#yeah idk what happened with this one the auto refill thing was supposed to go thru today but now it's like
sleepinglionhearts · 1 year
I can just see it now, I'll get asked by my manager what I mean by saying my period started "unexpectedly" when I come in tomorrow and she'll probably also say, again, that many people just deal with it when it hurts, you know, why not just push through it??
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
okay, well today was....better. I don’t think I’m going to have any good days for a while now, but it was better than it has been, so I’ll take that. I ended up waking up at like 10 and going downstairs to eat and kind of figure things out for the day. my brother wanted us to go to a walk in clinic to try to get the antibody testing (which could apparently tell if you’ve built up immunity to the virus) and then there were a few other errands to run so we figured that out and all got in the car to go to the clinic. we ended up going to this specific one because- and this is a mouthful- my brother’s girlfriend’s twin’s boyfriend is working there, lol. so that helped us get in and out quicker. my older brother and my younger brothers girlfriend got tested for the active one as well as the antibodies because they had previously tested positive, but my younger brother and I have always tested negative so we only got the antibody test. they said they’ll email us the results in a day or two, so hopefully that happens soon. I would be a lot more comfortable having to fly back to Chicago and be around a whole bunch of people if I knew I had some immunity to it. so after the clinic we went back home to drop the boys off, then my mom, my brother’s girlfriend, and I went on our other errands, which was a quick prescription stop for my mom at duane reade, and then Target for a bunch of different things, as Target trips tend to be for lol. I’d had a prescription on auto-refill that I saw was going to refill to my pharmacy in Chicago, so I diverted that and had to filled here instead so I could just pick it up today. I wasn’t super concerned about it because I feel like I’m constantly getting refills for this med, because I’m on two separate prescriptions for it to get the proper dosage (I’m taking 250 mg, but they don’t have any 250 mg tablets, so I have one prescription for a 100 mg and another for a 150 mg) so I’m always picking them up lol but whatever. we got a few food items of course and some seltzer and such, and picked up a few other essential things like conditioner that we had been out of, lol. after that we drove over to the drive thru Starbucks which was still open, my brother’s girlfriend works at Starbucks but has been off because of everything, but she still gets a credit for like a free drink and a free food each day, which apparently you only typically get while working, but they extended it through all of this, so that was nice. returned home after that and put some stuff away, my brother’s friend who’s a doctor in the hospital my Dad was in had come over and was talking to my brother about some things. Apparently he had gotten to see the death certificate, which specifies the exact cause of death, and apparently it was something about his lungs failing as opposed to his heart, so that was different than what we’d heard before but also makes sense. Idk, my brother is on a mission to question every choice made by the doctors and is having all the medical records sent over to a law firm that my dad referred a lot of cases to that handle medical malpractice claims, and I’ve kind of been back and forth with him on this, because while if we do find something I will be 100% in favor of a lawsuit, but I really desperately hope there is nothing there that could be considered human error, because if there is I’m just going to be so unbelievably pissed and so much more angry than I am right now, and I really don’t want that to be a thing. plus there’s a whole thing with the medical malpractice suits that’s complicated because you can’t sue for malpractice based solely on the fact of there being human error, it is only when it can be proved that the doctor’s actions strayed from the “standard of care” which is expected for treatment of that illness. The issue here is that I don’t think there’s much of a standard of care here that we can claim because this is all so new, can we really expect there to be an established protocol or a standard for them to even use when nobody knew what was happening next? So yeah, I got a lot of complicated feelings on that. If there is something I do want to figure that out and for that reason am okay with him sending in the medical records, I just really hope that nothing comes back as being malpractice. plus medical malpractice cases are terribly difficult, especially with a grieving family, and I really don’t think that’s what we need right now. anyway. my brother’s friend left, and shortly afterwards we got a delivery of food that someone had sent over, unsurprisingly more italian food, but this time at least not just baked ziti but also some chicken parmesan which was delicious, a huge salad that was great, and at least 30 garlic knots all in a big container so that of course was awesome. after dinner I just kinda hung out for a bit, for some reason I had gotten in my head that it was Tuesday and Legends would be on, so I turned on the tv at like 8:45 and couldn’t find it on the schedule and was very confused until I realized it was in fact the wrong day. I kept the tv on for the last bit of the episode of 9-1-1 which I could’ve been watching I suppose, but I’ll catch up on the whole thing when I get back to Chicago, and then kept it on for the re-airing pilot of their spin off series “9-1-1: Lone Star” which I’d seen a later episode of but not the original, so I watched that and it was very interesting. after that I just let the news come on and had that play for a while, not really paying much attention. It’s annoying we have to wait so much longer for the tonight shows to come on, that it doesn’t happen right after the 10 o’clock news. but whatever, at some point I came upstairs and showered and started getting ready for bed and now I am here, it’s almost 1:30 am so it is definitely time to get to sleep. Goodnight dearies. Sleep well.
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