#yeah this light novel is still garbage lmao
kachikirby · 9 months
Kirby: Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train! - Chapter 9: Protect Everyone!
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Kirby continued to gather strength. His hands were numb, and he felt dizzy, but he didn’t let up. The Jet Copy Ability used stored power to attack enemies by headbutting and kicking into them. Kirby had used this Copy Ability several times before, but this was the first time he was using it to store so much power. Would he even be able to lift something as heavy as the train? He didn’t know. But Kirby didn’t hesitate.
“Strength… the strength… I need the strength…!”
The meteor gradually drew closer. He heard the driver speak through the communication device.
“A bit more… just a bit more, Mr. Kirby… Just a little…!”
Kirby clenched both his fists. He had only one chance. If he failed, there wouldn’t be enough time for him to store up strength. He heard tense breathing from the driver, who was staring intently at the screen. Then, it happened.
“Kirby, now!”
Kirby looked straight ahead and shouted.
The tank on his back blew out a tremendous flame. However, the Pupupu Train continued to travel on the tracks. There was no sign of it rising up. Kirby kept a straight face and yelled.
He felt like he could hear the voices of everyone on the train.
“Do your best, Kirby!”
“Kirby! Kirby!”
Kirby opened his mouth wide.
The train slowly rose. The passengers were trembling and calling out to Kirby rom their rooms.
“Yes! Yes! Keep going, Kirby!”
“Ora ora ora ora!”
“Please do it!!”
Kirby put more and more effort into it.
“More and more! BIG, BIG BIG JUMP!”
The train left from the track at a steep angle and rushed through space towards the meteor.
Kirby continued to shout.
The train rose so fast that it barely grazed the meteor.
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From the cabin, the driver shouted. “Good job, Mr. Kirby! Now for me to do my job! Just leave it to me!”
He checked the direction of the train and looked at the speedometer.
“Landing a jumping vehicle on the tracks is insane, but…”
The sparkling train tracks projected onto the screen and the driver shouted.
“It’s the job of a driver to protect the passengers! UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”
At that moment, there was a massive impact that caused the whole train to nearly flip over. The last car was hit by the meteor and destroyed. The driver went pale.
“We couldn’t dodge it…?! Then the passengers…!?”
At that moment, the conductor’s voice came through the speakers.
“This is the conductor. The cargo hold has been destroyed.”
“The passenger cars?! What about the passenger cars!?”
“The passenger cars are safe. I am currently checking on the passengers.”
“I see… don’t push yourself too hard.”
The driver let out a deep breath.
“The passenger car is safe! Only the freight car was damaged! Everyone is safe!”
He tightened his expression and gripped the lever.
“I must…protect! Protect the passengers!”
With a roar, the Pupupu train landed on the stretched track and picked up speed.
The conductor and maid called out as they made their way down the hallway of the passenger car.
“Is everyone safe? Are any of you injured?”
One after the other, the doors of each room opened up and the passengers peeked out.
“That was a massive tremor! I screamed when I thought we were gonna be hit by the meteor!”
“So the plan was a success and Kirby did it?”
“Yeah! A huge success!”
The conductor and maid gave a smile as cheers resounded.
“We’re safe! We’re safe!”
“Hooray! Let’s party!”
Within the uproar, Bandana Waddle Dee shouted.
“What about Kirby? We have to quickly help him out!”
Pushing aside the Waddle Dees, King Dedede appeared.
“Ow ow ow…I hit my head against the wall! Stupid Kirby, couldn’t he have been a bit more gentle with the jumping?!”
“Your highness…!”
“I’m gonna go complain. You all wait here.”
Dedede opened up the car window.
“I’ll join you.”
The voice came from Meta Knight. The two of them exited the window. Kirby was unconscious on top of the train with both of his hands still grasping the top of the train. His jet tank was cold after using up all the charge from it. King Dedede and Meta Knight landed next to him and called out.
“Are you really sleeping? Get up, Kirby!”
“You did well, Kirby. Thanks to you, everyone made it out safely.”
However, Kirby did not regain consciousness.
“Chef Kawasaki’s gonna make a whole feast for you.”
Kirby’s eyes did not open.
“He didn’t wake up even though I said he was going to have a feast. This is serious…” Meta Knight said with worry.
“That’s not even trying! If you wanna wake up Kirby, here’s what you do!”
Dedede reached into his gown and pulled out a bright red maximum tomato.
Meta Knight was taken aback.
“Why would you bring that out here…?”
“It’s a king’s preference. Eat up, Kirby!”
He shoved the Maximum Tomato in front of Kirby’s mouth. Maximum Tomatoes are Kirby’s favorite food, so it caused him to instantly spring awake.
“Waah! A Maximum Tomato! Thank you for the food!”
Kirby suddenly gained a lot of energy, opened his mouth, and gulped the maximum tomato down. With an utterance of “good grief” from Meta Knight, he stood up.
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All the passengers gathered in the dining car for a huge party. Of course, it was a sweets party.
“I’ve made lots of cakes! They’re new recipes that I’m proud of! We’re celebrating the fact that we avoided the meteor, so everyone eat as much as you like!” Chef Kawasaki said with a shining face.
