#yeah there's no point in posting this and I'm just a self-pitying little bitch who can't ever shut up and just deal with things
I just need to vent, sorry this'll be all over the place probably
I'm upset because of something my partner did, or rather didn't do in this case. I explain how his behaviour hurt me, what would make it better, and what we could do to prevent this from happening again. he nods and makes affirmative noises and maybe says he's sorry in the end, usually after at least 10 minutes.
half an hour later the same thing happens again, I just want to be comforted and shown that he even cares that he made me feel that way. he just stands there and says nothing. I get upset because it hurts. he says nothing. I tell him to just go to bed then because being ignored like that while he's just standing there hurts so much more. he doesn't react. I get more upset. I tell him to go, more loudly this time because I can't stand this feeling anymore. he leaves. he goes to bed, and doesn't talk to me until the next day.
and I feel like a huge fucking bitch. because everyone says 'but he's so nice, you shouldn't treat him like that or he'll leave you', 'maybe he just can't talk under pressure', 'maybe he just needs a moment to think'
it's been 10 years. 10 years of this. but it's my fault. I communicate everything so clearly, I tell him exactly what I need, I don't try to hint at shit and expect him to read my mind. I offer so many things that could help. I try to understand what made him react this way. but how am I supposed to figure it out if he doesn't talk to me.
yes he's nice, he's the sweetest and most gentle guy I've ever met, I enjoy spending time with him, I can be around him without going crazy. but when anything even remotely negative or difficult happens it's like his mind just leaves and it's just his body there. and I'm just alone.
I know the logical solution would be to just leave him, but life isn't that fucking simple. I can't work, I can barely manage to feed myself some days, he helps me a lot and I'd be lost without him. I love him, and I like him. usually, when he's not being like this. but I can't stand this anymore. it happens at least once a week, sometimes more, and sometimes he does do better and tries to talk (but it's always just the exact phrases that I used when I was explaining what's wrong, not anything that he thinks of himself).
it feels like being with a cardboard cutout when this happens. like there's just nothing there. and that makes me feel especially bad because I'm fairly sure he's neurodivergent and that's the issue but like, so am I and I know it's *my* job to work on my own issues. no one has ever offered to help me with that and I still managed to get better at dealing with difficult situations, I looked for help and resources and used them. I say what I need and what would help, and it doesn't matter.
I just don't know how to fix something that can't be fixed with words. I remember feeling the same way when my mother would scream at me even though I did nothing wrong - the words I say won't matter because they don't care/aren't listening/don't want to hear it. and that makes me feel so powerless and weak and lost, just like when I was a kid. I don't know how to fix it. all I want is to talk about things and be heard and get an honest, real reaction.
I just want to be able to talk about this with anyone. but everyone always says its my fault. I should be grateful that he's a good man and doesn't beat me or yell at me or cheat or whatever. he works, he supports me, how dare I demand anything beyond that. but don't I deserve to be treated like a person despite being too ill to work? I try so fucking hard to do better every day, I want to be better, I want to be enough.
but it's not enough, and I'm stuck, and I'll always be stuck. I want to be happy because this is so much better than I ever imagined my life would be. but I don't want just this. I want someone who really, honestly cares about me. not just someone who's used to me and would maybe feel a bit sad if I left. more than anything I just want someone who will talk to me.
I never know what he's thinking or how he's feeling because he won't tell me. he doesn't talk about anything deeper than memes or video games or a video he's watched or something. I try and try and try and he just won't open up. I know I'm just a fucking idiot for letting myself be treated like this for so long, well either that or I'm a demanding bitch who isn't happy with what she has. I don't know. maybe it's both.
it's probably both.
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6eetle · 11 months
Quickie thing i'm gonna blog about today teehee
it gets a little personal so if you dont wanna see allat i'll just put it under the cut
So like, this has been something that's been on my mind the past few weeks just as a floating concept in my mind. But today, my mom was looking at me try on a new coat. She asked me to come closer so she could examine it better so yk, i did, but then her attention drew to my face. She placed her hand on my cheek and when i looked at her she had a look of like?? absolute concern? Bewilderment, even! Why? Facial hair. Not enough to be considered a beard or anything but enough to be noticeable. She was all like "is that your hair?" (as in my actual head hair) and i was like..no? its like she didnt wanna believe it. No way! your DAUGHTER whos a GIRL has MAN hormones running through HER body! SHE isn't supposed to have FACIAL HAIR!
And I mean, technically I shouldn't have facial hair. I only have it because of PCOS. But then I think back to everything and the several cycles of denial, self-consciousness, confusion, and all the negative things I've thought about regarding the way that I am. The way my body works. And at some point I sorta just. Broke that cycle? I mean, it's still insanely difficult to accept sometimes when you pass as a woman to everyone on the outside but the INSTANT they see little ol me with some thick sideburns they get a worrisome look. Almost like they pity me! I've been told so many goddamn times as of recent years.. "Ness, you don't look like a woman! :(" "Ness! Here's some tips on how to shave!" My whole family looks at me like it's some horrible disease and that I just live in total absolute misery with a little extra hair lmao. I've even had a little kid come up to me and ask "do you have a beard?" and then it just felt like the whole room had eyes on me. But one thing I've noticed about it all is that I don't really care..? Heck, I even like it a little! But because of my own family always giving me weird looks for embracing something that's a normal bodily function by nature I feel insecure about it anyway. Not for myself, but for others. Because fuck dude!! maybe they're right! I don't pass as a woman! I mean I'm not a woman to myself, I identify as nonbinary with maybe a little bit of femininity in the mix, but that doesn't matter because they don't like it. because they think it's unnatural and is a problem that has to be treated.
And it's like. Idk man i'm so sick of being pitied and treated like some poor soul who doesn't know how to take care of themself. What I do with my body is my business. Why does it concern you??? Why do people always look at me and are so fucking put off by that small little feature about me? Always cherry-picking what should and shouldn't happen with my development. I didn't choose to grow the hair, I chose to keep it. And I'm going to continue to keep it because at the end of the day I've accepted it's a part of me. And it's super fucked that they only see me as some anomaly rather than a being who can, like everyone else, develop parts of them that are natural in a biological sense, but not natural to gender roles, beauty standards or whatever. Traits that are "ugly". It's super disappointing. Like yeah I'm beautiful until I start growing a beard or something i guess
This isn't necessarily a vent post I would say. In fact, I want to be positive about it! Because I really wanna emphasize the idea that no one should be in charge of the way you look, or the way you decide to love your body. Despite what's "wrong" with me, I'm totally fine, because i allow myself to be. Life is so much more peaceful when you don't got a bitch in your ear telling you things you already know!!!! Telling you to shave and look more lady-like!!! I think I'm winning tbh :3 Oh I don't look like a perfect soft-to-the-touch skin "not a hair in sight" girl? Sexcellent.
