#yes Desmond got his whip and training from Aveline. yes Aveline trained him AND Altaïr how to use a whip
theconfusedartist · 9 months
Des and Alex would be soooo domestic. Alex comes back after beating the shit outta infected and Balckwatch troops and just. Collapses on Dana's couch.
They argue over who's allowed to use the controller first and end up watching horror movies for about half an hour before the power and signal cuts out bc all over the island bc they're making sure nothing gets in or out.
They banter over how the movie should or will end, when Des knocks on the door and Alex is all over him when he opens it up, like a massive koala bear. Des is so used to Dr. Mercer doing this, then trying to pretend like it was Des that jumped him like he was losing his mind that it's actually refreshing how Alex is unabashedly cuddling him.
They go over to the apartment that Des took over since most people left the vicinity of Penn Station days after Balckwatch was shooting people in broad daylight and Alex asks "wanna see something I just learned? It's cool as hell". Ofc Des agrees and it's just a montage of them play fighting as Alex shows off ALL of his abilities bc he knows Des won't be scared off or scream, with crashing and ungodly noises of destruction.
Dana peeks in hours later when things are finally silent and sees the two of them snuggled up on a completely destroyed couch (that was destroyed last time they did this, is the damn thing respawning?) and assumes they just got done doing some of the most disturbing sex stuff ever. She doesn't wanna know, doesn't ask, but can't get away without them seeing her and saying hello. It feels like the worst experience every time this happens to her bc she assumes that they're having ungodly weird virus on human sex, and they do, just never the time she peeks into the apartment. They're just playing.
#alex turns his arm into a whip “so i learned streetsweeper today. tell me what ya think”#proceeds to use it in this tiny fully decorated apartment destroying everything#des smiles “sure lemme use my whip too! <3”#proceeds to whip back#yes Desmond got his whip and training from Aveline. yes Aveline trained him AND Altaïr how to use a whip#Altaïr is amazing at it he chooses not to use it mostly. Desmond loves using it#Des at any time is carrying on his person at least one gun the tomohawk (Connor gave him that one but he did also make him build one of his#own) a machete (thank you Aveline!) and one of the daggers Altaïr made for him#he just looks cute and innocent#that man is armed to the teeth bc people are hunting him#and he refuses to be caught slippin#Alex just enjoys being able to use any of his powers against Des with the knowledge that Des is not only fast but smart enough to not gethit#yes Des is currently pregnant in that permutation. doesn’t stop him from fighting or singing to the twins when hes got downtime#Altaïr wakes up in Desmond's body sometimes (bc hes watching over Elijah in Brooklyn) and is being aggressively cuddled by Alex.#hes like i can't believe im waking up in this position AGAIN#alex is like “oh hey Altaïr whats up?”#Des and Alex are domestic with each other but Dana thinks weird freaky sex is happening when it really isn't#Altaïr knows whats going on 99% of the time but sometimes he doesn't because he wakes up in Desmond's body and is surprised af#is this rambly? yes.#Alex and Des are very domestic people just don't get what the fuck they're doing 100% of the time and assumes its nasty sex#but in reality sex is going on a lot less that people think and more than they would like to know about#also the couch came back bc Alex biomassed it together#most of the things in Desmond's apartment is just biomass at this point and thats how Alex likes it
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