#yeah maybe you will but feyre doesn't want that as she has said fifty million times.
I can tell that Feysand stans only criticize the pregnancy plot because they know antis will, not because they fundamentally think Rhys did anything wrong. Because they'll start off by saying "I don't condone what Rhys did," and then the rest of the post is...them condoning what Rhys did. You should consider all facts and then come to a conclusion, not make a prevailing point, but not actually have any reasons why it's wrong. I don't care that Rhys is traumatized, and neither is Feyre, because she literally tells Rhys multiple times to suck it up or leave her out of it.
I think is wrong because I've considered all of the information and facts and concluded that the justification given was not adequate enough. I've already considered that (1) Rhys is traumatized and (2) his intention is to save Feyre, but as established by Feyre in MaF, she values her autonomy over safety. She literally tells Rhys in MaF, angrily, how she does not ever want him to consider her emotions for her.
See: "I don't want to hear this, I don't want to hear you explain how you assumed that you best, that I couldn't handle it." Also see: "I don't want to hear you tell me that you decided I was to be kept in the dark while your friends knew, while you all decided what was right for me"
That is Feyre. That is her direct narration. That is what she had deemed as violating. She literally talks about how that betrayal breaks her heart. Yet, no one of those Feyre stan ever brings this up in relation to the pregnancy plot. Not one of them explains how the Inner Circle's actions were intrinsically wrong. How the acceptance of the mating bond subtextually promises that Rhys and his Inner Circle will never do that again. And then over and over it hands. Also notice the 'your 'friends' language ....says a lot to me. You can't just say well, I don't consider this canon so I won't consider it -- this is consistent behavior.
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