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Janis & Grace
Janis: [When the first snap] Janis: what the fuck Grace: my reaction to you being in my inbox rn tbh babes Janis: what the hell are you doing Grace: none of your business ever Janis: it's everyone's business now don't you know Grace: & that's the only reason that you care Grace: whatever I told him not to post it Janis: are you for real Janis: yeah, he tends not to listen, did you not get that memo either Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: we ALL got it, hun Janis: evidently not Grace: oh you wish Grace: he told me everything so Janis: I bet Janis: for your own sake get over how much you hate me and love yourself a bit Janis: this is pathetic, even for you Grace: get over yourself Grace: nothing I do is about you Janis: this isn't about you Janis: and you know it Janis: come on Grace, fucking hell Grace: like I said, you wish Grace: you think I'm pathetic but what's thinking everyone's obsessed with you? Janis: get a grip Janis: he's vile and this all started because I really did not wish Janis: realistic Janis: is what it is right now Grace: OMG Grace: you first Grace: suddenly you care, I think not Grace: leave me alone, I really was living for it Janis: Yeah I care that you don't make an absolute joke out of yourself Grace: welcome to my world for like years, bitch Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: whatever, I'm not engaging in this with you Janis: I would never do this, none of us would Grace: sure Grace: that's so believable Janis: you're cracked Janis: whatever we might reckon about this family you were raised to have more self-respect than this, it's bullshit Grace: ugh shut up Grace: you're so full of it Janis: full of what Grace: I'm the family disappointment all of a sudden, okay Grace: get real Janis: did I say that Janis: don't feel sorry for yourself when you're the only one who can do something about it Grace: I don't Grace: you're the one trying to make me go there Grace: it's honestly so cringe Janis: Go where Grace: oh please Grace: you're trying to make me feel bad Grace: duh Grace: it's your thing Janis: feel bad because you're letting yourself be used and for literally the most ridiculous reason Janis: yeah, I do Janis: the fact you don't is worrying Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: you should feel bad that you're thinking so much about him when you literally have a boyfriend Grace: but sure keeping telling yourself it's about you though, babes Grace: bet the barista loves that Janis: thinking so much about him? Janis: fuck you he literally publically shamed me, not to mention the fact he lied Janis: it is about me, no matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise Grace: he shouldn't have posted the pic, he feels bad about it Grace: & he got beat up so it's not like he hasn't suffered Grace: it's gone now Grace: obvs it's shaming when lads out you Grace: but not my fault or my problem Janis: no he doesn't, Grace Janis: and shames me for what? I haven't done anything wrong Janis: it's fucked he'd do it even if I had done what he claimed but I literally haven't so that's 10x worse than it already was Grace: whatever you say, babes Grace: literally didn't ask Grace: keep your protests for your man Janis: fuck this Janis: go ahead, they're already laughing so why not Grace: thanks so much Grace: didn't need your permission though, never have Janis: yeah, you're really showing me Janis: that's what it is then, yeah Janis: think I actually like him 💔 Grace: It couldn't be less about you Grace: & I know you don't like him Grace: I'm not that stupid Janis: as I said, not about you so Janis: give him all the attention 'cos I ain't rising to it Grace: I meant what I'm doing isn't about you, bitch Grace: not thinking about you at all rn Grace: sorry about it Janis: devestating Janis: I don't care, Grace Janis: sort yourself out, that's all I'm interested in Grace: obvs Grace: keep away from me, that's all I'm interested in Grace: there's no need for us to be having this convo Grace: or any Janis: there's every need Grace: no Grace: there isn't Janis: yes, there is Janis: this is fucked and you're a mess Grace: according to you that's me true to form Grace: so like I said, stop wasting your time & mine Janis: no Grace: ugh Grace: just go away Janis: again Janis: no Grace: what are you even trying to do? Grace: other than cluttering up my inbox just like before Janis: knock some sense into you Janis: everyone is laughing at you, Grace Janis: do you want me to send you the screenshots, and this is after one stupid picture Grace: yeah obvs I want that Grace: don't be stupid Janis: you need to know Janis: imagine how bad it's going to be at School Janis: it isn't worth it Grace: like I don't Grace: like it isn't really bad at school anyway Janis: so you need to make it worse Janis: hand them more ammunition Grace: I already told you, I told him not to post the pic, okay Grace: god Janis: why did you even talk to him Janis: never mind go meet him Grace: to get him to take the picture of you down, duh Grace: but then he talked to me so Janis: and told you what you want to hear Janis: you aren't an idiot, you know it's not true Grace: am I not? since when Grace: that's all I am to you Grace: you're the one telling me what you think I wanna hear rn Janis: this isn't about what's been said between us Janis: you know it isn't Janis: it's not real Grace: this is the first time you've spoken to me since then Grace: you don't get to go back on it like that Grace: that's not real Janis: you haven't spoken to me either Janis: it can all stand if you want, I told you, I don't care Janis: I told you, this isn't about you and me Grace: why do you think I haven't spoken to you, babes Grace: you don't care Grace: acting like you do so you can get what you want isn't gonna work Grace: awks I know Janis: what I want Janis: I have nothing to gain from this Janis: it's you that'll lose everyone's respect, never mind your own Grace: then literally stop talking to me about it OMG Grace: I can't lose what I never had, can I, hun? So whatever Janis: no Janis: come on, that shit matters to you Grace: you have no idea what matters to me Janis: and this is it, is it Janis: not your family or friends, your youtube, nothing like that Janis: this random dickhead who wants to fuck me Janis: that's the hill to live and die on Janis: very convincing Grace: he only wants to cos you won't Grace: if I turned down lads for that there'd be nobody left Janis: you could turn down lads for not having a shred of decency Grace: then who's left? Grace: your boyfriend Janis: plenty of lads Janis: they don't have to be perfect or the love of your life or anything reaching Janis: but you don't have to settle for being part of some stupid fucked up attention grab Grace: stop Janis: you need to hear this Grace: I don't need anything from you Grace: & I don't want to talk to you Janis: I don't care and it isn't from me Janis: it's facts, the truth Janis: you don't get to ignore it, you can't Grace: OMG Grace: I can't keep telling you that I can literally do whatever I want Grace: get over it Janis: why do you want to do this then Grace: why would I ever tell you Janis: you don't need to, I know why Janis: ask yourself, think about it Grace: sure Janis: just sort it out Janis: alright Grace: just leave me alone Grace: go back to that Janis: whatever you want Grace: 👌👌👌 Grace: bye Janis: later Janis: [after the tattoo] Janis: get your friendship goals touched up whilst you were there too? Grace: obvs Grace: try to be home as little as possible ever duh Janis: sure Janis: if you're gonna make everyone