#yes I’ve posted some of these before but it’s fineeeee
fbisgayesttrio · 5 months
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Agents of SHIELD (Series)
I finally finally finished the series. Figured a reaction post would be nice to air out all my sentimentality about the show.
Disclaimer btw, throughout this post, I would be writing shit that I hate. It might include character hate from specific situations to seasons. If you don’t want to read people hating on your fave characters, click away. If you want to change my mind about my hate, please just move on, we’ll just be wasting each other’s time.
Years ago I stopped watching AoS around season 5 episode 3.
Just this week I decided to pick it up again from the start. It was a roller coaster of emotion. From having to go through Season 1 again and how different they all are, dealing with Grant and the other arcs.
I’ve rewritten this post so many times now. One time I would be writing so much, even doing it per season only to delete it all and do it per arc, only to again delete it all and start over again.
I don’t know anymore how to write this down. But ya know what, I’ve never been that serious or technical with my reactions. So i might as well just whine about it lol.
So here ya go, a rant.
In my blog I gifed a total of 3 scenes for AoS.
The Spy’s Goodbye.
Hive and Lincoln’s death.
and Enoch’s death.
A lot of scenes made me sob like a fatherfucker but these three was too much.
The Spy’s goodbye scene was a bittersweet good bye. Not seeing Bobbi and Lance anymore was such a devastating reality, but it’s good to know that at least they do not die or sth tragic like what they did to Triplett.
Hive and Lincoln’s death was devastating in a way I wasn’t expecting. Daisy’s acting during that scene was fucking too much. THAT SHIT HURT. Lincoln’s sacrifice was something of an expected scene but god does it not have to be like that.
ALSO Hive just taking it all in, letting his death be is the most unexpected thing there. To him just saying that he just wanted connection, to make the world better was fucking sad. I understand what he said, Lincoln did too. 
Enoch’s death was fucking unappreciated.
His death was silent, he died without his best friend by his side, without Jemma, without even Deke. No, he was left with Daisy and Coulson who if I remember correctly, didn’t even have that much scene with him.
And how he just accepted it and understand that It was a necessary sacrifice was soo fucking bad.
Y’all can tell me how the crew can do that sacrifice for Enoch, but it won’t change my mind. None of them barely even tried to understand Enoch in more ways than what was just presented in front of them.
Maybe its the curse of being a minor/side character, but that shit was sad. I wonder if that sentence was more for himself, to comfort himself in his death than him being confident about it.
Again, y’all can fight me about it, tell me off how wrong I am but nope nope nope.
warning : Mackenzie Daisy Hate 
Now I can’t exactly remember what season or arc it was anymore. If it was during the lighthouse with the kree arc, or after or before, but damn Mackenzie really pissed me off.
His hypocritical holier than thou attitude pissed me so much. He’s a conflicting mess that adjusts his morality based on what’s in front of him. Everyone going against Elena was a fucking hard pill to take because she really was in a different sphere compare to where the others are.
I see her as doing her best to fit in with the group but unfortunately she didn’t just have that same experience with the others to be on the same wavelength as them.
Coulson agreeing with her was a small comfort. But Daisy and Mack and May? Dang that shit hurt.
There was a season where Daisy and Mackenzie annoyed the fuck out of me. I couldn’t stand a scene with them on it. I just can’t remember it much. I think it was after the framework scene.
Now that I finished the entire series, looking back to it, it’s not exactly OOC of them to act that way. But it sure was hell annoying and just ugh.
warning : Fitz Hate
This portion would be ranting about how sucky Fitz became after his trauma. I’m not even technically talking about what Fitz did to Daisy with her limiter and his whole “Oh Dark Fitz is doing all this bad shit, oh no wait its me all along” schtick.
I’m talking about how he responded to Deke throughout the series.
He was shitty to him. I’m not sure if its because of his immature ass, his fucking issues with Nazi Fitz, or whatever. He was shitty.
Deke did his best to connect with Fitz in anyway possible, DEKE IS STUCK IN A GODDAMN WORLD HE DOESN’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT, A SIMPLE SOFT WORLD EVEN COMPARE TO HIS OWN WORLD, and for Fitz do be that shitty to him?
I don’t even think there was one scene where Deke and Fitz even did not butt heads off.
YES them bantering, sniping at one another can be funny but damn was it draining after Deke chose to stay behind.
