#yeah that's supposed to be centi/nephrite
oathkeeper-of-tarth · 5 years
I keep seeing something about writing three lines for a WIP? Posting three lines from three fics? Anyway I’ve seen it so many times at this point it’s become one big GO WRITE SOMETHING YOU ABSOLUTE NINNY for me, so here I am with three short-ish (~600 words each) segments from three tragically neglected WIPs that have nothing to do with each other. Very rough and rusty, but I hope you still enjoy these glimpses.
1. Bispearl week “swords” prompt ficlet I didn’t manage to finish back then, or: Bismuth and Pearl invent rubber ducking.
The first few swords were a disaster.
The Forge was rudimentary still - early days - didn’t look like much, but it was a start. Bismuth did her best: all of her hard-won knowledge, scrounged up information not meant for her or her kind, going towards building what she thought they would need to get weapon production up and running. Materials gathered at a great risk - Snowflake had chipped her gem during the last of the supply runs! Tools for Bismuth to try to replicate and experiment with, and a raided armoury with a wide variety of weapons for Bismuth to learn from, to suit every possible rebellious inclination. All arranged to enable what she judged might be a sensible workflow.
She decided to go with a simple, plain, straight-edged sword to start with - mid-length to her, meaning a dagger to some and a hefty two-hander to others. The sheer variety already present in the rebellion was half of its charm and point, wasn’t it just? And Bismuth wanted so very badly to fan the flames of it, to do everything she possibly could to see it, to see all of them, flourish and persevere and come out on top for once.
Bismuth tried, and tried, and tried again. Considered her mistakes, weaknesses, what she knew (or, doubt never failed to creep in, thought she knew) she was supposed to be doing and achieving here.
And failed.
The first blade that at least looked right shattered in her hands when she tried to force its tang through a guard and into a handle to put the whole thing together. The rest of its batch became hopelessly crooked when she quenched them.
She crushed the latest useless ingot she’d clearly gotten ore ratios wrong for in her fist and tossed it against the wall with a frustrated cry.
And of course, of course, that was the moment Pearl chose to walk in.
Her voice was filled with concern as she inched closer from the entrance, but there was a glint in her eyes that made it clear Pearl would not be deterred.
So, figuring she had nothing to lose, Bismuth allowed her shoulders to sag and let her misery show.
“I’m not cut out for this. Literally.”
Pearl snorted, hopping up onto the anvil with a deliberate and highly unconvincing casual air. “Tell me about it.”
Bismuth sighed, rubbing the back of her neck with a tiredness she wasn’t sure she was supposed to be capable of, and leaned next to her.
“I ever tell you of my first actual visit to a forge?”
Pearl shook her head.
“Wasn’t that long ago. I took the chance and snuck into a weapon production plant when the hematites weren’t around. Me and the other bismuths had been working on some training grounds right next to it and I’d wanted to see one for so long, so one day I just went for it. And it was... Well. The last time that place had seen a bismuth was when it was being built. I didn’t even fit in there, Pearl. I was too big for the bellows and too small for the anvils, and I could barely walk around the quenching baths they had set up. It was all just… wrong. The whole place was screaming at me, telling me I didn’t belong there and couldn’t if I tried.”
“You’re still trying, though, despite that,” Pearl pointed out, and swept an arm out to seemingly encompass the entire Forge. “And look at all of this! You’ve been working so hard to make it your own.”
2. That HDM/Daemon AU that desperately needs updating - I AM SO SORRY - but here’s some actual (distressing) plot from the underground resistance meeting.
Pearl led Rose to a chair at an empty table near the wall, but didn’t sit down herself. Instead, she went over to the centre of the room where someone had brought out a projecting lantern and several small reels. Aristobulus stood tall at her side, stretching his long neck, and Pearl squared her narrow shoulders and cleared her throat.
The room’s attention was fully on her within moments. Pearl wasn’t what one would ever call a commanding presence, but there was an odd air of almost-imperiousness to her now that made both Rose and Neshu want to stop and listen - not their usual inclination at all.
“As you’ve no doubt heard, 37 people have been arrested by the Consistorial Court of Discipline in the last two months, including two of our own,” Pearl began. “After a cursory sentencing for heresy, all trace of them had vanished. We have now found records of the fates of some of them. I will warn you that these recordings are…” Pearl’s hands folded on each other nervously, “extremely distressing.”
At her nod, someone dimmed the lights and the projection started with the flick of a tiny switch, and all the murmuring that Pearl’s grim warning had prompted died down.
