dragged himself up to fumble with the knot at the base of Remus’ neck all the same. “When did this move?”
Remus licked his lips as the tie came out of his mouth and raised an eyebrow. “It’s cute that you think I was paying attention to that,” he croaked, laughing slightly as Sirius shook his head with a smile.
“Sorry, I should’ve known. Oh, ouch.” He ran the pad of his thumb along the faint red marks left by the fabric and frowned. “Are you okay?”
“I’m so okay, you have no idea.” Remus paused and cocked his head. “A little damp. A little sticky. Definitely want to wash my face and have some tea before I lose my voice. Do you still have the good chapstick?”
“Yeah, it’s in the bathroom, I think.” Sirius scooted over and Remus slung his legs over the bed with a soft groan. He managed to stand up a whole six inches before sitting back down.
“Legs are still kind of shaky, never mind.”
“Kind of?”
“A lot. I really want a nap.”
“I’m going to go to the bathroom really quick and then I think I’ll join you in that,” Sirius said as he stood up, stumbling slightly while he tugged his sweatpants on for warmth. The bathroom floor was ice-cold compared to their bed and he grabbed what he needed at light speed: chapstick, water glass, damp washcloth, done.
“What, no tea?” Remus teased when he returned and handed him the washcloth. “Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome, love.” He drank half the cup in two gulps before handing it to Remus, who was still scrubbing his face clean. “Are you sure you’re alright? The tie was pretty tight at the end there.”
Remus glanced over at him. “Mhm, I’m just still all buzzy. That was perfect. How about you?”
Sirius snorted. “Très bien. This was all part of your plan, wasn’t it?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“I thought you were extra chatty today. How long have you been sitting on this?” Remus stayed quiet, but the edge of his mouth twitched. “Re.”
“Since I tied your wrists.”
“A month?!” Sirius let his head fall back against the headboard. “We could have been doing this for a month?”
“Maybe not a month straight,” Remus laughed, setting the cloth and water cup on his nightstand and dragging Sirius under his arm for a snuggle. “I definitely blacked out once or twice there.”
Sirius let himself go boneless and they slid down with the combined weight, pulling the blankets up to their shoulders as Remus laid his head on his chest. “I meant it, you know.”
“Meant what?”
“You’re amazing.”
“You’re not too bad yourself, baby.” Sirius could feel Remus smiling against his skin as they drifted off together.
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NSFW (whole alphabet) for Captain Rex? 🥺🥺
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A/N: Hell yes! Sorry this took so long for me to get to. I love Rex so much, words cannot describe. I hope to do my favorite Captain justice. And as a reminder, REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS!!! These take just as much time as drabbles and the tags hate me.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Can you say, soft? Because Rex is soft. He’ll do whatever you ask; run a bath, rub your sore muscles, hold you close, whatever you want.  He is the sweetest man after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Rex honestly has a hard time picking his favorite part about you.  His first instinct is to say your legs, but then he thinks about it and say the part where your legs meet your back.  Actually, that whole area.  That, and above it...
For himself, Rex is actually really proud of his back.  You’ve playfully giving him a few wolf whistles when you’ve seen him doing pull ups without a shirt on.  He knows he’s strong and if the way your nails dig into his back when he takes you against a wall is any indication; you appreciate his strength too.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He always ends up leaving a mess whenever he cums.  From lack of experience, he hasn’t quite got the timing down on pulling out and so it often spills half inside you, some on your skin and some on the mattress.  There are times you wonder if he does it on purpose. There have been a few times he openly moaned at the sight of his cum dripping down your inner thigh.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He does cum in a mess on purpose. He apologizes every time and helps clean you up.  However, that doesn’t stop him from getting hard all over again at the sight of you blissed out of your mind and stained with his cum.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
We’re going to say none before you.  Like seriously.  I don’t know where is Dom-Captain Rex came from in the fandom, but that is not this man’s M.O.  His devotion is 110% to the GAR and we see how awkward he gets in social situations outside anything having to do with the army or his brothers.
