#(at this point all i can say is thank to jesse for taking matters into his own hands in 606 and making sure we got at least one kiss in s6)
star-girl69 · 5 days
game day hcs 🎀
jesse compher x fem!reader
a/n: do you guys like my aesthetic bow
yes i know that me and jesse compher anon are the only people who want this but GUYS you just don’t get it. you should get it. GET IT. anyways i do what i want y’all can deal with it
warnings: not proofread, swearing, lots of me yapping, i think that’s it tho
i cant think of an intro we’re just jumping straight in enjoy
she gets a pretty normal amount of nervous on game days, as to be expected, but her only coping strategy is distracting herself
so you probably won’t get a moment alone
if you’re not living together, she absolutely LOVES when you sleep over the night before a game literally for no reason other than she wants to spend an obsessive amount of time with you
the type to constantly joke about handcuffing you to her (she’s kinda serious)
she’s normally a pretty big cuddler but on the nights before game days she turns into something else oml….
like literally on top of you, you can’t breathe, absolutely passed out having the best sleep of her life with her face just like uncomfortably pressed up against you like girl back UP
normally if you spend the night (or if y’all are living together) then when she has to wake up early she doesn’t wake you, although it’s very hard to leave you, she just ends up tucking you back in and going about her day
expect a very cute good morning text tho
on game days? no that goes out the window
she’s up? you’re up too!!
she needs to be distracted at all times and her favorite distraction is…. you guessed it….. YOU!!!!
she is ofc literally attached to you while you get ready, helping you pick out an outfit, will sit in your lap while you do your makeup even if you try to push her off of you bc you literally can’t see the mirror??
and we all know hockey players definitely are not superstitious no ofc not (this is sarcasm if you can’t tell)
she pretends that her kissing ROUTINE w you is not a superstition
“it’s just an excuse to kiss you babe!!!”
girl tell that to the whole specific ass routine you have be fr…..
she has to kiss you on your left cheek, then right, then your forehead and then YOU have to kiss HER on the lips
YOU have to be the on to initiate it or else she simply must start all over
and also it can’t just bc a peck no it has to last for like 3 seconds at LEAST (can’t go past like 5 tho bc she would get distracted…)
during the game she’s pretty locked in we love a focused queen
but if you’re sitting in like the first row she definitely spends a lot of time looking at you during warmups
“compher!!!! stop looking at the stands!!!!”
totally gets teased by her teammates and wants to melt into a puddle </3
also loves knowing that you’re wearing HER jersey with HER name on it and HER number……
“hey do you wanna just skip this game and go sit with y/n since YOU CANT STOP LOOKING AT HER????”
if she scores a goal or an assist she TRIES to point towards you in the stands as a way of like dedicating it to you
which is very sweet
but half the time she doesn’t know where you’re sitting so she just points in a random direction and hopes for the best
if it’s an away game, or you just couldn’t make it to a home game, she points at the camera instead
also gets teased for this, obviously
but this is a hill she’s willing to die on she will POINT
…even if it’s nowhere near you.
no matter if it’s a win or a loss, she LOVES when you take care of her after a game
literally cheesing, sitting on the couch under a blanket, watching a show while you bring her whatever dinner she requested
says thank you in a sing-song voice and ignores the fact you’re jokingly glaring at her
asked you to rub her feet ONCE and you gave her such a dirty look that she never asked again TRUST
will ask you to scratch her back, run your fingers through her hair, and massage her legs though
anyways, if she’s lost a game she’s definitely a little tense
but she just kinda shuts down and doesn’t want to talk about it
if she made a mistake then she knows she’ll just have to work on it during practice
but if she thinks the refs were unfair or something then she’s yelling at the wall or something pacing around while you sit there nodding like
“yes tell them baby!”
if you don’t know a lot about hockey or even if you do, she likes it when you ask her questions about certain plays during the game or whatever
loves feeling knowledgeable in front of you
and ofc…. literally DIES when you compliment her
“i really liked that thing you did today”
*she’s literally shaking* “yeah? what?”
“i don’t know what it’s called but you hit the puck really hard and then emma got the rebound”
“you mean… a slap shot..?”
“uhh…. i think so? idk, anyways, you played really good today”
“thanks babe”
she acts like she’s so nonchalant but really she’s about to giggle and kick her feet
but anyways back to my original point good lord
after a loss she’s tense yk but again she’s not like overly mad at herself or anything she knows that she’s still learning and even the best players make mistakes
she’s just like whatever i have to work on it
so she doesn’t really need to talk about it she kinda just wants to ignore it or else it will run through her head over and over again
but sometimes the pressure does get to her and she does need to vent like anyone
really after a loss she just wants to be with you
she literally never falls asleep first so most of the time she’s just laying with you while you’re asleep scrolling on her phone until she finally gets tired
and ofc now the narrative is completely flipped she wants YOU to be like fully on top of her LOL
calls you her second blanket
as if you aren’t one too bffr….
anyways after a win
if the team is having some sort of party or smth after the game she’ll usually go to that for a bit, but she’s honestly TIRED and wants to go home and go to BED
and you actually aren’t allowed to go to the team parties bc you came ONCE and then jesse just spent the entire time in the corner w you even though you were trying to tell her to be SOCIAL and go like TALK to her teammates
she just wants to see you and celebrate with you not that she doesn’t love her team she just loves you a little bit more
when she does finally get home to you, she eats and watches some tv to relax but then she’s always extra tired after winning for some reason so she usually just goes to bed and takes you with her
although after a win shes actually lying and she’s not that tired but like… she won!! she just needs a little time in bed with her girlfriend who she loves very much so she can climb on top of you and kiss the absolute living daylights out of you!!!! how sweet!!
and if you’re still wearing her jersey in all of this she’s actually going crazy a bit bc it’s the hottest thing she’s ever seen in her life
and then if you don’t live together, after a win or loss she’s calling you as soon as she gets to bed, listening to the sound of your voice while she falls asleep hugging her pillow and thinking of you 💔
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Hdc about Miguel falling for reader? Love your blog by the way 😘
Worth It⥓ Miguel O'Hara × Spider-Person!GN!Reader [headcanons]
awe thank you! :D hope you enjoy!
Warnings: i ship the heck out of miles and gwen so sue me
1K Celebration!
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When he first met you, he was immediately captivated by you.
He couldn't explain it, but there was something about you that caught his attention
Not to mention, you'd warm up this cold man's cheeks with anything you'd do
Just the sound of your laugh or seeing you smile made him blush
Jess ended up teasing him when he asked her why he felt so warm around you
"Sounds like you actually got bit, but by a love bug, Miguel."
He'd give her a glare that only made her laugh
However, he once heard Gwen and Miles sharing music which turned out to be love songs
He even heard Peter singing one softly to Mayday one time which confused him
He asked Peter about it and he smiled.
"It's mine and MJ's song. Apparently, Mayday loves it too, so she sleeps faster if it's played or sung to her."
Peter was confused though as to why his boss asked him about it, but then asked him if he was expanding his music taste.
Miguel grunted and Peter laughed before sending him a playlist of music that consisted of love songs
He was taken aback by how accurate they were to his situation
Considering they were all in English, he decided to search for Spanish and naturally, he wasn't disappointed
You caught him humming a song and when you asked him about it, he brushed it off asa song "the kids" were playing
You laughed
"Yeah, Gwen and Miles have it bad for each other."
He was relieved you believed him, but disappointed you couldn't tell he lied
He was also amazed you didn't hear his racing heart when you were around
What he didn't know was you did, you just never asked about it since you figured he'd just brush you off.
His feelings for you grew over time and it was bad.
He believed Jess was right to say he was bit by a love bug because you never left his mind
It was bad
Well, to him it was
He'd be so caught up in a daydream, Lyla would have to snap him out of it
I mean, we all know Lyla would tease him relentlessly about his crush
"Looks like the boss has a little crush~"
"You know, I think they have a crush on you too. You should try asking them out."
Miguel would simply hide his burning cheeks from Lyla's words knowing his A.I is the only one that can get under his skin
Well, maybe you too...
But that's not the point
No matter how in love he was, he couldn't manage to form a complete sentence around you anymore.
He was a stuttering mess.
Sometimes he'd get so frustrated that he'd just shut up and leave you hanging
There were times when Gwen noticed Miguel's behavior towards you
She never said anything
She knew Miguel was the one that had to say something
Then when he did end up confessing, your worry made sense.
"What about the canon?"
He would only chuckle.
"It's worth taking a risk it's for you."
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Hobie's 'No More' Moment - Hobie Brown Headcanons
Inspired by this post by @wicked-exe - thanks again!
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I had to think on this a bit and honestly I think Hobie's 'No more' moment has to do with something we've already seen but don't talk about:
Hobie Joining the Spider-Society.
Honestly, I think it would be a really hard struggle for him in the beginning.
Imagine you're a brown kid living under fascism and it's your job to fight a totalitarian government and give people an ounce of hope.
Imagine you craft a whole persona around it, wear a mask, and go out and fight everyday with the slight hope that maybe you'll change something and finally be free
Then you finally learn that not only are their other universes and other yous, but they've created a community and society together!
Only to find out that they're totalitarian too.
That even though theres dozens of universes out there, and dozens of Spider-men, there's no freedom anywhere.
It's not just London, it's not just the 70's or your universe, it every universe. It goes all the way to the top.
And even worse, the people at the top are you. Spider-people. Literally versions of you from different dimensions.
All this time you've been fighting 'the man', when in reality, the one controlling the whole timeline is one of you.
That's what Hobie went through, and that probably fucked him up a lot!!!!!!
I feel like learning about the Spider Society would've made him really hopeful - maybe he thought that they were like him - anarchists, or at least freedom fighters.
And then he learns that no - he's different. They all like cops. They all like 'the man'. They all come from free universes, and they all agree with Miguel and what he's doing.
Spider-man probably meant so much to Hobie, and then to meet people like him - only to find out they're the thing he hates most?
It's like they perverted the image for him. It made him sick.
I feel like after he learned what the Spider-Society was actually about, he just couldn't do it.
I imagine it being really really depressing for him, sadly.
The feeling of never escaping fascism, no matter what dimension you're in. Facing the threat of violence whether its the police or people that literally know your life story like the back of their hand.
How can you sleep at night knowing there's versions of you controlling things, everywhere?
It would destroy him.
Going from a freedom fighter to being ordered around by other Spider-men, going into universes and executing their will. That's not what Spider-man is to him.
The watch is the only perk.
He doesn't tell anyone how he feels. He knows better than that.
He stays low at HQ, trying to keep to himself, and take as few missions as he can. Miguel sees potential in him and finds this disappointing, but whatever.
He hates it there, anyway. The only perk Hobie sees is the watch. The watch changes everything for him.
At the very least, Hobie knows that there's other universes that are better than his. Some, WAY more high-tech than his. (Imagine him learning about ipods!)
He'd see this as a chance.
With access to futuristic technology, he can really get serious.
It's around this time he starts making his watch pro-type. He 'breaks' his first one, asking Jess for a second, and he takes the first one apart.
He starts lifting and stealing parts from every dimension he gets sent to.
It takes at most 4 months for him to crack it, but he does.
Hobie seems like the type to go AWOL.
I feel like he'd just stop.
At once point he wouldn't see the point in fighting any more cause it's just suffocating.
He hates the Spider-society, he hates his universe, and he now hates looking at his own suit.
So after he makes his first watch, I feel like he'd say 'No More', and just take off.
Ghosts London, ghosts HQ, picks a dimension and just leaves, totally untraceable.
He only needs a rucksack and his guitar.
He squats in dimensions, never staying too long, picking up momentos from each one. He has to lay real low, and it's rare but lucky when he finds a dimension with an un-enrolled Spider-person.
The search for him at HQ is quiet, but heated. Miguel doesn't want to raise heat. Having a Spider-person quit is one thing.
They've never handled a Spider-man recreating their tech. That's worrying.
The only person who can make him come back is himself.
Part guilt, part nostalgia, part culture shock - eventually Hobie goes home.
He misses London. He dislikes the future. And he hates the feeling of running away.
Eventually he comes back. London has gotten bad, worse. He has his work cut out for him, but he's fine with that.
He'd forgotten that even if he was one out of hundreds at HQ, his universe only had one Spider-man, and he couldn't quit on them.
He lays low and changes up his strategies a bit so not to make too much ruckus
But his comeback is really the surge the resistance needed to gain some huge traction.
Eventually, he remembers why he started in the first place. Things start getting a little better. He starts feeling like himself again.
After a while Jess and Miguel catch wind of his return back home. It's a good while before they reach out again, but it very much to keep an eye on him.
They tell him they 'understand it was hard to process' for him, sweep it under the rug and call it squashed.
But it's not really.
Hobie wasn't suppose to know about Miles, but then he meets Gwen, and when he learns about Miles and what HQ is up to, he starts planning.
Miles was apart of the plan to take down HQ the whole time.
He's the only real reason Hobie stuck around. He's had a plan since he started.
I love Hobie Angst. I love it so much!!!! His universe and the trauma with that I love it!! I feel like just looking at who he as a character - he's really resilient. He was the first one there, by himself, a 16-17 year old coming from a fascist society, learning about the universe and HQ and how fragile it all is. And still choosing to fight!!!! He's so punk!
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 13
Joel learns something big that changes everything. A continuation of Lavender Ch. 1-12, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Miscarriage (mentioned and referenced, not described); suicidal ideation. Some smut. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 4.4K
A/N: GUYS THIS IS A HEAVY CHAPTER. Full explanation in the notes at the end of the chapter, with some spoilers. Scroll to the bottom and read that if you're worried about this chapter. It's not graphic but it's emotionally VERY heavy. Take care of yourselves and all the love in the world <3
Saturday, July 4, 2009 - 3 months later 
“What’s Steve gonna do?” You asked, legs stretched out alongside the small table in the break room of the clinic. 
“Hopefully act like an adult for a change,” Andrew smiled. “Get his own place. He’s gotta grow up sometime.” 
“Aw, you’re going to be like empty nesters,” you teased. He laughed. “Moving in together… big step.” 
“Right?” He shook his head. “Might as well call it marriage.” He turned his bottle of water in his fingers, watching the plastic fracture the light. “I’m not making a mistake, right?” 
“You love her?” You asked. 
“More than anything,” he said. 
“Then no,” you smiled. “Not making a mistake. Jess is… she’s the best. Truly. You’re lucky she had a lapse in judgement that lasted long enough to start seeing you…” 
He lightly kicked your leg and you laughed. 
“I’m really glad you figured your shit out with her,” you looked at him and smiled as he nodded. 
“You and me both.” 
After meeting Jess at the speakeasy just after Joel and Tommy made it to the QZ, Andrew just… kept bumping into her. When he went to the warehouse to pick up supplies for the clinic? She was there. At the market? She was there. At the speakeasy? She was there. And he kept watching her, out of the corner of his eye, like he thought no one would notice. But you did. 
“Are you going to actually talk to her again or are you going to just pine after her from afar because you’re hung up on her name?” You asked him eventually when she passed on the street and the two of you were walking to the clinic. 
“I can pine all I want, thank you,” he huffed. 
“I don’t think you want to just pine, bud,” you replied. He sighed. 
“I just can’t…” he looked up at the sky for a moment. “How am I supposed to get through the day if I’m always reminded of her? I mean I know I only knew her for a week but fuck…” 
“I don’t think time matters as much when you’re trying to survive,” you shrugged. “By the time we got to the QZ we’d known each other, what, three weeks?” 
“Shit,” he sighed. “Yeah.” 
“It’s just different,” you shrugged. “I was ready to claw someone’s eyes out for looking at you wrong.” 
“I punched Elias for not letting me see you for five minutes,” he winced. You looked up at him, shocked. “Oh yeah, that was when you weren’t responding to anything. Forgot you didn’t know about that. He forgave me pretty quick.” 
You shook your head.
“Point is,” you said. “A week is plenty when you’re relying on each other to stay alive. You protected her. You were there when… Anyway, it makes sense is what I’m saying. But that doesn’t mean it needs to hold up your whole life, you know?” 
“So you think I should talk to her.” 
“I think you need to get your head out of your ass or you’re going to watch her fall in love with someone else and be pissed at yourself about it and I’m going to be the one who has to deal with you.”
For a change, he took your advice.  
