#yeah you heard it here first: cotn is getting its first chunk completely rewritten this year
flowerslut · 5 months
I know you're probably busy and focused on Roots right now (which I love so much god bless your doomed heart that wrote that fic) but is it too soon to ask when we will have more of Death of the Dusk?? I'm a simp for Jasper's dumb little head and it's even MORE dumb when he doesn't know/denies he's in love
anon I need you to know that I literally went to sleep thinking about the death of dusk last night BECAUSE i'm currently slowwwwly reading CotN to my roommate (it's a painful fucking process because god does it need an overhaul) and I needed to think of my Objectively Better Writing afterward. both as a palate cleanse and to make myself feel better about how I just assumed a fic from 2009 (CotN) would only need minimal changes/fixes to be Good (aka the 2018/19 version—psssst, I was wrong)
I had DoD on the mind because I was thinking about how spitting another chappy or two of that out this year might be a fun little exercise while I rewrite CotN!!! so while I can't give you any guess as to when that might be, I have finally OFFICIALLY started putting words onto paper in the CotN universe to finally continue that damn series this year. so its finally happening babydoll ♡
also I'm glad you love roots! I love roots too! I just finished reading the entirety of the current draft to my (same) roommate!! (well, I only read acts 5 and 6 to them but it was still a LOT.) talk about a morose bedtime story but they had as much fun as me apparently!!! thanks for telling me that you like it bc I quite literally am obsessed with that story ♡♡♡
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