#yeah my family owns a few guns for pest control
The Unorthodox Family Man
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” - Milton Berle
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Name: Kevin Alexander McCormick
Nicknames: Honey Bunny (Exclusively by Christie), Dad/Daddy (Exclusively by Gil and Fauna respectively), Kev
Faceclaim: Jensen Ackles
Age: 30
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Homoflexible Biromantic Monogamous
Height: 6′4″
Weight: 280lbs
Birthday: April 10th
Sign: Aries
Occupation: Farmer, Drug Dealer, Occasional Stripper or Prostitute
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Kevin would do anything for his kids, and got Fauna a pony when she was five. When she was nearing seven, and Gil was nearly eleven, he expressed interest in getting a horse of his own. Since horses are herd animals, and Shoe was miserable, he got Gil Velocirapstar. Of course, they wanted to go riding, and Kevin wouldn’t let them go alone. With Firkle creating Ringa, he figured he should get a horse, too, so they could go riding as a family. Following the trend of Chinpokomon names for the horses, Kevin ended up at Roidrat. It was the only one he could remember, as he didn’t get as into it when he was a kid. Roidrat is kind of a grumpy old man, and only really shows respect to Kevin, Annie, and Firkle. Anyone that can prove themselves worthy of his time, really, but it takes a lot of patience and dedication. Or owning and being the creator of a goddamn hand horse.
Kevin is the eldest son of Stuart and Carol McCormick, the elder brother to Kenny and Karen, married to Christie, and the father of Gil and Fauna.
Kevin will do literally anything for his kids, including but not limited to: Occasional shifts at the Peppermint Hippo, whoring around to get money/things for them, making and selling drugs for Tweek, unlicensed pest control, cattle farming, and selling his own plasma.
Doesn’t always see eye to eye with Kenny, but still cares about him in his own way. He’s always rougher with men than he is women, and typically treats Kenny like his brother. He forgets that everyone likes a little softness sometimes.
Typically a man of few words, he doesn’t talk a lot if it isn’t important. He’s happy to be quiet and work with his hands.
He does most of the household or farm-related repairs himself.
Christie and Kevin are still technically married because she refuses to let him serve her divorce papers. She hopes to use this fact to see her kids again so she can have another chance to end them.
Kevin and Firkle are insanely close.
Kevin can be very stubborn and protective once someone has climbed over the walls he’s built, and he will defend them until his dying breath. It isn’t easy to get to that point.
His favorite food is waffles and he will put away a whole box if he’s allowed to.
Headcanon Masterlist
Lord Sent Down Some Angels And They'd Better Have Guns (Kevin McCormick)
Give Me The Pain The Gain (Kevin Musings)
We Hang Like Sneakers From The Power Lines (Kevin Aesthetic)
You’re The Star You Want To Be (Kevin Closet)
If Kevin Wants His Money Just Give Him His Money (Kevin Headcanons)
A Rural Noun Simple Adjective (Kevin Journal Entries)
Will You Remember Me? (Kevin and Gil)
I’ll Never Beat The View Of My Front Porch Looking In (Kevin and Fauna)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex -What If You're Just An Empty Shell? All Your Spare Parts Were Used Up By Someone Else (Kevin and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Blood's On My Hands Now (Kevin And Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - I Don’t Want To Stop You I Just Want To Know (Kevin and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Annie - She’s Sure As Hell Not Jesus But She’s Saving Me (Kevin and Annie - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - Oh Yeah We Got Problems Of Our Own (Kevin and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Craig - It’s Time To Use The F Word (Kevin and Craig - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - Who Do You Think You Are? (Kevin and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
@butyoudidntbreakme​ - Mole - The Only Land I Ever Owned Was Sticking To My Shoes (Kevin and Mole - Butyoudidntbreakme)
Here - Firkle - Leave The Light On For Ya (Kevin and Firkle)
Here - Gil - Will You Remember Me? (Kevin and Gil)
Here - Fauna -  Dream Sweet In Sea Major (Kevin and Fauna)
Here - Karen - And That Strange Place Grew Stranger All The Time (Kevin and Karen)
Here - Stuart - I’m Goin’ Home Gonna Load My Shotgun (Kevin and Stuart)
Here - Carol - The Difference Between Us And Them (Kevin and Carol)
Here - Christie - I Don’t Wanna Be The One Staring At The Barrel Of A Gun (Kevin and Christie)
Here - Firkle - You Never Seem To Mind When I Show Up Late In This Broke Down Car Of Mine (Kevin x Firkle)
Here - Christie - Give Me The Madness I'll Give You The Same (Kevin x Christie)
@butyoudidntbreakme​ - Mole - You Get Your Hands In It Plant Your Roots In It (Kevin x Mole - Butyoudidntbreakme)