Introducing you to Jess had been a process. Andrew had - apparently - talked about you. A lot. And she’d seen you with him around the QZ. He’d set up a night at the speakeasy, just the three of you. You got there early. Andrew came over and hugged you, whispering in your ear “I’m so fucking nervous.” You gave him a squeeze. 
“Jess this is…” he held his hand out to you, frowning. Like he couldn’t think of how to qualify you. 
“I’m the outbreak survival partner turned best friend,” you smiled, holding out your hand. “And you’re the girlfriend!” 
“Hi,” she smiled, taking your hand and looking relieved. 
You talked for a while, getting to know each other. She had been a junior in college when the outbreak hit, studying psychology. She worked doing psych evaluations for FEDRA now, but wanted to try to get some kind of mental health system set up in the QZ eventually. She was sweet, smart and obviously very into Andrew. When he left to go get drinks, she watched him go before turning to you. 
“Oh my God,” she sighed and then laughed. “I’ve been panicking about meeting you, you’re very intimidating! He doesn’t really have any other family or people besides you and he talks about you all the time. I’ve been hoping you’ll at least tolerate me! I feel like I’m meeting the parents and the big sister and the best friend at the same time… I’m so glad you’re nice!” 
“Oh hon,” you laughed and put an arm around her, giving her a squeeze. “I don’t think I’ve ever intimidated anyone so thank you for that! You’re lovely, I’m now going to require him to bring you around as much as you’ll stand us.” 
“Then expect to see me an awful lot,” she smiled, looking back toward the bar. “I’m kind of crazy about the guy.” 
It helped that she went by Jess. It helped more that she was able to exist as her own, separate person with no ties to Jessica the more you were around her. She even understood when you or Andrew needed the other when things got hard and no one else understood.  
Moving in with her was the right choice.
“You and Joel any closer to…” he gestured vaguely, eyebrows raised. 
“Let’s not talk about my slowly devolving love life,” you took a drink of water. 
“I will kick his ass,” he said. “Just say the word.” You rolled your eyes. “Seriously though. What’s going on? I thought things were a little better after you actually told him what happened…” 
“It was, for about five minutes,” you sighed. “He’s only slept over three nights in the last week…” You swallowed the knot in your throat. “It’s like he’s looking for an out. I keep trying to ask him if something is wrong or if I did something… It reminds me of the last time I visited him in Texas, before the outbreak. He broke up with me a few weeks later and, in hindsight, that whole trip felt like him saying goodbye.” 
You sighed, finishing your bottle of water. Joel had slept over the night before and it was like his body was in your bed but the rest of him was gone. 
He’d been lying flat on his back and you wrapped around him, stretching up and kissing his cheek. His arm never went around you to pull you closer like it usually did. You tried to press yourself against his side, tried to soak up as much of him as you could. When you kissed the side of his neck, he turned his head and lifted your chin, crashing his lips into yours. His kiss was harsh, consuming. He all but tore your tank top and cotton shorts off your body, leaving them in a heap on the floor. 
His fingers dug into your flesh, into the spaces between your ribs, into the soft fullness of your breasts. You clumsily worked your hips against him as he ripped his own clothes off, too, before he pushed two fingers sharply into you, making you gasp. 
“Always wet for me,” he said it harshly, almost judgmentally. You moaned, a knot in your stomach that didn’t usually exist when he touched you. “Always fuckin’ wanting it…” 
“Joel,” you whimpered and he kissed you, his tongue shoving your mouth open as he pulled his fingers from you and pressed his hard length against you. He entered you with one firm stroke, forcing your walls apart, making you gasp against his mouth. 
His hips snapped into yours, his cock slamming into you with each stroke. He bit your neck, took your wrists in his hand and held them down when you tried to run your fingers over his back. Your body kept trying to hold onto him, keep him close and he refused it. You came only seconds before he went slack on top of you, panting for breath. 
He slid out of you and collapsed next to you in bed, not touching you. You just stared at the ceiling for a moment, feeling him leaking out of you, slipping away. He was gone when you woke up. 
“He’s not the only man on earth, you know,” Andrew was watching you. You frowned a little but nodded. “Steve’s always had a bit of a crush on you…” 
You snorted. 
“Steve needed me to teach him how to boil pasta.” 
“Yeah, he’s got mommy issues,” Andrew half smiled at you. “It explains everything.” 
“Doctor?” Marta hung her torso into the break room, her black ponytail swinging over her shoulder. “We need you.” 
“We’ll just have to fix my love life another day,” you drummed the tabletop for a second and gave Andrew a small smile before jogging over to Marta and following her to the exam rooms. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, fidgeting with your stethoscope. 
“Pregnant woman, thinks she’s about 10 weeks?” She passed you the chart. “Says she thinks something’s wrong but hasn’t given me many specifics. Wanted to just tell the doctor.” 
You stopped at the exam room door. 
“Thanks, Marta,” you gave her a tight smile. “I’ve got it from here.” 
You knocked on the door once before stepping in. 
“Hey Doc,” the woman smiled. You’d seen her a few times in the clinic through the years for the usual basic things. Coughs that wouldn’t leave, a broken finger, stitches once when she cut her hand as she fell at work. You glanced at the chart. Penelope. Penny. That’s what she’d told you last time. 
“Hi Penny,” you smiled back, setting the chart down and going to the sink to wash your hands before putting on gloves. “What seems to be the issue?” 
“I slipped at work,” she winced. “Yesterday afternoon…” 
“They still letting you on ladders with your track record?” You teased, taking some notes on the chart. She laughed. 
“Right?” She said. “You’d think they’d give me another job after a while… Anyway, something’s felt… wrong ever since. And this afternoon I used the bathroom and there was blood in my panties and…” 
Your stomach turned and you fought to make sure it didn’t show. 
“Let’s take a look.” 
Joel showed up at the clinic at the same time as Andrew’s girlfriend. He fought the urge to groan. She was a sweet enough girl but he’d never really taken the same liking to her you had. She was young, naive, a little too content to hang on Andrew’s every word. But she was insightful enough to know that he wasn’t about to start a fan club for her, just giving him a tight smile as they both went into the waiting room. 
It seemed quiet, at least. Something Joel was relieved for. He kept trying to get some distance from you and then something would pull him back in. You’d smile at him in just the right way, kiss his neck when your body was against him, have a bad day at the clinic and look so exhausted that all he wanted to do was wrap you up and hold you close. It was easier to keep his distance when you didn’t need him. He couldn’t resist you needing him. 
“Hey guys,” Andrew sighed, coming out of the back. Jess’ face brightened into a real smile then, looking at her boyfriend like he hung the moon. She put her arms around his neck and he kissed her, long enough that Joel cleared his throat to remind them that he was there. Jess blushed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “It’s going to be a few minutes…” he lowered his voice. “She’s busy with a rough one.” 
“Oh no,” Jess frowned. “What’s happening?” 
“Miscarriage,” he sighed. “Which is hard on her for obvious reasons…” 
Jess just nodded and pressed herself into his side but Joel just frowned. 
“What’d you mean, obvious reasons.” 
“Well, you know,” Andrew shrugged. “During the outbreak.” 
Joel’s stomach dropped and, after a moment, Andrew’s eyes went wide. 
“Oh shit,” he breathed. “She didn’t tell you, fuck, she said she’d told you everything, I thought she told you, I swear she said she told you…” 
You came out of the back, looking sad for a moment but your face brightened when you saw Joel. You came up and stretched up to kiss his cheek. 
“Just need a few more minutes,” you said. “Just waiting for Kristen so I can go over some overnight care instructions for a patient. Let me tell you, I really need that drink…” 
“What the fuck is Andrew talking about?” Joel asked, looking down at you. You frowned. 
“I’m so sorry,” Andrew whispered. “I thought you’d told him, you said you’d told him everything, I thought you’d told him….” 
Your face fell, looking between Andrew and Joel. 
Joel stormed outside. His head was spinning. Something Andrew had said the night that he got to the QZ came back to him, something he’d heard that he wasn’t meant to hear. 
“So that’s the dad…” 
He’d thought he was talking about Sarah. Who else could he have meant? It would have made sense, you explaining your connection through his daughter…. 
“Hey,” you were walking quickly, almost jogging, to catch up to him. He was panting for breath, the haze of twilight on the horizon. “Joel…” 
“Were you pregnant?” He demanded, spinning to face you. You startled back from him, like he’d slapped you. You didn’t answer. “Were. You. Pregnant.” 
You stared at his chest. 
He turned away from you for a moment, trying to get his composure before he turned back. 
“It was mine?” 
“Yes,” your voice was wet and thick. 
“What happened.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you answered. 
“They were going to shoot Jessica,” you whispered. “I didn’t know it was transmitted through bites, they were just going to shoot her and I had to stop it and they hit me and… Joel, I’m sorry, I tried, I tried so hard…” 
You’d been on your own, been with two teenagers you’d taken charge of and his child inside you and he’d been across the country from you, not able to protect you, only able to fail you, only able to fail you both…
“When did you know?” 
You were quiet and he ground his teeth. 
“The first day of school,” you breathed, glancing up at his face for a second before looking straight ahead again. 
He felt like he was going to be sick. 
“You knew,” he said it through clenched teeth. You winced but stood your ground, your arms crossed over your stomach. “You knew for weeks. WEEKS. And you didn’t fuckin’ tell me?” 
“I’m sorry,” your voice was shaky. “I didn’t know what I was going to do at first, I didn’t know if I was going to keep it and once I decided I wanted to keep it I didn’t know if I was ever going to tell you…” 
“You were going to have my fuckin’ kid and you weren’t going to tell me!” He was screaming. You wanted to cower from him, he could tell. Your body shook with it. But you weren’t backing down. 
“I decided to tell you the day before the outbreak,” your eyes met his then. “That’s why I texted you. I didn’t want to just tell you over the phone, that’s why I asked if you wanted to have coffee… I wanted to come up with a plan first to make sure you didn’t need to do anything you didn’t want to do, I didn’t want you to feel like you were stuck with me and a baby you didn’t want and I…” 
“You should have fucking TOLD ME!” He couldn’t look at you, putting his back to you. His stomach twisted, his chest tightened. 
He was running through everything that happened the night of the outbreak. He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop it once it started. The phone call from Tommy, leaving Sarah alone at the house. Coming home and finding her at the mercy of the infected. Driving, running, holding her…. 
It all would have been different. If he’d known, if you’d just told him, it all would have been different. 
“We’re done,” his voice cracked. 
“What?” You sounded so small, so weak. It reminded him of the time you called him for help, when on a date with that handsy guy. You sounded scared. “Joel, please…” 
“Do you understand what you did?” He rounded on you, towering over you. You flinched back, like you were afraid he was going to hit you. “None of it would have happened this way if you’d just fucking told me you were pregnant with my goddamn kid!” 
“She’d still be here!” He screamed it. You stepped back from him then, sobbing now. 
“You can’t know…” you choked on it but he cut you off. 
“Yes I can,” he said. He was seething. “If you’d just fuckin’ told me, we wouldn’t have BEEN there! We would have been in New York with you or you would have been in Austin with us and I wouldn’t have left her alone that night, you would have been with her and known what to fuckin’ do, she never…” 
“You can’t…” 
“She died that night!” He yelled, getting in your face. He’d never told you this. He’d never told anybody this. “Shot by some Army fuck and it never would have happened that way if you’d just told me you were pregnant with my fucking kid!” 
He straightened, running his hands through his hair, desperate for something to hold onto. It was like losing her all over again, like there was a gaping hole in his chest, like someone had cracked open his ribs and started taking him apart. If you’d told him, Sarah would be alive. If you’d told him, he could have saved your child. If he’d just known, it would all be different. He wouldn’t have failed you. He wouldn’t have failed you. 
You were just standing there, your face wet, arms tightly around yourself. You hadn’t even moved to wipe your tears away. 
“Please,” it was barely audible.
“We’re done,” he said it again, his voice flat. “I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you. I never want to see you again. We’re done.” 
He turned and left you there in the haze of the streetlights outside the clinic. 
Joel wasn’t sure how long he walked. He wasn’t sure where he ended up. He didn’t fucking care. He almost hoped someone tried to talk to him. He wanted to hit something, he wanted something to hit him. He wanted to hurt, something on his body needed to hurt the same way his soul was hurting. It wasn’t right that the pain wasn’t spread out, that it wasn’t all through his body, too. 
Tommy was out when he got home. For a moment, Joel’s eyes drifted to the floorboards where they’d stashed their weapons. He wouldn’t flinch this time. Your voice wouldn’t pull him back this time. 
He went for the liquor instead. He drank until he passed out. He didn’t move for two days. 
You couldn’t seem to stop crying. You stood there, watching where Joel had gone, like you were waiting for him to come back for you. He wasn’t going to come back for you. 
“I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you.” 
“Don’t let anyone take you from me.” 
“I never want to see you again.” 
You had a patient. 
You forced yourself to turn and walk for the clinic. You hadn’t gone far, only about 50 yards, but it was apparently far enough that no one inside had heard the commotion outside. That was good, at least. Andrew noticed you first, his hands on your shoulders before you really realized he was even there. 
“Hey,” he said, stopping you. His voice was gentle, so gentle compared to Joel’s. You kept your arms around your waist. “What happened? Are you OK?” 
“I’m fine,” you said, even though you were still crying. “Is Kristen ready for care instructions? Have you seen her?” 
“She’s still in back, what happened?” He asked. Your eyes were having a hard time focusing. His chest was just a gray blob in front of you. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing,” you answered. “It’s fine. You guys should probably just head over to the speakeasy, I think I’m just going home…” 
“What did he do to you?” His hands went from your shoulders to your face, tilting your head up so you were forced to look at him. You closed your eyes, unable to bear the idea of really looking at him. 
“He left,” you said, voice cracking. “Said he never wants to see me again. I’m fine,” you said it quickly, before Andrew had a chance to argue. “It’s fine. I understand it, I deserve it, I’m fine, it’s fine, I just need to give Kristen the care instructions…” 
Andrew pulled you against his chest, his lips finding your hair. 
“I’m so sorry,” he breathed. “I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry…” 
“Not your fault,” you were getting his shirt wet with tears. “It’s OK…” 
“Doctor?” Kristen called. “Everything OK?” 
You pulled back from Andrew and sniffed, trying to compose yourself. 
“Fine,” you said. “Just a long day. Let me go over this with you…” 
You were numb as you went over protocols, noted medication and amounts, making sure to triple check everything because you didn’t really trust yourself but you didn’t have another doctor to hand Penny’s care off to. 
Andrew and Jess were sitting in the waiting room when you finished. You frowned. 
“I thought I said to go on ahead,” you said. 
“We’re not just going to abandon you,” Andrew looked at you, incredulous. 
“I just want to go home and be alone,” you looked between them. “Really. It’s fine.” 
“Well then we’ll walk you home,” Jess said, chin jutting out defiantly, almost daring you to argue. 
You let them. They walked you all the way to your door, but wouldn’t let Andrew stay. 
“I’d feel a lot better if I just slept here,” he was frowning, his hands in his pockets. 
“I just want to do this on my own,” you couldn’t look at him, staring over his shoulder instead. 
“Are you sure you’re safe to be on your own?” Jess asked, her voice soft. You nodded, not looking at her. 
“I just need to cry for a bit,” you said. “I’ll see you at work on Monday.” 
Andrew ground his teeth for a moment before pulling you tightly against him. 
“I love you,” he said. “Wouldn’t be here without you. Don’t go doing anything stupid.” 
You hesitantly put your arms around him. 
“Love you too.” 
He and Jess left, Andrew giving you a lingering look as he closed and locked your door behind him. You looked around your apartment for a moment. One of Joel’s shirts was hanging on your closet door. The picture of you, him and Sarah was still on your nightstand. The book he’d been reading was on his side of the bed. 
You left it there, going to the bathroom and running a bath in the tub that was a little too small for an adult to take a bath in but you didn’t care. You took off your clothes, folding them and putting them in a neat pile on the toilet seat, your body on autopilot. 
He’d been right, of course. If Sarah had died that night, it would have been different had you told him. If you’d just opened your fucking mouth when you’d found out and told him instead of mulling it over and being too anxious… 
You slipped into the water, body too numb to really notice the temperature of it. You stared into space for a while, just letting yourself cry until it seemed like there was nothing else left in you to cry out. 