as uncomfortable as you made Igs then probably for the best rn isn't it Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: you're the only allowed to be OTT with your PDA in the kitchen, I know Janis: yeah, 'cos Iggy is such a prude Janis: more the fact your 'boyfriend' is a horrible person with no respect for you Janis: so yeah, that was nice, put him in that position 'cos you know Mum would never sign off on that Grace: there's no respect for me anywhere Grace: soooo tragic Grace: ugh, get a hobby babes Grace: he offered when Harry got all highkey about my touch up Grace: there was no drama Janis: you first Janis: namely one that doesn't include permanently scarring your body for people who don't care about you Janis: there is drama, you ain't here Grace: & now you care Grace: cos its my drama Grace: you couldn't care less about the amount you caused when you left Grace: honestly such a hypocrite Janis: I still don't Janis: it's you that does Janis: or has always claimed to Janis: so you'll be wanting to fix this Grace: mum knows how to get a hold of me if she wants to go off Grace: be even more hypocritical than you but anyways Janis: none of them want to go off on you Janis: much as that would vindicate you, clearly Janis: they're just really sad for you Grace: sure Grace: excuse me if I don't rush home for that Janis: you love a pity party Janis: and it's all for you, no sharing Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: well I'm busy so Janis: no you ain't Grace: rude Grace: & untrue Janis: you never are these days Janis: aimless Janis: again, sad Grace: go ahead & cry about it if you want, babes Janis: she already has, like Grace: stop trying to guilt me Grace: you're the literal worst Janis: it's nothing but the truth Grace: oh sure Grace: there's nothing to cry about Grace: unlike when you disappeared Janis: yeah, probably have that talk with ma Janis: she disagrees Janis: Ri's here, sure she'll bullet point their stance for you Grace: like I said, they know how to get hold of me Janis: do they Janis: 'cos it ain't connecting, is it Grace: ugh Grace: stop talking Janis: ugh Janis: start listening Janis: and thinking Grace: listening to what? Grace: everyone thinking I'm so stupid & so tragic Grace: why would I? Janis: reason, for one Grace: no thanks Janis: not an option Grace: you don't get to tell me my options so Janis: yeah, I do Janis: unless you're clinically braindead, it isn't an option Janis: again, just facts Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: what is it Janis: not got enough attention yet Grace: I've had enough of yours Grace: but you never take the hint do you Janis: nah Janis: you ain't though Janis: you do know he's still messaging me, yeah Grace: how would I know that? Grace: I'm not going through his phone Grace: stalk much Janis: you should be Janis: highly doubt I'm the only one Janis: might want to check your friends whilst you're at it Janis: [screenshots 'cos duh] Grace: thanks yeah Janis: 👍 just doing my bit Grace: v appreciated obvs Janis: know it's not a shock but Janis: you going to dump him when you find out he's physically cheating too or is that all chill too Grace: but you had your 🤞 like Grace: so sorry I'm not 💔 Janis: yeah Janis: wouldn't hate snapping you out of this shit Grace: well I would so Janis: fairytale, is it? Janis: your family pitying you and worried to death, your friends all laughing behind your back whilst contemplating letting him get them on theirs Janis: the Gracie dream, yeah Janis: show me how right I had you pegged when I said all that shit I shouldn't have Janis: that's winning Grace: for you & the barista sure thing 💘💘💘 Grace: I don't get one Grace: & defs not with him Grace: so the fam can be as extra as they want & the girls can be as slaggy as they want Janis: this is self-imposed Janis: the martyr look doesn't suit Grace: IKR Grace: I'm exactly where I wanna be, babes Janis: no, you're not Janis: and no one is buying it Janis: not him Janis: not you Grace: it was his idea to get the tat not mine so Grace: he's obvs hating every moment Janis: nah, he's loving it Janis: the more needy he can make you look, the more points he gets Grace: good luck to the boy Janis: are you joking Janis: obviously Janis: you're aware how pathetic you look because you're doing it on purpose Janis: every post Janis: reading like satire but your audience don't know what that means Grace: sure Grace: this is literally so boring Grace: just make your point so someone else can have their turn Janis: ooh to have an inbox full of #concern Janis: keep it up Janis: might earn the intervention they never bothered having for edie Janis: that'll be nice for everyone Grace: 🤞🤞 Grace: I'll stop short of running away or trying meth though, obvs Janis: nothing #obvs about it Janis: more like her with every new boy and new ink Janis: it's uncanny, really Grace: oh please Janis: I mean it Grace: yeah, you always do Janis: what, you think you're better than her now? Grace: why can't I? you think you're better than me Grace: you didn't fuck him, well done Grace: I did & it was pretty good actually so Janis: fuck who you like Janis: don't marry them and let them treat you like shit for the world to see Grace: I wasn't planning on it but thanks for the tips Janis: you already are Janis: say to little too late but you were warned Grace: get a grip Grace: I am not Grace: we hang out & hook up it's not that deep Janis: you get matching tattoos and wax on about how goals he is like you've got something to prove Janis: not that deep Janis: you're exactly like her Janis: maybe that's what it is Janis: nice to fit in with the 'I don't fit in' crowd, yeah Janis: interesting Grace: OMG I told you that was his idea Grace: & it's how people talk Grace: I'm not like her Grace: shut up Janis: and you therefore HAD to do it Janis: you know, reckon Da's probably a bit TOO nice Janis: can still make a case for why it's okay to have all these daddy issues Janis: the real #goals Grace: seriously STOP it Janis: you Grace: it's not about dad or you or Edie Grace: god Grace: why does it have to be about everyone else Janis: that's what I'm telling you Janis: it's all about you Grace: then stop talking about them Grace: you said that you never get to have anything, that you just wanted one thing Grace: him Grace: why can't I? Grace: why can't I just do something cos I want to Janis: 'cos it's a fucked thing to want Janis: Eds really wanted to do meth and whatever she wanted all the time and guess what Janis: they all let her and she ended up fucked up and then dead Janis: family doesn't let family do that Grace: like you said, they did Janis: like I've said, they were bad parents Janis: I reckon they still are but you can disagree Grace: & you're a bad sister Grace: so am I Janis: Undoubtedly Grace: literally then what does it matter Grace: we're not a family Janis: we are Janis: like it or not Grace: no, we're not Grace: it's too late to act like it now Grace: & you're not a part of it even if we all did Janis: you ain't dead yet Janis: and I am, sorry Grace: I fucking thought you were Grace: do you know that Janis: how would I Janis: you've not spoken to me Grace: cos I can't Janis: you haven't tried Grace: bitch I've tried for years Grace: you don't want to be my sister Grace: you don't even want to be in the same room as me Janis: as I said, we unavoidably are Grace: that literally makes it worse not better Janis: do you want me to apologize for being born? Grace: I want you to stop being such a bitch all the time but it's obvs not ever happening Janis: so you do Janis: alright Janis: I'm really sorry for being born, Grace Grace: apology not