#yeah so Jake is Tybalt
danakin-skywalker · 3 years
Star-Crossed (Danny Wagner): Chapter Two
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Two bands, both alike in dignity
At Lollapalooza where we lay our scene
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny
…… a pair of star cross’d lovers…...
Taglist: @flowervanfleet @weightofdreams-gvf @sierraahhhh @stardustschords @amourleger @ageofsewingmachine @theweightofstardust @gretavanhoney @samkiszkabreakmyback and potentially you, just lmk!!
(A/N): HEY LATE NIGHT READERS it’s been approximately 1.5 days since Chip Bunker so I hope you’re all still in a Danny mood. I’m sorry this chapter took so long, the press on nails I mentioned in the note for Acrylics have absolutely impeded my typing abilities… which is problematic in general given my profession.
BUT ANYWAY this will be the final pure-fluff chapter as we reach the midpoint of the story, the end of the act one if you will. I apologize if any of the formatting is off, I wrote this largely on my iPhone as I’m home visiting my mom this weekend. So if anything looks weird, blame tumblr mobile. Also this won’t be formally added to my master list until tomorrow night when I’m reunited with my laptop. now featured on the masterlist!
Ok let’s get this shit going!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
As I walked in the direction of the amphitheater, grinning like an idiot, I looked over the other notifications left by my bandmates on my phone. Lots of “where did you go?”s and “dude where the fuck are you we’re on soon”s. I sent out a text to Jake that I would be there in 5, since I knew if anyone he’d be the most annoyed with me right now.
But, God, I just couldn’t bring myself to feel sorry about it. Someone else could sound check my drums for all I fucking cared. With the way this girl made me feel, I wasn’t gonna leave her side a single second earlier than I had to.
I ran my fingers over my lips, still tingling from the sensation of hers. That kiss was something otherworldly, I had initiated it but I wasn’t ready for it to knock my socks off the way it did. It just felt so… Right. So correct. Like every person I’d kissed before today was leading up to her.
Leaving her was harder than I had expected, especially since I met her today and I was leaving her to go perform a headlining gig at a major music festival. This was a huge milestone for us, and yet my mind could not be less focused on the task at hand.
But then again, she’s coming to the show. I knew it would be impossible for me to find her in the crowd, but she sounded pretty genuine when she said she would go. I smiled to myself, thinking about her waiting for me after the show.
However, I was abruptly yanked out of my thoughts when I entered the amphitheater. Physically.
“Dude, finally, where the fuck were you all day? We’ve been trying like crazy to reach you!” Sam grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me down the hallway toward the dressing rooms.
All I could do was shrug, “Sorry, man. Time got away from me I guess. It’s a good thing I set that alarm for sound check though.”
“Yeah, and missed it, because you weren’t here! Jake’s about ready to kill you.” I rolled my eyes. Of course he was.
“Okay, well, I’m here now. We still have plenty of time before the show starts.” I said as we walked into the room where the twins were.
“He’s alive!” Josh wailed. Jake, on the other hand, briskly walked up to me with angry glare on his face.
“Where the hell have you been?”
I looked down at him and tried to hold back the smile that threatened to surface when I thought about where I had been all day. By the looks of it, if I smiled at Jake right now I might be going on stage with a shiner.
Instead, I looked around sheepishly, “I’ve been… you know, around. Seeing shows. Lost track of time.”
Josh squinted at me for a moment, then his face lit up. “Oh my God, you were with a girl weren’t you?”
This time I couldn’t resist cracking a small, all-telling smile and turning toward the rack with my show outfit on it.
“Holy shit he was!” Sam exclaimed. “Damn, all day?”
I chuckled to myself, “I mean, yeah, I did see most of the shows I saw today with the same girl… We might’ve kissed before I left but I mean-”
“You kissed her after knowing her for an afternoon?” Josh asked incredulously while I unbuttoned the shirt I had on and threw it onto the rack.
Sam let out a laugh, “Like you haven’t done more in less!”