For a moment, you wondered what it would have been like if you’d just told him. It wasn’t the first time you’d imagined something like it. Pictured Sarah chasing a toddler around your grandmother’s back yard or holding a plump baby with a bucket hat on their tiny head as they kicked their little legs in the Millers’ pool. You’d pictured what your child would look like so many times. Boy or girl, they always had Joel’s hair and eyes. Sometimes they got your nose, sometimes his. They sometimes had the dimple he got on one cheek when he smiled. 
It had always been a sad impossibility before. You could have done things differently that day, done what you could to change Jessica’s fate, made it so you never got hit but, after years of playing it over in your mind, you knew there wasn’t much you COULD have done differently. Your child was something that just wasn’t meant to be, something that got taken away before you had a chance to really love it and hold it close. Now, it was a choice you’d made. Another mistake born of a mistake. 
You’d never really been meant to exist at all. Your parents never meant to have you, they’d left you with your grandmother who had stepped up out of obligation to her flighty daughter. You’d done nothing but fuck up everyone’s lives since day one. 
“Don’t let anyone take you from me.” 
“I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you.” 
You slid below the water, lying flat on your back in the bottom of the tub. You held your breath. You opened your eyes, the stained ceiling rippling overhead. Your lungs burned. The ceiling blurred. Your hair swirled in the water around you. You didn’t move when your body forced you to inhale, sucking water into your lungs. But your body wouldn’t let you stay still, making you shoot up, coughing and choking, gasping like you had anything worth living for. 
You cried again, staying in the tub until the water turned so cold that you could feel it. You went to bed alone, wishing the water had swallowed you.
A/N: Hi y'all. For folks who skipped to the end for a spoiler-y warning: FMC treats a patient who is having a miscarriage, Joel finds out about her miscarriage, freaks out that she never told him and leaves her.
I KNOW I'M SORRY I REALLY AM. Here's why it's working this way: 1) Joel after Sarah is largely defined by his inability to allow himself to love fully and honestly. Until he's forced to work through his shit, his trauma will not LET him love anyone. It's not safe. For him, loving someone will lead to his death. He can't do it yet. HE WILL EVENTUALLY. But he can't yet. Remember that the choices made by this Joel are literally life and death for him. After what happened with Sarah, he can't approach these choices any other way. 2) These characters are going to grow and develop along largely parallel paths for a bit and we're going to see them over the next few years where their paths cross until the day that Ellie shows up. Joel wouldn't be Joel if he was just happily with her for 15 years and she wouldn't be who I've been building her up to be if she was with the love of her life for 15 years. Their journeys are going to be separate for a bit but we're still going to see them together, I promise.
Thank you so much for reading and interacting and sticking with the story even though I throw SUPER SAD SHIT in all the time. I have a taglist now, so if you're interested in that, please let me know. I love you all like crazy!
Taglist: @paleidiot
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hetalianskywalker · 5 months
Day 2: The Bakery
Pairing: Merman Jesse x gn! Reader
Summary: Something odd is happening on the island 501st are staying on.
Author’s Note: Mermaid AU! Jesse is a little cheesy at the end. He be good at flirting for the rest of the fic though. I just love me some cheese.
Warnings: Nothing I can think of
Word Count: 898
Prompt: The bakery is built of seashell studded stone, sitting several meters out from shore and buffeted by ocean waves. The owner can’t set foot on land.
Prompt 3205 by deepwaterwritingprompts
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Jesse watches as the townspeople take rowboats and canoes to the seashell studded house several meters out from the town. They bring all sorts of items to trade from different kinds of food to clothes; everything a person could need. They leave and head back to shore with fresh pastry and bread.
The Mer should go back to the others. The 501st has stopped on this island for a few days before heading to the next battle site. However, he had spotted an ancient Mer shack from the main deck of their battleship. They had been told about these places a few times by their Mer trainers back on Kamino; they were made to be temporary places of shelter during a storm for any Mer who was too close to the surface.
Most were long abandoned, but this small town seemed to be using this one as a bakery. He finds he can’t fight his curiosity any longer and swims up to the small dock in front of the door. Jesse shifts into his human form as he jumps up on it. He places his helmet under his arm and knocks.
“Come in!?” You call out, sounding both surprised and preoccupied. Jesse slowly eneters and his stomach growls at the divine smells.
“Sorry I wasn’t expecting….” You pause, now looking at him. “A Mer.”
“Well, you’ll find many of the citizens of Mandalore would disagree with you there.” He jokes and you relax somewhat, but your anxiety was palpable.
“Well that’s stupid.” It’s Jesse’s turn to be surprised as he looks over your pastries. “It doesn’t matter if you were made with kaminoan alchemy. You quite literally have to be the same species as your prime.”
“I mean some of us came out as sirens and selkies.” He teases as he walks closer to the counter. Your shoulders relax at this point; he watches a soft shy smile grace your face.
“I believe those have all been considered Merfolk for the past few centuries.” You laugh before slowly handing him a cinnamon roll he was eyeing like he hadn’t eaten in forever.
“But I- ” You shake your head.
“On the house, soldier.” You flirt as you finish closing up shop; you can feel his eyes on you as he gobbles his treat down.
“So you live here too right?” Jesse asks as you gently lead him to the door.
“Yep. Thankfully this has two stories.” You lean against the doorframe as he stands on the dock.
You both stand quietly in the shadow of your house, protected from the last rays of the setting sun. You look at your old village and then back at the curious Merman. You know what he wants to ask; every outsider asks for the same story.
“I stood up to a monster that was passing through our town. In response, after finding out my family had died a few years ago, cursed me to never walk on land again or I would die. I apparently had nothing else to loose. He then threw me into the ocean. The people rallied behind me and found a solution…” You lovingly patted the house behind you. “I was the town’s baker by trade and so it made sense to…”
“Make it a bakery.” Jesse finishes in awe before it changes to something far more sad. “So you have been stuck in this one house for…”
“A few years.” You nod, shifting uncomfortably from the pitying look you always received and looking away at your feet.
“It’s better than being dead though.” You jokingly add to try to lighten the mood.
“And I thought Kamino was claustrophobic.” He says with the same joking air, but the empathy touches you. You gently look up at him with a soft smile.
“Thank you…”
“Jesse.” The Mer grins one of the brightest smiles you have ever seen. “I’m Jesse. I probably should have said that at the beginning.”
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From then on, whenever his battalion was stationed nearby, he came to visit you. Occasionally, you even got letters all the way from the capital island of Coruscant when he was on leave.
However when it was announced that the Jedi Order were traitors and the war was over, no news of Jesse came. Many days were spent pacing and worrying before a soft knock echos through your small home.
“Hey, babe.” You are running for the door at the familiar exhausted sound. You throw the door open and you both almost plummet into the water with the force you hug him with. Jesse laughs, spinning you around.
“I’ll explain later, but we need to leave.” Jesse says quickly, setting you down. You look up at him confused.
“But I can’t…”
“You can never set foot on land again and we can find a way to break that curse eventually.” He softly rests his hands on either side of your face; his desperate eyes holding your gaze. “But if you’ll have me, I can make you a Mer.”
“Yes.” There is no hesitation. The man you loved and your freedom, even if it is different from what you had imagined, are too valuable to pass up on. “I love you.”
That bright smile captivates you for a long moment. “I love you more.”
“I love you most.” You both laugh when you say it together as you start your new journey.
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⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(that newest chapter was so lovely!!)
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸(i have been consumed by this story and i must know what happens next!)
📚📚📚📚📚(so intrigued by ravi and his brother!)
✉️✉️✉️✉️✉️✉️(buck just loves chris so much! Sending him postcards like he did for maddie!)
🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌(steal my sunshine boys are almost at resolution! Love that for them!)
🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿(complicated family angst going straight to my heart! I love this universe!!)
…i will admit that i’ve gone a bit deranged in this request but can you blame me? Your writing is just too addictive and i am but a girl
I think I got close to 30 of these and yours is the FINAL ONE! THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING <3 <3
I appreciate you very much anon!
30 new sentences for⚡️(thank you! I'm, glad you enjoyed it!):
They’re just gonna make an appearance to welcome all the people who need welcoming. Easy peasy, in and out.
What Buck isn’t expecting is for Eddie to go insane. 
As they walk into the house, and do the requisite rounds of hellos, the moment Buck notices his parents, and notices them noticing him, Eddie loops an arm around Buck. Which would normally be fine,  except his arm is so low and loose on Buck’s waist, that he is very close to grabbing Buck’s ass. Might as well just slip a hand down his pocket. 
“What are you doing?” Buck whispers. 
Eddie turns his head so he’s speaking directly into Buck’s ear, like they’re having some sort of suggestive conversation. 
“Making it very clear that they shouldn’t plan on trying to confront you,” he says softly. “They won’t be getting you alone at any point this evening.”
Buck feels a little shiver run down his spine. He likes this, whatever the hell it is.
“I love you,” he tells Eddie.
“Love you, too.”
But then his parents are walking towards him, and Buck wants to puke. He wants to turn and walk the other way. He does not want to play at niceties, no matter how resolved he is to do just that. 
Buck takes a steadying breath. Eddie’s grip on him tightens. 
“Evan,” his father says. “It’s good to see you.”
Beside him, Buck’s mother purses her lips. He can tell which one of them has taken things more personally. Which, fair. It was personal. 
“Hi,” Buck rasps. “Uh, you remember Eddie.”
From such fun occasions as the time Buck nearly died in a factory fire and the time Buck nearly died in a thunderstorm. What fun awaits them tonight, pray tell?
18 for 🩸(THANK YOU! I am so happy to hear that!):
 Sophia is leaning in his open doorway, wearing striped sleep shorts and an oversized Texas Rangers tee shirt. Her pixie cut - a newer development - has yet to be styled, and is sticking out in a myriad of directions. 
“What?” Buck huffs.
“Mayor did a press conference this morning,” she says. “We’re down to yellow.”
Buck practically flies up into a sitting position. 
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope,” she replies, lips curling into a smile. “Wouldn’t lie about that and you know it.”
“Have you spoken with your parents yet?” Buck asks.
She shakes her head. “Figured we’d want to strategize. Coffee is brewing.”
“Has Chris…” Buck trails off, body tingling with joy.
“You should be the one to call him,” she tells him.
15 for 📚(Thank you! Excited to share my Ravi vison):
At least Buck is also arriving late to the party, and doesn’t like him yet. That will definitely change, though. Anil is charming and Buck is easygoing. Unless you’re Ravi in your probationary year, of course. 
Ravi walks up to the kitchen table with Buck, mid conversation.
“No, I swear,” Anil is saying to Chim. “It was Jesse Palmer.”
“You sold the host of The Bachelor a house?” Chim asks, awestruck. 
Damn it. How did Anil sniff out Chim’s fascination with that show? 
“We had a call on the set!” Chim exclaims. “All the contestants wanted to sleep with Buck and Eddie!”
“Yeah, I didn’t actually enjoy that,” Eddie mumbles.
18 for ✉️(He does!):
“And then, I-I thought… He’s a kid, you know? He got angry, he made a really big, serious choice. And-and he was probably scared shitless right away, and missed you, and maybe missed me, too, but was still hurt and angry and didn’t know what to do about that. And I remember what that’s like, so… So I-”
“So did what helped you, when you left home,” Eddie finishes for him.
“Yeah,” Buck nods. “Exactly. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Eddie whispers. “Did he write back?”
Buck chuckles, eyes wet. “He texted. Not at first, but after the second one.”
Buck pulls out his phone, scrolls back up through some messages, and then hands it to Eddie. Eddie reads over a quick conversation where Chris acknowledges the postcards, pretends they’re lame, and then not so subtly tells Buck not to stop sending them. 
“Wow,” Eddie exhales, handing Buck back the phone. “He wasn’t even taking my calls then.”
15 for 🌌(Yeah! Almost done!)
“You’re okay,” Buck says, snaking a hand up the back of Eddie’s neck to cradle his head. “You are going to get through this.”
Eddie allows himself to be held, sagging forward into Buck. Buck, who has always been his safe place, even when loving him represented something that felt so dangerous. But it hasn’t been. It hasn’t been. Eddie has had it all wrong. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie tells him again. “I never meant to…”
“I know.” Buck says into his hair. “I know that.”
“Please forgive me.”
“You know I do,” Buck sighs. “I just… This can’t go on like this, you see that, right?”
And 24 for 🌿(Yay thank you!!!):
“Well, I’m not a little kid,” Jee pouts. “I can understand.”
Maddie smiles back at her beautiful, smart eleven year-old. Yes, she is still a little kid. Thank you very much. But Maddie isn’t going to burst her bubble of self-perceived maturity.
“Your uncle and I had a very different childhood than yours,” Maddie says. “Our parents treated us very differently from how Dad and I treat you, or how Uncle Buck and Uncle Eddie treat Nico. They love you, Jee, and I am so glad that they do. But there’s a lot of hurt for your uncle and I.”
“But you still see Grandma and Grandpa,” Jee points out.
“I do.”
“You’re not mad at them?” Jee asks.
Well… Yes. Yes, she thinks some part of her will always be mad at them. And how to answer this? Tell her daughter it’s easier not to be mad? To suck it up. She doesn’t want to say that. She… Well, she would want for Jee what Buck has done for himself, if she and Howie were ever so callous towards her. 
“They’ve tried very hard to make it up to me,” Maddie says, instead. Though that doesn’t sit comfortably with her, either. Maddie begins to feel a little sick. Had Buck been right?
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WIP Poll Results
Thank you to all who voted! Tagging those of you who reacted in case you're interested:
@ivymarquis @unholymilf @icespinosaur @megraen @roofgeese @adelaidedrubman @yokobai @chazz-anova @neonneurons @statichvm @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @eclecticwildflowers @direwombat @neverthesameneveranother @kyber-infinitygems @kirjanikv6ilill @clicheantagonist @chadillacboseman @nightbloodbix @stacispratt @wrathfulrook
Here's the results of my hard work, admittedly some fics got more than what they should have but too bad (also there is smut at the end so minors DNI):
THE WINNER: The Animal in Me (fc5 werewolf au) - 13 sentences
The liquor coursed through her system making her head spin and legs feel like jelly that moved at the speed of thick molasses. Light-headed, she stumbled through the door of Jacob’s cabin and made her way to the living room, narrowly missing Princess before flopping down onto the nearby couch. 
The white wolf, having once been laying curled up, happily dozing on the rug on the floor, lifted her head and tipped it, trying to get a better sense of why this woman had invaded her territory.
Jacob made his way towards the couch, stalking towards her in the dark room. His sharp, pointed canine slipping out from below his upper lip as he smirked. “Whiskey sure did a number on ya, didn’t it?”
Kit’s legs hung draped over the armrest as she scooped her hair out from behind her head, stretching her arms out above her. “I never could have had this much before." Looking up at him with a grin as he untied and removed the boots from her feet. "I still have enough sense of myself even if my legs would like to tell you differently.”
“Guess you’re happy that I turned you now, huh?”
Kit rolled her eyes and rubbed at her forehead, trying to fight off the cascading waves that hit the inside of her skull. “I wouldn’t say that.”
American Beasts (kit's fc5 canon timeline) - 9 sentences
“She’s like the Predator, man. Comes in all stealthy like, so we gotta fight her the same way Dutch did.”
“Wait, when did her and Dutch fight?”
“No man, not that Dutch, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The fuckin’ terminator. We gotta trap her and then instead of her tryin’ to blow us up we do that to her.”
“You wanna blow her up?”
“She’s a fuckin’ freak, my dude. You heard about what she did in that video. She’s with them, man. She’s with the cult, she killed Jess and she killed Eli and the other Whitetails. You think she gives a shit about any of us? I severely fuckin’ doubt it.”
Only you (fc5 soulmate au) - 6 sentences
"You know them best, what's their next move?"
"That doesn't matter. They need to be taken out of their element. Joey is strong, she needs someone who can break her. Staci's willing to do whatever's asked of him as long as there's good reason for it, he's got no backbone -- he's weak. And as for Whitehorse, he's complacent, does only what is needed to keep the county afloat."
Jacob stood hunched over his map looking at her, "Go on."
"Joey goes to John, Staci with us and Whitehorse goes to Faith."
"Works for me, angel."
Kakia (Kit's Herald/Role Swap AU) - 5 sentences
(apparently I'm writing this one in present tense, not sure why, but going with it for now)
Jacob knocks, heavy strikes with the side of his fist against thick wooden doors. It takes some time but the doors finally open, revealing a redheaded woman with the coolest blue eyes he’d ever seen besides his own, wearing little more than a silk robe the color of ivy. He’s meant to be there for business not pleasure, but he can’t help when his eyes travel over her form hungrily, barely able to hide the attraction he’s feeling for this strange woman in his midst. 