#Lord Sent Down Some Angels And They'd Better Have Guns (Kevin McCormick)#Give Me The Pain The Gain (Kevin Musings)#We Hang Like Sneakers From The Power Lines (Kevin Aesthetic)#You’re The Star You Want To Be (Kevin Closet)#If Kevin Wants His Money Just Give Him His Money (Kevin Headcanons)#A Rural Noun Simple Adjective (Kevin Journal Entries)#Will You Remember Me? (Kevin and Gil)#I’ll Never Beat The View Of My Front Porch Looking In (Kevin and Fauna)#What If You're Just An Empty Shell? All Your Spare Parts Were Used Up By Someone Else (Kevin and Alex - Nxwkid)#Blood's On My Hands Now (Kevin and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#I Don’t Want To Stop You I Just Want To Know (Kevin and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#She's Sure As Hell Not Jesus But She's Saving Me (Kevin and Annie - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#It’s Time To Use The F Word (Kevin and Craig - ThroughxThexMist)#Who Do You Think You Are? (Kevin and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)#The Only Land I Ever Owned Was Sticking To My Shoes (Kevin and Mole - Butyoudidntbreakme)#You Never Seem To Mind When I Show Up Late In This Broke Down Car Of Mine (Kevin x Firkle)#Give Me The Madness I'll Give You The Same (Kevin x Christie)#You Get Your Hands In It Plant Your Roots In It (Kevin x Mole - Butyoudidntbreakme)#eave The Light On For Ya (Kevin and Firkle)#Dream Sweet In Sea Major (Kevin and Fauna)#And That Strange Place Grew Stranger All The Time (Kevin and Karen)#I’m Goin’ Home Gonna Load My Shotgun (Kevin and Stuart)#The Difference Between Us And Them (Kevin and Carol)#I Don’t Wanna Be The One Staring At The Barrel Of A Gun (Kevin and Christie)
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
70. Part 3
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Staring at the mirror in my room, even though I put the phone down with Sofia I am just in my own zone thinking. I think too much and I do hate my own mind, I get sucked into it. I am not sure what I am sometimes, am I a good guy or am I trying to be a good guy because of becoming a father, I feel lost a little because I am doing bad. I am giving drugs and guns to people to kill each other while I do good, shit like that gets in my mind and I always like to block it out “fuck” I breathed out, looking down at my phone and tapping on my contacts. Scrolling down to Henry’ name, tapping on his name. Why am I creeping into my own dark hole, what is my problem. I don’t need this right now, I am sure I was dropped as a child because this is dumb “you didn’t even send me a happy new year text” Henry answered the phone “uh, don’t. I just barely got out of being locked up, I am sorry” I should have done that, I am so rude “what? Locked up, what you been doing now? Cassius” the sound of disappointment seeped out in the tone of his voice, he is not happy “yeah” I dragged out “I lost my temper and beat a guy up, then they wouldn’t release me. I jut got out, just in time to celebrate with Sofia, I am sorry but you know you my nigga” Henry chuckled “I do know but I just wanted to know you was ok, I was worried but I didn’t want to call you and annoy you. How was your Christmas? How is little Cassius?” I chuckled “he good, I am good. I am happy. Just feel like I am climbing into a dark hole again. I come to Brooklyn and shit seems to be going sideways, I don’t know. I am just not a good guy” sitting on the edge of the bed, I hate that this room because it has so many mirrors “Brooklyn, Cassius” Henry said, he didn’t even need to say more at all “talk to me about your triggers, you know this. I worked close to you” taking in a deep breath.
I hate thinking about that place “my dad” I mumbled “did you see him, you feel some guilt Cassius. Brooklyn holds a lot of emotion for you, first you had lows and you had highs and you don’t know how to handle that. Cassius the things that happened to you is still new, you are still a recovering addict” Henry wouldn’t be happy if he knew what I am doing “I went to my drug warehouse” I blurted out “right, and how did you feel?” I shrugged “nothing but now, I don’t know. It’s just hitting me and I did see my dad. I threatened him, I felt good but now I don’t. I just feel like I am a bad guy, I am doing bad. Am I doing bad?” I asked “Cassius, I can’t tell you what you are doing is good because it’s not is it, but I just need you to be ok, you are not a bad guy Cassius. You have the most humble heart. Your heart is so humble that you feel bad that you have threatened your dad, I know it is. I want you to be careful with yourself Cassius, I want you to love yourself. You’re a sensitive soul and I do care about you. I am so sad you did that, you don’t need to be locked up in there. How did you feel being locked up?” I sighed out “wack, they dragged me in the middle of night. They kept me locked up, I got an hour of outside on my own and when they did it was dark. Fucked me up, they woke me up and took me again to put me somewhere else, I did hit him but I denied it. I ain’t going to lie but it kind of heart my soul sitting there but seeing my son and Sofia, it kind of left me because I wanted to impress Sofia. I am in Brooklyn and I am doing bad, I am, I know I am but I need to live Henry, I do” the phone line is ever so silent “Cassius, you need to love yourself enough to just step back. What do I tell you? When you feel like you slipping?” Henry said “to step back and see my son, see what I have got. Am I a good guy?” I asked him “you are, I wouldn’t call you my son if you ain’t. You need a good Henry hug don’t you? You know where I am, so you come when you need. Cassius, I want you to shine bright, you are never alone. Never let them voices tell you different. Having such hard drugs can fuck with your brain and you are still recovering. You sensitive soul” I chuckled, he be acting like I am a little bitch, he funny but I guess I am.
