ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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"Music of the Venezuelan Yekuana Indians"
(LP. Folkways rcds. 1972 / rec. 1912/62-70) [VE]
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Caín y Abel, la Biblia al revés
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Un dios carnicero y odioso
El corpus veterotestamentario está plagado de fratricidios que Jehová pasa por alto o condena con sorprendente lenidad. Pero, más allá del fratricidio, el dios bíblico es, sobre todo, una deidad carnívora mientras que Satanás, la imprescindible alternativa del maniqueísmo, no suele entrar en dietas gastronómicas -¿para qué si sus luciferinas invectivas nunca alcanzarían la barbarie de Jehová?.
Los panteones, olímpicos o trasatlánticos, disimulan la presencia de sus dioses odiosos coagulándolos en el Demonio, una solución chapucera. Pero las mitologías no se agotan en el Mediterráneo. Por ejemplo, entre los indígenas Yekuana del Orinoco, Wanadi es el dios de la luz y del bien. Odosha es hermanastro de Wanadi; cuando la madre de ambos parió al dios bueno, su placenta se olvidó en la tierra, llegó la gusanera y de esa putrefacción nació Odosha, dios del mal quien odió a Wanadi y dedicó su tétrica existencia a destruir la obra de Wanadi.
Sin embargo, debo reconocer que el carnivorismo divino tiene curiosos aliados en la periferia del primitivismo. Así, en 1987, Jared Diamond publicó un famoso artículo titulado The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race. Y, ¿cuál era ese peor error de la Humanidad?: pues nada menos que la agricultura –lo lamento, Caín, diez milenios trabajando para que, al final, vuelvas a ser un forajido… Sin olvidar que anarcoprimitivistas como John Zerzan deliran ubicando la eutopía en un mundo –más que arcaico, paleontológico- en el que no habrá que matar animales, será suficiente con destripar cacahuetes.
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Pero, ojo, habiendo comprobado que no era sostenible su carnivorismo extremo, homicida y terrorista –hoy añadiríamos geocida-, Jehová maquinó una más de sus insidias: convirtió en agroindustria a la agricultura, vecchia signora. De ahí que, actualmente, los Hijos de Caín tengamos que desatender nuestras labranzas para desmelenarnos en su defensa. Y, en el colmo de su hipocresía, ese retorcido dios trata de maquillar su ideología partidista proclamando que el ganado de Abel produce demasiado CO2. Pero, como lo pregona con la boca chiquita, ni siquiera los carnívoros convictos y confesos le hacen caso.
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novosparanos · 2 years
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A MAIOR COLEÇÃO DE BANCOS INDÍGENAS Celebrado como um dos mais expressivos, o conjunto pertencente à Coleção BEI (@colecaobei) reúne mais de 500 peças oriundas de povos de diferentes regiões: Alto e Baixo Xingu, sul da Amazônia/Centro-Oeste, norte do Pará e Guianas e noroeste amazônico. Os bancos aliam funcionalidade e beleza; ao mesmo tempo que são reconhecidos como objetos de arte e design, preservam sua dimensão religiosa e simbólica: esculpidos em madeira, muitas vezes em formatos de animais, decorados com grafismos ou coloridos com pigmentos diversos, eles espelham o universo cultural e a cosmologia das etnias que os criam. Entre elas estão Mehinaku, Waujá, Asurini, Kamayurá, Tukano, Yawalapiti, Tikuna, Karajá, Guajajara, Palikur, Waiwai e Yekuana. A coleção, localizada próxima ao Parque do Ibirapuera, em São Paulo, ainda conta com máscaras, remos, peneiras e outros objetos. É absolutamente sensacional! Para mais detalhes sobre visitação, entre em contato diretamente com @colecaobei ou através do www.colecaobei.com.br #novosparanos #colecaobei #bancosindigenas #artebrasileira #brasil (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIWNKTvZqz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danieloteropena · 2 years
daniel otero peña landscape research, urban design, architecture, and teaching.