So, yeah, Captain Rex is a virgin the first time you have sex.  You cannot convince me otherwise.  Luckily for you, he’s also a man who learns and adapts quickly. ;)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You on your back with your legs draped over his arms as he pounds into you.  He gets a perfect view of everything; your bouncing tits, your eyes, the way his cock slides in and out of you, plus the option to grab hold of the headboards and really go to down.
A close second is pinning your back against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist. He loves the feeling of your nails down his back as he fucks up into you.  And gravity does the work for him when he pulls out and sees his cum going down your leg.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It takes him a while to loosen up in bed.  When you guys first start having sex it’s like he’s on a recon mission; what works, what doesn’t, testing his own endurance as well as yours, that kind of thing.  It’s only when he gets a full inventory on how to make you feel good as well as himself does he start cracking jokes. It’s not the norm, but it reaches about 30%.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t really do much down there until he meets you, besides keeping it clean.  After you guys start sleeping together, he starts to trim it down and experiment a bit.  He even shaved all the hair off at one point, but you assured him he didn’t need to.
Also, he had dark hair down there.  No, he is not bleaching his pubic hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Rex is focused on you the entire time.  He wants you to know he’s paying attention to you and listening to your wants and needs.  It’s more a sliding scale of how emotional it can get, often depending on how much of his own emotion and tension he’s keeping bottled up.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s done it plenty of times before he met you and continues to do it after you get together; his fantasies now just focus on you and you exclusively. Privacy is an issue in the GAR so often he has to wait late at night to get the showers to himself.  However, he prefers it when he gets a chance to take the time alone in his own bed. It’s really the best way he knows to fully relax without you there beside him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Rex is still exploring his kinks, but he’s finding he gets a certain thrill out of cum play.  Eating you out with his cum still in your pussy is not something he’d ever thought he’d enjoy until one night he couldn’t help himself and ended up cumming on the mattress while you came again on his tongue.
And, I’m just going to put this headcanon to bed. CAPTAIN REX IS NOT A DOM, HE IS A SWITCH!!!
Yes, he likes it when you call him Captain or Sir in bed.  Yes, he likes giving you orders and having you obey them to the letter.  But if you’re telling me he doesn’t get off to the idea of you riding his face and using his body in any way you choose to find your own pleasure; then you and I are not talking abut the same character.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your apartment  Like I said, privacy is an issue on more GAR ships. The Clones have quarters on Coruscant, but it lacks the personality of your place, not to mention you have thicker walls.  It also means he’s off duty and doesn’t have to be worried of being call to the bridge at any given moment.  He can fully relax and focus on you and himself.
Now when it comes to where in your apartment, literally anywhere to a flat surface. He’s not picky.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You calling him “sir” or “captian” in public.  To give him some credit, it’s not only the words, so much as how you say them.  If you say, “yes, sir” like you’re out of breath or worse, if you look up at him through heavy eyelids, he’s going to need a minute to straighten himself out.
There’s also this spot just on the edge of his hairline on his neck that melts him.  All you have to do is brush that spot with your finger or your lips and he’s going to groan.
And cliche, but I have to say it; any time he sees you kick droid ass or even just verbally destroy somebody in a debate.  Your his cyar’ika and he’s going to let you do whatever you want to him that night.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Water play.  He found it by accident when researching different stuff to try.  He thought it would be like shower sex and it’s...not.  The moment he realized what it was he was disgusted and told you immediately that was going on the “no” list.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Split 50/50 between preferring to give or receive. God knows how many times he’s gotten himself off to the image of your lips wrapped around his cock.  He loves how your fingers dig into his thighs as you take him all the way into your mouth.  And seeing cum drip down your lip is enough to get him hard again in seconds.
On the other hand having your perfect thighs wrapped around his head as you fuck is face is as close to heaven as he can imagine. He can stay inbetween your legs for hours reveling in your taste and the way your tremble around him every time he makes you cum. His current record is making you cum three times in the row with just his tongue and fingers before you pushed him away just so you could breath.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can do either or, but he leans more on the rough side. No matter how slow he might start, by the end he’s gripping your thighs like a vice and pounding into your cunt as he loses all sense of control.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Only if he knows he’ll get to have you all to himself later that night.  He thinks of quickies as just a preview of what’s the come, rather than a done deal. 