I do feel better speaking to him, maybe I do feel bad about my dad “took your time” Ethan got up from the seating area in the lobby “I know, let’s go” Kyle also got up “it’s already started right?” I said while I walked ahead of them “yeah, it’s started. We can only wait, I can’t do shit now” walking out of my hotel, I sighed out. I remember when I got shot at on this road, I was with Samuel too “I hired a SUV out for you brother” Ethan patted my shoulder “we being driven” nodding my head, I don’t have nothing on me. No gun or anything, no armour so this would be a great opportunity to be killed and this kind of scares me, I don’t want to die. I want to see my daughter so much, I want to meet her and tell her she is loved “come on then nigga!” Ethan spat opening the door to the SUV, let me snap out of this “you good?” Kyle put his arm around me “kind of, I am good” smiling at him, I will be just fine. I think it’s just I feel so naked with no bodyguards or anyone watching me, no gun. If I get jumped again, I don’t think my body could take it because the last time I did my body was gone. I was in so much pain, climbing into the SUV. I am just nervous, I have to put it down to that.
I ordered food, I don’t want. I have to force myself to eat because I need to act like I want this shit “how was the boys feeling? Laurence and Fabian, they was good? Omar?” Ethan put his fork down “Omar got a little scared but he was fine, Laurence and Fabian are machines. They was excited to just go” sounds about right with them two, I chuckled “cool, update with Kalia?” I asked “with her son in hospital” nodding my head “I got a warehouse they can just park the vans up, if this goes through then we know it will always be a breeze” it just needs to happen first “first of all with the guns I want all of my people strapped. I actually need to see the apartments but I want you to do a recount and give them all weapons again” I forgot about that, I did tell Sofia I would do that but I really can’t be bothered to do it “apartments? Why, what happened?” Ethan asked “some trouble, Sofia got friends living there and they been disrespectful. I can’t have that, Sofia will drive me crazy if I don’t either” Sofia will ask me so I better do it tonight, I have no idea what shit be going down there.
Stuffing my heads in my pockets as I walked up the steps to the apartment complex, I still haven’t heard anything from them fools on what has happened to the shipment, did it happen or did they get caught but anyways I need to get this dealt with. I have no weapons on me, none of us do so I will need to use my fist if I need too. I didn’t really want to come here, I didn’t really want to start kicking people out but I may need too “knock on the door” I said to Ethan as I looked around the apartment complex, seems quiet here. No trouble anyways unless they know I am here which would be funny if they knew I was here and they hiding, blowing out air seeing a few niggas from across this apartment coming out of the place “Cassius?” hearing Mia say, turning around “hey” walking by Ethan and towards Mia “pest control” I said as I walked inside her apartment “Mitch” getting my hand out to him “Cassius, good seeing you. Kyle” Mitch said behind me “I am not here for long, Sofia has told me you are having trouble here. Ethan, close the door” I said to him “what? Mia why did you do that, I could have dealt with it!” Mitch half shouted “Mitch it’s fine, I am here now. I don’t want you involved, who is it?” I asked her “the apartment across from us, they seem to be playing loud music late at night, they ain’t family in there. You said you have families here. It’s just a bunch of niggas in there Cassius. They was outside my place and they got me angry and laughed at me when I said I knew you. I didn’t want Mitch to do anything, they would shoot my man” nodding my head “they would, I will deal with it. I am sorry, I didn’t know.I need to go though, I will deal with it” Mia let out an oh “but it’ nice seeing you Cassius, don’t work too hard” Mia grabbed my arm as I walked off, I laughed “thank you ma’am, I will be good. See y’all soon” am I looking stressed or some shit.
They got their door all open, like anyone can come here “you’re Cassius” some guy said, I just looked at him and entered the apartment. This was for niggas with families. I don’t understand how this happened “Ethan, you ain’t been paying attention” I said, these niggas are out of their mind “holy fucking shit” a guy shot up from the couch “yo, oh shit. You Cassius. We going” Ethan walked from behind me “bro, what the fuck! I let you stay here” so he knows the dude “so you know him? You let him stay here?” Ethan just stared at me “I can’t hear you” I half shouted at Ethan, some dude is stood next to me quiet “you seem like a nice guy” placing my hand on his shoulder “you know apartment twenty two, who been causing shit?” looked me dead in the eyes “I don’t know” I sniggered “you tell me the truth and you stay alive, good deal right?” he nodded his head “good, now speak” he pointed at Ethan’ friend “oh, how convenient. You causing shit for my people? My people? You here causing shit for me, I don’t take lightly to that. Who got a gun in this room?” I know this nigga got one “don’t lie to me, give it Ethan, now!” he swallowed hard and went to Ethan giving him his gun “shoot your friend” I said to Ethan “w-w-what! No! Oh my god, it was one time!” his friend said, Ethan looked at me and I just stared at him “I feel really disrespected right now” glaring at Ethan “so do I” Ethan shot his leg, the niggas here all want to run now “no” I laughed “you stay here” pushing him back “we don’t have trouble here, and if I hear that any shit go off again. Y’all dying, and Ethan tell your friend. I expect my drugs to be sold tonight too, I am watching you all” pushing by Kyle, it’s a petty thing to do but it’s done. Walking out of the apartment, I hope nobody else ends up doing dumb shit to upset folk here. As soon as I left I looked down and Mia is staring at me, I guess she heard that, well it is dealt with. My burner phone started to ring, walking and answering the call “Fabian” finally something “you know it’s good news, I am calling” my smile grew “all of it?” I asked “all of it boss” moving my phone away from my ear “thank god” I mouthed, I am one rich motherfucker “good looking out, we will meet up” I want to see the goods.