landscape research at academia ///. bottom-up brussels context sensitive and practice-based urban metabolism methodological approach. mexico city resource efficiency advancing urban metabolism studies through gis data. the spatial dimension of urban metabolism resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities. green with grey landscape ecology and desealing strategies in flanders. brussels ecosystems urban agriculture cooperatives in a shared landscape. le fleuve vert agriculture, natural heritage, and trade. at practice ///. otter modular floating cabins and circular metabolism. san juan de topilejo resource harvesting and commons.
urban design infraestructura y paisaje landscape infrastructure design, water scarcity scenarios, and railway systems. kaboom! a metropolitan-scale square and an urban forest. boulevard de las culturas black and white paving stone surface (yekuana weave). parc lescure agriculture, thermal baths, and flexible infrastructures. la carlota natural, urban, and human horizons. senderos urbanos trail infrastructure and access to a cultural center in petare.
architecture culture ///. mucuchíes musical training and an organized community in the andes mountains. caracas sinfónica a horizontal void between suspended concert halls and an underground conservatory. crt bolívar an urban gallery as a foyer. crt anzoátegui the gateway to a seaside park. el amarillo a folding façade that opens to the public space. sem maracaibo reactivating unused cultural facilities through an experimental hall. teatro colón extension of a theater into the public space. la rinconada cultural infrastructure modules galeria venezia an ephemeral theater in an urban gallery. mixed-use ///. caripe modular multi-purpose cabins. bcv guayana a covered plaza as support for the natural heritage. extramuros defining boundaries of an urban center block. don armando reactivating a neglected colonial center through education. residential /// jac tan articulating living spaces through a courtyard. gon tot a playful and flexible woodwork piece. san marino reshaping spaces through a furniture strip mamama connecting family ties through common spaces and patios. icabarú a trail and a home in the hills.
teaching workshops ///. dislocal connecting the natural and built environment in a peripheral community.  urban metabolism scan exploration and synthesis of multiscale projects in peripheral territories. at loci uclouvain ///. m.arch theses urban metabolism, landscape infrastructures, and habitats. atelier tfe ecology, heritage, and territories architectural research studio. moydex first-year architectural (and landscape) drawing studio. notre dame de tournai drawing, narrative, and speculations. sociétés et territoires cross-border flows, resources, sanitary crisis, and care. fenêtres sur cour architecture, (hitchcock), landscape and courtyards. bunkers, dunes et mer landscape (architecture) design, sports fields, and a historical and natural heritage site. un sol de jeu playful landscapes. at fau ucv ///. el injerto y la quebrada residual natural spaces and modular plant production units. el pueblo y el mar classical music, a waterfront landscape, and drums in a fishing town. la ruta del peregrino topography and landscape as elements of architectural design. el río y la ciudad urban agriculture on the guaire riverbanks.
archive topo/y/paisaje is an online archive of images, texts, ideas, and references about architecture, topography, and landscape.
portfolio about info
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yekuana · 6 years
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Que no muera la esperanza, el combate ni el amor. #AliPrimera #ALoYeku #Yekuana
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hardcustomcase · 4 years
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Chess Set Unique Vivo V19 Custom Hard Case IDR: Rp95.000 SPECIALIZED CUSTOMIZABLE SMARTPHONE CASE Pusat pembuatan dan penjualan aneka cover hard case, soft case, tempered case, diamond case, anticrack, black matte, dan fullcover headcase. Bisa pasang gambar apa aja, foto, gambar design sendiri, gambar favorite kamu dll. Proses cepat gak pakai sistem po 1-2 hari jadi / siap kirim. Bahan terbuat dari material high quality plastik policarbonate. Diprint dengan teknologi thermal printing. Gambar di cetak full body Case ( belakang - samping kanan dan kiri ). Gambar yang di hasilkan di jamin awet dan tidak akan terkelupas. Available: Gambar ini bisa dicetak buat apple, asus, google pixel, htc, huawei, infinix, lenovo, LG, meizu, motorola, nokia, oneplus, oppo, samsung, sony, vivo dan xiaomi Nb: Jika ingin custom gambar sendiri silahkan untuk kontak pesan Contact Service: Santoso Ajiyasa (Kota Bekasi) WA: 081331949191  »»» http://boleh.click/wa/cshardcustomcase Line: hardcustomcase  »»» http://boleh.click/l/cshardcustomcase Luar kota bisa kirim via JNE Ongkir sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh pembeli #hardcustomcase #yyk #yykdnc #yykc #yykawaii #yykspeed #yek #yekten #hepyek #yekta #yekyu #pkyek #yeke #yekekerefeke #yekeyeke #yekerazmer #yekuana #yekun #catur #chess #vivo #vivov19 #backcover #backcases #transparantcase https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkqRYKnfGV/?igshid=f9h5jckilefh
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roxsylin · 4 years
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Yekuana! The face of my Venezuelan ancestors.