“Good morning…” Her eyes scan over the height and width of him, until they land on his badge and a smile creeps across her lips. “...Sheriff.”
He clears his throat, trying so hard to remember why he came here in the first place. “Ms. Cross.”
Arcadia & Empyrean (New Dawn AU) - 6 sentences
Her eyes widened, pupils made into pin pricks at the realization of what he meant. It was a death sentence without calling it that. She had no allies, no safe haven, she’d be fodder for the Highwaymen and the creatures outside their walls all the same. "Exile. You're banishing me?"
"Like Adam and Eve."
Kit's lip trembled, her hands falling to her sides in tightly clenched fists as her nails carved crescents into her palm, fighting the seething rage inside her. "You will bring nothing but death upon our people, Joseph. Do you hear me? I upheld the peace. I played my part. I did what you asked of me."
"The Lion is no longer needed." Joseph turned to the Judge, nodding for him to complete the sentencing. 
Even with the mask on she could tell the man underneath was hesitating. Trapped between his loyalty to the Father and to the woman who saved his life all those years ago, the woman who he joined the cult for. He stared at her for a moment, head tipping slightly and she could picture the brown eyes behind the dark holes trying to beg her for forgiveness for what he was about to do. Slamming his fist down on the table like a gavel her sentencing was complete. She was Persona Non Grata once more.
Pred/Prey Smut (MINORS DNI)- 9 sentences
“You like being treated like an animal, don’t ya? Not enough I put a collar on you, is it angel?”
Kit couldn’t speak as he ravaged her with his hands, a tear rolling down her cheek as her thighs clenched together and her walls clamped down around him. She was so goddamn close, he was going to make her cum any second. 
Coiling her hair around his fist like the leather of a leash, he dragged her back to rest against his shoulder and he kissed her deep. Muffling her noises with his tongue, biting down on her lower lip when she cried out, his hand snaked between her thighs from the front, focused entirely on her clit. 
She became a sobbing mess under his touch, panting and moaning at his rough touch against her.
Music Box Smut (Minors DNI) - 5 Sentences
As the music dug into her brain, seeping into her every synapse, rewiring her mind, her thoughts were in a state of war. One half controlled, ready to kill and destroy, the other desperate to please, filtered down to her base desires, animalistic and wild. He’d tested and proven his theory on so many unwilling subjects and now to have her at his fingertips fully accepting of whatever happened while she was under the effects of the conditioning, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little excited at the prospect. 
Her eyes snapped open, and the deep recesses of her mind could be seen in her eyes. Icy, cavernous and dark, no light could be seen in them at all. She pushed him off of her, her strength channeled into enough force to send him to the floor. Pulling away from the bed, shoulders and back rising up from it first, her feet landed on the wooden floorboards. Eyes kept focused entirely on him, stepping towards him with long strides as he backed up trying to regain his footing. 
Grabbing the rough camo of his jacket in her fist she dragged him up to stand and face her. Clawing at him once he was in her clutches, her nails ripped at his shirt as she dragged him down into her embrace and then forced him further down onto his knees. Kit’s fingers ran through his hair, nails scratching against his scalp as she gripped his ginger tresses tight in her fist and forced his head back, exposing his jugular. That cold, dead stare of hers traced down the length of his throat, over the bobbing of his adam’s apple and landed on where his arteries kept his blood flowing. 
“You gonna hurt me, angel?” Jacob asked, testing the waters, checking to see if any part of her might still be in there at all or if she was all machine. 
Her face remained placid, as static and unchanging as marble. “Only if you tell me to.”
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go-to-two · 7 months
A fandom person had a post a few weeks ago & whether they were joking or not I thought it was a great idea… they said next year Eid should bring on Tracy & Jesse in a cameo in FBI & write that they’re back together or something. My question is would that be possible? Not the fact Eid would want to do it as would Trasse & a deal would have to be made for them… let’s say that’s all good, but would NBC allow it since FBI is on CBS? Does NBC hold any rights to the characters or is that all Wolf & if it is Wolf it wouldn’t matter as long as the other parties are in? I know it’s a long shot, but I’d love to know if it could be done lol! Thanks!
This is so hard to say an outright "no" to (though I want to) because I'm aware Tracy has appeared on FBI before, but that was to cover Missy Peregrym's maternity leave and cross promotion for both Wolf shows so I'm going to file that under completely different circumstances.
Generally speaking, characters don't have individual copyrights. They belong to the bigger work as a whole, rather than as a la carte options. The ownership of the work belongs to the production company, in this case Wolf Ent, so the decisions would run through them.
I think you're asking if it's possible logistically without taking into account the human side of the people making those decisions, and I really don't think the two can be separated. Logistically, a lot of things are possible with negotiations. The people who are doing the negotiating are important, though. Personally, I don't think Wolf cares enough to make something like this happen. If he was super concerned about Jay and Hailey's ending, he could step in now as Gwen's boss. I don't think Eid cares either, at least not enough to do this. I know people have suggested he is angry that they've ruined Jay or he is shaking his fist at the sky because Burzek is together, but he has a whole other show with a whole new cast of characters to worry about. His attention is likely elsewhere. Add in the cost of bringing both Tracy and Jesse to guest star on a show that is not their own, and it's just not something I see happening.
I'm not sure if this answers your question at all, and I'm not trying to crush hope here. I just think it's important to look beyond "is it possible?" in a case like this. Possible on paper? Maybe. But these decisions aren't made by themselves so you have to look at the personal and business side, and every sign points to no for me.
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dontjudgemeimawriter · 5 months
OC in Fifteen
Tagged by @pertinax--loculos thank you! I wanted to do there for other characters after doing Terran
(Edit: This has been sitting in my drafts fully done for ages. Whoopsies.)
Raymond's up next!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
"But if I hadn’t convinced Jesse that you were capable of being a decent person, you would’ve— [killed him], and you know what? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“You’re trying to control everything and I don’t like that stupid spell, I can’t talk to you. You think it makes you so good at things but it just makes you a controlling jerk,” Raymond yelled back. “This is why I don’t trust you! Why I didn’t tell you!”
“I want everyone alive. You just want me alive.”
[Raymond] smiled slightly. “When you cast that spell you heighten the level of resources your brain has dedicated to a specific task. It’s heightening of a psychological phenomena. All I had to do was split up the resources.”
I thought that over. “I didn't know Nyps could do that,” I said, and somehow when he explained it it made so much sense. Like it was simple.
“I didn't know I could either. It was a theory. Until just now. But I shouldn’t’ve tried it. I wanted you to unfocus but I shouldn’t’ve forced it.”
“I want the person who let me go. You weren’t focused then. Look. I know that spell is useful. I know we might not’ve pulled this off without it. That’s kind of the point of this, though. I want to get to know you. And if even you don’t know who that is… maybe you should.” 
(Context: Raymond shared that he makes and sells Nyp whispers, which is like selling a mental health spell)
“It’s like going in blind. And because it’s freaking illegal we can’t do it right, y’know? Even if it’d be fine to tell people, no one wants a Nyp going into their mind, they’d much rather take a whisper because it doesn’t give access. But everyone’s different, everyone’s brain is different. I’ve seen these not work on some people, or even make things worse, and I hate it. If I could go in, if we could do research on these spells, I could find a way to actually help instead of giving this thing that works for some people. And it’s worse because like, sometimes I’m selling it to someone, and like, I don’t need much to get in, y’know? I’m giving them a memory-whisper and I’m like, I can sense how your mind works and I know this won’t work for you, but I can’t say anything, and if people would be okay with it maybe I could actually help them. But maybe I’m not helping, because there’s no research on Nyp magic, and honestly, I have no freaking idea if there's side effects to anything, or if I could do more harm. I hate it.”
“There was just—” he paused.
“There was what?” I urged. Something was there, something he wanted to talk about, I could feel it.
“Some fear?”
He sighed. “You? Like I know you wouldn't hurt me and I trust you. But it—made it a little hard to sleep, I guess.”
“Because you’re always so invested in my existence being secret, right? I’d convinced myself that if you came looking for me it was because you had to control everything again, make sure I was being safe and all.” The corner of his mouth tugged up in a slight smirk. “But you missed me, didn’t you?”
Was that really a reveal? Sure, I hadn’t thought about the implication of calling out his name (and fuck he was right, that had been risky), but… “Of course I missed you.”
“That’s not an ‘of course,’ okay? You’re hiding 90% of the time. I have no idea how you feel. I have no idea if you—no idea why you saved me. I have to trust that you won’t kill other people that matter to me but I don’t even know what guided that decision in the first place.”
“Sorry,” I took a deep breath. 
He nodded. “Thanks.” he didn’t meet my eye for a moment, then asked, “Should I not try to touch you?”
My wincing had been my fault, not his.  “It’s fine.”
“Is it actually?” he asked, concern in his voice.
“I know I was just insisting I go,” Raymond said. “And I’m still going to. But that doesn't mean I’m not scared. And the truth is…you are better at this. Maybe I’ve been stubborn, and maybe you’ve been right this whole time. Maybe if I hadn’t come back to go to Dante, then both you and Jodi would be safe. I don’t have any ideas, any solutions, and I’m terrified, and you’ve gotten me out of this before and I can’t do this myself. I’m not leaving Jodi. And I think you can figure out a solution.”
“Yes, I understand how a hostage negotiation works, Abigail."
“Understand now?” He asked, speaking up after a second, and his voice still had the bite, but I sensed some strain. “You’re going to give me access to a lot of people who have reason not to like you. You’re going to need me in their heads. I do that all for you, but my friends are safe, guaranteed. And I won’t kill for you. That’s the deal. You will not use them to get to me ever again.”
“Not cocoa. Chocolate.” Raymond leaned against the arm of the couch, facing me. He gave me a smile.
“What’s the difference?"
“Cocoa is powder and hot water. This,” he took a sip, closing his eyes as he did, an expression of deep satisfaction coming over him, topped with a whipped-cream mustache. “Is hot chocolate.”
“Did you leave a window open, too?” I remembered, vaguely, him opening it earlier.
“No, I—“ he hesitated as he unwrapped his damp scarf and looked around, just as both of us saw that I’d been right. There was a window open, just a crack, but enough to be contributing. He ran over to it and shut it. “Definitely no windows left open,” he smiled sheepishly.
“That feeling? You know how you said you can’t escape yourself?” I nodded again. “That’s why I went into a burning building. I realized what I was doing faster, sure. But you were there your whole life, and it’s all you were taught. And still, you showed me compassion. You risked yourself so I could live when I didn’t want to and I didn’t even think you liked me. I forgave you then.”
My boy!
Tagging @crushedmodule @rosesonneptune @bookish-karina @thegreatobsesso @wildswrites & @blind-the-winds
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maeleelee · 1 year
Chapter Fourteen
Cotton Candy Landing
What goes up must come down. And as everyone from Orbit lands, more secrets are unveiled and will lead them to run. But will this path lead them to happily ever after or should they turn around?
Welcome back to the family of stoners. They’re all grown up and settling down. Everyone’s got full time jobs and some went and got married. Life is finally looking good for most. (Y/n has been turned into Bun Bun because this story follows a different lead.)
⚠️minors DO NOT interact⚠️
Jess stood by the car staring at the house that she used to live in. "You okay?" Yeosang's voice brought her out of the trance she was in.
"Yeah. I’ll be okay. It’ll take me a minute to get my essentials, I’ll try and be quick. Thank you for coming with me.” Jess smiled softly at Yeosang. As happy as she was with San, she still couldn’t understand why she wasn’t enough for Jisung.
“I know that look. Don’t do that to yourself. This isn’t your fault. This is his fault. You’re amazing, wonderful, the kindest soul. Stop thinking whatever you are because my wife would be very upset with her soulmate thinking down on herself.” Yeosang told Jess, pulling her into a hug.
“Mae’s lucky Yeo Yeo. Take care of her because Cassi will take her from you if you don’t.” Jess giggled.
“We won’t have to worry about that because she’ll be taken care of and we’ll step up and take care of her wifeys and soulmate and babies if we need too. Now come on. Let’s get your stuff so we can move you into your new place.” Yeosang smiles brightly. “Let’s kick this bitch to the curb.”
“Let’s do it.” Jess smiled. Her support group was amazing. No one questioned her decision in this whole matter and she appreciated that. She knew who she was meant for and that was Choi San.
Jess walked to the door and knocked on it. She heard foot steps and a giggle. The door open and Jisung stood there, widen eyed at Jess. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m just here to get my things.” Jess told him. He looked behind her and saw Yeosang and then looked back at her.
“Give me a minute.” He mumbled and closes the door. She rolled her eyes and just walked inside the house.
She laughed when she saw the scene in front of her. Jisung was talking to a girl, who was in Jess’ clothes. There were clothes everywhere. She should have known. “Who’s this?” The girl asked.
“Oh just a friend.” Jisung said to the girl, making Jess laugh again. Jess turned to Yeosang, who was walking into the house.
“Just a friend.” Jess told Yeosang, who rolled his eyes. “Don’t lie to the poor girl. Bet you didn’t even tell her you were dumped at the alter for cheating on me.” Jess said, making the girls eyes grow wide.
“Excuse me? Alter? You were getting married? How long ago did that happen?” Jisung rubbed the back of his neck, his ears getting super red.
“I- i umm. I-“ he couldn’t speak. What was there to say? He was in trouble either way at this point.
“Well the wedding was about a week ago.” Jess told the girl. “He cheated at his bachelor party and then acted like he didn’t when I showed him the proof.” The girl took a step back.
“I’m so so sorry. Oh my gosh. I should have known. Something was suspicious and I couldn’t figure it out.” The girl looked at Jess. “He told me he was house sitting for his sister and that she wouldn’t care if I wore her clothes.”
Jess shook her head. “It’s alright. He good at that. Making you feel like he actually cares and then he hits you a lie. He cheats baby. Protect yourself and get out while you can.”
“Yes ma’am.” The girl said and then turned towards Jisung. “Fuck you.” She spit in his face and slapped him across his face. “How dare you cheat on someone as pretty and as sweet as her?!”
“Can I help with anything?” The girl pouted and Jess shook her head.
“You did me a favor by slapping him. Just get out while you can.” Jess whispered.
“Good. Anything to help.” The girl said.
“Jess please. Just hear me out.” Jisung had been trying to talk to her this whole time she was gathering her stuff.
“Oh my gosh. Can you shut up?” She groaned. “You talk too much.” She spun around and looked at him. “I’m not here to hear you out. I’m here to get my stuff and move out. Away from you. I want nothing to do with you anymore. At all. So just go away.” She turned back and picked up a box. Yeosang took it from her and went to walk out when he hear Jisung start talking again.
“Oh I see what’s going on. You’re fucking all of them, aren’t you? Reasons he’s here and not San. Does Mae know? Does Mae know you’re fucking her men? The ones shoe just married?” Jess slowly turned towards Jisung.
“What did you just say?” Jess questioned.
“I asked if you were fucking them.” Jisung spat.
“Jess.” Yeosang said. “Ignore him.”
“Yeah. Listen to him. Listen to the man you’re fucking behind your best friends back.” Jisung smirked.
“That’s low Han Jisung. Even for you. You’re filth, trash, desperate, low life, and there’s so much more I can say but I won’t. You were everything to me. My best friend before we got together. I waited for you for years. I settled for something I thought was great. I settled for you and honestly, I regret it. Regret thinking I loved you. Regret thinking I’d spend the rest of my life with you. You’re not worth my time. You don’t deserve to know what happens to me anymore. Mae is and will forever be my soulmate. And I have all the other girls behind me as well. No matter what I say, you’ll always think differently.” She took a deep breathe. “And to answer your question, I’m not fucking any of them.”
“Could of fooled me. San’s not here. Where’s the man who stole you for me? Why is he not here? It’s funny how he let you come without him.” Yeosang went to step towards Jisung but Jess put her hand on his chest. “Yes. Somethings going on between you and shit for brains here.”
Jess laughed. She laughed in Jisung’s face. “Honestly, even if something was going on, it’s not your business. Plus, Mae would know because I’m not a lying two-face asshat who cheats. So when I come get the rest of my stuff tomorrow, be out of here.” Jisung’s eye grew wide, he knew he couldn’t bring her back now. She was gone.