I shook my head. “But like, it didn’t feel like it was just an afternoon. I-I don’t know how to explain it. We just kind of… connected, you know?”
Jake huffed in the corner, lighting a cigar. “Well, does she know you have obligations here too? You’re not just another festival-goer you actually have responsibilities.”
I rolled my eyes, buttoning up the shirt the stylist had picked for me as I turned to face the group again, “Jesus, Jake, I said I was sorry. I’m here in time, what more do you want from me?”
Again, Jake stepped closer to me, leaving a trail of cigar smoke from where he was sitting. He stops for a moment in front of me and says, “Commitment” before walking out the door.
I turned around to the other two Kiszkas, “Has he been like that all day?”
Sam shrugged, “Not all day, but we did get a little worried when you went all MIA on us. He was pretty freaked out before you showed up.”
“Look, I really am sorry I scared you guys, but I would never actually ditch something like this. I mean, come on! This is a huge deal!” I exclaimed, trying to bring back up the energy for this gig. Jake could be a sourpuss all he wanted on stage, I wasn’t gonna let him bring us all down.
As James Bay started winding down, I decided to leave in search of the amphitheater. Surprisingly, the sea of venues was getting easier to navigate as the darkness of night settled in. Everything was lit up and music was pouring out from every which direction.
And yet, no signs of the amphitheater. Eventually, I stopped to ask a group of girls which way it was. “Oh, you’re going to see Greta too? Here, come with us we’re heading over too” One of the girls offered brightly. They seemed trustworthy enough so I agreed and followed along with them. On the walk over they gushed about boys named “Josh” and “Jake” but no mention of Danny. He had definitely said the amphitheater and Greta Van Fleet, but I suppose there had to be more members than just him.
Thankfully enough, they led me in the right direction and I found myself near the back of the pit in front of the stage. Nobody was out yet so I took the opportunity to light one of the joints I brought and prepare myself mentally for the possibility that his band fucking sucks and I have to see him again later.
My attention was refocused to the stage when the crowd suddenly erupted in applause and screams. There they were, four guys who looked to be around my age walking onto the stage one by one. I spotted Danny immediately, by far the tallest and bearing striking visual differences from the rest of the band. I was immediately taken aback by his hair- what was earlier tied up in a messy bun was now cascading down his shoulders. It was so much more than it looked when it was up. It was mystifying. He climbed behind the drum set and gave it a few testing strikes before leaning back into his seat as the rest of the band got their instruments ready.
I toyed with the joint in my mouth while taking in his stage presence. The plain navy button-down he was wearing with me has been exchanged with a more intricately patterned silk one. It coordinated well with the rest of the band’s outfits, but I couldn’t help but prefer the more relaxed and comfortable look. His skin looked almost luminescent in the spotlights, taking on a slightly lighter tone despite all the sun we had both gotten earlier today.
I was torn away from admiring him in the stage lights by a text. From….. Danny?
“Did u make it over? We’re about to start”
I knit my eyes in confusion and looked back up on the stage to see Danny putting his phone back into his pocket innocently, glancing at the other guys to see if they noticed. I chuckled to myself and responded,
“you did not just text me from ON STAGE U PSYCHO yes I’m here”
I looked back on stage and saw Danny jump ever so slightly at the vibration from his phone, eagerly reaching down to check it. It was endearing, really. Every damn thing about him was. I watched as he smiled at his phone, typed out a quick message and swiped it off.
A few moments later, my phone buzzed with his response,
“Good u can see me ;) Enjoy the show- meet me behind backstage area half hour after the set ok?”
I went to respond before my attention was snapped back up to the stage by a voice, “Are you ready?!” The one who I assumed to be the singer yelled into the mic. I recognized him as the curly haired boy sitting next to Danny at the fire the night before. The audience roared in response, making each of the guys on stage crack a small grin before launching head first into their opening song.