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dradanicogo · 4 years
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Com certeza, irei 🖤😏👌 #CarnaRock #Yekuana #Birthday #15Anos #Aniversario #Macuxi #Metal https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zexyHlYaj/?igshid=9xzeawayrmg9
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xurume · 4 years
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#Onça e #grafismos livremente inspirados na arte do povo #Yekuana. Em progresso. Bom fim de semana! #emprogresso #inprogress #tattooinprogress #oncapintada #onçatattoo #tattooonça #jaguar #jaguartattoo #yekuanatattoo #yekuanas #grafismoindigena #grafismotattoo #grafismosindígenas #grafismoindígena #grafismo https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OIk0eBkek/?igshid=1cxy3uzaz5tpn
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La escultura de una india Yekuana, en Maripa-Estado Bolívar #Maripa #Caicaradelorinoco #Orinoco #Bolivar #Ciudadbolivar #Venezuela #indigenasvenezolanos #yekuanas #culturayekuana 🔁@repostbolivar https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-CSRupNg7/?igshid=1krs3u610ffq5
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paulomaya · 7 years
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Awidi, surrounded by Ahisha, the white heron, and a combined motif of strs (shiduche) and rain (konohokudu) : A GALLERY OF BASKETS :: To weave ans sing - Art, symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest :: David M. Guss :: 1989 #yekuanapeople #povoyekuana #yekuana #yekuanabasketry #cestariayekuana
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standingatthefence · 7 years
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Ata Kandó | Yekuana boy with a boar hunting prey, Santa Maria Elevato, Venezuela (1962)
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novosparanos · 3 years
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ESPECIAL INDÍGENA NA LOJA Acesse: loja.novosparanos.com.br LINK NA BIO Como todos os sábados, realizamos uma curadoria de peças exclusivas que ficam à disposição dos clientes do Novos Para Nós. Hoje, temos o prazer de dividir a arte indígena de etnias do Norte, Centro-Oeste e Sul do País. São eles: Karajá, Kayapó, Mehinako, Yekuana, Baniwa, Guarani e Waurá. Estamos muito felizes em trazer do Pará, Roraima, Amazonas, Tocantins, Mato Grosso e Santa Catarina a força dos povos originários 💚 #novosparanos #arteindigena #artebrasileira #indigena #karaja #kayapo #mehinako #yekuana #baniwa #guarani #waura #brasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CVp4kuLr2Th/?utm_medium=tumblr
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danieloteropena · 2 years
daniel otero peña landscape research, urban design, architecture, and teaching.
landscape research at academia bottom-up brussels context sensitive and practice-based urban metabolism methodological approach. mexico city resource efficiency advancing urban metabolism studies through gis data. the spatial dimension of urban metabolism resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities. green with grey landscape ecology and desealing strategies in flanders. brussels ecosystems urban agriculture cooperatives in a shared landscape. hemel hempstead analyzing self-organization in urban water commons as social–ecological systems.  le fleuve vert agriculture, natural heritage, and trade.
urban design san juan de topilejo resource harvesting and commons. infraestructura y paisaje landscape infrastructure design, water scarcity scenarios, and railway systems. kaboom! a metropolitan-scale square and an urban forest. boulevard de las culturas black and white paving stone surface (yekuana weave). parc lescure agriculture, thermal baths, and flexible infrastructures. la carlota natural, urban, and human horizons. senderos urbanos trail infrastructure and access to a cultural center in petare.