The silent scene hanging in the dusty air seemed to be the inside of a highly advanced laboratory, mostly taken up by strange devices Rose couldn’t fathom a purpose for. The only occupants of the room were a woman a little older than Rose herself, and two dour-looking men in long white overcoats, suggesting some sort of doctor or scholar.
Both the woman and her kestrel daemon were strapped into a particularly large and ominous-looking contraption, with odd metallic coils surrounding the bird. As one of the men approached and expertly plugged in the connectors on a series of cables, the coils started to vibrate and rapidly heat up - enough to emit a glow visible even in the grainy monotone of the recording.
Before their eyes, the kestrel seemed to take on a glow, too, thrashing about as much as the restraints allowed. But then its body started to elongate, its shape twisting and stretching in ways that should have been impossible, losing wings but gaining countless insect-like feet, the beak looking more like mandibles by the second.
Then- sparks, and sudden darkness, and the horrifying experiment cut short by what appeared to be a power outage, with the recording cutting out soon after.
The room was deathly quiet as the projection lit up again. The scene changed, but the same woman was the focus of the projection, now struggling against half a dozen uniformed guards.
The kestrel - back in its original form, it seemed - fought valiantly, leaving deep gouges for many of the guards to remember him by. His human kicked and bit and struggled. But ultimately it was in vain, and they were outmatched and outnumbered, and soon enough thoroughly overpowered and shoved into separate chambers of yet another machine.
Silver grates closed and locked behind both of them, while a similarly silvery guillotine shone above and between them menacingly, and seemed to hum in anticipation.
Pearl looked down at the floor - she had to have seen the recording before, and looking at her and the way Aristobulus was subtly nudging his head against her hand, Rose felt a dawning fear she, too, knew what was coming.
The blade came down.
The woman didn’t die, and the daemon didn’t disperse into so much dust. But they both looked like they wished they had as they were dragged away in opposite directions, without even a whisper of strained bond between them.
Rose struggled to force her fingers, clenched tightly in Neshu’s mane, to relax their grip even a bit.
The scene changed again, and no matter how much she wished she could, Rose didn’t look away.
3. The huge, huge Pearl/Rose fixit-ish fic that I started as an attempt to deal with the gag order mess when ASPR was still fresh. In this excerpt: some Rose/Pink sky arena angst that probably makes a lot more sense in context.
She still looks the part of the fierce rebel leader as her solid, quartz-heavy fists smash into the perfectly hewn pink stone over and over and over again (just the pink, only ever the pink). But her diamond-hard knuckles don’t bruise, don’t bear a trace even as the first floating insignia cracks and shatters into haphazardly hovering fragments.
And why would there ever be any mark left on her? She is, after all, just a spoiled, untouchable princess in disguise, playing a losing game that’s costing lives, making others dance a deadly dance to her self-indulgent little tune. And she could declare herself bored of it, give it all up and abandon them to horrible fates and go home whenever she wanted to in order to be relieved of this burden she clearly wasn’t ready for after all, such a shame... and they wouldn’t even know…!
The weight of the thoughts sends her spiralling back down to the pockmarked floor of the Arena, her landing nothing approaching elegant. A voice she knows she can’t possibly be hearing because its owner is in a (pink, always pink) bubble, hidden away, calls her a coward and a traitor.
She kneels in the ruins of her own making and wonders if Bismuth had a hand in carefully carving out what she has just smashed to pieces. If Bismuth would have cheered her on in this highly symbolic bit of destruction, in what is obviously a very defiant, political act with no practical or tactical purpose but with such a clear and pointed message. Everyone will readily believe that - why would they not?
Everyone except Pearl.
Pearl, who she has now so unthinkingly cruelly reminded of her station, reduced her (reduced them both!) to what they have supposedly been working on growing past and leaving behind. And for what? Because she was terrified, in that moment, that Pearl would find out the truth? That, inevitably, no matter how many Homeworld bases she snuck into and how many of the Moonbase’s systems she scoured, she’d find no trace of Bismuth anywhere, and she’d turn to Rose with those eyes large and shining with betrayal…
Just like they were earlier today, after I forbid it and I order you to stop.
The illusion and the beautiful make-believe are as broken as the symbol - the symbol of her - and how can she even think of considering herself any different from White now, demanding and taking and having her way, draining colour and will and personality to make way for the obedience due a Diamond? Pearl had gone so still, in the wake of the Order, all of her gestures, from nervous to exuberant, gone without a trace, posture stiff and perfect. It all seems a negligible step away from an empty smile on a newly bleached-white face and perfectly poised, outstretched arms; from being faced with an eerie automaton in the place of someone she dared to consider a friend.
