#yeah me too tae under that mirror 😫😫😫😫
aquagustd · 2 years
okay so idk if my first ask went through or not😭😭 but i’m just here to say that OC NEEDS TO STEP UP WHEN IT COMES TO JUNHO. CAUSE WHY ARE THE READERS MORE ON JUNHO’S CASE THAN OC????? THE MATH ISNT MATHING
miss OC i love you but it’s time to put your foot down. like when mommy says “no” there’s no if, and or buts about it. NO MEANS TF NO. jungkook may think that Junho is old enough to take care of himself and make his own decisions BUT THE KID IS ONLY 5???? HE WAS LITERALLY BORN LIKE YESTERDAY HE BARELY KNOWS RIGHT FROM WRONG.
it’s time to WAKE TF UP. jk doesn’t even have rights to junho and it’s not like he wanted to be a father in the first place. he’s been gone all this time then sudden pops back up demanding to see him son LIKE NO. JK MIGHT AS WELL BE A MF STRANGER TO OC. WE BASICALLY DONT KNOW HIM AND I ESPECIALLY WOULDNT WANT MY SON AROUND A WOMEN I DONT KNOW
OC be like “i dOnt wAnt mY sOn tO hAte mE😭” OH FUCKING WELL !!! it’s apart of being a mother. mommy has the final say and if you don’t like that…oh well boo whoo💀. at the end of the day what mommy says goes not junho. so what yea he’ll be mad but he’ll get over it and when he’s older he’ll realize that mommy was protecting him from quite possibly the worst. it’s like she’s too worried on causing a rift in their mother/son relationship by keeping him away from his father RIGHT NOW IN THE PRESENT rather than thinking about how it could benefit him in the future.
i love junho with all my heart he’s basically my son too cause i’ll go to WAR about him. but i’m just a reader, all i can do is read, enjoy the story and send in asks ranting about how much i wanna run fades with jungkook and soda bitch asses (also about how much i want tae to fuck me under his ceiling mirror BUT THATS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER ASK😭😭) and that’s bout it. and yes he’s a stubborn kid but that’s not an excuse to tell mommy “no i wanna do this” and that’s it.
all i gotta say is ima need OC to realize that, even though jungkook is back and trying to control everything, SHES THE ONE that’s in charge. SHE WEARS THE PANTS and SHE HAS THE FINAL SAY. NOT jungkook and NOT junho
Y E S this ^^^^ oc needs to get her shit together. i’m starting to think she still needs to learn a thing or tw about parenting 🫣 everything 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 said 👏🏻 jk is basically a stranger to junho — maybe she knew him in the past but he’s a new man now. tbh how could she trust him with her son ?? he wasn’t there his whole life. we all will go to war to protecc smiley 🥺 jungkook has proved that he knows nada
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