That all being said, he’s not keen on them.  For one, he doesn’t want to risk getting caught. Two, he would never, ever, have a quickie while on duty.  Which leads to three, if he’s already off duty he might as well take you to bed right now.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Like I’ve said, Rex lacks a lot of experience, but he’s adaptable and a fast learner. You guys have a list of different things you want to try and are slowly working your way down, checking what you like and crossing out ones you don’t.
The only thing he won’t risk is getting caught in the act.  For one, he would never hear the end of it from the rest of the 501st.  And second, he thinks it would reflex negatively, not only on himself as a solider but on the rest of the GAR.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
As a genetically enhanced soldier, his stamina is insane. Granted, it takes him a while to hold off his own orgasm the first few times you have sex.  But, his recovery time is amazing.
He’s good for about three rounds on an average night and once he gets the hang of things, he can make those three rounds last hours.
Your current record is him cumming five times in one night while you lost count once you reached the double digits.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Captain Rex would not be caught dead having any toys with him.  Not in his bunk, not in his apartment on Coruscant, not anywhere.  He cannot imagine how he’d explain that to anyone if they found out.
However, you have a perfectly nice little collection at your apartment.  You guys have been experimenting.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He tries, but he’s not good at it. When he gets into his, “Captain” mode, he does like the idea of keeping you on the edge, but it never lasts.  As soon as you buck your lips and the first little, “please” leaves your lips, he’s done. He has to give you everything.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not quiet, but he’s not going to scare the neighbors.  He’s a talker, surprisingly.  It’s like whatever filter he has as a commander just slips away the moment he buries himself inside you. He praises how you feel.  He mumbles curses and promises until they turn into delirious grunts and groans just before he cums.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Everyone in the 501st knows you guys are fucking the moment you start, even if Rex never tells anyone anything.  He is terrible at hiding his feelings toward you.  Add that to the fact both Fives and Jesse noticed the not so subtle hickies all over his body, and it’s not hard to guess where he got them from.
Rex denies it whenever it’s brought up, but everyone knows the truth.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again; EVERY SINGLE CLONE IS HUNG WITH A THICK EIGHT INCH DICK! And since all of them don’t really have a frame of reference as to what’s “big” or not, they all assume they’re average size (at least until they get someone in bed).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not crazy high, but after he meets you it’s like his sex drive just triggered into over drive. It could also be because you guys are apart so often.  But, either way you’re having sex almost every night you’re together.  Maybe after the war things will calm down, but not before then.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Almost as soon as you guys finally decide to call it a night.  He’s fallen asleep a few times while in the bathtub with you, is all I’m saying.
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slythraco · 4 years
Julian Albert - SFW ALPHABET
Author’s note: Took a break in my requests to write this ! Might do the NSFW version if you’d like it ! Let me know if you would like to see this with his other characters too 😉 have fun !
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A = Attraction (how do they show their attracted to you?)
Julian is not really the expressive type, always preferred to hide his feelings and emotions behind a wall of coldness and anger. So making you understand he likes you was quite a challenge for him. He started by complimenting you sometimes, which surprised you every time.
He would also help you with your work without you asking, then make it pass like a act of kindness because he’s in his ‘good day’ rather then assuming the real reason.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/why not?)
Yes ! Absolutely, Julian and you always talk about finding a family one day. Even if he’s scared of the idea of being a father, you’re always there to comfort him, knowing he would make an amazing father.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Julian is a sucker for cuddles, he just love feeling your body against his. Every time you’re not far away from each other (and in private) he just feel the need to take you in his arms. So when you’re both at work, he take a break just to meet you at your desk who is literally 2 meters away and give you a good hug before going back.
When you’re home, he loves to sit in bed, his back against the headboard, you between his legs while you read a book together. This position gives him room to kiss your neck and collarbones, but he can also touch your thighs or higher if he doesn’t feel like reading.
D = Dates (What are dates like with them?)
It’s all or nothing, he can either prepare the best night ever, Diner with candles, Sky gazing after a good meal, date in a gastronomic restaurant or just share a glass of whine at his home while dance to random musics. But you like these both ways of doing it. A good moment with Julian is always good to take.
E = Emotions (Do they express their emotions? If so, how?)