“Don’t come crawling back to me when he leaves you for Mae again. Because apparently you all like to share.” Jess couldn’t do this anymore and swung. She hit Jisung in the jaw, smiling when she heard the break. He sat there holding his jaw, tears streaming down his face.
Jess bent down to where he was on the floor. “There’s one thing that won’t happen and that’s crawling back to you. My life is looking up. Karma will be by and when she shows up, she’ll be smiling brightly. Good bye Han Jisung.”
She stood up and grabbed another box and smiled at Yeosang. “That’s my girl.” The relationship they had, didn’t need explaining. She had the same relationship with Mae and Wooyoung. They were her family, all of the group was her home, and San was her safe place.
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Taglist: @bunnyiix @cadenonlinelive @weird-bookworm @imagine-a-life-like-this @mxnsxngie @choisoorin @piratequeen-queenofgames @littleleatabixx @stvrfir3 @okkkcausewhet @acrylishly @berryberrytan @lixielovesme @turtledove824
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lost-inanotherlife · 26 days
Since I really liked your analysis of Jack's character, I wanted to point out something I've noticed:
There are quite a few similarities between Jack Shepard and Walter White from Breaking Bad. Both are exceptionally talented men in their respective fields, and have complex relationships with their families. They are often lonely, full of anger, and highly controlling.
While Jack is objectively a much better person than Walter, it's interesting to note that the peak of moral degeneration for both characters occurs in season 5. In Lost, it's when Jack refuses to operate on kid Benjamin Linus after he’s shot, and in Breaking Bad, it's when Walter shows indifference to the murder of the boy who witnessed their train heist.
It's also intriguing to see how both protagonists admit their true motives to female characters: Jack to Juliet and Walter to Skyler—Jack admits that he returned to the island for himself, and Walter admits he became a drug lord for himself.
In the end, Jack sacrifices himself for his friends who leave the island, while Walter also sacrifices himself to save Jesse, who is freed from the group that had held him captive.
Hello Anon and THANK YOU! This is actually very astute! I often wonder how much of an impact "Lost" had on a the world of TV screenwriting. The show has, like, 20 characters or something, it's SO rich in themes, archetypes and motifs that people working with storytelling surely must have been inspired by at least one of its characters or one of its plotlines or even a backstory!!!
Now I'm NOT saying thar Jack Shephard was some sort of inspiration for Walter White but there was a trend in the late 90s and early 00s to write more complex heroes or even to write them like villains. I personally think that the 10s' obsession with villains started right there with characters like Tony Soprano and Walter White.
And, why not?, Jack Shephard. He was not a villain but you wrote something that tickled my brain...
"Jack is objectively a much better person that Walter".
which is true. But also does this make Jack a more compelling character? Imo, yes.
Here we have a famous, brillant, rich doctor all suited-up in the pilot, ready to stich people up and check their wounds. Someone so selfless that lives by the "do no harm" rule no matter what. Someone who also seems to shy away from power and doesn't want to be a leader even though he's got the skills for it and people want HIM. A true and real hero.
And yet, this same perfect hero is also very prone to addictions, he has zero empathy and absolutely shitty bedside manners. He has a secret fascination for violence as we see right off the bat with his first flashback to when he was a kid and the father told him off because he defended a kid and got punched in the face for the trouble.... did he want to help that kid or did he want to prove himself?
Is Jack Shephard's selflessness something true to his inner core or is it a performance he puts up for other people's benefit? The show seems to point to the latter since S1. Somebody pointed this out in a reblog of one of my posts: Jack was totally fine with Sayid torturing Sawyer + all that frankly high-tension stuff with the marshal's death. And this happens in early S1.
And as I've pointed out myself there are A LOT ( like a lot lot) of instances where Jack was dying, almost begging, to break bad.
I think this "dissonance" is what make many people hate on Jack. If you stop on the surface level then everything he does seem to be the actions of a douchebag. If you dig a bit you'll find that he's actually more complex than that and that, perhaps, he's never really been a "good" person if you take the doctor's façade away and if you can give a universal explanation of what a "good" man even is.
The thing about both characters' indifference towards the suffering of a young boy. Very interesting. Yes, I agree: I think that is the breaking point where the characters are so disconnected from their own boy inside (their innocence and redeemability if you will) that they finally snap and the mask eventually slips.
Thanks Anon, that was insightful!!!
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022
Day 4 - Mistletoe Mayhem
Prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: [Full prompt will be listed at the end.]
It was a week before Winter Break, and the Trebles were holding their Annual Before Christmas Beak Party. The Bellas were all in attendance, of course.
Beca and Chloe were standing together, sipping their drinks and watching all the goings-on.
"One of us should do something about that," Beca said.
"Do something about what?" Chloe asked.
"That," Beca said, pointing to Stacie.
Chloe looked over to see Stacie in a liplock with one of the newer Trebles. The poor guy didn't know what to do with his hands or lips from the way Stacie released the kiss and pushed him away. Stacie laughed as the hunter went in search of some new blood.
"Whoa," Jesse said as he grabbed the guy to keep him from going after Stacie. "We talked about this; all Bellas are off limits."
"But she kissed me," the guy said.
"It doesn't matter," Jesse said. "Off limits means off limits."
Jesse turned the guy to face the direction of the other Trebles and gave him a little push.
"Thanks, Jesse," Beca said as the dazed guy stumbled away from them.
"No problem," Jesse said.
"I hate to break this up," Chloe said. "But it's getting late, and we should probably get the girls back to the house."
"Good luck with that," Jesse said, chuckling as he went over to the Trebles.
"You're right," Beca said, moving toward the girls. "Alright, Bellas! Time to go. Let's move it. Back to the house, all of you."
"I don't want to," Fat Amy said, plopping herself down on the ground. "And you can't make me."
"Fine," Beca said, looking down at Amy. "Sit out here all night for all I care. But be prepared to run extra laps if you're late for rehearsal tomorrow."
"Why do we even have a rehearsal the day after a party?" Cynthia Rose asked. "Everyone is hungover, and we don't get anything done."
"Can you do something with them?" Beca asked Chloe. "They never listen to me."
"Okay, Beca," Chloe said. "I'll get Amy and Cynthia Rose. You get the other girls."
"Okay," Beca said, looking around to see if there were any Bellas who weren't drunk. "Hey, Flo? Could you and Emily help us get the other girls back to the house?"
"Of course," Flo said, hurrying over to help Chloe with Amy.
"I've got Stacie," Emily said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist to drag her away from the Trebles.
Ashley and Jessica weren't too drunk, so it was easy for Beca to get them to follow Emily and Stacie while she brought up the rear. Chloe followed close behind with Cynthia Rose draped over her shoulders. Beca looked back for Flo and Amy. Flo was pushing Amy toward the house, yelling something in Spanish. Beca didn't know what Flo was yelling, but it made Amy keep moving, so she wasn't going to complain.
"Everyone to bed," Beca said as soon as they were inside the house. "We have rehearsal tomorrow at nine sharp."
Beca and Chloe grabbed water and pain relievers to take to each of the girls.
"I'll take these up to Stacie and Cynthia-," Beca started to say but stopped when she saw Jessica looking at her and Chloe with a goofy smile. "What?"
Jessica pointed over the heads of Beca and Chloe; they both looked up.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Beca said. "Who put that there?"
Jessica shrugged, mumbling, "I don't know."
"It doesn't matter who put it there," Ashley said. "You have to kiss; it's the rules."
Beca looked at Chloe, who was staring at her with a raised brow.
"Fine," Beca said and quickly pecked Chloe on the lips.
Chloe's eyebrows shot up to her hairline in surprise.
"Hmm," Chloe said. "A kiss on the lips. It must be Christmas!"
"Don't get used to it, Beale," Beca said, chuckling as she blushed.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
The next day, Beca and Chloe somehow got the girls up, dressed, and ready to head to the auditorium. Just as they were about to walk out the door, Stacie stopped and cleared her throat.
Beca and Chloe stood at the foot of the stairs looking at Stacie.
"What?" Beca asked.
Stacie smirked and looked up. Beca and Chloe looked up as well.
"What the Hell?" Beca exclaimed, seeing the mistletoe hanging over their heads. "Who put that up there?"
Chloe didn't say anything; she just leaned in and gave Beca a quick peck on the lips. Beca blushed and looked down at the ground to hide the small smile on her face. Chloe saw this and grinned.
"You know we'd be here all day if we didn't kiss," Chloe said. She turned to the girls. "Okay, the show's over, let's get to rehearsal."
The Bellas were laughing as they turned and walked out of the house. Beca sighed and followed the girls out the door.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
The girls were sprawled over the floor as Beca and Chloe stood in front of them.
"You girls are pathetic," Beca said, looking around at the group. "I am recommending, no ordering you to do plenty of cardio during the break. We can't have anyone falling out during an actual competition"
The girls all groaned and then suddenly started giggling. Beca furrowed her brow and turned to Chloe with a "WTF" look. Chloe shrugged and looked at the girls. Emily was pointing over their heads.
Beca sighed. "More mistletoe?" she mumbled without looking up.
"I'm afraid so," Chloe said, looking up to see mistletoe over their heads. "How did they even get it up there?"
Beca looked up and then back down to Chloe.
"Fuck it," Beca said and crashed her lips into Chloe's.
The Bellas cheered, and Beca finally pulled back after a few seconds. Those extra few seconds of the kiss left Chloe wide-eyed as the Bellas laughed at them.
Beca turned to the Bellas, smirking as she said, "That's it. Rehearsals are over; get out of here or start running more laps."
The girls sobered up quickly and hurried out of the Auditorium.
"I can't believe they keep doing this to us," Beca said as she and Chloe gathered their stuff. "They're obsessed with getting us to kiss."
"Is kissing me really such a bad thing?" Chloe asked.
"Um, I'm sure that no matter how I answer that question," Beca said. "It will come out wrong."
Chloe hummed and took Beca's arm as they walked out of the auditorium.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
Over the next couple of days, the mistletoe bandit kept putting mistletoe up. Beca would see it and shake her head. She could have removed it, but having to kiss Chloe wasn't really that big a deal.
Beca's aversion to wanting to kiss her kept Chloe ever vigilant, and she managed to keep herself from being under the mistletoe, especially around Beca. Although, she wasn't totally against having to kiss Beca under the mistletoe again.
Beca noticed that the mistletoe was suddenly absent from the Bellas House. She kept an eye out for it, but it had magically disappeared.
The day before they were all to leave for the Winter/Christmas Break, Beca found herself alone in the house. She was standing on the stepladder near the front door when Chloe came in unexpectedly.
"Beca?" Chloe said, seeing Beca staring at her like a deer in headlights. "What are you doing?"
Beca thrust her hand behind her. "Nothing."
"Is that. . .mistletoe?" Chloe asked, seeing the sprig in Beca's hand.
"Nooooo," Beca said, throwing the mistletoe over her shoulder. "It's, um, it's nothing."
"Beca," Chloe said. "Were you taking it down because you're through with the whole mistletoe and trying to get us to kiss under it?"
"Yes. No, I, um, I," Beca said as she climbed down to stand in front of Chloe. "Oh, who am I kidding? I was putting it up and was planning to wait for you to come in. Then when you were under it, I was going to, um, kiss you."
"I thought you didn't want to kiss me," Chloe said.
"I didn't at first," Beca said. "But then I kind of liked kissing you, and I, um, I really wanted to do it again."
Chloe smiled and walked behind Beca, picking up the mistletoe. She walked back to stand in front of Beca and held the mistletoe over her head.
"So, do it again."
"Do what again?"
"Kiss me, you idiot," Chloe said, stepping closer.
Beca smiled and leaned in to kiss Chloe. Chloe pulled Beca tighter to her and deepened the kiss.
The kiss ended with both girls smiling. Chloe gave Beca a quick peck on the lips before saying, "For the record, you don't need mistletoe to kiss me. Feel free to do it anytime you want."
"Good to know," Beca mumbled as she reconnected their lips.
Full Prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: Someone keeps hanging mistletoe up to force kisses between Beca and Chloe. Eventually, Chloe catches Beca hanging the mistletoe, and Beca responds with, "I just really wanted to kiss you."
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mothguillotine · 10 months
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CW: Carl gets shot
A few days after the disaster of the CDC, the group decided to abandon some of the cars. It's easier to keep you all together, and you don’t have to use as much gas. You ride in the RV with Adi and Gracie.
Jesse is upset at you again, so he elects not to ride in the RV. So there you sit watching Andrea fiddle with her gun while Shane instructs her. Everyone has been tense about the CDC situation. You could tell that some people in the group were upset with each other.
“How much longer do you think until we get there?” you ask Dale.
“I have no idea. The highway is blocked up pretty bad.” he tells you, “Oh jeez. Aw no. See, a way, though?”
Daryl nods at Dale and nods his head to follow him.
“Uh, maybe we should just go back; there's an interstate bypass.” Glenn suggests.
“We can’t spare the fuel.” Dale tells him.
“Jeez.” Glenn says, looking at all the abandoned cars.
Then the engine starts sputtering, and you realize that the radiator hose is shot yet again.
“God damn it. Not again.” you say.
“I said it. Didn’t I say it?” Dale starts complaining, “A thousand times. Dead in the water.”
You and everyone who was in the RV get out to examine the damage done by the trashed radiator hose.
“Problem, Dale?” Rick asks.
“Just a smal matter of being stuck in the middle of knowwhere with no hope of-” Dale then looks around, “Okay wait that was dumb.”
“If you can’t find a radiator hose here…” Shane says to Dale.
“There’s a whole bunch of stuff we can find.” Daryl says.
You walk over to where Jesse is. He is listening to the conversation from the car he was riding in with Rick's family and Carol and Sophia.
“Can you stay in the car with Gracie?” you ask him, “She is ready for a nap and I think it would be better if she was with someone.”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” he said to you.
You knew he was upset with you. That was no secret to anyone. Why he was upset with you nobody knew except for you and him. You passed Gracie over to him and he got back into the car with her to give her a nap.
“Adi, maybe you should stay with Jesse in the car until we get moving again” you tell her.
“No, I wanna help you find things. I can help.” she tells you, “I promise I will stay with you.”
“Okay, but you stay with me the entire time. Okay?”
So you and Adi went to look for food, water, medicine, and supplies. You went through a few cars before you found a medicine bag. When you opened it you found general meds like Ibuprofen, Advil, Claritin, and Tylenol.
“Y/N look!” Adi says pointing at something in a suitcase she had opened.
When you walked over you found some clothes that would fit Adi and some toys.
“Good find Adi.” you tell her, smiling down.
“Thanks.” she says back with a smile.
You and her continue to go through cars together until you find something that you didn’t expect to ever see. You walk over to where Adi is looking though bags you click and hear a soft whirling. She turns around to see you pointing a camera at her. Not just a camera, but a polaroid.
“What was that?” she asks you.
“Look,” you tell her, as a picture comes out the top, “this is an old camera people used to use before digital or disposables.”
She grabs the picture and looks at it.
“But nothing is on it.” she tells you.
“Well it takes time to develop,” you tell her, “you see if you-”
You were cut off by Lori telling you and Adi to get down. That's when you see it. Dozens of walkers. You pull Adi down under a truck by where Sophia and Carl are hiding. You look over to where Carol is hiding with Lori and see her crying with Lori's hand covering her mouth.
You all stay like that for what feels like hours. Until you see that the herd of them is thinning out to where only one walker is going by at once, and after a while no more come around the vehicles. Then it is finally safe. You watch as Sophia goes to get out from under the truck. Then you see another walker grab at her. She successfully escapes that one but then runs into another when escaping from the other side.
She runs into the woods away from the walkers as they stumble to get her. Rick chases after her trying to protect her from the walkers.
“Lori. There’s two walkers after my baby.” Carol cries to Lori.
Lori shh’s her and comforts her. You don’t hesitate to run back to the car to check on Jesse and Gracie. You find that Jesse is alright and Gracie is still sleeping. Then you run back over to where the group is waiting for Rick to come back. After a while he does come back but not with Sophia.
“I found her. I thought that she may have come back on her own after I left her.” Rick tells you.
“You left my baby, alone?!” Carol yells at him.
“It was only for 10 or so minutes while I took down the walkers.” he tells her, “I will go back out to look for her.”
“I will come with you.” Daryl tells Rick, “I can track where she went if you show me where you left her.”