accepted, babes Grace: you weren't born like this Janis: neither were you Janis: but I'm not asking you to be sorry Janis: just do better Grace: ugh here we go Grace: every convo is about how much I need to change or do better Grace: you think mum and dad are shit, doesn't mean you have to do their job, hun Janis: clearly, it does Janis: and this one, and most of them actually, is about how you need to not let people treat you like shit Grace: sure Grace: except when it's you Grace: that just needs to happen Janis: can't pick your family Janis: you treat me just as bad Janis: but as I said, don't care if we never talk again Grace: I literally do not Grace: but whatever, if you don't care, go away Grace: I'm not doing this with you, I told you before Janis: sort it out and I will Grace: there's nothing to sort out Janis: not true Grace: true as far as what you want me to do Janis: no Grace: I'm too busy for this Janis: still no Grace: just shut up OMG Janis: no Grace: Janis, seriously Grace: talking to you is like Gus & Diego on their worst days Grace: stop Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: You're the one who doesn't seem to grasp the point here Janis: no Janis: non Janis: nein Janis: nyet Janis: etc Grace: grow up Janis: see above Grace: fine I'll mute you again Grace: have fun Grace: go off Janis: aw Janis: grow up Grace: I'm not the one being childish af Grace: you wish Janis: better than what you are being Janis: so yeah Grace: I'm so sure Grace: whatever Grace: like I said, have fun being ignored Janis: from what you reckon, I won't Janis: but you already knew that Grace: from what everyone reckons, you don't care Grace: you included Grace: honestly over it Grace: that's why I haven't tried Grace: you're literally exhausting Grace: get more back from a convo with any of the cats Janis: Nah, you aren't trying because you don't wanna hear this Janis: at least be honest Grace: I don't wanna hear every mean thought that you have about me Grace: I'm not trying cos you're such a bitch Janis: I've not said anything mean about you this entire time Grace: comparing me to her is a horrible thing to do Janis: only because you think she was a bad person or something Grace: yeah I do Janis: how's that working out for you Janis: we're all so horrible and mean and wrong Janis: does it help Janis: don't think so Grace: obvs not Grace: but she still was & you still are Janis: and what does that make you then Grace: I'm the worse, duh Grace: you've already listed all my flaws off enough times babe Grace: can't not listen to that Janis: so, you are like her Janis: what's the problem Grace: according to you yeah Janis: according to yourself Janis: sit here and tell me you think any differently Janis: if you did you wouldn't let him treat you like this, or them, and then we wouldn't need to have this conversation Grace: Not liking myself doesn't make me her, she doesn't own it Janis: like her Janis: and yes it does Grace: no it doesn't Grace: it's different Janis: how? Grace: it's not about dad for me, for one thing Grace: & my boyfriend is nothing like any of hers Grace: he's not even my boyfriend anyway Janis: what difference does that make Janis: it's all excuses Janis: she didn't like herself and looked in all the wrong places for validation Janis: you do exactly the same Grace: whatever Grace: you've got your heart set on us being so alike, enjoy it babes Janis: no Janis: like I said Janis: it's really sad Grace: not for you, you don't have any feelings about anything ever Grace: just your barista boyfriend Grace: so leave me alone Janis: yeah? Janis: if that makes you feel better, have it on me Grace: it literally makes me feel worse Grace: every time I try & talk to you for you just to say you don't care Grace: but that's how it is, babes so Janis: like I said, you aren't dense Janis: so don't act like you reckon I'd be bothering if I didn't care Grace: you don't care about me Grace: it's not about me, yeah? Grace: I'm so cringe that's as far as you're bothered Grace: Mum's so sad & Rio's actually shown her face for the first time since when Janis: Jesus Janis: firstly, no one BUT you is describing anything as cringe, ever Janis: and secondly, yeah Janis: give a shit about them if you don't me Grace: I do Grace: It was me there when you left & mum and dad were freaking out Grace: taking all the blame for being a bitch so they don't have to hear that you couldn't care less how they feel ever Grace: & you don't wanna be here Janis: so Janis: come sort this then Grace: how Grace: I can't wash the tattoo off Janis: tell them you'll stop seeing him and then do it Janis: for a start Janis: it ain't that deep so what do you care Janis: you care about them, don't you? Janis: prove it Grace: you know what he's like Grace: I can't just stop Grace: he could do worse to me than he's ever done to you Janis: he won't Grace: I don't have another boy waiting to beat him up for me Janis: I'll do it Grace: UM be serious Janis: I am Grace: I would actually have to die Grace: like I need you to fight my battles for me Janis: okay then do it yourself Janis: you don't need a lad to Janis: he's a pussy Grace: you don't Grace: I do Grace: I can't fight anyone Janis: he's not that much of a cunt, he's not gonna fight back Grace: OMG stop I'm not fighting him Grace: this is stupid Janis: I will then Janis: you can't stop me anyways so Grace: can you not Grace: literally just don't Janis: then don't let it come to that Janis: you're not staying because you know what he's like, that's insanity Grace: like its not insanity to dump someone the day you get a matching tattoo with them Grace: okay sure Janis: that's gonna be insanity no matter when you do it Janis: it looks stupid if you get divorced after 25 years Grace: ugh Grace: I'll just stay until he cheats on me then Janis: no that's worse Janis: can't you put one of your friends to use Janis: honeytrap him Janis: they get to pretend to be a decent friend, you have an excuse and you don't look like a fool because you were in on it Grace: okay that's actually not a bad idea Janis: thank you Janis: you have my screenshots so you don't even look paranoid Janis: he isn't subtle or slick so Grace: did he say anything about me? Janis: it doesn't matter what he said, or says Janis: it's all just a game to him, isn't it Grace: you've said everything else you think I need to hear Grace: just tell me, okay Janis: he was just Janis: you know, what you'd expect he'd think I wanted to hear Janis: he's an idiot Grace: duh he obvs slagged me off but what did he say Grace: I need to know Janis: okay Janis: mainly how he was just doing it to make me jealous back and Janis: for an excuse to be around me still Janis: talk about pathetic lengths to go to Janis: but that's the fun for boys like that ain't it, the chase Janis: like you said, if and once I did it we'd both be out so Janis: don't worry about it, like Grace: ew Grace: dad made him dinner and everything that's so rude Grace: did he say I was a crap shag cos that's really not true Grace: & I will have to fight him when I'm done dying Janis: 😂 Janis: I'm sorry but Janis: priorities Grace: did he though Grace: it's more important Grace: I already know he wants to hook up with you, that's not news Grace: !!! Janis: 'course he did Janis: anything to get my pants off Janis: it was almost funny how hard he was trying Grace: I'm not laughing but you do you, babe Janis: well no Janis: who knows what he meant or didn't Janis: it's all bollocks Grace: that he's gonna tell everyone & they are gonna believe Grace: he's a player & I'm a slut it doesn't matter what I do Janis: he won't Janis: 'cause you're gonna catch him out so