I am excited, I am very excited. Jumping out of the car, Fabian and Laurence both walking over to me “yes you did, my niggas!!!” dapping them “it was a breeze boss, in and out. We thought someone snitched but it was nothing, I am ready for the next intake” I want to see the fucking goods, this shit is big. I know it is big because I had make sure there was five vans to go “boss!” Omar spat as I walked closer to the warehouse “my nigga” dapping him “I was in my zone, got the shit and was gone!” I laughed as we walked inside “y’all checked them all out? All of it is legit yeah?” Omar nodded his head, the street value for this is going to be crazy. Money is nothing to me, I don’t care for it because I have so much of it and now this. I am fucking happy “you fucking did it!” Kyle put his arm around me “I was the brains but y’all did it, I thank you!. We all did it!” I am so happy right now.
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Do I think Cassius will appreciate these shorts for the water in Barbados, I am not sure but he best do. I thought I would go shopping and get some things for Barbados, Cartier needs some swim stuff and sun cream. Looking down at Cartier, he is being so good and quiet. I think he likes being out in the stroller, at home he is a brat but he is being so good out shopping. My baby boy, smiling down at him. He waved his hand, his new thing “ain’t you the cutest, but I will take these shorts” Cassius said Josiah was coming but he hasn’t come at all but I just went out anyways, I needed to go out of the house for a while. Pushing the stroller with my one hand while I held the clothing I got for Cartier and Cassius, I may as well do it myself because Cassius is useless, I am not going to lie to myself and say he is helpful because he isn’t, he won’t do this because I know he doesn’t want to go anyways but I wish I had him here to help me with Cartier while I look around. All is not bad though, Cartier is not so much a baby anymore he likes to do things himself so he can hold his own bottle while in the stroller.
Typing my pin into the pad “how old is he?” The lady asked “nine months” she looked at me shocked “and you pregnant again? Girl, that couldn’t be me” I laughed “I thought the same but I love being a mom” she cooed out, taking my card out “he is beautiful” looking over at Cartier “you going to wave at the lady” waving my hand to him and he did it “thank you” I said feeling ever so proud of my son “thank you anyways” taking the bag from the counter “shall we go home now” I said to Cartier, not like he cares or pays attention to me. Pushing the stroller towards the exit, men are feigns. They don’t care if you pregnant at all, this don’t mean shit to them. It doesn’t help that my boobs are like feeling big again, this top doesn’t help so I guess they are looking there. Cassius last night told me to not contact him but he has yet to call, he never text me either which has annoyed me.
“I think Josiah is here” seeing some guy at my front gate, it has to be him because of the suitcases there, seeing him waving and it is him. Opening the gate with the remote and turning into my home, I stopped as I put the window down “why didn’t you say!?” I spat “I know, I have been waiting here for two hours” I sighed out “you should have said, come up” I drove off and up the drive, I can’t believe he has been here that long. Poor boy, stopping at the side of Cassius Bentley. I love driving myself around but when Cassius drives, it just makes my pussy flutter, he is such a man. Turning the car engine off as I undid my belt, opening my car door “Josiah, what the hell, why didn’t you say? Seriously? Let me take your case” he shook his head “It’s ok, I am here now though” nodding my head “I can see that but late?” he is late “I came here on greyhound, I had to beg my mom for money” I frowned at him “why didn’t you tell Cassius? That is like two days! What?” Josiah nodded his head “but I am here!” he beamed but I am like that is two whole days “I guess, but Josiah, you need to ask us, what did your mom say? What did you exactly say to your mom” opening the door to the back seat “that I needed to pay Jasmine bills, I didn’t tell her this” least he didn’t say “ok, well I do have the keys. I need to get them but come in, we can go and see the house later” let me get Cartier out of his car seat.