It was a big problem in the beginning of your relationship, the fact that he didn’t really open up to you to show his feelings. He was still protecting himself from getting hurt. But once he did it one time, and finally realises that you would never in any circonstances, judge him or leave him for what he truly feels. He became the most expressive person he’s ever been, he tells you everything that’s on his mind and it makes him very happy to have found someone to talk to about what’s going trough his mind. And you’re probably the only person that gets to see him like that.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love)
One day you got attacked by a meta-human, you got harmed a little bit but it was enough to make Julian scared and start freaking out. That’s when he realised how much he didn’t to lose you and how deeply in love he was.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Gentle in his gesture, yes. Gentle in his words, no. Hear me out. Julian is the most attentive person, the last thing he wants is to hurt so when he’s hugging you or kissing you, it’s gentle and full of his love.
But sometimes, when he gets angry or is in a bad mood he can get rude in his words or get violent. Careful, he could never lay a hand on you, he would breaks things around him rather then get physical to you. But yeah, be prepared he can get really rude to you but he will always regret what he said and always excuse himself until you forgive him but he would certainly blame himself for the rest of his life.
H = Hands (Do they hold hands? If so, how?)
Yes, everywhere, Julian is not really into PDA but if there’s one thing to steal from it it’s this. When you’re walking outside, arriving at work, sitting next to each other, he always find a way to grab your hand and it’s honestly, adorable.
I = Impression (What was their first impression of you?)
Being his colleague, Joe had to warned him of your your coming in the office. It kinda bored Julian at first, knowing he’d have to share his lab with another person annoyed him but as soon as he saw you, all his bad thinking flew away.
He found you really nice, intelligent and way more punctual than Allen. And also really beautiful, you blew him away by your intelligence also. He really thought you were too good to be true.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes, Julian is a really insecure person, he’s always scared of loosing you so when he sees you talking to another men he would almost always ask you about him afterwards.
If the person your talking to gets a little bit too touchy for his taste he would intervene and either call you by your affectionate nickname (my love, my heart, my darling,...) or he would kiss you to make it clear who you belong to.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who intiated the first kiss?)
His kisses are always gentle and full of love or passionate, he’s mostly the one to kiss you first just because he can’t contain himself when you’re around him. He could spend his whole life kissing your lips.
L = Love language (What are their love languages?)
Gifts, gifts, gifts. He loves to cover you with gifts. He likes to buy you little things that remind him of you. That’s his way of telling you he loves you.
M = Mornings (Are they a morning person? What are they like in the morning?)
It depends, on day work, since Julian is very focused on punctuality he can gets pretty stressful in the morning. Running everywhere to be ready in time, and make sure he tie is perfect.
But I’m off days, he’s the biggest lazy guy in town. Mostly because he loves just to lay in bed and cuddle with you rather then get up and start the day.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil you? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Like I said before, Julian loves to buy you things so yes he spoils you A LOT ! And when you want him to buy you something, he can’t resist, always wanting to put a smile on your face.
O = Open (Do they say everything about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or overtime?)
Like mention before, It took a while to Julian to finally open up to you but as soon as he feels safe enough, he tells you everything !
P = Patience (Do they have patience? Are they angered easily?)
Julian has zero patience, he gets mad when he doesn’t have what he wants right now. It amuse you sometimes so you tease him with it but it’s is at your own risk.
Q = Quaint (What’s their favorite non modern thing to do?)
Julian as a disc record player in his appartement, he loves to listen to old vinyl with you. You learns to dance a slow with him thanks to it.
R = Remember (What’s their favorite moment in the relationship?)
It’s hard to choose but probably the day you accepted to be his girlfriend, it was such a magical day. He prepared a wonderful date that night, he made a whole delicious meal for you to to share together in his appartement. You slowed dance in his living-room and then his kisses you for the first time before asking you to be his after admitting his feeling to you. You spent the rest of the night cuddling and kissing like teenagers, it really is an amazing memory.
S = Security (How protective are they?)
He globally trust you so he’s not really overly protective, unless you propose you help to the flash team. Even more since you got attacked by a meta not long ago, this is the only time he can get really protective.
Otherwise he’s just normally protective, telling you to be careful when you come back late from work, etc. But it’s always in a cute and loving way never toxic or anything, he just cares about your safety like any boyfriend would.
