#yeah so anyone who knows me and is a part of my silly “hiiii bestie” tags please avert your eyes from my wrecked form
astro-inthestars · 2 years
Adding positivity to the dash! Whats something *you* deem as special about someone in your life you think about? Why is it special?
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Starting off strong!!
@clausgender - Lake Landon Lazuli Phas Claus. Okay but. For real right now you changed my life I really can't specify why and how but you just did. Something special about you is just how... proud you are. Life has thrown shit at you, but you gave no fucks and threw some right back. You're amazing and you've taught me so much. I look up to you. It's kinda funny, you are one of the most human people I know, yet I know you want to be anything but a human being <3 (also everyone else in the chaosites have their own special thing but god knows how long that'll be but just let them know they're all epic and awesome <333)
@brainless-but-thats-all - Bee you are here by default bestie when the Lake is here you must be as well. You are both soul bound. You cannot escape. /hj But seriously you're here because you are also very special to me <333 What I find special about you is your silliness! This is not a surprise <3 You're just a silly guy! No matter what you do, you're just inherently very silly! Your texting habit is silly, your roleplay is silly, and even when you give advice you're silly! Not messing around kinda silly, you're sweet and soft about it. You don't let anything be too serious! It's refreshing ya know? And you and Lake just click, your friendship is really nice to witness :]
@slymanner - Tony bestie I know we just formally got to know each other about two months ago but it already feels like forever burger bro. Something special about you is just how alike we are! Remember we first got a long because we had the same vibes? You remind me of me and it just felt like we were meant to click. But remember, you're more than that to me! You're silly, you're funny, you're kind, and you're chaotic as heck <333 You're awesome. Burger bros against the world!
@joyflameball - Cassie Rose you are awesome and you are an obligatory part of this list *holds you like a cat by the scruff* you cannot escape my positivity and love. Something special about you is how utterly unhinged you are, and yes, it seems I'm very drawn to unhinged people! With all your passions you're just so deranged about them /pos it's inspiring how passionate you are that it makes you want to bite a piece of media and shake it like a chew toy <3
@ghost-vessel - GHOST MY BIG SIB HIIII one of my many online siblings <333 Met you through Deltarune but totally met met you as a person through Omori! What a chance amirite? And I'm glad I did! To me, something special about you is how calm you are! Like, you're easy to talk to... You're super duper chill and just an all around great guy(gnc)! Just random talks with you is really nice, sib!
@just-jammin - JUST JAMMIN LYRIC LYR JAM PRIDEDRAFT X!!! One of the ogs fr <33 I've known em since I first got on Tumblr in the Six the Musical fandom- Yeah weird first Tumblr Fandom don't ask <3 Something special about you to me is how helpful you are! Or moreover how you're always so willing to help. It's not always a good thing to try to help everyone, trust me I know. But either way you still try your best to help! Wherever you end up next is gonna be your call, but I know you'll still be trying to help anyone along the way. Just don't forget to help yourself sometimes, okay? You're worth more than who you help or what you make!
@ayyyyysexual - Void sibestie omg... here is another online sibling of mine <3 ....Actually almost everyone on this list is almost a sibling to me.... huh. Well anyways! VOID OH MY GOD heyyyyy :] my favorite triple A battery (i think?? unless you're demi now because of a certain someone ;)- OKAY I'M GOING) Something special about you is how utterly chaotic you are- HAHA I'M SERIOUS! You're just so chaotic I really can't imagine how'd it be if you weren't! Or how'd it be if I didn't have it in my life! You're a silly little abyss ya know?
@bloop-arts - BLOOP BLOOP BLOOP THEOOOOOOO HAIIII surprise surprise, another sibling! ....I have a lot of siblings that lack a gender. Anyways, Bloopothy....... Paps! Something special about you is your inherent warmth.... And by that I mean your vibes are just so.. warm! It's hard to describe them any way else! You're very kind and bright and you just have this comforting warmth that's very special to me! And I'm sure it's special to a lot of people too! Papapapapap
@borkthemork - Bork.... Borky Bork Bork whose real name is really pretty but I'm still afraid to use! One of the coolest ever.... You didn't think I'd put in BLOOP and not put in the BORK didja??? Nononono my friend! They are a package deal! A duo! Set: Do Not Separate! To me, something special about you is your autism swag! I'm kidding, partially- But in all seriousness its your patience. I would say smarts, your intelligence, your calm and collected attitude, but in the end those all tie into your patience! Your patience with people, your patience with yourself, your patience with understanding others and your own emotions. It's nice...
@cute-as-buttons - SASHA!!! BUTTONS!!! MOOOOMMMM!!! First parent on the list <3 You became my parent out of association with my dad, who is your ex, so you are my ex-step-mom but either way you're still a mom to me <333 Something special about you to me is your sweetness. It seems simple, right? But, you should know that simple things can be beautiful. You have a nice warm energy to you, somewhat akin to Bloop's, but it's certainly catered to your own. Your kindness just makes you seem.... alive. Real. Human. You laugh, you cry, you joke, you smile, you live. It's good.
And now for the general mentions!
@pyroclastic727 @honneibun @maritasdump @ectoplasmic-knife @miraclesprinkles @mira-blue @wormautopsy @generalyunan @ohyoumeanher and everyone else in the Amphibia server, those I missed! You are all so special to me. Though you guys are HUGE and there's a lot of you, you all make me feel at home with your chaos. Your art, your writing, your jokes, your drama, all of it. It's one big frog community and we're all just enjoying where the chemicals in the water are taking us <3
@ask-the-daeu-mod-hub everyone in the utdr askblog fandom, you guys opened me back up to close knit communities after a while of just being in my own bubble.... You were all the gateway, the start of my true freedom. The silly bullshit we all get into, the angst, the lore, the memes- Honestly, you guys changed my life. I was in the Amphibia server before this, but I was honestly still kinda messed up.... you guys really helped. Thank you.
And all my old friends from the beginning of tumblr, @djts-arts @altairtalisman @spooner7308 @san-shui @cryptidmuppet @pandora-dusk my bunfriend, and a lot more. You guys were the real start of it all. Seriously, where would I be without you all? If it weren't for you guys, I probably wouldn't have survived this hellsite. Thanks, for guiding me til I can stand on my own. I'm glad to know that I have a lot of people catching me if I fall though.
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