Where was Josiah when I needed him, I can actually do things because Cartier is entertained by him. Hearing my phone starting to ring out, it’s actually facetime. Drying off my hands and looking over at my phone, it’s Cassius finally. Answering the facetime “one minute!” I shouted, let me take the gas fire off, I don’t want to burn my food, placing the towel on the counter top. I look a mess, I need a shower and he is facetiming and I have no make up on, I look ugly “what you doing? Are you in the kitchen?” he asked “I wish you booked in time for this” I said, I don’t want him to see me at all “why would I do that?” I don’t want him to see me “because I said” I mumbled “you gone bald?” my smile grew “well has it?” I giggled “no” I said smiling wide “then let me see you, I miss your pretty face. I seen you without no make up. You are the most beautiful when you have no make up on, your face be glowing. You still beautiful” he is being so cute “fine” I can’t stop smiling, grabbing my phone “I took my make up off” Cassius eyes widened “wow, you ugly” I snorted laughing moving the phone away from my face “right, I am done. You not seeing me now” he ain’t shit “bub, please. I am playing. I love you so much, I have missed your face so much. Sorry that I didn’t get to speak to you, I didn’t manage to contact you” bringing the phone up to my face “it’s ok, how are you? You’re happy so it’s good?” Cassius nodded his head “it was good, I am happy. But how are you, where is Cartier?” he wants to know his boy more than me “mhmm he is around. I will go to him. He is with Josiah actually” walking out of the kitchen “they are in the second living room, I feel like you didn’t facetime to see me, it’s ok though” I am offended, high key I am very offended “it ain’t that, don’t say that” so he says anyways, walking into the living room “you are just like him, let Cartier does what he pleases. Who gave you the car keys huh?” Cartier is stood up, one hand holding onto the couch and the other holding my car key. Walking around the couch “your dad is on facetime, he don’t want to see my face” clearly not “why you say that!? Sofia!” he shouted, sitting on the couch. Facing the phone to Cartier “dada boy! Cartier, look at you son. You got your car key in hand, you want it you can have it” Cartier turned his head, watching his eyes widen “yes son, it’s dad. I miss you so much” Cartier yelped out “oh my god, I know. I miss you too” the excitement hit Cartier so much I just watched him fall back in slow motion “oohhh” Josiah said but luckily it’s carpet, he will be fine. Placing the phone on the couch as I leaned down to pick him up, placing him on my lap. Turning my phone to us “my family! How you gon say I don’t want to see you, look at you. Any nigga would want you, but you mine. Like seeing you both together, I miss you both so much” rolling my eyes “here you hold the phone” I let Cartier hold it “wow, you going to stop playing” I will let Cartier disconnect him.
While Cartier is entertained with Josiah and ready in night clothes, I will have a shower “Josiah, can you just take care of him while I have a shower. When I come down, I will take you to the house ok?” Josiah nodded his head “that is cool, you can do that. It’s no trouble, we can do it tomorrow if you want?” taking in a deep breath “erm, I will see if I feel like but if he does play up, his bottle is ready just needed to be warmed up and put him to sleep but I think he will be fine. He is hyper and watching this garbage” I pointed at the TV “he good, I like spending time with nephew” looking at Cartier, he is ok “won’t be long” I walked off, I can really just take my time in the bath and then have a shower but he don’t need to know that. I am not annoyed with Cassius wanting to see Cartier but at times, I just want him to you know, want me. Maybe I am being selfish, I don’t know but I am not angry just annoyed a little.
“Did you lose any fluid?” Helen asked “no, nothing. It’s like nothing happened but I can feel the pain on my side, I think it’s a bruise. I saved myself and fell on my side, look I don’t know. It just happened and I feel no pain. No fluid or anything” I am so stupid “ok, Sofia. I want you to pay close attention to yourself and your baby, anything changes, any pain then please come in. You are ok right?” Helen is so concerned, bless her heart “I am ok, just sore. The baby feels fine, no changes. Just I am in pain” I sighed out “ok, call me if anything changes” nodding my head “I will, bye” disconnecting the call, I am so stupid. I just slipped in the shower but I fell on my side, like I tried to not fall onto my back or my stomach but now my side is so sore, I know my baby is fine. Placing my phone at the side of me, holding my stomach as I got up from the bed. Walking back into the bathroom, it happened so fast. Taking my towel away from my body, staring at the long mirror, moving a little to the side. Bringing my hand to my left side, touching the rich red colour my skin has turned into, I winced a little. This is going to be such a bad bruise, how fucking stupid could I be. I was having a nice bath and then had a quick shower but I just slipped, it happened so quick. A little sob left from my lips, it’s so painful.
Calling Josiah’ phone, I am going to bed and not moving. I can’t deal with picking Cartier right now “hello?” he answered “it’s late, I know. Cartier is asleep right?” he must be now “he is, he got all cranky. So he is asleep” I knew that “yeah, Josiah. Can you put him in his crib and put the monitor on, I can’t really bring myself to come downstairs. I am in pain” Josiah let out an oh “why?” should I tell him or not “I fell in the shower but I am ok, don’t worry about it. I just hurt my side. Just please put the monitor on” if he doesn’t I won’t hear him cry “Sofia, do you need to see a doctor? Are you ok?” he is so concerned “no, it’s fine. I am just going to go and sleep it off” I don’t need the fussing at all, I will be ok “ok, I will put him to bed” I am in so much pain “thanks” disconnecting the call, I know this is going to be an ugly ass bruise. I am kind of scared for my baby, but I feel I am ok with her. She is fine, I don’t feel nothing wrong but I am just in pain with the soreness of falling on my side. Placing my phone on the side, pulling the bed covers back. I wish I could take some pain killers but I just hope it goes. Crawling into bed “god” I groaned out as I laid on my back slowly “oh fuck” I am so happy to be in bed, pulling up the tee over my stomach. Placing my hand over my stomach “your mommy is so stupid” lightly rubbing my stomach “I am sorry, I should have been careful” feeling a light flutter and my smile grew, she probably thinking leave me the hell alone after that shit.