Cheers rose from the passengers. “Hurray!”
“To commemorate the success of avoiding the meteor!”
While everyone was overjoyed, Captain Vul tried to quietly leave the dining car without being noticed, but was stopped by a concerned Chef Kawasaki.
“Where are you going, Captain Vul? Do you not want to participate in the sweets party?”
“…I have no right to participate in it.” He replied in a solemn voice. “I’ve caused everyone trouble. I’m returning to my room.”
Chef Kawasaki ran over to him. “You told the truth and returned the sugar, so that’s enough.”
“What does everyone else think? Can Vul participate in the party?”
The chef looked around at everyone’s faces. The first person to raise their voice was Kirby. “He can!” He shouted, raising both of his hands. “It’ll be more delicious if everyone eats together! Now come and sit down, Vul!”
The passengers looked at each other before responding.
“Well, him hiding the sugar was pretty awful…”
“He said he’s sorry, so I’ll forgive him.”
“It’s as Kirby said, sweets are better when eaten together!”
Similar comments rose up, but Vul’s face didn’t lighten up.
“…I’m glad that you say that, but… it’s humiliating as the captain of the Halberd…”
“Of course, you will have to be punished.” Meta Knight said.
“…I am prepared to accept it.”
“Starting tomorrow, you are forbidden from eating sweets.”
Vul, who had been hanging his head, shot up in shock. “No… sweets…?”
“It’ll also help with your diet so you can kill two birds with one stone.”
“Y… yeah…” Vul blinked. “But if I’m forbidden from eating sweets, then I can’t participate in the party today, right…?”
“Meta Knight said “tomorrow”. You can participate in the party today!” Chef Kawasaki said.
In response to Vul’s complex expression, the chef replied. “It’ll be fine. I made a lot of snacks that you can eat even if you are on a diet. I’ve made tofu cake, coconut milk agar, and other delicious dessert recipes that won’t make you fat!”
“…what?! Tofu cake… agar…!?”
Vul trembled as if he was struck by lightning.
“D…desserts like that exist…?!”
“Yeah! So you should participate in the party!”
“U… uu… you have my gratitude… thank you so much, Chef Kawasaki!”
“If that’s what you’ve decided, then let’s start right now! Cheers, everyone!” King Dedede said.
Everyone raised their glasses full of juice.
“Cheers! Cheers!”
“Thank you, Kirby, and to Capsule J2 as well!”
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“I don’t remember much about what happened… but it was something amazing, right?” Capsule J2 said, embarrassed.
“Yeah, it was amazing!”
“It was thanks to you that Kirby was able to have enough strength to do it!”
“You’re the greatest!”
“It’s not just Kirby and Capsule J2 we should be grateful for, we should also thank the crew of the Pupupu Train. We would not be successful if it wasn’t for them.” Meta Knight said.
Everyone shouted in agreement.
“That’s right! Thank you, driver, conductor, and maid!”
“Snacks have been delivered to the cabin. I have a message from the driver. He said “Thank you very much for using the Pupupu Train. Although there was a slight incident, the train will continue its trip unhindered.”.” Bandana Waddle Dee said.
The passengers smiled and applauded.
“It’s not just the crew of the train, but I’d also like to thank York. He carefully wrapped a blanket around me so I didn’t get hurt.” Waddle Doo said.
“Same here. That guy went to each cabin one by one to make sure all the passengers were safe. I don’t like him, but I’d like to thank him anyway.” Bonkers added.
Everyone saw York sitting in the corner of the room.
The maid spoke up. “I’m really glad that no one was hurt, president. President… um… president?”
Even when he was called out to, York didn’t respond. In contrast to the joyful passengers, he seemed devastated, not even participating in the cheers and just mumbling to himself.
“The cargo hold… it took so much effort to collect those slumbercumbers…!”
Hearing this, King Dedede threw his head back. “Too bad for you. Your moneymaking scheme has collapsed!”
“That means you can’t do anything bad!”
York was completely depressed and continued to talk to himself.
“But… there’s one box… only the box that was carried to the kitchen was safe…”
No one was listening to his monologue anymore. Everyone was smiling and chatting as they ate the cakes that were brought in one after another. However, Meta Knight was the only one staring at him with sharp eyes.
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juneviews · 3 years
hello, do you have a guilty pleasure bl? mine is waterboyy, this show is so bad but really enjoy watching it once in a while.
hi anon! do I have A guilty pleasure bl?? literally half of my favorite bl shows ARE guilty pleasures lmaooo. let's go:
love sick: this show isn't bad AT ALL, yet being the first bl there are so many elements that aged like milk. it's long, it can be frustrating, the acting can be wishy-washy at times, the production quality is garbage & the writing outside of phunnoh (which are the only characters whose story came from the original novel so the director had to follow that) freaking sucks, it’s got so many tropes I hate like the evil girlfriend & the “I don’t like guys but I like him” tropes, yet... the characters are so damn lovable, phunnoh are still the healthiest ship I've ever seen in bl to this day, the friendships are amazing & the slice of life elements of this series have frankly never been matched since... it’s no wonder love sick is still in the heart of so many people, bc while it’s bad... it’s also so, SO good.