T = Talking (what do they like to talk about?)
Obviously, sciences and all of that, but he also loves to talk about you, he always want to know more about you, your past, your family. Every little knew information about you makes him really happy.
U = Ugly (Whats a bad habit of theirs?)
Criticising EVERYTHING and everyone. That’s one of us default he always finds someone to say about something (especially Barry Allen), he can be either funny because we all know how sassy Julian is but it can be annoying sometimes.
V = Vaunt (Do they like to show you off?)
Yes ! He’s always so happy to present you as his girlfriend. He’s so proud to have you by his side. The worst thing is when someone goes to him and say ‘No way, you’re really dating Y/N’ with that, you’re stuck with him for an eternity, he will be doomed to hear him boast of having a wife as brilliant as you.
W = Whole (Do they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely, Julian would be lost without you. You’re his everything, all he does is to make you happy so yes.
X = Xylophone (What’s a song that reminds of your guy’s relationship?)
Can’t help falling in love - Elvis Presley
You two danced to this song the night he kissed you for the first time.
Y = Yuck (What’s something they hate that you do?)
Teasing him, you love to make him crazy and angry because let’s face it, Julian angry is the sexiest thing ever.
Z = Zzz (Are they a heavy or a light sleeper ?)
Heavy sleeper for sure, when he finally leaves work and get to bed, you never hear about him again before he wakes up the next day.
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imaginethisdarling · 8 years
New Year’s Celebration(MATURE)
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wordcount: 3.1k
“I am so sorry Justin, but I really can’t make it. I really wish I could but there just no way, you know my asshole boss, he’s making me work late.” Y/N spoke into her phone, trying to keep herself from laughing.
“But you promised.” Justin whined and she could only imagine the adorable look on his face.
“I know I did and I am very sorry for cancelling the last minute, but I will try to catch a next flight tomorrow or day after.”
Justin sighed, she pictured him frowning and messing his quiet long hair. “All right, okay, fine. But try to come as soon as possible.”
“I promise I will. Love you. I wish you all the best tonight.”
“Thanks babe, love you, bye.”
Y/N couldn’t wait to hung up so she could burst out of laughter. “You know you’re a real bitch, right?” Alfredo asked her joining .
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and laughed some more. “This way is better. Paparazzi won’t expect me, neither will the fans. I can walk freely. And I get to surprise him, a win win.”
“But don’t you feel bad, like, don’t know, he will be bummed because you’re not there to support him?”
“I thought about it, yeah, trust me this way is better. He will be happier to see me.”
Alfredo shrugged his shoulders “What do I know.”
Y/N took her phone and scrolled through instagram a little bit. Just as she was scrolling through one fans Bieber page, she got a text from Justin.
“Bout to go on stage, really wish you were here.”
She decided not to respond, making it more convenient that she was busy working.
Few minutes later, they landed in Miami. The car was already waiting for Alfredo and Y/N. it was already 11.35 p.m. She was hoping that by the time they arrive to Fontainebleau, it won’t be past midnight.
She wanted to celebrate new year with him, but considering the traffic, she might be late.
They arrived at 11.56 p.m. and Y/N was already pissed thinking she would be late, so she took off her hills and sprinted as fast as she could. In the distance, she could hear Justin’s voice getting louder and louder.
She bumped into few people on the way, but thankfully, nobody stopped her to ask who she is nor to say anything else, or worse recognize her. Once she reached the backstage, she gave herself a few seconds to catch a breath and put her hills back on.
That’s when she heard the countdown. “Eight, seven, six.” She fixed her hair and rushed on stage hopping she looked presentable. “Happy New Year.” Justin screamed into the microphone.
He was about to say something when Y/N hugged him from behind, whispering into his ear. “Happy new year, babe.”
Quicker than a lighting, Justin turned around, enormous smile shining over his face. He placed his hands on her checks, pulling her into kiss.
The crowd behind them was going wild; some because of them and other because they were already drunk and having a really good time.
“Happy new year.” He mumbled into kiss.
Once they separated from the kiss, he pulled her into a hug, placing his lips right next to her left ear. “You’re gonna wish you didn’t pull this little prank on me, baby girl. Just wait till we get to the dressing room. If we even make it to there.”