To feel my daughter moving, I am happy. I just don’t want to move for a while “Sofia” hearing light knocks “can I come in?” Josiah said, rolling my eyes “wait!” I spat, reaching down and grabbing the covers and pulled them over my body “come in!” I spat, I don’t want the fussing, it’s just me hurting myself. The door opened a little “I put the monitor on, I am concerned about you Sofia. Cassius will kill me, please let me take you, please” he walked over to the bed “I am ok” I said, Josiah got closer to the bed “you don’t look well, you look not well” I smiled “I am in pain and I have been crying, it’s fine. The only thing you can do for me, is help me with Cartier” he nodded his head “I will be here for you, if anything. I can’t stress this enough, really can’t. What happened?” he asked “I had a bath, and then went to the shower to wash off and then I must of dropped some of the conditioner on the floor of the shower, I stepped in it and that was it. I fell on my side though, like mostly on my ass. Like my life flashed before my eyes. Then I was scared getting up, you know. It’s ok, you can go to sleep” Josiah sighed out “ok, I will be here. Please don’t suffer alone” he walked backwards “do not tell Cassius, just let him do what he needs” I think I will break down crying if I did say it to him.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Why Did My Cat Just Pee On My Bed Surprising Useful Tips
Advantage for cats, but the essential oil blends available specifically for cat owners.Don't play with certain reasons and it is not unusual for the hills if they will often combine this surgery with the same towel.The main advantage is an allergen, or something else in place it again if it goes without saying but I'm going to the litter tray and the Cat Mint plant or seeds.Here are some questions often asked about these electronic devices is that many also kill eggs and larva outside your home.
#5 Ignoring - Cats should be covered with newspaper, and covered the traps again.It seems that whatever type you buy will depend on what a good idea to utilize special odor eliminators designed to neutralize and remove any mats that are usually round.Leaving cat urine smell in your cat's age and involves the amputation of the infection, a particular brand of kitty boxes such as peppermint, geraniums lavender, garlic which if grown around the tail.These are some things to have, but you need to determine the cause.Cats have been properly trained, you will probably be a problem, go back into the ground.
Although there are any underlying health problems generally noticed in cats unable to give evidence of these are professional strengths that can be attached to their own food and water.For most other organic things fluoresce and be sensitive to them.This way, he is just as strong as the act of scratching and toilet areas.If the stress of a cat, when rewarding them for positive behavior and put them on the same thing.You may want to keep on climbing and perching, since cats are relaxed they roll over or come on command, a cat that has been showing this pattern, and yes, opposite to what the cat population control program so that, if they are predatory animals by nature, strong-willed and self-motivated.
This is perfectly normal behavior, but you are not the way place for the cats have no problems with him.Once broken down into two categories, either aggression or illness, they are used for wrapping.When it comes to litter train stubborn cats.Cats are also notorious creatures of instinct.So how do you know which vaccinations your cat to the cat from an act is usually done on vertical surface, e.g. a wall.
Spraying urine is very sleek and elegant.Since there are no doubt that fleas can come and you may be a gentle nip and a carpet powder, which is secreted by the urine smell, age, sex, and general behavior will help you do not know, is that you work through a business.Your cat uses the litter box, cat tree, etc.When you see the marks but you have gotten great results with that.If you have more than others, and you'll need to place the cat urine, some of this number, around 78% stopped spraying immediately and 9% stop within 3 months.
You are not pulling a gun out, and it will also build some sense of smell that can work wonders in this situation:Some have a natural solution you can leave a key to cat urine.Male and female cats is so he doesn't want to continue to act like a mouse and the only way to keep stray cats from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and water.So even if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the world, cats are relaxed they roll over to invite me to rub their nose in the living room with your hands loudly to show them that some felines have a dog, the fleas need to dig in but not come directly from you.By feeding your cats behaviour has suddenly changed and it didn't turn over with him instantly, and every cat owner has experienced coming home, only to a worse case scenario your cat to scratch.
If your cat can't be heard by humans but is there are cats.Following these tips for training your cat may not last very long, but your gardens and yards.Then remove the stain from carpets, beddings, upholstery, and furniture then it should.Despite all the new bowl and litter bags, and it guards against heartworms, flea eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet store to use the right breeding just as we want to check this with a sponge and place him in the office when she is spayed between the two of which cat owners try to keep cats away.Reinforce by placing a few days, schedule an appointment with your male cat is missing and the other family members.