“Okay then we will go out right now and look,” he tells the group.
“I will go too.” Shane says.
“If he’s going, so am I.” Glenn tells Rick.
“So will I.” you tell them.
“I don’t think that's a good idea.” Rick tells you.
“Yeah I have to agree with Rick here.” Shane says, “It's safer for you to be here.”
You go over to Rick and whisper into his ear “Listen Carol is in no condition to be going out looking for Sophia. It would be better if I came instead of her and she will definitely want to go if I’m not.” Rick nods his head at your statement.
“Okay so me, Y/N, Shane, Glenn, and Daryl will all go out to look for Sophia.” he annonces to the group.
Just before you all leave to go back out Carol pulls you aside to give you a hug and tells you thank you. You and the group all walk back to where Rick says he left Sophia.
“Sure this is the spot?” Daryl asks.
“I left her right here.” he tells Daryl, “I drew the walkers way off in that direction up the creek.”
After Daryl found some of her tracks he concluded that she had in fact listened to what Rick said about keeping the sun on her left shoulder and had headed back to the highway.
“She was doing just fine until right here. All she had to do was keep going. She veered off that way.” Daryl tells you pointing at the foot prints Sophia had made.
“Why would she do that?” Glenn asks.
“Probably a walker or she heard what sounded like one.” you said to the group.
“I don’t see any footprints. Just hers.” Daryl said to you.
“So what do we do? All of us press on?” Shane asks.
“No,better if you and Glenn get back up to the highway.” Rick tells Shane, “People are gonna start panicking. Let them know we're on her trail doing everything we can. But most of all, keep everybody calm.”
“I'll keep 'em busy scavenging cars. Think up a few other chores. I'll keep 'em occupied. Come on.” Shane tells Rick, before ushering Glenn away from us.
Rick, Daryl, and you all continue on following Sophia's tracks until you find a walker. Rick distracts it while Daryl shoots an arrow at its head.
“Sophia!” Daryl shouts while Rick goes up to the walker. You follow Rick in investigating the walker.
“What are you looking for?” Daryl asks Rick.
“Skin under the fingernails. It fed recently. There’s flesh caught in it’s teeth.” Rick tells him.
“So what are we gonna do?” you ask.
“What kind of flesh is it?” Daryl asks you and Rick.
“Only one way to know for sure.” Rick says getting out a knife.
“Oh my god. You can’t be serious.” you say.
“Here, I'll do it.” Daryl tells Rick, “How many kills you skin and gut in your life? Anyway, mine is sharper.”
You and Rick look on while Daryl opens the body taking out the guts. What seems like more than normal Daryl says that he had a meal not too long ago. Daryl continues cutting and apparently finds what he is looking for.
“Here's the gut bag.” Daryl says as he plops down an organ.
“I got this.” Rick says.
You watch as he cuts open the so-called gut bag. Daryl pulls out chunks of fur and meat from it.
“This gross bastard had himself a woodchuck for lunch.” Daryl says after examining the remains.
“At least we know.”
“This woodchuck was not worth smelling this.” you tell them sniffing the air. You all stand up and walk away when you trip. You fall right into the cut open walker.
“Oh. What the fuck.” you exclamin trying to pick yourself up from the corpse.
“Shane found a bunch of water. You can wash up when we get back.” Rick tells you.
“Yeah, but my goddamn clothes are ruined.” you tell him looking at your now nasty and stained t-shirt.
“Find some clothes for you too.” Daryl says.
You all continue to follow Sophia's trail until it goes cold. Then Daryl tells you both that you should head back without him so he can continue to look.
“Daryl it's getting dark out we don’t have any lights it's pointless to be out past dark.” you tell him.
“We can’t just leave her out here all night.” he tells you.
“Daryl, as much as I don’t like leaving her out all night there is no point in continuing when it's dark.” Rick says agreeing with you.
“Fine,” he says angrily.
All three of you head back to the highway before it gets too dark. After a while of walking all of you are back at the highway. The group approaches the railing where you are walking up to the highway.
“You didn't find her?” Carol asks.
“Her trail went cold. We’ll pick it up at first light.” Rick tells her.
“Is that blood?” Carol asks, looking at you.
“We took down a walker.” Rick says.
“Walker? Oh my god.” Carol starts to hyperventilate.
“There was no sign it was anywhere near Sophia.” Rick says to her.
“How can you know that?” Andrea asks.
“Trust me. We found out the hard way.” you tell her.
“We can’t just leave her out there!” Carol yells.
That night you can hear Carol crying. You barely sleep as it is but hearing her all night makes you feel guilty. If you had stayed out in the woods for a few more minutes would you have been able to find her. If you had originally ran to find her with Rick you could have helped. It hurts.
“What about the guns?” Andrea asks the next morning while you are all preparing to go out again to find Sophia.
“We’ve been over this. Only Daryl, Rick, and I are carrying.” Shane tells her, “We can’t be firing off rounds every time a tree rustles.”
“It’s not the trees I'm worried about.” Andrea tells him.
“Y/N can I speak with you?” Jesse asks you quietly.
“Uh-” you see Rick telling people the plan, “Yeah make it quick.”
“I don’t want you to go.” He tells you bluntly.
“What? Why?” you ask him.
“You should stay here with Gracie and Adaline.” he tells you.
“Jesse I get the whole concern thing over me, okay?” you tell him, “but I’ve been out in harm's way more than you. I can handle myself.”
“It’s not that.” he says before trying to find the right words, “If you get hurt, or die, what am I supposed to do with the kids.”
“What do you mean? It's the exact same thing if you died.” you tell him, “You raise them and teach them.”
“Let me rephrase. What am I supposed to do with Adaline?” he asks.
“What do you mean? Why is she different from Gracie?” you ask.
“You know what, never mind.” he says after that.
“Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean?” you ask pissed off now.
“We can talk about it when you get back from running away from your problems.” he says to you before pushing past you.
You can see him walking back to where Gracie and Adi are still sleeping in the car. You focus your attention back on Rick. He is answering questions the others have about the search. One of the group is not paying attention and that would be Daryl. He is looking at you, you don’t doubt that he could probably hear the whole conversation. After you are handed a machete the group sets off. You try to focus on the search, but in the back of your head you keep thinking about what Jesse said.
All of you walk for a while until you find a tent. Daryl goes to check the tent and tells us that she isn’t in there until the group hears a church bell ringing.
“What direction?” Shane asks.
“I think that way. I’m pretty sure.” Rick tells him.
“Damn, it's hard to tell out here.” Shane says.
“If we heard them then maybe Sophia did too.” Carol says.
You all decided to run towards where Rick heard the bells coming from. There you find a church. It has no steeple which makes Shane think that this is the wrong church. All of you ran into the church to see if anyone was in there. All you find are some walkers. The group takes down all of them in a few minutes, which makes you think that you all are getting better at the whole fighting thing. Then you hear the bell again.
“It’s on a timer.” Daryl says.
“I’m gonna go back in for a bit.” Carol says to us.
“Okay.” you tell her.
You walk over to a bench that has a view of the whole cemetery. You look out amongst the graves. It's quiet, after moving so much these last few days it's weird but nice.
“Why were you and Jesse arguing?” Daryl asks from behind you.
“It’s… complicated.” you tell him.
“Trust me I know all about complicated relationships with brothers,” he says. You look over to him and he seems genuinely interested.
“Jesse and Grace were sent down here to stay with me. My parents were getting divorced and they didn’t want them to be in the middle of it. Jesse was not very happy about it.” you explain, “I moved down here for college because I saw the divorce from a mile away. While I was down here I got a job at a daycare. When this shit started I was there. Adi’s parents were late that day. I waited for a few hours with her until...” you pause, “I left right away with her and went back to my apartment. Then we left.”
“Why was Jesse upset about Adi though?” Daryl asks.
“In the beginning, he wanted to go back up North and try to find my parents but I couldn’t just take Adi. We were supposed to drop her off at the refugee center in Atlanta but the road got super jammed and nobody was moving. That's when I met Lori and Carol. After a week or so in camp Jesse wanted to leave again but I felt safer with the group than by ourselves.” you tell him.
“He wants to leave now?” He asks you.
“I don’t know. Probably. Teenage boys are hard to decipher.” you answer.
“Why don’t you now?” he asks. You look at him.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
The plan was simple enough. Rick and Shane went a little further for the night before heading back. The rest of you were supposed to go back to the highway. Then Carl said that he wanted to go. Then you told them that if they were all going that you wanted to go to. So you set off to find her for another hour or so.
“Dad, look.” Carl says pointing at a deer that was crossing in the sunlight. It was a gorgeous scene. Until it wasn’t. It happened so fast one second Carl was admiring the deer the next he was down on the forest floor.
You immediately go to help him. You take the flannel you were wearing and press it down on his wound. Rick falls down next to him.
“Rick, I need you to press down on this for me. Okay?” You ask him, he follows your instructions.
You put your head to his chest to hear his heartbeat. It doesn't sound good but he is still alive and breathing. Next thing that happens is you hear something big coming from the forest. He is apologizing profusely, but right now you are focused on keeping Carl alive.
“I can get help for him, there is someone who can help.” he tells you.
Rick picks him up and we all start running. Ultimately you and Rick run way faster than Shane and the other man can. Every so often Rick will get tired of carrying Carl and you help him get situated again before starting to run.
“How far? How far?” Rick shouts at him.
“Another half mile that way. Hershel. Talk to Hershel. He will help your boy.”
The closer and closer you get to the place the more you realize that you are on a farm. As you approach the house you see people coming out.
“Was he bit?” the older man asks.
“Shot. By your man.” Rick tells him.
“Otis?” A woman speaks up.
“We need help. Now.” you say urgently to the older man.
“Get him inside.” he tells you.
You help Rick get Carl inside the house. He lays him down on a bed and backs away. You take the rags from Hershel and press on Carl's abdomen.
“Keep applying pressure to the wound.” he tells you, “What's your names?”
Rick doesn’t say anything.
“Y/N and Rick.” you tell him.
“Okay well we are going to do everything we can. Okay?” He reassures you. “You can move now.”
“I was a nursing student.” you tell him, “I can help.”
“I think right now I would prefer to work with people I know.” he tells you.
“Yeah, right.” you say backing off of Carl slowly while one of the women replaces your hands with their own. You gently take Rick out of the room to see Shane.
“Is he alive?” the man asks who shot Carl.
“What the hell were you thinking? You ever hunt before today?” you ask him.
“Of course I’ve hunted before. I just-” you cut him off.
“Yes, he's alive. Lucky thing because the bullets are still inside.” you tell him. Before walking back inside.
Walking into the room where Carl was, you see both Hershel and the women looking at you with pity.
“Your son is extremely lucky he isn’t dead right now, but he is losing a lot of blood and is going to need more.” he tells you, “Can you or your husband donate to him?”
“Rick isn’t my husband and Carl isn’t mine. But I have type O blood so I am more than happy to donate.”
“Oh I am sorry. Come here.” he tells you, holding up the equipment you would assume for the transfusion. A few minutes later Carl wakes up screaming after Hershel tries to get one of the fragments of the bullet out.
“Stop! You're killing him!” Rick yells coming into the room.
“Rick, do you want him to live?” Hershel asks him.
Hershel tells Rick that he needs to put Carl under to get out the rest of the pieces. Shane and Otis leave to get the supplies while Maggie goes to get Lori.
About an hour later you see Lori coming up to the house. You are sitting on the porch drinking orange juice and eating a cookie. Rick is in Carl's room giving him another blood transfusion.
“How is he? Is he alive?” Lori asks you from a distance.
“He needs surgery, Lori. He’s been getting blood transfusions from me and Rick for the past hour.” you tell her.
“What are his chances?” she asks you.
“You need to ask Hershel that. Not me, I'm sorry.” you tell her.
“You have nothing to be sorry for sweety.” she tells you while walking into the house to see her son.
You sit back down on the porch and look up at the sky. It’s calm for a minute until you hear Lori crying. This brings you back to the reality of your world. It’s not calm anymore.
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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koolcece22 · 3 months
I didn't forget, I swear!
Being in charge of the hundreds and hundreds of spider-people and their earths can be one hell of a job for one person, but someone gotta do it. Miguel knows this. He is staring at the computer keeping track of things as much as he can. Sometimes I forget to eat and sleep. 
And forget other things
Miguel nearly jumped from the sound of Jess’s voice. He turns around to see her right next to him, probably yelling his name for who knows how long. She had her hands on her hip and held her kid as he gave him an annoyed look. Like a mother who told their child to get off their game like hours ago. Miguel rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Yes, Jess?”
“Miguel, do you know how long you've been here?”
“An hour or two?” 
Jess wanted to facepalm herself. This fool has been up here for days and he totally forgot what day it is. Jess called Lyla
“Lyla, pull up a calendar for a forgetful spider here.” 
Lyla popped up with her usually cheeky smile as she did. Miguel rolled his eyes wondering what Jess was saying about there nothing important on this- his eyes nearly popped out of eyes socket when he saw what day it was.
It's Shade's Birthday. His girlfriend's birthday. And it's today.
“Shock is right Miguel. What are you going to do? The day is almost half over and I can tell you don’t have a plan don’t you?”
Jess was so right, he doesn’t have anything for Shade. Hell, he never got the time to think what she would like to do. They can go out to eat since she loves food and eats a lot. But they do that every time they go out. Maybe he should do something nice or maybe go watch a movie. He got to think of something. He feel so stupid that he don’t know a lot of things about her they been dating for a months
Miguel then asked Lyla to pull up where Shade was. Lyla pulls up a hologram to show that Shade was hanging out with Miles and them at the cafe. They got her a Birthday cake. Shade was smiling even behind her face mask that Miguel couldn’t help but smile to glad that Shade is happy for once. 
“She wasn’t keen on celebrating it, you know?” Miguel turns to Jess with a confused look. Shade will be the first one to try to celebrate anything once she finds out. But on her own Birthday she doesn't?”
“She probably doesn't since there is no point, there is no one there to celebrate with.” 
“Yeah.” Miguel is not a Birthday person himself. He stopped caring since he was 13 so it made no difference that he made it to another year. 
“Can I take over for the rest of the day and next? Yes! Now go fix yourself up and do something for her. We and the rest of us had to make up excuses for your dumbass. Peter was about to pull a plan B.”
Miguel cringes when he mentions Peter’s ‘Plan B’ Plans. They are never good.
“Thank Jess. I own you one.”
Jess just smirked while push him off the platform 
“Just go. And if you screwed this up we will never forgive you!” Jess shouted at Miguel who opened a portal to his penthouse to take a quick shower and try to figure out what he was going to do.
Shade was with Hobie,Miles,42, Gwen,Pavitr, Peni and Margo talking to her and give her cake for her Birthday
“Thank guys for the cake. It's really nice of you.” Shade said to the kids who sigh as they figured out today was her birthday. She was hoping that Lyla or Andrea didn’t tell anyone about it but she figured someone would guess it. Her money on that, it was Hobie.
She let Kuro eat the cake as she wasn’t really in the mood to eat it. It's going to the same place so it doesn’t matter which half of the brain is eating it. 
“Why didn’t you tell us it’s your birthday today, Shade?” Gwen asked 
“Yeah, not a birthday person?” Miles chimes in.
Shade blush as she doesn't want these kids to worry. Kind of feel guilty for hiding it from them. But there is nothing really to celebrate about it. Half time she wished she wasn’t here from all the pain she went through. Having the words from Penny plan in her mind over and over again 
‘If your power never activated none of this would have happened.’
Shade turns her attention back to Miles and those who have worry look on their face as they see her lost in the train of thought.
“Oh I'm sorry. You're right, I'm not a Birthday person, I’m going to head home. I have to check on my Earth anyway. Come on Kuro” 
“Man, I was enjoying the cake.” Kuro hop on Shade’s shoulder. She was about to open a portal to her Earth till Miles stopped in a panic. Miles and them have to keep Shade on this Earth till Miguel does something for her Birthday. They all figure to be so focused on his job that he forgets that it is Shade's Birthday today. Peter told them to distract her till him and Jess get Miguel off his ass and do something for her.
He her boyfriend for fuck sake.
“Wait Shade! We-we have other plans for you.” Miles said, trying to choose his words. Shade can tell when someone is lying due to her powers so he try his best not to lie too much.
“We want to show you the gifts we got you.”
Shade raised her eyebrow kind of surprised they got her present.