he's just a cheater then Janis: can't defend that and tear you down Grace: but who am I even gonna ask to do this Grace: literally kill me before I ask Mia Grace: I'm actually gonna be sick thinking about it Janis: definitely not Mia Janis: take the assignment too serious and bae him herself Janis: you need him gone not on the guest list Janis: who's the least shit Grace: she can have him & his shit tattoo ideas Grace: but yeah I'll figure it out Janis: get Sophie to do it Janis: she would and wouldn't be a sly bitch about it either Grace: do you think she would, like seriously? Janis: 'course Grace: ugh okay Grace: do you want me to add you to the convo? it was your idea Janis: that's alright, you've got this Janis: just make him look like the shit he is Grace: duh Grace: thanks Grace: for like Grace: thinking of something Janis: been known to happen sometimes Janis: don't mention it Grace: I really did start talking to him to try & get him to take the picture down Grace: that wasn't a lie Janis: it's alright Janis: you aren't the only one who believed him Janis: I did mess around with him for quite a while Janis: but not as far as he said and not since Jim so Grace: well duh he does have some uses obvs Grace: if he was this cocky with nothing going on nobody would go there Grace: I knew you'd never cheat on barista boy it's ridiculous how much you're into him Grace: just like I knew you were a virgin, excuse you Janis: not good enough to warrant how much of a prick he is Janis: okay, we're done talking about that now Grace: boys are Grace: that's just 99% Grace: if I'd waited for the 1% like you, I'd still be Janis: stop tarring all lads with that brush when you only ever go for that one type Janis: you act like that's such a tragedy, we're 15, over half our year still is Janis: it ain't the norm to be in double digits like Mia Grace: cos I know where I am with that type thank you Grace: & if I have to tell you how good sex is, you're doing it wrong, babes Janis: 🙄 Janis: you could go fuck yourself, literally Janis: like I said, he ain't that good Grace: that's so pre-teen Grace: but if the choice is him or going back to that then sure Janis: yeah no one over the age of 12 wanks Grace: I'm just saying, it's more fun with someone else Grace: you're lying if you disagree Janis: depends on the person Grace: maybe I'm just bored of myself Grace: idk Janis: yeah Janis: well good luck Grace: thanks Grace: I better go home before I do anything 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: joy of joys Janis: least you have something to tell them Grace: did she really cry or did you just wanna hurt me Janis: she did Janis: but it's just about all of us really Janis: like you said, we're not a family anymore Grace: can you remember if we ever were? Grace: I don't think I can Grace: genuinely Grace: not trying to be a bitch Janis: yeah Janis: 'course Grace: ugh obvs he wants to come home with me Grace: please tell him you aren't there 🙄 Janis: are you serious Janis: god Grace: duh Grace: I've been at his this whole time Janis: how have you managed that Grace: not as stupid as you think Grace: & it's not like planned to dump him today so Janis: yeah but are you a psycho how have you sat there with him after hearing all that Grace: I obvs made him go out and get... I can't even remember what now Grace: when you wouldn't take I'm busy for an answer Janis: good Grace: except now he's back Grace: call me & pretend to be mum Grace: you love shouting at me Janis: alright 👍 Grace: thank god boys never notice literally anything Janis: he's quite thick Janis: too many rugby balls to the head Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: is he actually any good? Grace: you'd know Janis: yeah Janis: ain't gonna play for the country or nothing but could probably cruise through a shit uni with it Janis: that's the plan, obvs Grace: Bitch you could've lied! Grace: 💔 Janis: 🙄 Janis: it doesn't make him a good boyfriend Grace: yeah but I'm not going to uni, am I? Janis: you could Janis: do you want to Grace: oh please Grace: I'd never get in Janis: 'course you could Janis: not saying you try for Oxford or nothing Grace: just not that smart, babes Grace: get over it Grace: I don't get to be like Edie that way Janis: okay, will do Janis: pick up your phone Grace: [does] Grace: 👌 v convincing Grace: I'm out Janis: 👍 stuff Janis: you're welcome Grace: IOU Janis: if you wanna, just be happy to see the back of him Grace: whatever Grace: your choice, hun Janis: no doubt if I think of something worth it I'll remember this Grace: sure Janis: talked to Soph yet? Grace: she'll do it Grace: she just got back to me Janis: no doubt be really into that if he realizes we're related Janis: ugh Grace: ew Grace: but yeah Grace: & she's a virgin too so Janis: doublepoints Grace: catch me wishing I was gay again Grace: ugh Janis: true enough, girls aren't as interested in virgins Janis: give you that Grace: boys are OBSESSED Grace: it's so stupid Janis: hoping inexperience covers insecurity in skill Grace: there's literally nothing hot about the freak outs I had when the first few times, sorry about it, boys Grace: but you do you Janis: were you really that scared Grace: duh Grace: I still get them now Grace: I'm just better at hiding it thank god Janis: why Janis: I mean Janis: what freaks you out so so much Grace: I told you, boys are the WORST Grace: they want you to look, sound & feel like a porn star all the time Grace: it's a lot Janis: I've seen the lads you've slept with Janis: they ain't putting in or needing that much effort in return Grace: they don't have to Grace: who's judging them Grace: they get patted on the back just for hooking up Janis: you Janis: there's only you and them actually there during Janis: presumably Janis: why should they not try and impress you too Grace: cos if they disappoint me, they'll try again with someone else Grace: & so will I Janis: exactly, nothing lost Grace: I wish Grace: how they rate me can lose me plenty Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: what about how you rate them, like you said Janis: no one is going there if you get that rep Grace: it's not the same Grace: cos I can be clingy or desperate or a slut or anything else negative they want to cancel out what I might say Janis: idk why you're sleeping with dickheads like that Grace: like I said, I know where I am with them Grace: what they want from me & what they don't Janis: doesn't sound very good Grace: it is what it is Janis: but if its shit and it freaks you out ??? Grace: you told me not to tar them all the same so Grace: it depends on the boy Grace: & me freaking out depends on me Grace: it's like shopping or filming or school or whatever Janis: alright then Janis: guess so Grace: if I'm not #feelingmyself 🙄 then I'm not Grace: can't shade the boys for it Janis: yeah but not gonna sit here and saint 'em unduly either Grace: 😂😂 literally don't Grace: exes for a reason, babes Janis: mhmm Janis: how do you Janis: he's not even a proper ex and it makes my skin crawl that I ever Janis: ugh Grace: like you said, I don't get to martyr myself Janis: but it's Grace: ?? Janis: I wish I'd never done it Grace: obvs Grace: I wish I'd never done him either Grace: at least you didn't Janis: you didn't waste much time though Janis: it must've been years Grace: we hooked up a lot though Grace: & I'm not getting any of my time back Janis: didn't need to know Grace: 🤷 Janis: gross Grace: DUH Grace: I literally wanna throw myself in traffic Janis: probably don't Janis: you want Ma to stop crying, remember Grace: IKR Grace: so unfair Grace: but sure I'll 😭😭😭 instead Grace: it's chill Janis: not over him Janis: you