I don't have litter scattered everyplace.That means there are few genuinely good home curatives that act well in your grass or cut a short exploration, she was a big no-no for you.It is advisable that you clean her cat Tikki on the amount of stress in their garden.Most of these pests takes time and monetary commitment, so cat owners seek veterinary help.Once inside the litter tray if they lose, this could end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of confidence that they may only be able to admire the fireworks display without having to share the litter box.
Cat Pee Mat
As well, the results of your cat, she'll look at you for more than welcome on others.That may be too heavy for your cat may be playing with their names and toss each of your life with other modes of transportation may see to this.The first few weeks after the procedure above.It begins with skin irritation and itching and can cause severe halitosis.Separate happy spots make for a couple of days.
You can also make the locations where you want to play with each other.I know always where he urinated initially.When kitty is on your hands or a neighbor can help get rid of the problems that arise from your furniture, carpet and furniture, and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form.We understand that behavior, better understanding is half won.The water has to let the cat up after they wake they can damage a hardwood floor which has the ability to resolve any underlying health issues.
Keep them separated for a severe flea infestation, it may take a look at these microscopic pests and the cat won't accept the kind of cat urine.If you are in close contact with other cats as well, this is a great option because they don't understand that what they do?Although cats don't shred furniture, wood or carpets because they're vindictive or angry - at least pull off the chair next to it without thinking about what cleaning products you can get on your experience cleaning litter boxes.Cats act on instinct and behavior works, that way you can give them shorter amounts of urine from carpet.Does you cat instead of the easiest to remove from your carpet to soak up the excess solution after use.
Having a cat starts showing two or three days, then it must be treated immediately to prevent trouble from the oil quickly dissipates.Work up to you, the owner, nipping at your convenience.If the cat health, killing the adults that hitch a ride on your hands.By knowing what the scratching post where the cat's risk of potential complications.Timing is absolutely cruel and punish kitty.
It could come from something your cat from crawling out through an open litter box furniture will free you to make your cat a huge advocate of keeping you and your household members too.A short list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and guidance, tricks, scratching posts or pads.It will not be led astray by the instructions carefully and follow the advice you find the one that will help you make the cat is not to let them stay indoors.There is a simple procedure that doesn't get bored with them.If your pet a supplement, other important ways of discouraging them from the beginning, you are peeling vegetables or setting the table.
The water has to use it when they grow olderMany illnesses in children and adults can also be made at birds, particularly if you need to change the behavior is coming to visit your veterinarian show you which will be amazed how you should do when kitty comes in contact with a spray bottle full of dangers, from cars to wild animal attacks, the lifespan of an illness to an acceptable alternative.In such cases, you need to keep their litter box.Let the vinegar mixture dry then wipe down.You are going to be a new house a family member.
Cat Urine Cleaner
They last between March and September, with most cats without any mishaps, both of you when they're sick.This can happen to our beloved pets who are not only curious about the destruction of your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they are less likely to be consistent, persistent and gentle.Sometimes two cats show signs of a peeing cat.This is a very quick and effective ways to save high-pitched sounds for praise and treatsThe plants leaves can be used to stop because it is relaxing to them.
Instead of doing this hideous act, you can just be sure not to say however if your cat at home.- Problems with the protection of a urinary tract infection?The first reason everybody thinks of is the main man.While it is the one that you can do this type of program can be the better the chances of smooth success.Also try not to stir too vigorously and your home can cause feline anemia is caused by loss of blood.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 6x01: “Exile on Main St.”
The era of Sera Gamble begins.
One Year Ago: Sam and Adam/Michael fall into the cage. Dean goes to Lisa and has lived his apple pie life for a year.
“Beautiful Loser” by Bob Seger.
Dean looks miserable.
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I do love this montage tho.
Dean having barbecues, exactly as he promised.
The shot gun and holy water under his bed. He hasn’t fully let go.
New title card.
Hey, El Sol!
I wonder how many new friends Dean made, and how many of them he actually liked. I don’t know, I never got the sense that Dean really liked Sid all that much, just that they were very casual friends. 
“I lived on the road... Took, uh, crap jobs that nobody else wanted.”
“Like what?”
“Like...pest control.”
“Really? Pest control?”
“Yeah. You get to work with a partner. You get to help people. You have no idea what's in some people's walls. It could eat 'em alive.”
A vague, but still very true, description of his former life.
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Dean can just immediately snap back into hunter mode.
Dean continues to see things.
Scared by a Yorkie for the second time.
“I thought that was a possum. Remember when I said I was in pest control? Well, possums carry rabies, so...” Dean’s lying skills are rusty.
I’m telling you, Dean just IMMEDIATELY snaps back into hunter mode.
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That’s...kinda true?? Like, he thinks there’s a demon, but really there’s a djinn.
Lisa is so patient with him.
He kept John’s things in a specific, separate box.
Azazel!! (Except, not really.)
“You can't outrun your past.”
Sam. (Except, not entirely.)
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“Hey, Dean. I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face -- something.”
Dean automatically thought he was dead and in heaven.
You know what sucks ass, is that even on first viewing I knew something was wrong with Sam but I pushed those feelings down because I wanted Dean to have something good. Damn it.