He kissed her ear and moved away, facing her with the most innocence smile. Y/N’s heart started pounding faster than ever, and she felt heat spreading all over her body. She wasn’t sure if she will be able to wait so long.  
She bit her lip, she was speechless. She wanted him, now, and not a moment later.
“Oh don’t give me those sex eyes, honey.” Justin said and turned to face the crowd.
“Give it up from my incredibly hot girlfriend everybody.” Y/N smiled and waved at the crowd.
She turned around and walked backstage, finding a good position to watch the rest of Justin’s performance.
He looked so good while he performed, and also very happy. Her eyes observed every single one of his moves. Soon she got distracted with the thoughts of Justin’s hot and wet mouth, tracing all the way from he swallowed lips to her clit.
She pushed her thighs together ease the urge she felt, just a little bit.
She was so distracted with her own dirty thoughts, that she didn’t even notice Justin’s performance being over, and him now walking towards her.
Once he was standing right in front of her, she lifted her head and bit her lip. He placed his finger under her chin and pushed her up. His eyes focused on her lips, but he didn’t make a move.
When she tried to make one, he simply backed away, meeting her gaze with a smirk playing over his lips.
“You see, you’ve been a very, very bad girl today. Teasing me with “I can’t make it” and your little outfit.” Justin got closer to Y/N, lowering his voice so only she could hear him.
“I know you want my tongue around your little tight pussy, my fingers playing with your hard nipples, my dick in your mouth. I know you want all of that baby girl, but daddy, you see, he wants to teach his little girl a lesson, yeah. Which is, never tease daddy.” Justin licked his lips, once again letting a smirk play over his lips.
Y/N moaned quietly; at that point she just wanted to push him onto the nearest wall and fuck the shit out of him, but that wasn’t possible, considering people in the room and his strength.
She simply nodded, focusing her eyes on the wall behind him with a picture that was supposed to be artwork, but all she saw was one stick and a circle. She really didn’t understand why people called that art.
“Now baby girl, I have to shower, but then we will hit the party.” Justin took her hand and the walked the same way she ran not twenty minutes ago.
As soon as they walked out of the door, she had to put her hand over her eyes, otherwise she would fall from all those flashlights.
Somehow they managed to get to the car without separating and they soon took off. Justin sat as close to Y/N as he physically could, placing his right hand on her thigh, slowly running tips of his fingers over her inner thigh.
The tension was way too much to handle, so she placed her hand on his leg moving it to his dick. She hoped he would change his mind and they would stay in his hotel room.
Justin suddenly grabbed Y/N’s hand, as it was just inches away from his dick and placed it on her leg. To punish her, he moved his hand away and moved in his seat so they weren’t touching anymore.
At that point, Y/N wanted to scream out in frustration, in the corner of her eye she could see Justin smirking before speaking.
“So how did you like my performance?” he turned his head to look at her.
She was pissed and not really in the mood to talk, she only shrugged her shoulders and simply added. “It was okay.” Turning her head towards the window.
By his voice, she could tell he wasn’t pleased with the answer. “It was okay?” He asked under the breath. “That’s all?” she didn’t respond.
If he could tease her, she could give him a silent treatment. Not that she was acting rationally but she was so horny that she couldn’t think straight and if he weren’t going to fuck her right there and then, then she will be a bitch and make him lose his shit and take it all out on her.
“So that’s how’s going to be, huh darling? All right, I’ll take it.”
From that moment on, neither of them spoke a word to each other. Even though they arrived at the hotel in less than three minutes, to Y/N it seemed like it was half an hour.
She quickly opened her door, which usually Justin does for her, but she wanted to piss him off as much as she could. Two can play this game.
She heard him mumble something under his breath but she didn’t bother to wait for him. She quickly walked towards the elevator, waiting for it to open.
Justin immediately caught up with her, placing his hand on her lower back, but just for brief five seconds. The door opened and they walked in, each standing on their side of the elevator.
They quickly walked out, reaching the room number 265. Justin unlocked it and she followed him in. she threw herself onto the bed and closed her eyes.