didn't like him did you Grace: ew no Grace: I'm not crying over him Grace: just me Janis: I guess you know where you stand with that too Grace: mhmm Grace: the white girl tattoo is a new thing to devastate me though Janis: at least it ain't your first Janis: or his name or something Janis: then you really would have to die Grace: OMG DON'T 😱😱😱 Grace: he'd have never let me though Grace: not that into me Janis: shoulda faked that Janis: he'd have shat himself Grace: now you tell me Grace: 💔💔 too little too late bitch Janis: nah, you could defs amp it up whilst soph is working on him Grace: true Janis: 😂 instead of 😭 Grace: already did the 😭 but sure Grace: let's pretend I didn't Grace: he didn't see it so it didn't happen Janis: I didn't either so Janis: no harm no foul Grace: 👌👌 Grace: are you gonna beat me up cos you don't get to hit him or? Janis: I can still hit him, unrelated to this Janis: he still fucked me over Janis: tried to Grace: yeah Grace: but it has been a while now babes Grace: not saying get over it but like Grace: maybe don't just randomly hit him?? Janis: we'll see Grace: how do you Grace: like I could never hit him Janis: it ain't that hard, I promise Janis: make a fist, and swing, try not to break your hand 'cos that'd be embarrassing Grace: or a nail OMG he's not worth that thanks Grace: & okay but hit him hard though, if you're going to Janis: 😏 Janis: 'course, not planning on tickling him Grace: or letting your boyfriend do it better, duh Grace: I know Janis: look, I can't help being so hard, alright Grace: 😂😂 Janis: do you reckon he'll get the hint this time Grace: maybe when you fight him Janis: yeah Janis: 'cos don't need to hide on the coach every time we have to play their school really Janis: or have all the girls from this school 🔪🔪🔪 Grace: get a restraining order, what else is Buster even good for tbh Janis: 😂😂 Janis: bring it up with Ri when you talk to her, yeah? Grace: oh god Grace: do you think she'll still be there Grace: actually worse than mum Janis: she ain't leaving, she's on one about this tattoo Janis: which is hypocritical but I probably wouldn't start with pointing that out Grace: I won't mention his name on her, like Grace: we get it you're 💍 Janis: you know she won't hear it Janis: they're special, can do what they like Janis: namely each other Grace: gross Grace: I won't point out that I also didn't do it the night we met, mum & dad Grace: you were at school together sure that does not count Janis: 🙄 Janis: and you wanna say I weren't born like this Janis: mess 'fore any of us got here Janis: no hope, babe Grace: I'll use that for my excuse when Ri starts then, yeah? Grace: just come & kill me thanks Janis: she's lucky her kids don't have webbed feet so Janis: bigger problems Janis: get some perspective, sis Janis: definitely traumatizing how often we all heard and saw 'em so kinda her fault, why not eh Grace: is that a thing? 😱😱😱 little like 🦆 babies Grace: awkward Janis: mhmm Janis: all sorts can go wrong Janis: its why the royal family look so weird, they're inbred as fuck Grace: I hate this family so much Grace: ugh Grace: & why do we have to live so far away Grace: just trying to get home OMG Janis: same, I been preaching since day 1 Janis: free house, tah gus snr Grace: 🙏🙏 okay you can be right about it if you hush Grace: v annoying Grace: having good ideas & not being wrong Grace: ew Janis: I know Janis: good at everything and you hate me for it, I remember it's all good Grace: yeah Grace: I'm sorry for the girl code violation though Grace: sooooooo rude Janis: least I didn't actually like him Janis: have to flagellate yourself or something Grace: that'd be okay, Mia takes boys I like all the time Grace: what he did to you was like Grace: & it makes what I did worse so Janis: she just needs to drink their blood, probably nothing personal Janis: and you know, you hate me, got no reason to stick to girl code when you don't for your besties even Grace: but I don't wanna be a bad sister Grace: or like her Grace: even if I do hate you Grace: cos I do stick to girl code, it's Mia who doesn't cos she believes she's a law onto herself Janis: be a good one then, if you must Janis: the others will probably appreciate, I'll try to keep complaints to a minimum Grace: what's that for you though, like don't fuck your boyfriend or straighten your hair? idk Janis: neither of those are ever happening so Janis: yeah Janis: how straightforward is that Janis: you're welcome Grace: thanks so much Grace: good talk, babes Grace: you're okay, you & him Janis: 👍 Janis: leave us the review, some people still don't believe it Grace: I mean, are you? Grace: that wouldn't be my review & you know it, bitch Janis: bit rude Janis: 'course, why wouldn't we be Grace: cos an obsessive fuckboy is literally still in your inbox daily? Grace: just maybe Janis: not like I sit there and chat w him Janis: just tell him to fuck off, more or less Grace: 👌👌 Grace: it'd just be the worst if he'd ruined it, that's all I'm saying Janis: no chance Janis: like you said, been a while Janis: and Jim always believed me so Grace: how is he so cute & so not also a twat Grace: literally never happens Janis: I dunno Janis: he's a bit of a twat Janis: works 'cos I'm such a bitch Grace: oh & I'm a worst bitch so I attract worst twats OMG Grace: I've solved it Grace: maybe I'm not thick Janis: maybe Janis: pretty solid theory Grace: won't get me into uni but still yay Janis: I mean it's just Newton's third law but in relationships, init, don't think you're getting that past plagiarism as your own Grace: but is there any way I can hit up one of my exes tonight & get it past Harry? Grace: you're full of good ideas Janis: say you want a threesome and then make him watch from the wardrobe Janis: idk Grace: sadly none of my exes are girls so I don't think he'd be into it Janis: leave that bit out Grace: also lowkey don't want him to watch me or look at me ever again but Janis: shouldn't be hard actually though Janis: just pie him off and have someone else 'round Janis: you have so much homework, you got your period etc he's not gonna insist Grace: the period thing always works Grace: but it's more can any of my exes keep me off snapchat cos he didn't & that worked out SO great Janis: unless he's that dirty of a bastard and that's an awkward way to find out Janis: oh to be a teenage boy who needs to prove he's getting laid Janis: can't you hookup with a random instead Janis: what the apps are for Grace: I'm trying to feel better not worse Grace: that's just asking for me to freakout Janis: hmm Janis: glory hole it is then Grace: you're so gross Grace: & weird Janis: it's been said Janis: by you, a lot Janis: could keep the pillow over your face but fucked yourself with the tats haven't you Grace: STOP Janis: I'm brainstorming Grace: can you not in your head? Grace: & I'm the dumb one okay Janis: just getting your input, babe Janis: surely one of your exes can keep a secret Grace: I'm 🤔🤔 Grace: but when they're all lowkey or highkey versions of the same boy well Janis: oh lord Janis: just have a wank okay Janis: so much easier Grace: yeah really wanna be alone with myself Grace: love that Janis: sure you and your mates don't circle jerk Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: like no Mia YOU look most like you're dying Grace: shut up Janis: 😩🍆👌😩 Grace: I hate you Janis: yeah Janis: I know Grace: how did I get here? Grace: & I don't mean this bus stop which is a hell of its own making Grace: ugh Janis: shit happens Grace: I'm so calling one of my intervention team to come get me Grace: public transport brings out my acne Janis: may as well Janis: use the attention to your advantage Grace: is