my tee: this one is definitely my number 1 guilty pleasure since love sick is still kinda good, bc this show? trash. the writing is the worst, the camero shots & sound are ATROCIOUS, there's homophobia, weird uncurable illnesses, and the show takes a turn halfway through from a happy light-hearted romcom to a tragic love story... HATED IT. drake & frank in it though??? actual perfection. firstly the chemistry is incredible, still one of my favorite ever & I legit praise it at least once a month so I'll stop at that. but also drake's acting in that show???? absolutely incredible. he honestly doesn't get praised enough for it bc it's still his best role to date imo. the raw honesty & beauty he brought to mork cannot be matched & no one would've been able to play that character as well as him. I became a drake stan since then & haven't looked back lol. so yeah truly drakefrank are the only thing that saved this show & I love them so much for it!
what the duck: once upon a time when only 8 bl shows aired a year, what the duck was my favorite for like a good 6 months lol. and this is exactly a repeat from my tee, the show is absolute trash & nothing is good apart from popoat, a ship that I adored. there's something about them that captured my heart & I know it's in big part the push & pull between them & the beautiful pining oat has for pop. they were just so good together & the sequel WRECKED ME. the day before my birthday too lol. 3 years later & I'm still mad :') that being said that show is also fucking funny, like... the first ep is still the funniest start to a thai series I've seen!
love poison: I really liked the first season of this show, and even the second season wasn't that bad (y'all know how much I hate sequels so that's saying something lmao!) I really enjoy series that take place in the isan region of thailand, it's such a different culture from what we see in most shows that take place in bangkok, and I really didn't mind the musical elements (whereas usually I tend to struggle with musical shows, kinda ironic considering glee was my favorite show for years kvfduhyui), in fact I really enjoy luktung music in shows for some reason. the chemistry wasn't half bad and the story was really fun & entertaining. that being said the production quality is SHIT, the acting is meh & the writing isn't the best either. so that definitely makes it a guilty pleasure show!
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
Top five characters??
In any fandom? Man, I feel my favourites are so influenced by fan takes that I gotta try to only think of things that are recent enough that I can remember what the characters ACTUALLY are in canon.  I think my all time favourite character in recent memory in Kaneki Ken in Tokyo Ghoul, with Eto coming in as a close second, and Hide coming in as third! Kaneki is SUCH a flawed character and TG really doesn’t shy away from everything that he is. I still think the series really collapsed right at the very end, but there was still at least one complete manga and a good portion of :Re that quite literally explored EVERY aspect of Kaneki and it was just *clenches fist* so good, y’know? I have a very blatant and obvious soft spot for unconventional empathetic male characters fitting female roles, and Kaneki??? I have a similar soft spot for vicious female characters who are intent on carving themselves a place in a world that refuses them, and Eto fits that beautifully. God, and Hide. Hide with his mask of good cheer hiding a personality that could easily become sinister if only he wasn’t so attached to somebody who would reject that sinister nature. All of them are full of character conflicts and I LOVE it. So yeah,  #1 = Kaneki Ken. Man, similar to Kaneki and Hide is Shion in No. 6 - specifically the light novels. I LOVE Shion. He’s presented as this naive and idealistic character, representing all the best aspects of childhood with his kindness...and his immense capacity for cruelty. Shion’s feelings, when he actually has them, and ridiculously intense and buried beneath so many layers that his interactions with other characters always turn out fascinating. He’s a spooky kid! J’adore!  #2= Shion  If I continue down the path of male characters fitting conventionally female roles in recent things I’ve watched or read, lmao I guess Will Graham would be number 3? I love the conflict between Will’s display of the worst aspects of traditional masculinity (violence, closed off emotions, refusal of relationships or help, reliance on anger) and femininity (propensity for manipulation, vulnerability to invasion, dependency) and Will’s uncomfortable awareness of that conflict. He had so much potential to be more interesting than he ultimately got to be.  #3= Will Graham  Keeping with the theme I have accidentally established: Tony Stark! I’ve talked about Tony so many times before that I feel like I probably don’t need to explain again why I love him so much or my thoughts on Tony’s layers or masculinity or his character conflicts.  #4= Tony Stark  Now, because I can’t resist having at least one female character in here, even if it means deviating to movies from shows/comics/manga: Red/Adelaide in US (2019)! I LOVE me a woman who is empathetic but ultimately has the capability to be cold and calculating + the sheer balls to select themselves over all else, damn the consequences! One who can seize their own freedom without regret! Crawl out of Hell with their bare hands!! Then FIGHT to keep it! I love women as monsters in horror without the seductive garbage male-oriented lens.  #5= Adelaide/Red  Lol this favourites list has pretty blatantly revealed that I like characters that challenge tradition, hasn’t it? Other female favourites are Shirayuki for Akagami no Shirayuki Hime and Haruhi from High School Host Club......lmao I like my ladies defying the odds and my men soft and damaged but stronger for the softness. 
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