Thankfully, I had worried for nothing because his band was phenomenal. I didn’t even know any words and I found myself yelling and dancing along with the crowd to the music. Some of the songs were definitely more classic-rock style, but others were a bit folkier and slower, with the guitarist switching between electric and acoustic throughout the show.
Although I was wholeheartedly there for Danny, I couldn’t help but notice the stage presence of the other members. During the show I learned that they were brothers, and each of their names, but it was so intriguing to see how lost in their songs they were getting while performing them. They were playing like nobody was watching, letting the music move their faces and bodies in whichever way it commands. It was an inarguably authentic performance and I was happy for Danny that this was a group he got to be a part of.
However, it eventually came to an end, and I couldn’t help the twinge of guilt I felt for being excited that it was over. Only because now I get to go find Danny and tell him how much I loved it.
I made a wide loop around the audience area as people started to flood out, their set being one of the last of the night. By the time I got to the exit behind the backstage area, it had been about 20 minutes and I didn’t have to wait long to see Danny’s smiling face emerge from the doors. He closed the door quickly behind him, as if he were sneaking out, and then his arms were back around my waist the way they were before we parted ways. The way they snaked across my torso to fall to a rest at the small of my back made me consider if they were made to go there. Meant to. Destined.
“Hey you, what’d you think?”
I beamed up at him. “It was incredible. You guys are amazing. You’re amazing!”
Danny’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. “I realized just before we started that I never mentioned what kind of music we do, I wasn’t sure if you’d be into it. Obviously a lot of people enjoy it but some people are really turned off by the sound, you know?”
I shook my head, eyes still wide with wonder staring up at him. I took a moment to reach up and brush the loose strands of hair out of his face as he looked back down at me. “No, no. The way you guys perform… you just really leave it all out there. It looks like you’re putting everything you’ve got into your performance. Anyone who truly appreciates music should appreciate your… you know, celebration of it, almost.”
It was at this point Danny’s lips started to curl upwards into a smile and I found myself tripping over my words, distracted by his mouth. I reached my hand up to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt- back to the one he was wearing earlier- before smiling back up at him. “And don’t worry, it’s safe to say your music did not turn me off.”
Danny chuckled, leaning in a bit to press his forehead back against mine. “Oh yeah? So one could even say it…turned you on?” his voice lowered to a gravelly murmur for the last part of the sentence.
This time it was my turn to flush pink. But I couldn’t lose my confidence now. My hands glided up his chest from the button I was fidgeting with, until they rested at his neck. I leaned in to ghost my lips over his before whispering, “Watching you sure did.”
That was all the reassurance he needed to lunge forward and reconnect our lips. Just like before, the contact started a frenzy under my skin, warming me up and making it feel like I was floating. This time, however, the kiss was turning more and more passionate. His tongue found its way into my mouth to greet mine and the two danced together between our teeth as we desperately tried to pull each other closer.
After a few minutes, we pulled away to catch our breath. “Do you… Do you wanna go somewhere? I know a trail around here that leads to a creek. I’m sure it’s empty by now. I just know the rest of the band’s gonna be out any minute and…” he turns to look back at the door as he takes a moment to articulate his thoughts. “… Quite frankly I want you all to myself tonight.”
My stomach fluttered at his words and all I could do was nod at him in confirmation. He grins at me and takes my hand, still feeling a little jolt when he did. However, just after we started walking, the back door opened once again, making us both turn around at the sound. And just like Danny predicted, one of his bandmates emerged. The one from the fire. Josh, I think. He was able to spot us about 50 feet away and a slow grin spread across his face. “Well if it isn’t Romeo and Juliet themselves. Have fun you two.”
Danny rolled his eyes and turned back around, pulling me with him. “Good night Josh” he said with a slightly annoyed tone.
“And good night Danny!” Josh yelled back in a much more suggestive tone, I could basically hear him wiggling his eyebrows.
We kept walking further away and from the distance I could hear the door opening again and voices, but Danny didn’t turn back around so I didn’t either. “Your band seems nice.” I offered.
Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. “They are, they really are. But sometimes they can be a lot.” I nodded in agreement, unaware of what he’s referring to but trying to be supportive.
I already knew I was gonna be in for it tomorrow from the guys for ditching them again tonight, but fuck if I cared. Hearing her gush over our performance and seeing her once more under the glow of the moon had me feeling like the band was the least of my worries. Because I might actually be falling in love with this girl.
I shivered slightly at the concept. We were just coming up on the 24-hour mark of our first meeting. If you could even call it that. Our little stare-off. But I genuinely feel like I’ve known this girl forever. Conversation flows so easily and my heart feels like it might just stop entirely whenever she smiles at me. Every logical component of my brain was screaming to run, to go back to my friends and avoid heartbreak once this festival ends and we start touring again.
I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as we approached the trail. It looked much darker compared to where we were standing, the lights from the festival illuminating the night.
I stopped and turned to look at her. “This is it.”
She looked into the darkness of the trail and then back at me. “You’re not taking me into the woods to kill me, are you?”
I couldn’t help but laugh and she smiled a bit too. “No, I promise it’ll be worth it. Besides if I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.” I added matter-of-factly.
She giggled and took my hand, and I felt my heart soar. “Well, I guess I should consider myself lucky, then. C’mon.”
She took a few steps into the trail and turned around to pull me in with her. “Not getting nervous are you?” She teased.
“Me? Nervous? Around you? Oh, never.” I joked as I walked into the trail with her.
We kept walking for a minute before she turned to look up at me with a smile, “So I make you nervous then?”
I let out a sigh, taking a moment to figure out how to word my next sentence. “The way you make me feel sure does.”
I watched as she smiled to herself, looking down at the trail we were walking on. “You don’t make me feel nervous. Usually I am around guys, but I don’t know. When I’m around you it feels like that’s where I’m supposed to be, you know?”
I did. I really did. All I could do was nod as a million thoughts raced through my head.
Soon we approached the clearing with the creek and thankfully, like I had hoped, it was void of people. I led her over to the edge and she reached a hand down to feel the water, the beautiful smile on her face growing as the sensation hit her. She immediately sat down and started taking off her shoes and socks before dipping her feet into the water with a sigh.
She looked back up at me, eyes sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight, “Well what are you waiting for? Are you telling me your feet don’t hurt after walking around all day?”
At that moment I felt the weight of the day rest onto the soles of my feet. She was right. Of course she was right. I followed suit and took my spot next to her, right hand resting on her left as we propped ourselves up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her look down and smile at the feeling, and I couldn’t help but smile too.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the running water and basking in each others presence. She leaned over to rest her head on my shoulder and I moved my hand from its place on top of hers to sling my arm around her shoulder. I closed my eyes and prayed to any god that would listen that this moment would never end.
However, it did when she let out a sudden gasp and sat back up. “Oh my God, I just remembered. I have something to make this moment perfect.”
It already felt pretty perfect to me, that is until I watched her pull a joint and a lighter out of her pocket, sparking the lighter playfully to illuminate the mischievous look on her face.
“Oh you just get better and better, don’t you?”
We sat there on the riverbed, passing my brothers joint back and forth. At one point he made a point to blow the smoke right at me and I tried moving around to catch the smoke in my mouth, which made him laugh. God, his laugh is beautiful.
However, after learning my intentions, he took a long drag from the joint before leaning in close to me, opening his mouth to show me the smoke sitting right on his tongue. It was an invitation. A dare, almost. Come and get it.
And I did just that. I planted my open mouth on his and felt him push the hot smoke into my mouth, down my windpipe and deep into my lungs, before nibbling on my bottom lip. Joint forgotten, I blew the smoke out of my nose and reached my arms up to pull him closer into another deep kiss. We sat there for a bit, under the watchful eye of the moon and nobody else’s, making out on the edge of the creek. His lips made their way down to my jawline, peppering wet kisses across before diving down to my neck, leaving harsh nips that I would definitely have to explain the results of to my brothers tomorrow.
