#yeha this this is kinda my mantra
chiptrillino · 3 years
Do you gave any advice for a still (kinda new) artist?
that is... a loaded question...
work smart not hard is my way to approach art though. and i would have loved if someone would have drilled that into me when i was younger? like... i still strugglewith that. but... it connects to the questions: what do i want to tell? and how can i show it?
defining this is a huge help to me. because some things need a bg to tell the story better. in other moments i don't need it because what i try to say is already told with just a pose or an object.
a bit rough and unperfect lineart is something most people don't look at. a bit a crooked nose or uneaven eyes, in general minor mistakes or crookedness in your art is something people usualy don't tend to see or point out because people look ant the entire picture and composition. (oh... -uncaps red marker- all my mistakes you guys ignore)
so... take shortcuts to achive what you want to tell. if you want to take them of course. don't push yourself because you think you have to. you don't know how something looks you look it up. if there is a free (emphasis on free) pattern use that. or learn how to make brushes for braids and pattern to have an easiertime.
the key for working smart for art are refrences. and to not shy away form them. there are usefull 3D tools in the web for free. you can use fotos to look how angles look like, you can take pictures of yourself.
there is this idea of art having to be hard and difficult in order to be worth something. which is just a stupid point of view. if you use CSP and have these 3D dolls available, use them. there is a reason they are there. use google sketch up as help for environment. if photos don't do it for you. there are many 3D design tools that help visualize what you would like to draw. and there are even artifical drawing rendering tool that can help you with environment.
to struggle through art and forcing yourself through something unpleasant will hurt you mentally on the long run. it kills the joy in the process and at the end can lead to burnouts or just dropping the hobby. (there is a slight difference if it is your job but there are methodes for these scenarios too) so work smart. us the tools that are here to help you visualizing what you want to show us. uhm... finding ref is relative easy but in case you would like to see what i use
adorastock: for posese
for artifical enviorment: this one got really popular a while back. its als just fun to play with :D
animal head references: sould my sould to this for obvious reasons!
manekin for shadows on the face: you can also just use it for head angles :D!
so... i think i talked to much ;;; sorry for the long post!
i couldn't find any art on your blog so i can't give you direct feedback. but you are a talented writer, i like how you portray izumi!
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gayspock · 4 years
dont rb , dont rply
hate trying so sick of trying onnly to be reminded, resoundinggly, of 10 billion more reasons why its better to kill yourself , like, i hate the stupid same fucking bullshit how it always just leads back to there, back to that, i hate forcing myself to think “this is irrational this is irrational” when frankly its the only rational thing i can fucking feel any more its the only logical conclusion to fucking any of it . i can spend fucking years sobbing over every single little detail about it all i can fucking repeat trauma in my head on a loop and i can try and fail over and over and over it can go on for another decde without  change i can KEEP looping that cycle or i can  just stop it and quit it because its not worth it none of its ever bloody fucking worth it same SHIT over and over again running from place to place and crying hopingh the next situation i end up somehow saves me and gives me some fucking reason to be alive only for it to get worse every time only for me to be yet again confronted with the “you should have died years ago you fucking idiot” mantra, the whole why didnt you KILL yourself with some dignity years ago instead of waiting until now, why do you have to be pathetic like this @ me . and then i start crying over more and more stupid shit, sobbing because im sad and  how i just wished it could have worked out and how much i really wnated it to so many fucking times only for me to be a clown and an idiot over and OVER and OVER again because it never gets into my thick skull i dont fucking want to be alive i dont fucking want any of it i dont i just WANT to want it but i cant . fucking make that happen i just keep going back to “ i cant do any of it any more” over and over and OVER againand i force myself to suffer through it even more and  why. why man why man why man like why do i have to Constantly delude myself thinking yeah yeha yeah yeah yeah fucking dancing in fucking circles theres a million times ive whined abt the Exact same thing like this in these posts, written word, crying mumbling to myself every single day for years doing it OVER and OVER again what kinda nonsense is it what kinda nonsense is that i hate those things do you know those things the stupid tactics always just make me so much more upset all the fucking stupid fucking cliches every single one of them that are meant to be comforting make me just cry even harder because even. even the attempts at trying to FIND a reason to kill yourself just lead back to you should kill yourself and the reality is there again that youre too much of a hopeless fucking case , how these are all the exact reasons WHY you want to kill yourself. thinking about those sentiments of how you dont have to be alive for anyone but yourself but then remembering how much you hate yourself thinking about those sentiments of love and how your worth isnt determined by your skills or anything only just serve to remeber how fucking alone you f eel . how none of it is there how there is 0 reason to be alive and how it all just falls apart how people rol their eyes and theyre like well there cant be 0 reason and then you START! CRYING! GHARDER! because there is there is no reason and being reminded of how. fucking pathetic that is just makes it feerl so so much fucking worser i hate my degree i hate myself im so fucking alone and i feel so fucking alone wherever i go ui feel like everything ive done in my life has just been a stupid fuckingg botched attempt to fit in and i dont like any of it i dont want any of it i just . end up miserable and alone and crying eery single time i fucking try, start getting angrier and angrier every time im too pathetic to kill myself, every time i fuck it up i just end up regretting it again , wihsing even harder that i’d just fucking done it because theres no point to it theres no point to the senseless fucking same shit enduring it again and again when change cant happen i know it cant happen  and thats also the crux otf it knowing that too knowing that its just so fucking futile whatever you bloody do and then crying because you just wis h . that you had a better chance at some things but . knowing damn well that no matter what you did, all of it holding you together was always so wafer fucking thin . stupid im sat here thinking about how when i was little i’d always cry and try to feel better thinking about how when i get away its going to be okay and then realising it still wont be and just that stupid endless cycle of absolutely hollow promises to yourself until youre fucking rotting in the floor crying choking yhourself with a belt AGAIN because you dont want to be awake any more!! whats the POINT of it you know. i dont want to go back to living with people i dont want to fall back into the complacency and feeling numb and numb and numb until im alone again and then it all comes rushing back tenfold i want OUT and yet i nebver do and im trying to think of practical ways to do it some way i wnt fucking chicken out of fucking thats the DIFFICULTY right now you know YOU KNOW fucking 
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