She- oh, she wants to call herself Rose but she can’t, she’s not, she’s failed at that every step of the way so far. Pink curls her pristine hands into her fanciful dress nobody sensible would think to fight a war in, and cries, useless miraculous healing tears that couldn’t ever hope to begin fixing what she has so carelessly broken.
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nexstage · 4 years
Larimar, Snowflake, and Centi: Can someone understand me?
For many people, it means the process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased.
However, for the gems like little Larimar, Snowflake, Centi and many others who suffered by the hands of the Diamonds that fateful day during the war, it meant two words: pain and confusion.
Ok, so that's an understatement because unless you're a gem, you can't get how it felt. Many things confused and/or upset people no matter how insignificant they were after all.
But the Corruption Attack, being corrupted, THAT was a whole, another story.
There were no words to describe it and, honestly, it's not that the healed gems were going to write an essay about what was the most traumatic moment of their quasi-immortal lives. Still, if someone asked them, they would have the same idea: it was like being swallowed by a hell made of confusion and pain.
Not that gems knew what hell was, but that explanation was enough for them to illustrate their trauma. After all, when your light form is twisted by a blinding blast and your mind wakes up with the sole programming of attacking and tearing everything apart as if you were going to die if you didn't do it, then it's understandable that the only concept of being corrupted is that one: being messed up endlessly.
No one was there to help you, no one was there to calm you down, there was no escape. Your body didn't felt like it was yours anymore, it was more from a beast.
The worst part was the mind.
Before the Corruption, a gem knew what to do and whom to follow. A gem knew who she was. After it happened, nothing made sense anymore.
It was an agglomeration of scrambled words, feelings, memories, and sensations that forced themselves to fit with the other creating a chaotic image, the only guide when you were corrupted.
A gem tried to make sense of it, but the mind of a beast had its limits and that's when the pain came to the picture.
It was a void where the word 'Lost' reigned ruthlessly. The corrupted ones could resort to their claws and fangs, to their strength and agility, to that animalistic nature that had replaced their calculating minds; however, it didn't last against others who were luckier than them for not being corrupted and for having better plans to deal with the unfortunate ones.
Too many aspects that were new for the gems when they came to Earth, before the Corruption, became utterly terrifying and overwhelming. They couldn't remember, and the feelings of helplessness and frustration hurt them more, made them snap and get attacked and bubbled which was worse.
Just with a single attack, any spark of hope left them.
But then, Steven came to the picture too.
The kid who, for the corrupted ones, was just another enemy or prey of their claws, and still he decided to face the fearsome Diamonds so they could be healed.
That sweet little human with gem powers who was looking for a solution so they could get back their lives and not suffer anymore.
It was because of him that they could live peacefully, and while some of them went back to Homeworld and slowly adjusted to the changes of a dismantled empire, the others -Crystal Gems and gems who wanted to start a new life on Earth- stayed on the planet to learn new things. Still, all of them had one thing in common: their absolute gratitude and respect towards Steven Universe.
And therefore, it was a huge and terrible surprise for Centi to be told that his little friend, his savior, had disappeared with his car to an unknown place.
It was supposed to be a surprise visit and some time hanging out with Steven, catching up and know if things were ok with him on Earth. However, when she and her crew received the news about his sudden departure, they couldn't believe it.
At first, Centi thought it was just a short journey Steven had to realize for some errand or another reason, her denial being strong enough to put her worst fears aside concerning the boy's well-being.
Everything collapsed, though, after a very somber explanation.
Steven wasn't doing ok. In fact, both the Crystal Gems and his 'dad' - as the human called Greg referred to himself- had noticed, pretty late, unfortunately, some unhealthy and worrying patterns of behavior in Steven that got worse until the last straw came, the cactus incident.
Centi's mind was divided in two. On one hand, she wanted to blame her former enemies due to their incompetence that led Steven to ran away from Beach City to stars-knows-where. The glares and open hostility on her part towards the Crystal Gems were very clear signals of that. On the other hand, she felt compelled to act, although impulsively, almost going to Homeworld to call the Diamonds to find Steven.
One of the Crystal Gems, the Pearl, stopped her by telling her that the Diamonds would cause a big scandal because not all Earth had getting used to see and interact with gems. And if Steven found out, he would freak out.