Pav was the first one to give her a container full of tea.
“I got the best chai I could find, and I made sure they were nice and sweet and spicy for you.” 
“Thank Pan I’ll enjoy chai te- I mean Chai! With my Peach bread hehe” Shade said catching herself not wanting Pav to go on a ‘chai’ rent again. Gwen was next as she gave Shade some headphones which confused Shade as she really can’t listen to music or loud stuff. 
“Me, Hobie and Peni have been working on headphones that won’t put you in shock. They let out light sounds to help you listen better. We also got the help from 8532 Agony to help test it out.” 
Shade looks at the headphone, it even has the colors she likes. Black,white, and purple.  She smiled from the gift and also dreamt of listening to Hobie’s music without going into shock. 
“Thank you three.”
“ Me and 42 got you the cake, and we talked it over to manspider and our mom tried to see what you like, so a peach version of a Sunday cake.” Shade nodded. It was a really good cake. She just wasn’t in the mood to eat it. Margo gave Shade some magazines from not only her Earth but others' earth. They were fashion ones with different outfits.
“You wanted to try some other outfits from different earth so I got some magazines I found so you can try.” 
Shade open some to see many different outfits and hair styles she can shapeshift her clothes into. She would surely try them out when she got home.
“Wow thanks Margo. I really appreciate it. I’ll test them out when I get home.” Shade hit the bottom of her collar to open the portal. The others were going to stop her but Shade was faster then them as she put her tendrils out to block them from coming at her. She has a sad smirk on her face.
“Look, I know you want me to stay but I'm going to need some space.” she said as she jumped in. The kids want to follow till the portal closes. Miles quickly pull out his watch with a sigh
“Hey…yeah she left. She went back to her earth.” Miles explains to Peter and Jess. he really hopes Miguel has something for her. 
Shade got back to her home, landing all the stuff that the kids gave her on the coffee table. She sat down to see a gift from Timothy and Blackheart. It was a new game that she was eyeing on. There was also a note:
“We got you this. Hope you like it. We know you want to be alone so when you better we can play?” 
From Timothy and Blackheart
P.s. I had to beg Blackheart to sign
“Hehe, they really cared for you, Shade.” Shade looked over to Kuro who was laying on her lap like a real rabbit. Shade pet her even though it likes petting half her brain the more she thinks about it. Kuro tries to make Shade feel better knowing that today isn’t the best day for her. 
“Are you down because dumb big spider most likely forgot your Birthday? I’ll kick his ass the next time we see him.”
“Kuro, it's fine. It's not like I told him about.”
“But why? You like Big spiders and not just a host thing either. Like you like-like him.”
Shade sighs as if her other half doesn’t know why she doesn't care for her Birthday. Almost all her friends and family she used to have died and recently found out that it was mostly all her fault. Why didn’t she get a handle like her sisters? Why didn’t powers show up when she was a kid? They did horrible tests to try to get something out of her only to quit when she was ten and the only reason they didn’t kill her and use her for parts was because her mother begged them. Sometimes she thinks maybe her mother should have let them kill her. None of this would have happened if she didn’t…
Shade was lost in the train of negative thoughts as her necklace watch went off. It was a message from Miguel. If it was anyone else she would have ignored them but she doesn't know if something is happening on her earth.
‘Hey, can you meet me on the roof of HQ? I know you don’t want to be around people and I want to talk to you, is that ok?’
Raise her eyebrow wondering why Miguel wants to meet on the rooftop? If something important they would discuss in his office. Shade was too curious by this request that she went.
It was night time. Shade and Miguel have the same time zone on their earth make it another reason why their earth is so similar. She portal in onto the rooftop not wanting to be noticed, a habit she should try to break. She saw Miguel was sitting there waiting for her to look out on his city, Shade walked over to him.
“You know you're going to hurt your eyes if you keep staring at all these lights.” 
“Heh, after we fused my eyes don’t hurt as much anymore.”
“Your welcome?” Shade sat next to Miguel and watched the city with him. She can hear his heart quaking abit probably on the fact that he did forget it was her Birthday.
“Shade i’m-”Miguel was about to say something till Shade put her hand up 
“I know, you're sorry you forgot it was my birthday today. And let me guess: Jess, Peter and the Kids try to cover for you?” she smirks. She might not be as smart as any other spider but she is clever, Miguel let out a nervous laugh.
“To be fair I didn’t tell them to cover for me.”
“Heh right” 
Miguel can tell Shade is putting a fake face. Something was bothering her, he doesn’t need emotional powers like her. He got up and walked towards her. 
“I’m getting the feeling that something else is bothering you?” Miguel put his hands on Shade’s face to create it. A gesture that he does for Shade helping with bounding and it is a thing in her culture. A sign ‘I’m here’
“si algo te molesta me lo puedes decir?”
“Shitte iru, it just…” Shade looked away from him, trying not to cry in front of him, making him worry more. 
“Do I deserve to live?”
Miguel was taken back  by her words.
“All the stuff I've been through. All the pain,suffering, and chaos that happened to my earth was because of me! Void, it affected you all too if I just happen been-”
Shade was cut off as Miguel hugged her 
“Suficiente de eso, don’t say those words. I told you before: that wasn’t your fault. Please, stop feeling that it is.” he said kissing her forehead, getting how hurt she felt with all that happened to her. To them. It can be overwhelming to anyone. 
“There is one good thing that came from all that happened.” Shade looked up Miguel as he smile down on her 
“I wouldn’t get to meet you.”
Shade couldn’t help but chuckle “that so corny.”
“Heh, I can joke like the others once in a while.” Miguel kissed Shade on the lips. She could help to smile. Miguel can be cold sometimes but he does have a heart and he does care. It just has a hard time showing it just like Shade.  Miguel then pulls out a box to give to Shade. She took the box guessing it was her gift. As she opened it. It was a collar with a moon stone. 
“Will it be your birth month stone that was custom made in short notice. Sorry it's nothing much.”
“I love it, Miguel. Thank you.” She kissed him again. He then took the collars and put it around her neck since Shade can’t really wear bracelets.
Shade sighs knowing something else. 
“Why am I getting the feeling that others have something waiting for me?” 
Miguel smiles at how very clever Shade can be. 
“Yeah, if I didn’t bring you back here they would all kill me and I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
“Well…” Shade changed her outfit to a more casual “let not keep them waiting.” 
Miguel opens a portal to where the others are before Shade steps in Miguel hugs her from behind and whispers in her ear.
“After this I do have another surprise if you’re up for it?” 
Shade smirk as she rub Miguel 
“I would love that.”
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Four
We make out to the court yard and immediately Fives grabs Echo in a headlock.
"Fives...Let. Me. Go." Echo struggles under his grip for a few moments before accepting the inevitable.
Jesse laughs and seeing the look on Five's face....it's egging him on...
"Fives you really should be nicer to your vod (brother). He's ARC trooper too and I'm pretty sure he could kick your sheb (ass)." I say to him with a raised eye brow.
"Nah he wouldn't he loves me too much." Fives replies with a shit eating grin.
Echo no longer struggling causes Fives to relax his grip some.
If I was him I'd-
My thought was cut off by the loud grunt let out by Fives when Echo threw an elbow into his stomach plate.
"Nar'sheb (shove it)" Echo says with a smile now free of the grip of his brother.
I chuckle and shake my head.
Jesse having said nothing the whole time strolls over to a spot off to the side underneath one of 4 small trees in the courtyard.
I find it funny how all this permacrete and they found room for four measly little trees....homey...not
I sit down next to Jesse, Fives and Echo join. Fives and Jesse get into some debate over a woman they must have seen at 79's.
"You know, it's nice having a female around for once to keep the guys in check....not that Commander Tano isn't great, but she's not going to be around as much as you" Echo says smiling at me.
I smile back "Thanks Echo that sweet of you. I promise I'll do my best to keep your brother off your back" with the last part we both laugh.
"Thankfully usually he bothers Hardcase, being that he's the newest member of our squad but when Hardcase isn't around- which isn't often- he goes for me" Echo says.
"Oh come on! I'm a joy to he around" Fives chimes in.
"Of course you would hear you name and start listening" Echo teases.
Fives shoots him a childish look and Echo reciprocates.
"You guys remind me so much of my vode (brothers) it's uncanny" I say laughing
"I mean technically we are all the same DNA" replies Echo very matter of fact.
I shake my head "Doesn't mean you all have to get along. There were some batches I saw on Kamino that would have killed one another given the chance".
I hear a blast door slide open and pladtoid boots moving quickly across the courtyard.
"I'm baaaaaaack!!!! And I've got cards!" Yells Hardcase.
He plops himself down in our now circle. Going from left to right, it's Jesse, me, Echo, Fives, and Hardcase.
"Sabacc???" I ask.
"Well yeah that did you think we were going to play?" Fives snorts out a laugh.
"I've never actually played before" I say.
The group looks over at me in shock.
"Too busy being a Mandalorian badass to play Sabacc?" Asks Jesse.
"You can look over my shoulder for the first round if you want?" Echo asks.
"Okay yeah sure, Vor'e (thanks)!" I reply.
The boys play through a couple rounds because I was still confused after the first two with Fives and Hardcase arguing with Jesse and Echo over the rules.
"Udesii, udesii. (Calm down, take it easy)" I say over the four of them bickering.
They all look at me like they are waiting for orders. "Alright it seems like we are split here on the rules. Can we agree to disagree for now and for the sake of being able to actually play through a game AGREE on some rules for tonight" I say trying to reason with them.
Hardcase and Fives look at each other and Echo and Jesse do the same. "Fine" they all say together.
After FINALLY agreeing on a set of rules for the night....we were able to play through a round where I understood what was happening and was able to play on my own. I even won.
"OYA!!! (celebratory phrase, like hooray, has different meanings" I yell over the guys signing and Fives about ready to fall over in shock.
"Oh no no no no no, beginners luck" He says.
Echo high-fives me and laughs pointing at Fives in excitement "no longer undefeated you di'kut! (idiot)"
Fives scoffs "like I said beginners luck".
I check the time on my watch. "Osik (shit)....well boys..." I say getting up. "Looks like it's time to pack it in. Wouldn't want Rex pissed at me on the first day".
Fives quirks an eyebrows "first name basis eh?" He teases.
I cocked my head at him in confusion.
Echo even smiled "oooh not many can say they are on a first name basis with the Cap. Let alone the first day they meet him."
Hardcase and Jesse snicker.
"You're point?" I ask feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.
I mean Rex is attractive I'll give him that. Could be the blonde hair? Could be the rank? Nah I've met other clones who hold higher rank than Captain... but we just met they are reading too far into this...
I scoff and turn to head towards the blastdoors leading back to the sleeping quarters "Get some rest" I say before turning around with a smirk "That's an order" I say.
"Sir, yes sir" the boys say together lazily saluting me.
I chuckle and head inside.
When I make it to my room, I get around for bed getting caught up in my thoughts...
They seem like such a great bunch. It's so hard to believe the GAR sees them as 'expendable' they are men...all the same...yet different. The more clones I meet the more I just don't understand. They deserve lives like the rest of us...
That Captain though...I mean I guess he's cute....no....he's definitely attractive...I'm not here for that I'm here to teach them hand to hand combat skills...which are great against doids? Psh yeah right...must be they are worries about civies being 'noncompliant'....
I see myself being good friend with Fives and Echo I think more them the rest....not that they aren't worth it but something about those 2 ARC troopers reminds me so much of Ordo and Mereel....it draws me in...Echo is definitely more like Ordo. Quiet, smart, and I want to say a little up tight at times....and Fives like Mereel. To cool for the rest of us and definitely a lady killer....Fives is a little more arrogant though....
I wonder Kal'buir had made any progress.. it's not like he would tell me if he did...'you'll know when you need to know' 'it's too dangerous' 'it will be soon'.....yet here we are....
I crawl into bed and almost immediately drift off to sleep....
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maddieautobot273 · 11 months
Silk & Cologne (47)
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A Miguel O'Hara x OC - link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 47: Slumber - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Female OC
Words: 4.1K + words
Warnings: Slight implied sexual content, intimacy, overall fluff and therapy/healthy communication
Summary: Miguel visits Lisa for the night.
Miguel’s P.O.V. 
Miguel had finished reviewing the mission reports as requested, only to find over a dozen errors in the multiverse monitoring software. It seemed Gabriel had implemented a software update and didn’t tell him about it. Or Miguel was so swamped with the incoming stream of messages from other Spiders that he must have missed it in the flood and didn’t go back to read it even after silently reminding himself to do so. 
Nonetheless, it was enough to get under Miguel’s skin to the point he felt like he was near the verge of snapping. Hunched over, his back muscles tense and throbbing as he took deep breaths, trying to fight off the urge to punch or throw something if something went wrong in the next 10 seconds. No matter how efficiently he worked, something always came up. 
He didn’t want Lisa to see him so tense and agitated after he went the extra mile to initiate a date night. Miguel knew he had to calm himself down, telling himself that Lisa deserved better than how he was acting, so Miguel decided to quickly pop by the training center and work out the stress in his body. He ran laps around the center, followed by a series of pushups, situps, and a few rounds on the punching back for good measure. 
He had managed to get a few sets in, listening to Lisa’s playlist to help himself calm down as he took big, steady breaths as he lifted some weights to end his routine. He finished his last set, setting the weights down, his body covered in sweat as he wiped his head with a cool towel. Footsteps caught his ear, and he was praying that it wasn’t Peter B. with another security report. 
If he sets me off and I gotta do all of this again–! 
“Don’t you need to be somewhere?” Jessica Drew spoke up. 
Prayers answered. 
Miguel glanced over, seeing Drew standing there. One hand on her hip, the other hand gently over her baby bump. But the look she gave Migue through her spider-shades made him question that perhaps he should prefer seeing Peter B. over her. 
“Lisa and I planned for 8. I got time,” He quickly reassured her, gently brushing her off as he grabbed his bag and began to walk away. 
“It’s almost 9, Miguel,” Drew stared at his backside, watching the second his muscles seized up and twitched at her words. 
Oh shock! 
“Thanks, Jess!” Miguel immediately runs off, not giving Jessica a chance to say anything else. 
He runs off to his private room, quickly showering to wash the sweat and gym smell off of him.  Once cleaned, he changed into some casual clothes whilst combing through his messages, finding Gabriel’s contact. Instead of wine, he recommended a champagne bottle, something light, but simple. 
He went for his wine cabinet, finding the champagne bottle. He quickly huffed some breath onto his palm, smelling it. Seemed fine, but he popped a breath mint just in case. 
Miguel typed in the coordinates for Lisa’s dimension, locking on to her apartment on his gizmo. Simultaneously, he opened up a separate chat box window, quickly typing up a message. The chat was labeled, ‘Team Louvre’. 
“At ease for the night team. I can take it from here,” - Miguel 
Miguel didn’t wait for a response before a portal opened before him. Sucking in one more quick breath, he steeled his nerves and jumped through the portal. Traveling through the interdimensional tunnel, he emerged at the otherside, arriving in Lisa’s apartment. 
But something was different. Not quite off, but different. Most of the lights were off or dimmed to a low setting as his sensitive eyes adjusted to the lowly dark room. The blankets Lisa usually kept on the couch had been moved to her bed, the curtain pulled back. There was a scented candle on the coffee table in the living room area, it smelled like. . . lavender? 
Footsteps caught Miguel’s attention as a female figure emerged from the kitchen. Lisa stepped towards him, arms crossed over her chest, wearing comfy sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. She looked so cute and Miguel wanted nothing more than to hug her tightly and apologize profusely, but he held himself back.
Miguel tried to get a read on her, analyzing the look on her face. A neutral expression, lips in a thin line. She raised a brow towards him. 
Here we go. . . 
“Held up at work?” She asked him, her head tilting slightly to the side. 
Miguel didn’t detect any sign of hurt or tiredness in her voice. A tiny part of him felt relieved, but that was what scared him the most. Sure there could be slip ups here and there when couples first start dating, but this felt like a fumble if anything. 
“Mi Mona Lisa, I’m so sorry I’m late,” He apologized, his gaze pouring into hers. 
“What happened?” Lisa asked him with a calm expression, her arms lowering to her sides. 
“I finished reading the reports, but there were errors in the monitoring system I had to fix that I wasn’t made aware of,” Miguel sighed deeply, doing his best to keep his frustration in check. “By the time I fixed everything, I was tense and agitated I– I didn’t want all that seeping on to you so I went to work out and get it out of my system,”
“As you were doing that, you lost track of time?” She asked him for clarification. 
