#yeahhh im sure me telling y’all about the branding stuff will only prompt more questions but look i’m prepared for that
whump-queen · 2 years
1) How good is your sight?
2) Do you have any scars?
8) What's something that will always make you smile?
withhout glasses: I see 20/100 💀💀 (for reference, 20/20 is considered good vision—20/10 is insanely good)—20/30 you need glasses.) AND IM 20/100. so it is very much VERY BAD
BUT WITH GLASSES: I only see 20/50. 😭 20/50!!! and that’s the best they can get it!!! woohoo thanks albinism 😭✌️
2. oh boy yeah there are many but here are the notable ones
a snake scarred into the inside of my ankle from when I was a teenager and let my friend brand me with a wood engraving tool because I didn’t want a sticknpoke. no ragrets 10/10 would do again.
a moon carved into my leg (yeah yeah I let her do more than one she was very pretty ok. I didn’t want a tattoo and pain is fun don’t come for me)
I scar running straight down the dead center of my forehead from when I was 3 and had to go to the er to get stitches from slamming my head into a door (i was set up to fail—I had a babysitter spin me around a bunch of times and then tell me to go close the door, and of course I banged my fucken head on the corner like, What Did You Think Would Happen Clarissa???
a bigass scar down my right thumb from when I was a teenager and tried to open a beer bottle with a fork. (look I never said I was smart ok, let’s just say it did not go well.)
8. waking up to the insane shit you dm me in the morning 🥰
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