So, now she was in the center of Little Homeworld, accompanied not only by her crew but also two former Crystal Gems: a Larimar and a Snowflake Obsidian.
Before all this mess, she wouldn't imagine interacting with former enemies. However, the war was over, all the corrupted gems were healed and living their own lives, and bringing Steven back was the goal in common for her, her crew and those Crystal Gems.
What was most surprising, though, was how understanding they were at her worries despite her initial distrust at them.
"You know, when I was a mindless monster I thought deep down that I would never get back my life. But Steven gave me another chance and here I am, now. And yeah, Pearl and the other Crystal Gems are my friends and I don't like it when someone is mad at them, but I get it. Steven is truly important for all of us. If it weren't for him, we would still be monsters"
The Larimar, Little Larimar as she called herself, nodded at her friend's words "Steven helped me to find my purpose. And that is making others happy, especially human children. I don't know what kind of purpose do you have now that the war is over, but whatever it is, it must be really treasured by you because Steven gave you a chance to find it. Someone like him is so difficult to find these days and a big blessing"
"Yeah, he is" Centi agreed and even her crew members nodded at that "At first he attacked me because he saw me as a threat. But, the second time we met, he was so kind to me. He listened to me when I told him what happened before the Corruption"
"He even faced the Diamonds to bring us back" a nephrite of the crew intervened sadly.
"He might be a Crystal Gem, but he sees all the gems as equals and helps them no matter what", another nephrite said while clutching her left arm anxiously.
"Everyone here is in debt with Steven, and even if he would have never accepted us owing him so much because of how he is, we still need to do it. We have to"
And so, they started their own search.
If someone had told Larimar and Snowflake that looking for a human on a planet full of humans was going to be difficult or almost impossible, they would have ignored them.
As veteran Crystal Gems, both only knew one thing, and that was that action and determination could lead you anywhere. Whether it was war or any other project, if you don't have the guts to make it true, then it's useless to keep going. However, as days went by, the two gems came to the conclusion that just a strong resolve wasn't enough to find someone.
No clues, no handprints not even a single note. Steven really wanted to not be found.
"What kind of places should we list to start?" asked Centi to one of them, Larimar to be exact.
As surreal as it sounded, despite the bad blood between Crystal Gems and Homeworld Gems, both Snowflake and Larimar could befriend Centi and her crew while looking for Steven.
So, maybe it was because all of them were corrupted and saved by him because they cared about him because Steven befriended them and helped them to adjust to a new era. Maybe those were the only reasons to make a team with former enemies. However, with time they started to bond over other things like what they liked, how they were finding themselves without wars or Diamonds' orders around, their opinions about Era 3, trivialities. Anything that crossed their minds.
Just like that, differences stopped existing between each other, and yeah, at first they wondered why but then it became obvious: there were others whose experiences you could relate to, even if they were Homeworld Gems.
That single realization gave Larimar an idea "Guys, did anyone know how Steven was doing?" that question froze everyone's work. Seconds of silence turned into minutes due to a deep reflection.
"He wouldn't have left if someone knew he wasn't ok, wouldn't he?" a Nephrite said, but she didn't sound that sure.
"I think this isn't about if someone knew how Steven was doing, it was more about if they could understand how he felt" Snowflake's opinion got everyone nodding. It made sense, after what they had heard of how Steven was behaving, it felt as if he was isolating himself because there was no one who could comprehend what he was going through.
"I still remembered when I corrupted," Centi said somberly "I felt so lost and alone. Even with my crew at my side, I didn't know if this torment would end. Steven still tried and listened to me. I didn't feel so lonely after that"
"Did he have someone to do the same for him?" another member of Centi's crew asked concerned.
A heavy silence made itself present as the answer.
It was worrying as much as it was tragic.
How long would have Steven gone through that? Giving his ears and shoulders to anyone who needed them but finding a lack of support despite the love everyone gave him.
Then another more confusing question came, is love enough to prevent events like this from happening? But if it were so simple as that, Steven would still be here and ok.
"What if Steven is looking for someone like him?" Larimar's question was strange and their raised eyebrows demanded an explanation.