dad there? Grace: he'll do it Janis: yeah Janis: can ask him if you want Grace: sure Grace: but why are you there? Grace: you never are Janis: oh yeah, he's actually left me and taken the kids Janis: got to move back in disgraced Grace: v hilarious babes Janis: glad my tragedy got you like that Janis: just happen to be about Grace: is your boyfriend Grace: cos if he witnesses my lecture Grace: how embarrassing Janis: he's seen the post babe Janis: damage done Janis: but won't let him watch, don't worry Grace: but he hasn't heard Ri moming me & being soooo disappointed Janis: we're in my room, you know,not thick enough or a total virgin, to let him 'round her Janis: rule #1 Grace: ugh truly Grace: mum's bad enough Grace: I fucking hate yoga okay Janis: may as well be cracking out the kama sutra on the lawn Janis: it's not sneaky, ma Janis: we get it, you've got 10 kids, you get laid Grace: & you still look good somehow 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: all the fucking obvs Grace: when I have a kid there's no way I'm springing back Grace: I don't go to the gym for like a day & it's like I was never there Janis: let yourself go, way God intended Grace: maybe I will now Grace: then he'll dump me I don't have to get Soph involved Janis: we'd have to put a feeding tube down your throat for them kinda results Janis: effort Grace: oh please Janis: what, how else you getting fat overnight Grace: like I don't know how to binge Grace: get real Janis: you aren't gonna eat 15lbs worth of chocolate in a night Janis: you'd go into a coma before you got fat, sadly Grace: it doesn't have to be overnight, the period excuse is good for days Grace: I've used it more often than I really get mine Janis: you also wanna get laid in that time Janis: you gonna make your ex stop off at maccies on the way 'round Grace: we already worked out my exes are a no-go Grace: unless I wanna be the cheater Janis: 👎 Janis: just stick with the burgers, like Janis: dependable Grace: obvs Janis: get us some nuggets Grace: you're making me hungry rn don't Grace: 😱😱😱 Janis: eat up Janis: got loads to put on Grace: ughhhhhhh Grace: as if Mia isn't gonna be enough of a bitch about this Grace: no thanks Janis: when is she not Janis: be a bitch about you wearing a different shade of lipstick so Grace: mhmm Grace: but obvs she like LOVES me & him as a couple Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: duh Janis: she couldn't have masterminded it better herself Janis: though she tried Grace: so over it Janis: mhmm Grace: I need to break up with her too Grace: but him first Janis: just don't keep going back to him like you do her Grace: don't keep making me hate you Janis: what? Grace: you left Grace: that's why I went back Janis: okay so it's my fault Grace: no, cos it's my fault you ran away Grace: she just knows when I feel bad idk Janis: it's her lifeblood Grace: yeah Janis: have her and the other skinny one got a death pact though actually Grace: the goal isn't death Grace: she'd actually love to live forever duh Janis: I bet they egg each other on though Grace: obvs Grace: she does that with all of us Janis: it's fucked Janis: some of the rest are bitches too but none are as bad as her Grace: that's why she's 👑 babes 🙄🙄 Janis: 🙄 Grace: I just don't eat in front of her & avoid the shade, that part's easy Janis: ever? Grace: of course ever Janis: what about sleepovers Grace: like when she's asleep maybe Janis: actual midnight snacking Janis: that's mental Grace: lowkey motivating Grace: never been so thin 🙏 Janis: fucked, is what it is Grace: not like it's the most fucked thing about being in her squad Grace: like you said, she's the WORST Grace: 🤷🤷🤷 Janis: yep Grace: & if I'm worried about what a 💔 boy could do to me Grace: it's literally nothing compared to what she could or would Janis: you know her secrets too though Grace: I'm not that bitch Grace: I don't wanna be Janis: nah but just saying Grace: that's the thing though, she knows I'm not Grace: like he does Grace: ugh Janis: sometimes you have to Grace: I can't Grace: I'm not strong like you are Janis: sometimes it's the right thing to do Janis: don't have to smack her down Janis: though it would be class Grace: you know what I mean Janis: yeah Janis: where does it end Janis: what's your limit Janis: she can't cheat on you but she's done much worse already Grace: maybe I don't have one idk Grace: too done with myself Grace: it's not like I don't deserve friends like that so Janis: no one deserves friends like that Janis: they aren't even friends it's a stupid thing to call them Grace: I'm not calling them frenemies or whatever Grace: I'm not 12 Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: it's just shorthand anyway, like I call him bae but he isn't Grace: they're my boyfriend but none of them are, same difference Janis: call 'em what they are Janis: cunts Grace: 😂😂😂 Janis: right, Dad is en-route, had to finish whatever the fuck he was making as per Grace: sure Grace: at least I can have some Janis: probably made Ri's fave 'cos he's blatant Grace: well duh Grace: does he even know what our faves are? 🤔🤔 hmmm? see you dad Janis: tbf you ain't eating and when you do it's gotta be #whitegirlsafe so Janis: pains him greatly, I'm sure 😏 Grace: UM excuse you no Grace: that's just how I drink Grace: & I can't help that okay Janis: 😂 Grace: maybe I'll just strut in & start making cocktails Grace: that's a mood Janis: yeah 'cos Ri ain't gonna take over and show-off her skills on that one too Grace: distraction duh Janis: worth a shot Janis: good news anyway though Grace: has she left cos that'd be the BEST news 🙏🙏🙏 Janis: nope Janis: last I heard he was on the phone though so who knows Janis: if anyone can convince her to piss off Grace: booty call or babysitting emergency, either way, come through please Janis: 🤞 Janis: not sticking around to find out, tah Grace: he'll probably just come over & dad at me too like Grace: thanks so much boy bye Janis: 😂 Janis: like they ain't only 7 years older Janis: just 'cos you popped out kids, don't make you grown Janis: @maandpa Grace: & just cos he put a 💍 on it doesn't make you ULTIMATE GOALS Grace: ugh Janis: 🙄 Janis: shame there's no hot cousins left Janis: do it just to fuck 'em off Janis: you ain't special, lads, soz Grace: ewww Grace: I'm so sick of her & mum acting like they don't have the worst taste in men just cos they found one who stayed around OMG Grace: actually stop judging me Janis: and did dad really stick around or did you trap him 🤔🤔 Grace: truly Grace: we can all get pregnant okay Janis: I better not be able to tah Janis: not having that thing shoved up there for nowt Grace: but like technically Grace: if we weren't on all the conception on earth Janis: maybe none of us since Billie are actually his Janis: she just got way better at cheating #keepitblack Grace: maybe you're not but I literally look like avó soooooooo 🤷🤷 Grace: love what she's done for the bi stereotype though Janis: can that happen Janis: like cat litters Janis: Iggy is his clone so that's another one for him Janis: get in, boy Grace: Diego's on my team too tbh so Janis: done alright then Janis: I just look like if nan got a tan and a perm so deffo none of him to be seen Grace: 😂😂 Grace: that's why you're her fave, babes Janis: right? Janis: both such self-obsessed bitches Grace: & you just wanna hit everyone obvs Grace: loves that Janis: alright, just 'cos I said you're like Edie Janis: drag me Grace: duh Grace: never over it Janis: worked though Grace: I seriously hate you Grace: 👌👌 Grace: you also said you want me to die & I'm still here, bitch Grace: sorry about it Janis: can't win 'em all Janis: even if you're me