#yeah idk about that lads srry!....
friskdistrollerroblox · 6 months
Model of One I'm making in Blender! Still need rigging! But she is working pretty fine, might make small animations in the future with her. Have this small render image of One I made for testing.
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Also can someone tell my girly to please be patient, I ain't that good with bones, and shes getting irritated on me just cus I'm taking too long to place them...
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zitaosluckylady · 7 years
and im making my lil fan account of it lets look at the foCAL points here!!!!
- so im waiting, seeing all these posh ass cars pull up and then this crowd starts making the noise that signals that its the man himself, and tbh i was freezing my tits off and the london underground was facing some major delays so me and my mates dedication to be there was real. 
- boi im not even kidding chanyeol looked fucking FIT in that car my heart was booming.
- When he got out of the car the security had to form a hug around the crowd opposite the street to me bc they were all coming out of their place for a better look, dont blame them tbh. I only saw the front of his face in the car bc then he rushed in and i only saw the back of him. 
- First thing other than the hotness at first was E AR S they r really big no lie u just see ears my lord
- I saw girls running up to him and with him as he went in they may have been those fansite people idk not sure ???
- Some interviewer guy went to the big huddle and i didnt really hear what he said but everyone was just yeling CHANYEOL at him lmfao so he was talking to them for a while.
- About idk half hr/ 40 mins later everyone starts coming out but we were like shit we r seeing cars come from the direction of the roundhouse so he might just come out in a car and go??? but nO
- lots of people have left so i move to a better spot meet some cool lads who r exol’s and then im here yelling THERE IS CHANYEOL to fool them and they were like why did u do that. banter init. 
- Then i was like not to start beef but who is an army here and the silenCE was real jdnv srry back to the plot
- I see him first in the crowd when he comes back out ad im yelling like shit he is back chanyeol everyone and then i calm myself more and he comes halfway down and starts waving to us and the other side before turning around to go back up for some interview or something.
-he is not as tall as u think!! like yeah 6ft but idk he seems shorter than u would think irl in my opinion 
He then came back down to go back to his car this is where its gets LIT
- We stayed on the side opposite the doors to the roundhouse, meaning the cars come right next to us when they leave, so when chanyeol got thru the crowd to get into his car it pulled right up next to us and was there for like a minute before it could get down the road. So we run up to the pavement and we are a metre away from his window fjgdvvbv. Also our side barely had people so we got that good spot. 
- I STARTED KOKOBOPPING I???? right next to his car feqkjfgv
- for a full minute and then people on the street also started doing it with me, he defo saw us bc we were being loud as shit, like hello rowdy londoners here!!
_ he was there for like a minute and yeah he defo looked in our direction u couldnt mis our little group we were  a mess in the best possible way lool 
- he had his hair down for this event and like idk he has such a cute ass face, i didnt look at him like WOW HOT DJSFBF except for when he was in the car i just saw this adorable human with big ears 
- I thought i was staring at an alien or a dummy or something like idk the way he walked ??? was ?? the way he moved?? idk how to explain it was weird but look idk he isnt a human i just saw his head?? like his head is big??? what
- These girls next to me were like who is this man and i was quick to jump the bat i said oi this is park chanyeol mate top man in korea stan exo
Heard about three ambulances go past, because this is london and someone is always shanking someone but chanyeol shanked me right in the heart 
- Then i got a maccy d’s and got the train home in disbelief 
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