"We can understand each other because we know how terrifying it was the Corruption Attack or be corrupted. He may be feeling scared for some reason but no one can see it in his way"
"A human with gem powers, that is unique indeed" Snowflake pensive expression then turned into a scowl "I don't think his sudden journey is going to be successful. Never before has been someone like Steven. A mix of human and gem. Garnet told me it was like a fusion"
"Instead of searching another hybrid between human and gem, he might be looking for people who have enough ears and shoulders that he can rely on"
"We can give him that" a Nephrite intervened by showing her shapeshifting abilities to multiply her shoulders "There will be enough and even more for him to pick"
"I think it goes beyond the number" Larimar sat in a rock in the middle of the huge Strawberry Battlefield.
Even when the war was over, the air still felt heavy and bitter in the area. The screams, the clash of weapons, pieces of cracked and shattered gems covering the ground, the sky the color of blood.
Larimar hoped, really hoped, that Steven wasn't here hiding because this place, despite being calm and beautiful now, only harbored dark memories and feelings.
Perhaps that's how Steven was doing right now. Trying to keep a bravado or smile to everyone, even if inside of him there was a raged storm.
And no one better than him could get that sensation, but Steven didn’t want himself to understand him, he wanted another person.
"Larimar, something on your mind?" Snowflake put a comforting hand on her shoulder, encouraging her kindly to tell her what's wrong.
"Is it enough for someone to just have themselves?"
That was a very philosophical question. And no, Snowflake didn't know what to answer.
"Care to elaborate?"
"I mean, when we were corrupted we were scared, hurt and confused. We didn't have anyone, we couldn't remember who we were. If it weren't for Steven it would have been worse. So, how can someone be understood or feel like they're being listened if having themselves isn't even enough?"
"Honestly, I don't know. But we had the chance to be listened, to be helped. Steven gave us that chance"
"It's time for us to return the favor" Centi, who hadn't been that far away from the two gems, approached them after hearing what they were saying.
"We'll listen to him as long as he wants," another Nephrite said, determinedly.
"We can be those shoulders he lacked"
"Because we know how it feels to be lost and terrified"
"We'll try as hard as possible. He deserves it. He needs it"
Resolution ran through their bodies as if it were blood coursing through veins. Whether Steven was finding someone else to understand him or finding himself, once they found his savior, they will help him by being by his side.
That single step wouldn't be enough but it would be the way to make Steven see that people got his back.
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fanfoolishness · 5 years
I know she’s not on the list but can I suggest Centi/Nephrite? And with that Little Homeworld and Fluff? (She deserves more love!) but if you don’t want to do Centi (which is totally cool!!) then I guess Bismuth Little Homeworld Fluff?
Earth’s sun was a strange thing to get used to.  Stranger still, seeing it clearly through her own eye again.
Nephrite watched the sun rise over the distant ocean, magenta and gold rays fiery bright on the sea’s surface.  From this tall hill, Little Homeworld lived up to its name, its colorful structures small against the last lingering shadows of the predawn.  Beach City beyond it was even smaller, its buildings barely discernible from this distance, but the sun’s liquid flames edged along the town’s borders, filling them with light.
It was a beautiful sight, one she greeted every morning.  Knowing the world changed anew every day – and yet remained itself – brought comfort.
She lay back in the chill of the dewy grass, content.  The world was quiet here, a balm against millennia of confusion, fear, and violence that she could barely remember.  Corruption left marks both clear and hidden.  While the memories were never clear, they still seethed at times beneath the surface, a tangled mess she could not hope to decipher.  Sometimes they were so loud –
But even at their worst, the memories were softer here.  She closed her eye, a small smile spreading across her face.
“Room for one more?” asked a familiar voice.
Nephrite opened her eye, smiling.  “I thought you – what’s the word – sleep at this time of day.”
Steven yawned, laying down in the damp grass beside her.  He gazed up at the sky.  “Yeah, I’m supposed to,” he said with a small smile.  “But sometimes I like the quiet.”
“Me too,” said Nephrite.  She considered him for a moment, a picture of contradictions, human and Diamond both.  Surely something so strange had never existed in all the galaxy.  
And yet there she was, corruption scars forever traced through her form, Gem and monster both.  She grinned at him, then leaned over and opened the bag at her side.
“Chaps?” she asked.
Steven chuckled.  “All part of a balanced breakfast.”  He took a handful of chips, and the sound of their crunching filled the morning silence.
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sharethisgemwithme · 6 years
“Legs from Here to Homeworld” instant reaction
TONIGHT: Right after "Reunited" aired, Joe Johnston posted on Tumblr a sketch that said "Psst, SDCC is in two weeks", so we all had an idea something was gonna happen. But I did not expect an entire episode to be aired. Shows what I know. Anyway, while the episode title was already known (I think from a French language episode list), I don't think an episode synopsis was out there. Well, the episode was shown at SDCC and was posted online yesterday, and I did not successfully avoid ALL spoilers, so I'm pretty sure we're jumping right into it. After having gone five seasons without ever using the name "White Diamond", are we about to actually meet her? At the very least, given the episode title, I think we're digging up Pink's ship from the desert and taking a road trip.