My eyes finally fluttered open when I leaned forward, placing my hand next to Danny’s to support myself. But I felt my fingers brush against something and knock it into the creek. My eyes opened in search of the object and they widened when I realized what it was.
“Oh no.” I whispered.
Danny immediately pulled his head up from the crook of my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder. “What is it?” He whispered back.
“The joint.” I respond, with a small smile as I pointed to the last third of the joint floating down the creek away from us.
When Danny realized what had pulled me out of the moment, he tried to stifle a laugh. But then I turned to meet his eyes, and suddenly we were both leaning into each other roaring with weed-induced laughter. The once still silence of the night being filled by our fits of hysterics.
Once we’d calmed down, Danny threw his arm back around my shoulder and leaned back, pulling both of us flush onto the bedrock. I nuzzled my head into Danny’s shoulder and he pulled me closer to him, so that my head lay on his chest instead of his arm.
“Danny, do you believe in soulmates?”
If I had a clearer mind, I would’ve shot myself point blank for asking that question to a man I met a day ago. And yet, Danny turned to look deep into my eyes, before answering with a sigh, “You know what? I’m sure as hell starting to.”
I smiled back up at him and he pressed a tender kiss onto my forehead before we both turned back up to look at the stars.
I don’t even know when we fell asleep, or who did first, all I know is the sun is bright as fuck at 7am when you’re sleeping on a rock by a creek. I winced as the shade from the tree above us finally gave out and the sun started shining directly onto my face.
I opened my eyes to see Danny’s face inches from mine, breath fanning across my cheeks as he somehow continued to sleep. I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss onto his lips, causing his eyes to flutter open. My stomach erupted into butterflies as he smiled warmly at me, like he would be content waking up that way forever. Then, I watched as he slowly regathered his surroundings. “Oh shit we fell asleep out here!”
I couldn’t help but laugh, burying my face into his chest as he looked around at the handful of people on our once-private creek. He placed a hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair gently before mumbling, “We should probably head back then.”
I groaned into his chest, which made him chuckle, before leaning up to a seated position again, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Yeah, probably. My brothers are gonna fucking end my life for not making it back last night.”
I stood up and reached my arms down for Danny’s, hoisting him to his feet when he obliged. He let one of his hands fall away while the other stayed firmly put in my hand. We walked in peaceful, content silence back out of the trail and toward the campground.
“Will I see you again later?” He asked hopefully.
I couldn’t help the grin spreading across my face as I swung our hands a bit. “Of course. I have my brothers’ set this afternoon, but I’ll come find you after.”
We approached a site with two tents and a picnic table being taken up by a boy in sunglasses with his hair tied up. Danny threw him a wave, “Morning Jake!” He didn’t look up from his book and instead raised a middle finger toward us.
I chuckled and Danny sighed, “Always the charmer.”
He turned back to me, “Alright, well I’ll see you later then. And if your brothers give you a hard time make sure they remember they’re without a stage crew if they kill you.”
I threw my head back laughing, missing Jake’s ears perking up and him closing his book, peering over at me over his sunglasses.
Danny leaned in for a parting kiss and I felt the warmth re-enter my body, flooding my system again with something unmistakably Danny. I couldn’t help the sigh that fell from my lips as he pulled away. He smirked at me, “Never gets old.” Before turning and disappearing into the tent.
I bit my lip to hide the smile forming on my face as I turned around to head back to my brothers tent, already dreading the idea of explaining my night to them. I was pulled out of my trance by someone clearing their throat.
I turned to see Jake standing up at the table he was sitting at, sunglasses noticeably absent as his eyes were burning daggers into me. I was taken aback a bit, seeing as I had barely just met him. I tried to shake it off and be friendly.
“Hey, I’m Y/N. You’re Jake, right? You guys were great last night.” I took a few steps closer, extending a hand toward him.