architecture culture ///. mucuchíes musical training and an organized community in the andes mountains. caracas sinfónica a horizontal void between suspended concert halls and an underground conservatory. crt bolívar an urban gallery as a foyer. crt anzoátegui the gateway to a seaside park. el amarillo a folding façade that opens to the public space. sem maracaibo reactivating unused cultural facilities through an experimental hall. teatro colón extension of a theater into the public space. la rinconada cultural infrastructure modules galeria venezia an ephemeral theater in an urban gallery. mixed-use ///. caripe modular multi-purpose cabins. bcv guayana a covered plaza as support for the natural heritage. extramuros defining boundaries of an urban center block. don armando reactivating a neglected colonial center through education. residential /// jac tan articulating living spaces through a courtyard. gon tot a playful and flexible woodwork piece. san marino reshaping spaces through a furniture strip mamama connecting family ties through common spaces and patios. icabarú a trail and a home in the hills.
teaching workshops ///. dislocal (el calvario) connecting the natural and built environment in a peripheral community.  urban metabolism scan exploration and synthesis of multiscale projects in peripheral territories. at loci uclouvain ///. m.arch theses urban metabolism, landscape infrastructures, and habitats. atelier tfe ecology, heritage, and territories architectural research studio. moydex first-year architectural (and landscape) drawing studio. notre dame de tournai drawing, narrative, and speculations. sociétés et territoires cross-border flows, resources, sanitary crisis, and care. fenêtres sur cour architecture, (hitchcock), landscape and courtyards. bunkers, dunes et mer landscape (architecture) design, sports fields, and a historical and natural heritage site. un sol de jeu playful landscapes. at fau ucv ///. el injerto y la quebrada residual natural spaces and modular plant production units. el pueblo y el mar classical music, a waterfront landscape, and drums in a fishing town. la ruta del peregrino topography and landscape as elements of architectural design. el río y la ciudad urban agriculture on the guaire riverbanks.
archive topo/y/paisaje is an online archive of images, texts, ideas, and references about architecture, topography, and landscape.
portfolio about info
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yekuana · 5 years
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Faenas femeninas #Yekuana #Yanomami (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlI_g9HpzY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2n1rewxhki2u
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Virus poses cultural threat to Brazil's Amazon people
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In the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, the advance of COVID-19 presents indigenous people with a cruel cultural dilemma -- remain in their villages with little medical help, or seek safety in the city and risk being deprived of their ancestral funeral rites.
Lucita Sanoma lost her two-month-old baby to suspected coronavirus on May 25. The boy was buried, without her knowledge, 300 kilometres (185 miles) from her village.
The infant died in hospital in Boa Vista, capital of the northwestern state of Roraima.
The burial followed government health guidelines that run counter to Yanomami culture, which dictates that the deceased must be cremated.
The authorities "have to understand and respect the cultural issue," indigenous leader Mauricio Yekuana told AFP, outraged at the suffering of the young mother and three other women with similar experiences.
As part of the Yanomami's funerary rites, the remains are displayed in the forest before they are cremated. The ashes are collected in an urn to be buried in a new ceremony much later.
"I want to bring my son's body back to the village, we must mourn him together," Lucita Sanoma told AFP through an interpreter.
Her long black hair falling over her shoulders, the young woman wiped away tears as she described her distress in her own language.
"I went straight to the hospital with my son...The last word I received is that he died. I never saw him again," she said in a soft, rhythmic voice.
Not being able to mourn in her community, according to her ancestral rites, "is a lack of respect, which has a strong psychological effect on the mother," said Junios Yanomami, president of the Yanomami Indigenous Health Council.
After her ordeal, Lucita Sanoma returned to her village in the region of Auaris, in Brazil's northwest.
But her son's body remains in an unmarked grave in a Boa Vista cemetery, until the authorities decide if she can bring him home to grieve with her relatives.
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