She could feel Justin’s look all over her body and when she hoped that he would change his mind, but all he did was walk into the bathroom to take a shower like he said he would.
She groaned and took her phone out. She opened snapchat and tried out which new idiotic filters where there. After she posted few selfies, she saw she had a missed call from her mother, so she rang her.
“Happy new year, honey.” Her mother yelled into phone. Y/N could tell she was a bit tipsy.
“Happy new year, mom. Having fun in LA?”
“Oh, it’s amazing here. There’s a lot of young hot boys here.” Y/N could hear her father in the distance yelling something at her. “Whatever Y/F/N” She simply yelled.
At that point Justin walked out of bathroom, his hair messy and a towel wrapped around his waist. Y/N sat up and ran her eyes all over his body, scanning him, from his head to his toes, unable to stop herself from biting her lip at how delicious he looked.
“So, are you two having fun?” Y/M/N voice shook her from her daydream. “Mhm” Y/N mumbled into the phone.
“We’re just about to head to the party.”
“Well tell Justin hi and have a good time. P.S. it’s time for me to become grandma.”
“Y/M/N” Y/n’s father yelled and Y/N just chuckled.
“alright mom have fun. Be safe, Love you.”
Y/N hung up and looked in Justin’s direction. He was now fully dressed, wearing a hat, black shirt, same colour jacket and white shorts.
“Ready?” he simply asked.
“Mom said hi.” He nod and started walking out.
He let Y/N go first and placed his hand on her lower back. This time the ride down wasn’t so unpleasant and soon they were at the party.
They separated very quickly, Y/N headed to the bar, ordering herself a strong Martini, while Justin went somewhere, only god knows where.
“What is a girl like you doing alone on New Year?” a deep voice asked Y/n and she slowly rotated herself to face a very good-looking guy.
He was tall, bit taller than Justin, black hair with bluest eyes Y/N has ever seen. She shyly smiled at him.
“Well I lost my boyfriend somewhere.” Y/N simply answered, hoping that will send him away.
But he didn’t seem to recognise what she said, rather he showed at the chair next to her, and she just nodded. A little company won’t hurt, she was getting bored anyway.
“I am Tony”
“Y/N. Nice to meet ya.”
“Oh, trust me pleasure is all mine.” She smiled at his flirtatious comment and carried on. They talked for solid fifteen minutes, he made her laugh so much, her stomach actually started to hurt.
She felt familiar hand on her back. “Hi I am Justin. The boyfriend.” Justin offered his hand to Tony. His face was cold as ice, and Y/n knew he was beyond pissed and jealous.
“So, you’re the one that left this fine lady, all alone. Damn bro, you should keep a close eye on that masterpiece.” Tony said shaking his hand.
Y/n felt Justin’s grip getting tighter after Tony’s comment. She could tell his ego was hurt, and she was hoping he would just bit his tongue and let go. But she knew Justin.
“You might wanna watch your mouth, this is my girlfriend you’re talking about.”
“Hey man, I’ve said nothing bad about your girlfriend.” Tony lifted his hands up, clearly showing he wants no trouble.
“Tony it was nice meeting you, but I think you should leave now. Thanks for the company, I appreciate it.” Y/N said.
Tony nodded and smiled, then walked away. Y/N exactly knew what was following, and honestly she wasn’t in the mood for it.
“So, I let you off for five minutes and you already find a new guy?”
She turned her head to face him, with the most annoyed facial expression she could make. “Don’t you even dare to start anything. He was at least making me company, unlike someone here.”
“So, you wanna fuck him?” Justin asked arrogantly.  
“Fuck off Justin, go back to those bitches that you were with all this time. You ain’t gonna ruin this night for me.” Y/N said and walked away.
“Where you going?” Justin asked walking behind her.
“Somewhere where no one is going to bother me.”
“Y/N where the fuck are you going? Answer me.” Justin raised his voice. She turned on her tiptoes, lifting her hand to slap him, but she stopped herself just in time.
“Go on, slap me. Go on, do it.” he provoked her, stepping closer to her. Y/N rolled her eyes, groaned and started walking towards his room.
“So, you’re just gonna walk away?”
“What do you want Justin? There is nothing more that needs to be said or discussed.”