shh don't tell Grace: literally gonna broadcast it, bye Janis: don't think peeps will believe you but never know Janis: very ready to believe I was a massive slag Grace: honey, nobody ever believes me Grace: it's fine Janis: guilty by association Grace: at least you aren't actually a massive slag Janis: 🙌🙏 Janis: still getting into heaven Grace: duh Jesus loves you, babes Grace: his foot fetish might be devastated that you aren't a slag though Janis: 💔 our lord and saviour is all in a days work for me Grace: just tell him to wait for me Grace: I've got your back, girl Janis: 👌 appreciate it Grace: 💜💜💜 Janis: you'll be glad to know we're off out so less audience 👍 Grace: 🙌🙏 Grace: are you coming back though? Janis: most likely Janis: his dad still hates me so Grace: family dinner didn't change his mind? how rude Grace: I told you to play the race card babes Janis: nah that never happened Grace: awks Grace: did he get dumped? Janis: probably Janis: I wouldn't go out with him if I were a lady of a certain age Grace: so I shouldn't hit him up tonight Grace: tragic but sure Janis: 🤢 Janis: not unless you want your daddy issues to get real Grace: OMG I don't have any Grace: stop saying it Janis: calm down 😂 Janis: you who wanna pipe Jimmy's dad all of a sudden Janis: not his winning personality, I promise you Grace: I've literally never seen him Grace: not that slaggy thank you Janis: 😏 ain't missing much Grace: & with a son like that Grace: awks Janis: Hmm Janis: I know Grace: 💔💔💔 Janis: that's the gist Janis: sure you ain't met him? Grace: men are just grown boys, babe Grace: of course I have Janis: okay you and your infinite boy wisdom 😏 Grace: ugh I wish Grace: me & my infinite boy regrets Janis: 💔 Janis: could be worse Janis: could be pregnant Grace: oh please Grace: not that stupid Janis: please don't Janis: always surrounded by fucking kids as is Grace: I'd kms before I had his baby thanks Janis: 👍 Grace: whatever Grace: I'm done thinking or talking about him Janis: sounds good to me Janis: later then yeah Grace: 👌👌 sure Grace: have fun Grace: I obvs will be living for this intervention so Grace: & I'll tell my exes you say 👋 too Janis: 'course Janis: fill in the appropriate name 'cos all the same Grace: I won't say it too highkey so they don't hit up your inbox as well Grace: v popular these days Janis: 😂 Janis: gutted Janis: such catches, each and every one Grace: mhmm Grace: why I don't need the competition from you duh Grace: already so many girls coming through Janis: yeah, and gotta hang on to Janis: kyle you dumped 3 months ago Janis: obvs Grace: exactly Grace: where are you going? pass my number out to the hottest & worst behaved, yeah? Janis: nowhere you'd be seen dead, I'm sure Janis: but you changing type now? so proud 💕 Grace: my type are everywhere, babes Grace: no need to change Grace: but ILY 💜💜 Janis: I meant they'd never been hot but Janis: backatcha ✌ out 😘 Grace: UM rude Grace: they at least had that going for them Grace: excuse you for stealing the best looking boy in our school for yourself Janis: 😂 Grace: not funny Grace: actually v offensive Janis: take it up with him Janis: not actually kidnapped him, believe it or not Grace: I've had enough rejection for one day thanks so much Janis: I mean Janis: actual rejection was ages ago really babe Grace: IS THAT MEANT TO BE COMFORTING Grace: & my exes are rn so Janis: comforting or rejecting Grace: rejecting obvs Grace: when have they ever been comforting? please Janis: damn they all actually got girlfriends rn Janis: inconsiderate Grace: not even Grace: I'm just that undesirable Janis: probably let yourself calm down first Janis: you'll be coming off batshit rn Grace: mhmm really calming going home to whatever this is Grace: dad is literally being so Grace: just drive OMG Janis: I hate it when he talks Grace: there's no english Grace: I really am getting a talk Janis: 🙄 Janis: just pretend you don't understand Janis: that really winds him up Grace: does the entire fam think this boy is the love of my life or just dad? Grace: ughhhh Janis: I mean we know his concept is a little outta whack Janis: but you did just get matching tattoos so Grace: that'll last like 6 months at most Grace: I didn't put it over my heart, did I? Janis: probably assuming the boy was meant to last at least as long then Grace: 😂😂 Grace: maybe he's forgotten which daughter I am Grace: he lasted longer than 6 days sure but Janis: only you know why but Janis: 👏 Grace: you said you know Grace: was that like a shameless lie Janis: I got my theories, duh Grace: take Em to Di, always some conspiracy with that boy Grace: *them Janis: or you could just 🗣 Grace: what does that even mean?? Janis: tell me Grace: you've got somewhere to be & so have I so Janis: 🤷 Janis: okay Grace: I'm literally talking to you now cos its this or dad Grace: no offense Janis: none taken Grace: 👌👌 Janis: we all would Grace: talk to anyone but dad Grace: yeah sure Janis: anyone is a stretch but you know Grace: not v much Grace: literally idk what to even say to him Grace: any of them Janis: what they wanna hear Grace: you make it sound so simple Janis: it is Janis: you're not with him no more Janis: you never were Janis: you were just hyperbolic on social media 'cos ?? Grace: yeah okay Grace: I can do that Janis: exactly Janis: just get off the defensive, let 'em lecture you, it'll be over quicker Grace: & if I cry Ri can't be that mad at me Grace: it's fine Janis: you'd know if that works Janis: always assumed so or why bother Grace: it works on like everyone Grace: teachers even Janis: yeah, know that Janis: skiver Grace: says you Grace: you literally never go to lessons anymore Janis: well I'm allowed, they were talking about me Janis: bit of a cheek, get your own scandals Grace: well I have now Grace: you're welcome Janis: you've piggybacked off my latest but um Janis: go off Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: 😏 Grace: can I like ask you something without you being so weird about it or? Janis: charming proposal as always Janis: but go on Grace: you said you're going nowhere I'd be seen dead which means none of them would obvs Grace: so like where can I go if I don't want them to find me Janis: and stayinghome is out of the question, yeah Grace: obvs Janis: Hmm Janis: idk Janis: any pub Janis: lbr Grace: except one 🙄🙄 I don't need nan & granddad coming at me with their opinions Janis: well no Janis: it's a big enough town, you can probably still do something you'd wanna and not see them Grace: yeah Janis: can't really do it with a place in mind, if that's what you're asking Janis: you just have to go Grace: okay Janis: but you gotta work out if away is worse 'cos tbh you'd probably have a shit time in some dive so it ain't a cure-all Grace: duh Grace: but its not as if anywhere that isn't is gonna let me in Janis: 🤷 sorry Janis: you've said many times, I don't have no hobbies Janis: probably not the erson to ask Janis: p Grace: 🤷🤷🤷 Janis: can't you just stay home Janis: do your nails, take a bath, all that shit you usually do Grace: sure Grace: but I don't want to Janis: what do you wanna do then Grace: not be alone Grace: not be me for a hot sec Grace: idk Janis: get white girl wasted then Grace: 😂😂 Grace: thanks babes Janis: well that'll do the trick Grace: lowkey already the plan but glad it's endorsed Grace: love that Janis: could be worse, could be meth Grace: if I can't handle spirits I'm not going to do well on hard drugs Grace: sorry I can't go that hard with my comparison for you Janis: 💔 Grace: v tragic Janis: truly Grace: I have to go get lectured now so you do you Janis: 👌 Janis: enjoy Grace: 👌👌
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