#yeah i think that's the recap of the rlmakeup artists we know of
blortch · 10 months
My stupidest, minor-est, thought ever about Space Cop:
In the movie they brought up the sort of biogel the aliens use to look human, and I really genuinely thought during the fight between Grigg and Space Cop that Grigg was gonna get his face partially burnt or smth and the narsty biogel was gonna drip from his face. and you could see the alien looking texture underneath. idk in all those 80s movies they love so much there's always some drippy goo special effect for no other reason than It Looks Cool
and I truly thought this is what they were hinting at and not just it being an excuse to make it easier to shoot the movie......... absolute brain fart on my part
Anon I know you're trying very hard not to say biolube but the substance you speak of is very much called biolube in the movie
It would've been neat if they'd done such a make up effect on Jay but maybe they didn't have somebody to do such work... I think for doc of the dead Some Guys we don't know did the make-up on Jay, Jack, etc. and in The Recovered Tina Krause and Dixie did the make-up. And then I think in a patreon video Mike and Jay mentioned they'd done each other's old age make-up for hitb recently but I think that's probably not up there in skills to do the effect you speak of...
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