As always, my first watch is without pausing or rewinding. The episode isn't available on the website, only through the app, which has been being a bit laggy but hopefully there aren't any problems. The stopwatch starts as close to "We..." as possible. Since the episode hasn’t aired on TV yet, the rest is behind a cut.
Pre-0:00 - That said, we've been getting some crazy convoluted episode titles of late, like "A Single Pale Rose" and "Now We're Only Falling Apart" that aren't directly referenced in the episode themselves. 0:00 - I'm very glad that the thumbnail for this is just the group shot from the intro. No spoilers that way. 0:01 - "A sneak preview" and by that we mean the whole thing. 0:22 - Legs - Amber, Hilary and a new person, Tom? 0:32 - Lots of crying. 0:41 - Bismuth, you've got a lot to learn. Someone fill her in. 0:54 - Yeah, that Connie thing was a bit of a continuity error but we'll forgive it. 1:14 - She didn't know. 1:26 - A pretty loud "ahem" there from Pearl. 1:45 - That's a good enough explanation. Maybe Greg could help explain a bit more. 1:59 - Oh good, I'm sure there's a torturous method to get your memories. 2:16 - Oh hey, it's time to go meet Centi! 2:35 - Demonstrate it so we can see who she's supposed to be. 2:44 - "Help her"? What does "help" mean? 3:05 - Whoa. That... almost worked. 3:15 - I think this means we need a group effort. 3:24 - AND IF WE NEED A GROUP EFFORT, DO WE NEED ALL FOUR? 3:31 - NEW VOICE. And she's trapped in her last thoughts before the attack. 3:52 - NEPHRITE, AS WAS PREDICTED. 4:02 - And "Hessonite", as was predicted after "Save the Light". 4:19 - It's not Pink's fault that you tried to fucking kill everyone. 4:40 - THE FOUR OF US. 4:48 - BOOM. 4:52 - Oh man is she... 5:01 - She's above any sort of communication? 5:24 - What do you mean search? Steven, you dingus. 5:45 - WE GOT US A SHIP. 5:55 - That is a hell of a ship. 6:12 - "Diplomatic mission", I know Rebecca wrote something about Connie being diplomatic "like a Blue gem" 6:20 - I think Priyanka shares my thought about "that ship is a gigantic butt" 6:59 - Bismuth's got a bad feeling about this. 7:16 - She thinks this is a trap? 7:35 - Oh yeah, Lapis and Peridot have to reform still. 7:49 - That's gonna be another awkward reunion when Lapis realizes what's going on. 8:05 - So what was Blue's power before she was absurdly sad? 8:16 - oh my goodness, they showed its crotch 8:50 - so did we bring centi? how are we going to fix a gem if we don't bring her? 9:21 - luckily space travel doesn't take that long in this ship. 9:32 - homeworld is janked! 9:45 - by "a while", do you mean like fifty years 10:00 - riot! riot! 10:10 - another new pearl. 10:20 - somebody got sapphires to explain the situation. 10:42 - yikes. 10:52 - "NOW IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GET BACK TO WORK" 11:10 - Yup, that's not a good thing.
Immediate reaction: So the reason nobody's mentioned White is because she's even more over-the-top than Yellow and Blue. And she showed it right off the bat. No one gets to explain stuff to a supreme dictator. But seriously, gems, you need to explain things to Steven before desperation time! Lots of little lore ideas that got confirmed, like Centi being a Nephrite, and her boss being Hessonite. Lots to rewatch this episode for (like, to answer Priyanka's question, does Connie have a sword? The one she was using just got destroyed), and can't wait for the next one, which according to counting should be the "season finale".
Credit notes: The card with the cast is a little wonky. Patti LuPone's name is in a different font. Nephrite's VA is comedian Aparna Nancherla (which is misspelled in the credits as "Nancheria"). No specific credit for the cheering crowd of Aquamarines, Peridots, and... couldn't quite tell who the other gems were. Oh, yeah, and White Diamond. All those rumors about Christine Ebersole were TRUE, she is the voice of White Diamond. AND, if these credits are accurate, also the voice of White Pearl!
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