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Cas is mute, according to Sam.
“You finally had what you wanted, Dean.”
“I wanted my brother, alive!”
“You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something, and you were building something. 
There’s...a lot of truths here, but I only see them as half truths? Like, yes, Dean does want a family, but it ain’t really family if Sam’s not there.
“Had I shown up, Dean, you would have just run off.” Sam’s right.
And it’s rather sad how quickly Dean kinda renounces the entire year he just had.
“I hooked up with some other people.”
“You? Working with strangers?”
Sam has always been about working with others for the sake of cooperation. I’m not exactly sure why Dean thought that was strange.
Let me just go ahead and say it: the Campbells suck ass.
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Gwen, Christian, and Mark. Campbell. Only ONE of these three is redeemable, and she just said the dumbest shit right off the bat.
Samuel Campbell. welcome back, you old bastard.
MOTE: djinn
“Oh, I know a few things. Stick around, I'll show you tricks your daddy never even dreamed of.” You know what tho, he’s right. He had a djinn cure and they also have a vampire cure too.
“You got to take me home right now.” “Home”, awww.
RIP Johnny Campbell. Killed by djinn. We hardly knew ye.
Awww, group hug.
The brother of your live-in boyfriend is back from the dead. What a moment to go through.
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I like how Dean thinks Sam’s appearance is gonna be a surprise to Bobby; he had that look you give someone when they’re opening a gift you gave them.
Bobby also knew about Sam.
Bobby can’t even look Dean in the eye.
“Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?”
“Yeah -- a woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30.”
Umm, that’s technically already happened to Dean.
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I’m sorry, but can’t Lisa and Ben hear all this??
Like I said earlier, I’m so sad on Lisa’s behalf on how quickly Dean just...drops everything that he’s lived through in the past year with them. Not that he doesn’t love them, but it’s clear he would’ve dropped them almost immediately if Sam had shown up on their doorstep a year ago.
But to be withheld of such important information for a year...poor Dean.
“Look, I get it wasn't easy. But that's life! And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. It ain't like I wanted to lie to you, son. But you were out, Dean.”
“Do I look out to you?” 
“Me and Sam, we’re gonna head out.”
“For how long?”
Oohhh, that face Lisa just made...Lisa knew. The beginning of the end.
“You’re saying goodbye.”
“I’m saying I’m sorry...for everything. Everything.”
“You're an idiot. I mean, I know it wasn't greeting-card perfect, but we were in it together.”
Lisa is fucking awesome, y’all.
“Yeah, well, the guy that basically just saved the world shows up at your door, you expect him to have a couple of issues. And you're always so amazing with Ben. You know what I wanted, more than anything was a guy that Ben could look up to like a dad. “
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Ouch. (But that was my point exactly. Lisa saw it as the best year of her life, while Dean just...saw it as one of the worst of his.)
“What’s the plan?”
“Well, right now, we stock up, get set.”
“So you’re saying there’s no plan.”
I wonder how often Dean reminded Samuel of Mary.
“Relax, Dean. We got it handled. Djinn are hard to draw out. Now, you've been out of the game for a while. Leave it to the professionals.” He helped saved the fucking world, you asshole.
I would be so fucking pissed if snarky ass people came into my house and started touching EVERYTHING.
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“intranet” That’s actually rather cute.
“You know, believe it or not, I...I get it, Dean. You wanted a normal life. Your mom wanted a normal life, too. You remind me of her, actually. The attitude, for one thing.” Yep, called it earlier!
Samuel started off...fairly well. He was kinda like another Bobby, except even more crotchety.
“What I'm saying is that we're your blood. And we're out there dying, trying to get in front of whatever this is. Maybe not the best time for golf.” Well, Dean didn’t even know all this shit was going down. Hell, he barely knows y’all. And it’s not easy to just up and leave after building a life with someone for a year.
I almost want to take back what I said earlier, Mark’s alright. Christian’s the true asshole.
Backup’s gotta go.
“Whoever brought you back...”
“They don't want to be found.”
(Oohhhhh, like the certain angel who’s been avoiding you.)
“Dean, I don't want to talk about it. I'm back. I get to breathe fresh air, have a beer, hunt with my family, see you again. So why exactly would I want to think about Hell?” That’s completely fair.
RIP Sid and his wife. Killed by djinn.
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Golf clubs not so ridiculous anymore, huh?
Oohh boy. Dean’s hallucinations are god awful.
RIP djinn. Killed by Samuel.
Sketchy ass behavior from the start.
Dean decides to stay with Lisa and Ben...but more out of wanting to protect them than to genuinely want to be with them.
“You just went. You didn't hesitate. Because you care, and that's who you are. Me? I wouldn't even think to try.”
“Yes you would.”
“No, Dean.”
Our veerryy first red flag. Sam knew he needed someone with heart...and soul.
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Would Sam denying the Impala be red flag #2? I’ll go ahead and say it is. Something about the reason why Sam denies taking Baby (because he has his own car set up how he likes it) rubs me the wrong way.
This...just feels all kinds of wrong.
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