#yeah the way this book depicts eastern europeans isn't great
ladondelphi · 1 year
As we approach Dracula season again, I want to go over the fact that something’s kinda culturally lost due to how old Dracula is.
Like, when we all think of Victorian England, we think of gothic horror. We think of vampires, spooky things in the night, and a less civilized past.
But the whole POINT of gothic horror was the terror of bringing these things to the modern day. To the Victorians, vampires, spooky things, and a less civilized past was all stuff they had gotten over, and boy wouldn’t it be scary if that stuff popped up in our age of science?
One of the big points of horror in Dracula is that Dracula himself goes undetected for so long because the Big Brain English™ all think vampires aren’t real, while the Romanians that said English perceive as backwards and less civilized actually DO understand what’s up with their good ol’ count.
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