He looked down at my hand in disgust, crossing his arms over his chest before staring deep into my eyes.
And suddenly I remember.
The rude long haired boys from the first night.
I was looking one of them right in the eye. And it was Danny’s bandmate.
I hesitantly pulled my hand back, brushing it against my jeans as the smile faded from my face. “I, uh… I think I should go.”
Jake squinted at me. “I think you should.”
I turned and walked briskly away from the campground, suddenly more eager than ever to reach my brothers.
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nia-the-simp · 7 years
Hello! I want to get to know you!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better~
I got tagged by: @topgunsprincess Aww you’re so cuteee, thank you!! I had never received something like this ❤
Name: Estefanía
Nicknames: LOL they call me Estefi or Steff :v suit yourself!
Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Hogwarts house: Slytherin (yeah, I took the test a time ago c: and I got a horse like a Patronus or... was it a pony? it looked like a pony xD)
Height: 1,53 mts! 
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Ethnicity: ehh... I’m not sure of what it means... where am I from? well, I’m Chilean (pls tell me you guys know where Chile is xD we’re a small country!)
Favorite fruit: orangeees c:
Favorite season: spring, I love how trees get green again 💕
Favorite book series: I’m more of a short stories-person so... all the stories of Horacio Quiroga! 
Favorite fictional characters: 
Well, of course that Endless Summer characters (I love especially Jake and Diego! 💕 I’d love to have friends like them, anyway, I love my friends xD)
Tyrion and Tywin (Game of Thrones)
Bellamy, Monty and Murphy (The 100)
Sawyer 💕 (Lost)
Raydan Lykel and Kenna Rys (TC&TF)
All the gang of Avatar, the Last Airbender, in particular Sokka 💕 
Favorite flower: I’m more of a tree person 😂 but I don’t like roses, that’s for sure.
Favorite scents: lucuma, grass, forests, new and old books, moist soil  💕
Favorite color: green!
Favorite animal: barn swallows :3 
Favorite band: Panic! at the Disco, Artic Monkeys, Lorde (she’s not a band 😂) Catfish and the bottlemen and Civil Twilight c:
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea, no doubt.
Average hours of sleep: I’d like them to be at least 8, but I must say 6 :c
Number of blankets: like... three, and then a warm vest in the top.
Dream trip: to a cold forest! 
Last thing I googled: MOPS (it is a chemical thing 😂)
How many blogs I follow: 60 !
Number of followers: 48 💕 in the short time I’ve been here in Tumblr, you guys have been amazing with me :’) I’ll always be thankful to y’all 💕 
What i usually post about: uhh, reblogs, my drawings and sometimes I try to be funny, but usually that doesn’t work 😂
Do i get asks regularly: never :O 
I’m not pretty sure of how it works 😂 so... I’ll just tag you! I hope you hadn’t been tagged yet 😂 (I’m sorry!)
@heart-jake @a-fangirl-at-heart @endless---choices @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @avanastir @peepeetah @cheesepots @morluyarasa @tybalt-baggins @adiee-tude @uhh-the-green-thing @jakemckenzie @jakesmckenzies @hollyashton @hopeschoices @pixel-hero-choices @sophie-summer @mermaidwarriorqueen @endless-jake @jakeymckenzie 
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johndave4eva · 8 years
Romeo and Juliet AU
I went to see Romeo and Juliet today and halfway through the play I started to think of a Johndave AU (because I’m trash). (The Romeo actor reminded me of Dave.) I really wanna write a long fanfiction about it, I like the idea of it. I’d imagine it this way:
Romeo: Dave Juliet: John Tybalt: Jake Mercutio: Dirk (??) Benvolio: Rose (??) Paris: Roxy (??)
House of Capulet: Prospit House of Montague: Derse
I have the biggest urge to write a fanfiction now, but I’m not a good writer and also it’d in German, so yeah. But I really like the idea of this AU and might develop it further in the future. Feel free to add stuff if you’d like.
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