#yeah like not to sound weird/infantilizing or anything i know he's a grown ass man but. that's baby
landinrris · 3 months
i love the ones who try to say he doesn't take f1 seriously enough over him going out when he has 0 work obligations during those times too. like yeah let's just ignore him talking about how he was struggling mentally during his first few years in f1 when he focused 100% on driving and didn't do much outside of f1 and sim work and virtual racing. hell let's even ignore recent interviews where he's talked about how he grew up preferring to stay in and play on his phone/computer and how much better he enjoys actually going out and spending time with friends now in recent times.
he's a grown ass man. it's weird how many f1 fans think they get to police what these grown men do or who they hang out with. you don't control them! you don't even know them!
(obviously not you in a literal sense, but the amount of absurd lando takes lately, from if he's a good enough friend and worthy of being friends with certain drivers (who amazingly enough, actually do know him and can communicate with him as adults do if he's said or done something that hurt them), to if he's allowed to go out and if so if he's actually committed enough to his career (amazingly how i don't hear this same accusation about other drivers who frequently go out - max, george, pierre, etc.))
idk why some fans are so insistent to keep him in this infantilized box. if him having normal young adult experiences bothers them, that sounds like a them problem, not anything he's doing wrong.
I do fear you've left nothing on the table, anon. 100%, no notes
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