“Oh yes there is.”
She picked up her pace and walked even faster. Soon she was in front of his room door, waiting for him to unlock them, but he didn’t seem to hurry anywhere.
“And what would we need to discuss anymore?”
“You giving that guy sex eyes.” Y/N couldn’t believe her ears. All night he keeps teasing her, she is about to explode and now he gives her his jealous attitude.
It was kinda sexy, but all she wanted was to cum, not fight. So, she pulled him closer, grabbing his jacked and connecting their lips.
He pushed her against the doors, one hand placing on her side, while unlocking the door with other. He pushed her inside, closing the door with his leg.
He moved away from kiss and took his jacket off. Y/N placed her hand around the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. He observed her while her hands traced up and how his chest.
He moved his hands on her back, unzipping her dress, letting it hit the floor and revealing her naked body. “You are so beautiful.”  Y/N felt her cheeks burning up.
Justin pushed Y/N onto bed and climbed over here. He connected their lips once again, while placing his hand over her clit, making little circles around it.
Y/N moaned into the kiss. “So wet.” Justin mumbled into kiss, pushing his tree finger into her. She groaned from sudden pleasure.
Justin moved his lips to her hard nipples, nibbling on each. She pushed her head deeper into the pillow, digging her nails into silky sheets.
He stick his tongue out and slowly traced it all the way to her pussy. He placed few kisses around her entrance, before connecting his lips with her clit.
Y/N screamed out in pleasure, shutting her eyes and enjoying the moment. She pushed her hips higher, but he placed his strong hand on her sides and held her down.
He hummed into her entrance, which only send shiver all over her body.
Suddenly he got up and she whined at the feeling of emptiness. He took his shorts off, exposing his grown length.
He took his dick in his hand and simply demanded. “Suck.”
Y/N got up and quickly took his dick into her mouth, never leaving his gaze. His mouth fell open, little ‘fuck’ leaving his lips.
She sucked slowly, swirling her tongue around the tip, but Justin grabbed her hair and moved her head faster and rougher.
She knew he was close, so he pulled her away, pulling her up for a rough kiss.
Y/N pushed Justin onto bed, she placed her legs on each side and took his dick into her hands and placed it in front of her entrance. She slowly pushed herself down, adjusting his length inside her.
She placed her hands onto his chest and started moving her hips in a circle. He griped her sides, groaning.
“Keep doing that, baby girl.”
Y/N slowly started to bounce her hips up and down, eventually picking up the pace. Their moans were getting lost in hot, steamy air that their bodies produced.
Justin’s eyes focused on her bouncing boobs, moving his hands to cup them, giving them a good squeeze. Y/N moaned loudly.
“You are so fucking hot, you know that, right?”
Justin got up, placing his hands on her back, taking her breast in her mouth, nibbling on her sensitive nipples. Sucking around her nipples, making sure to leave deep, purple marks, only visible to him.
Y/N felt her stomach clenching, her thighs started shaking. She was so close.
“Mhm, s-so cl-o-o-se. Please le-t me c-u-um.” Y/N said quietly, in between thrusts.
“Oh you wanna cum, baby girl? I don’t think so.” Justin picked her up and turned around, hovering her. He pulled his dick out, only to slam into her with his full rage.
Y/N screamed his name, almost cumming, but somehow managing to hold it back. With each thrust it became harder and harder for her to hold back. Because with every thrust he managed to hit her g-spot.
“Please, Justin” Y/N cried out.
“What? What do you want?” Justin demanded.
“Please let me cum.”
“I don’t know Y/N, only good girls get to cum, but you were a very, very bad girl today.”
Y/N moaned loudly, she knew that if she won’t cum in next thirty seconds, she will explode.
“But I think you have learned your lesson. Cum baby girl, cum hard.”
Her orgasm hit the climax, Y/N’s eyes rolled, her back arched, and she digged her nails into his muscles. She screamed his name as loud as she could, feeling like her lounges will leave her body.
“Fuck, you’re so hot when you come.”
He rid of her orgasm as his was close, his thrust became sloppier, harder and deeper. He groaned her name loudly, emptying himself into her.
Justin collapsed next to Y/N, both trying to calm down their breathing.
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