He nodded softly, relief coursing through him that she had spoken his explanation in much more simple terms. “Yes,”
Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad. . . 
Lisa seemed to stare at him, evaluating him for what felt like unbearable seconds. Until she finally spoke, her voice soft, “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t getting any sleep?”
Miguel froze, his eyes widening. She wasn’t mad? She wasn’t going to yell or scream at him?
You are in so much trouble young man! Faintly fluttered through his mind. His mothers voice. 
He shuddered briefly at the memory. “You’re not mad. . .?” Miguel’s voice muttered, wandering off. 
“Miguel?” Lisa called out to him, snapping him back to reality. 
His gaze fell upon her sulk expression and his heart nearly shattered. “Lisa, I’m sorry, I know it sounds like an excuse, but I– I didn’t want you to worry,”
Lisa sighed, shaking her head, “Miguel, as I keep gently reminding you,” She steered her gaze back to him, a calm expression on her face. “You can talk to me, you know that,”
“I do know that, I swear,” Miguel insisted heavily, inching a step closer as his grip on the champagne bottle tightened at his side. 
“Then why didn’t you tell me back when I was visiting you in the lab today?” She asked him. “Or the day before?”
Miguel managed several deep, calming breaths to keep his emotions in check. His mind was spiraling. Lisa wasn’t blowing up on him. Not like her, but she was talking to him. 
“You can’t keep hiding things like this, Miguel,” She spoke gently. 
Just like Xina did. . . 
Earth-928 - Nueva York - Babylon Towers - 5 years ago 
Miguel arrived home later than normal that night. After working a long shift at Alchemax, he had stopped by the psych ward to visit his mother, Conchata, with his little brother, Gabriel. As always, Gabriel was the sunshine son that could do no wrong, but Miguel. . .
Well, it was better to not repeat those things. All the words and insults she said, once was enough in Miguel’s mind. But he always came back, for Gabriel’s sake. 
Miguel was tired, exhausted even. He let out a deep sigh as he shut the door behind him. Xina had to be long asleep by now, and didn’t want to risk waking her, or the baby. 
Soft whimpering caught his ear, as Miguel glanced over, peering into the dark living room to see a baby crib, tiny hands beginning to fidget. His lips curled into a soft smile as he set aside his house key card, taking long, quiet steps towards the crib. He peered down at the little body, its bottom half swaddled in a blanket. 
Little baby Gabriela. 
“Hey, sssshh, it’s okay, mija,” Miguel’s voice was a soft whisper as he carefully picked her up in his large, warm, protective hands, “It’s only papa,” - darling
He cuddled her close to his chest, calming her down as he rubbed his hands up and down her small back, humming affectionately. It took a few minutes, but eventually Gabriela stopped whimpering, making soft little noises as her tiny eyes peered up towards Miguel. Miguel smiled softly at her, gently rocking her. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered gently, “Go back to sleep. Wouldn’t want to wake up mama now, would we?”
As if on command, her little eyes started to droop down, her little body snuggling in her blanket as Miguel carefully adjusted it for her. He set her back down in the crib gently, brushing a large finger along her head. Miguel swore he would have melted in a puddle right there and then. 
If not for the sound of footsteps coming from the master bedroom of the penthouse apartment. “I was worried something had happened,”
Miguel’s heart stopped as he turned, taking in the form of the Cantonese woman wearing PJ’s with a silk robe overtop. Her long, silky black hair draped past her shoulders. No matter the time of day, Xina Kwan-O’Hara always looked so angelic to him. 
“Mi amor. . .” Miguel greeted her softly. - my love 
Xina offered Miguel a soft nod, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she walked closer towards him. A hand snaked up his back in a loving manner as the both of them turned to glance down at Gabriela who had fallen back asleep. “Did something happen at work?” She asked. 
“No, everything was fine, just the usual, fixing everybody’s mess,” Miguel answered softly, keeping his gaze locked to the baby. “I was just. . . out with Gabriel tonight. I meant to message you about it, but. . . time got away from me,”
“. . . You two were visiting your mother tonight?” Xina asked him, her hand brushing up to his shoulder. “How is she?”
“Yes, she’s. . . the same as she always is,” Miguel nodded. 
Xina hesitated briefly, before her fingers curled over against the fabric of Miguel’s jacket. “You haven’t told Gabriel yet. . . that you want to take a break from seeing her?”
A wave of shame coursed through Miguel as he curled his fingers into a fist at his side, steering his gaze away from his daughter. His eyes briefly met Xina’s before lowering them to look at the floor. “No. . .”
Xina sighed quietly, muttering a prayer in her native tongue as her hand snaked down his arm, engulfing her fingers around his. “You can’t keep hiding things like this, Miguel,” She spoke gently.
Her voice was calm, but direct. A little blunt. But that’s how Xina was. 
Most days Miguel felt that Xina was his rock, his very conscience if he dared to go so far. It was enough to make Miguel steer his face from the floor to look at her square in the face. Xina was so smart, confident that he hated the idea of making her worry about him. 
“I know, Xina. . .” Miguel’s gaze softened as he gently pulled Xina closer to him, their bodies brushing against one another. 
“We’ve talked about this,” Xina insisted, “You need to talk to Gabriel about setting boundaries for the two of you. I know your protective big brother instincts always kick in when its the three of you,” 
“It’s just. . . she is the light of his world as much as he is hers,” Miguel sighed. “I. . . don’t want to ruin that for him, because a part of me never got that from her,”
“You may not have gotten it from her, and honestly, she’s an adult, she was the parent, she chose to be this way and that’s on her,” Xina\s voice was calm, but her expression stern as she lifted a hand to cup Miguel’s cheek. “But you found that light elsewhere, here, with her,”
She steered her gaze down towards Gabriela’s sleeping form and Miguel smiled. He didn’t remember smiling this much growing up. He loved this feeling, and would fight tooth and nail to keep it. 
“Talk to Gabriel,” Xina instructed with loving authority. “He’s smarter than you let on about what’s been going on between the two of you, and I know you’re smarter than to keep this bottled up. He’ll understand. He’s your brother,”
Miguel took a long deep breath, taking it all in. The place he was standing in, the words that fluttered from Xina’s mouth. When he exhaled, he felt this weight lift from his shoulders and suddenly didn’t feel so stiff anymore. 
“Alright,” he nodded softly. 
“Yes?” Xina raised a brow at the man. 
“I’ll talk to him in the morning,” Miguel went on. 
“Good,” Xina patted him on the cheek before glancing down at Gabriela. “Kiss your daughter goodnight and come get ready for bed,”
“Yes ma’am,” Miguel chuckled with a faint smirk as he brought a hand up to cup XIna’s chin, offering her a soft, loving kiss on the lips. “Remind me again why she can’t still sleep with us?”
“She needs her own space, Miguel,” Xina smirked up at him. “But she knows papa isn’t too far away if she needs him,”
Xina smiled at Miguel’s romantic gesture before walking off back to their shared bedroom. Miguel watched her leave before glancing back down into the crib, snagging one last look at his baby daughter. He carefully lowered his upper body down into the crib, his lips brushing gently on her forehead. 
“Dulces sueños pequeña,” Miguel whispered softly, his voice warm like another blanket being tucked around her. - Sweet dreams little one 
Miguel walked off into their room, immediately pulling his shirt off. He was about to make his way over to the dresser when Xina beckoned him over. “Come’ere,”
“What?” Miguel smirked over at her sitting on the bed with a curious glint in his eyes. 
“It’s not about that, Miguel,” Xina rolled her eyes at the man as he sat at the edge of the bed. “You’re not going to bed when you’re still clearly feeling tense,”
Miguel immediately clued into what Xina was talking about as he turned her back towards her, reaching down to pull off his socks from his feet. “Give me a second to–” But the sentence halted from his lips as she felt Xina’s delicate hands begin to massage his shoulders. 
The soft groan of relaxation that left him was everything Xina could have hoped for. “Now how do you feel?”
The corner of Miguel’s mouth curled into a smile, “A little to the left?”
Xina followed his request as she shifted her hands over as she slowly worked down his back and another sigh of relaxed pleasure fluttered from his throat. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asked her, turning his head towards her. 
“Everything and more,” Xina smiled before pressing one more kiss to his lips. “I’ll be here to help you, you know that. Just promise me you’ll put in the effort to take care of yourself, Miguel?”
“. . . I promise,” 
Earth-12128 - New York City - Lisa’s Apartment - Present Day
“Miguel?” Lisa’s voice brought Miguel back to the present as she gently took the champagne bottle from his hand. “We’re partners, right?”
“Yes?” he nodded softly. 
“As partners, we should look out for each other’s well-being, right?” She went on, smiling softly at him. 
“Right . . .?” Miguel answered again, yet more slowly as he drew out the word. 
Where is she going with this? 
“You’ve constantly looked out for me, so, let me do the same for you,” Lisa stated. “You made a promise to me that you’d take better care of yourself, and in turn, I promised I’d make sure that you do just that,”
Miguel’s fingers seemed to twitch as he mustered all the strength he had to not tackle Lisa in a bear crushing hug and kiss her silly. 
What did I do to deserve her? 
“So, change of plans for tonight,” Lisa spoke up as she set the champagne bottle aside, setting it on the kitchen counter. “When was the last time you got a full night's sleep?”
Miguel’s heart began to flutter in his chest, his palms sweating as his eyes glancing around at nothing in particular. “Uh. . . Does it matter?”
“How many, Miguel?” She asked him. 
“. . . 2 days,” He answered after a brief hesitation. 
“And in those two days you haven’t gotten any sort of rest?” Lisa pressed on gently. 
Miguel shook his head, sulking like a child that was about to get reprimanded by their mother. 
Lisa nodded softly, glancing down at the floor, “Alright then,” She returned her gaze to him as Lisa dared one step closer towards him, then slowly another, “So, Miguel, I know you’re a very smart man. What happens when our human bodies don’t get enough sleep?”
Miguel processed the question, the gears of his mind turning with the strength and energy he had left in the day. “Are you genuinely asking or are you quoting Big Bang Theory?”
“Both,” Lisa managed a soft grin before it loosened, “Now answer the question, smart boy,”
Miguel couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing at the comment, his mind scrambling. “They. . . lose their sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine, receiving less signals from the brain,”
“Which then leads to?” Lisa dared another step closer.
“Impaired cognitive function?” Miguel’s cheeks started to burn. 
“That’s exactly right,” Lisa nodded, her head motioning towards the bathroom door. “So, instead of a movie, I’ll hold onto the champagne for another night. You’re going to be a big man, march over there and brush your teeth, and go to bed and spend the night here,”
Wait. . . she’s not mad? She doesn’t sound like she’s mad, does she?
Miguel had a frazzled look on his face, daring to scoff even as he raised a brow at the lady before him. “Seriously?”
“I had the sheets cleaned, pillows fluffed, extra blankets in case you get cold, and scented candles to help soothe the senses,” Lisa smirked, feeling accomplished with her tasks. “I just hope the candle smell isn’t too sensitive,”
There was a playful glint in her eyes as she suddenly smirked up at him. First Miguel was surprised. Now he was scared. 
“You didn’t have to do all this,” As reluctant as he was, Miguel couldn’t help but smile at what Lisa had done. She had done all of this for him. “Can’t we stay up just a little longer?”
“I’m going to count to 3,” She taunted. 
Miguel’s mouth gaped open, his jaw nearly dropping to the floor. “You wouldn’t dare–!”
“Try me,” Lisa grinned. The pair locked eyes, provoking a staring contest as they both waited to see who would crack first.  “. . . 1–”
“You are not–” Miguel gawked at the woman. 
“2–?” Lisa raised her voice an octave as the look in her eyes told him that she wasn’t playing around. 
“Alright, alright, I’m going!” He surrendered, his head and hands shaking with a surprised laughter as he sauntered into the bathroom. 
“Your spare toothbrush is in the cabinet,” There was a hint of a grin on Lisa’s voice as her voice fluttered over the sound of Miguel shutting the door behind him. 
Miguel found everything he needed, brushing his teeth and quickly rinsing off his face. Flicking his finger across the touch screen of his gizmo, his clothes changed into a comfy t-shirt and sweatpants before he stepped out of the bathroom and walked over towards the bedroom. Lisa was already sitting on her side, gently patting her hand on the mattress for him to join her. 
“Come on,” She beckoned him. 
“I don’t need to be told twice,” He teased, grinning at her as he carefully crawled across to the other end, plopping down on his back. 
Lisa pulled back the covers for him as Miguel adjusted himself, tucking his lower body under the sheets. Everything felt warm, and silky smooth. His pillow smelt clean, feeling cool against his skin. It was only then he realized how tired he truly was. 
He contemplated passing out right there and then, but he willed his eyes to stay open. He wanted to see Lisa, talk to her, just be with her. Miguel reached a hand out, his large fingers brushing against her cheek as she reached up and held his hand with her delicate fingers. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” His voice was quiet, soft, and low as he cupped her cheek. 
“Everything. . . and more, Miguel,” Lisa smiled softly at him. 
He smiled softly back at her. Lisa’s body shifted, and at first Miguel thought that she was settling in beside him so they’d both get some sleep. But she scooted over and suddenly straddled in his lap, Miguel’s eyes went wide, his cheeks turning pink. “Lisa, what are you doing?”
“I’m making sure you actually go to sleep and stay that way,” She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to appear authoritative and intimidating as she narrowed her gaze down towards him. “That means no getting up in the middle of the night to sneak in more work, or calls. Just sleep,”
“You’re going to stay there until I do?” he asked her with a curious look in his eyes. “Like, watch me sleep?”
“If that’s what it takes,” Lisa stated. 
The pair seemed to be stuck in an intimidating staring contest for what felt like long minutes. The curious glint stayed in Miguel’s gaze as his smirk slowly grew. He wanted to test Lisa’s claim for himself. 
“Miguel. . .” Lisa’s voice gives off an audible warning drawl.
Miguel tries to sit up, but is stopped short when Lisa quickly stretches her arms out. Her hands grip his shoulders and push him back down. Miguel was genuinely caught by surprise by her strength as she pins him back down to the mattress, the back of Miguel’s head falling into place on the pillow. 
“Miguel O’Hara!” Her lips flickered into a grin, staring down at him as she called him out for his attempted defiance. 
Her long brown hair dangles on the side of her face, and try as he might, Miguel couldn’t hold himself back as his gaze began to linger down. He loved Lisa’s face, her sweet, almost innocent looking gaze, her soft expressions and loving smile. But Miguel would be lying to himself if his mind wasn’t screaming at him to, at least once, admire and appreciate Lisa’s body. 
Elegant curves, a strong form, he couldn’t be more proud of her and the progress she had made since joining the Spider Society. In Miguel’s eyes, Lisa was beautiful inside and out. When his gaze retracted back to her own, and he saw the realization in her eyes of what he had done, there was. .  hesitancy, doubt even as her cheeks flushed, and her grip on his shoulders loosened. 
Was there a part of her that didn’t believe what Miguel saw in her?
Miguel’s expression faltered for a split second. Right now was probably not the correct time to discuss something like that. Tonight was about taking care of him and his health, Lisa had made that very clear. 
“Fine, I’ll get some rest,” Miguel sighed deeply, his body relaxing into the mattress as Lisa’s hands snaked away from his shoulders, across his chest. 
“Good,” Lisa nodded her head. 
Miguel’s smirk was playful as his arm hooked around her back and gently pulled her down. Lisa landed with a soft ‘PLOP’ along Miguel’s chest, her head tucked under his. “Especially now that I have my favourite body pillow,”
His low rumbling laughter caused Lisa’s cheeks to burn as his hand gently stroked along her back. If Miguel was going down, he was taking Lisa down with him. Two could play at this game. 
“Miguel O’Hara, go to sleep!” She ordered, hiding her face in the fabric of his nearly skin tight shirt. 
“Yes, mi Mona Lisa,” Miguel’s voice drawled as his laughter quieted down. 
Miguel reached over with his free hand, grabbing a spare blanket and pulling it over Lisa. He made sure she was snuggly and warm before he kissed the top of her head, holding her close. Slumber took hold of him minutes later and when he breathed in deeply and snored for the first time, Lisa truly relaxed, nuzzling against him completely as sleep overcame her as well. 
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