Deke did his best, but let’s face it, only Jemma truly accepted him in the group.
Not fucking Coulson, not fucking Mackenzie or May, not even Daisy and Elena. SPECIALLY not fucking Fitz. I hate what he did to Deke, and I hate all of them for not reaching out more.
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive Fitz ever anymore.
I truly enjoyed his character but after framework, or it was just too much.
Yes, he was traumatized by his own actions in the framework, all of them are but goddamn.
I don’t even want to drag Sousa in this but we can all agree that they all embraced Sousa quicker, and much warmer than how they all did with Deke. 
I think the arc I hated the most was the Lighthouse/Kree arc. The crew acted so fucking ignorant despite seeing what the circumstance is. They acted in ways that could’ve endangered the lives of the people who live in the Lighthouse, and yes sure if they solved the problem none of that would’ve happen in the first place but fucking hell they were all so ignorant.
Mackenzie’s shit with the guy with the baby was fucking unnecessary. I hated that scene so much.
Let’s talk about Season 7 which was fucking great.
After the seasons I felt meh about because of reasons written above, special mention to season 5 and it’s shitty ass, let’s finally talk about good stuff.
Let’s talk about young Malick first. Freddy opening that door was a fucking revelation. At this time I didn’t know he’s a big baddie, but goddamn was the actor so fineeeee. Like literally I was on my phone when the scene came up, and when I looked up, my jaw dropped.
Time travel to the past has always been an iffy plot for me. Because I don’t really wanna deal with people being sexist and racist out in public, (pfft as if the 21st century was any better about it)
But they deal with it with a comical spin. Daisy and Mack threatening shitheads back was fucking awesome. THE SCENE WITH THE WHITE DEFENSE GENERAL WAS MAGNIFICENT EVEN. DEKE WAS SO FUCKING DONE WITH HIM. HAHAHA.
In season 7 the editors really had fun changing the title sequence to accomdate each time period. It was really great!
Let’s talk about Daniel Sousa, our cinnamon bun of a man who is the only one that will now hold the title “Man out of Time” now that Steve Rogers time traveled his ass back for some fake ass moving on shit.
UGH I THINK WE ALL FELL IN LOVE WITH DANIEL SOUSA IN THIS SEASON. His go to attitude and just so ready to be with Daisy was fucking great. I love Daisy and him together. After all the shit that Daisy went through, FUCKING FINALLY SHE FINALLY GETS THE HAPPY ENDING SHE DESERVESSSSS.
I want a Daniel Sousa myself. He seems to be like a traditional man who isn’t sexist and racist and homophobic ya know. (side eyeing some traditional male actors who I thought would not be shitty only to be proved wrong by them)
Anywho their kiss was fucking satisfying. And I hope that they will fucking have a great long life with Kora. 
THIS TWO DUMBOS ARE FUCKING GREAT. Still not sure about reviving Agent Davis as an LMD but at least they didn’t keep it a secret that he isn’t a real person anymore.
I shipped him one with Agent LT Koenig. I know Davis is already married and probably has a child based on his interaction with Elena but daaang.
Earlier I wrote something about Elena trying to penetrate the Coulson group but not exactly being able to?
Honestly, it makes sense to me that Elena is closer to Piper and Davis than she is with any of the core 6. And I truly love the fact that Davis and Piper is Elena’s new squad. I wish they interacted more honestly.
Also I miss Agent Fox, he was a fucking cutie. Agent Keller was also damn hot lol.
I think I’m done. I can’t think of anything more to say. Oh wait maybe the bit where the guy who acted as young Garrett was actually the son of the actor of old Garrett. Lol I was shooked when I watched them have the same smile. It was eerie without knowing they are father and son lol.
Okay im done, I’m happy that I finally finished AoS. I miss the scenes where they still reference the MCU movies but it seemed like after the gravitonium arc, they didn’t do any of it anymore. Sad truly.
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assclass-headcanons · 7 years
Speaking of scenerios, of course we have to add the cliche sick event! how about if their s/o is sick in bed with a bad fever/cold, what would chiba, hayami, rio, touka, nagisa, isogai , gakushu and karma do?
Finally posted!! Here you have them, sorry they’re short, there was just a lot of them to do!
Chiba RyuunosukeNo less than five minutes after you texted your boyfriend you were sick did he come over to your house with some medicine. “If you need anything else let me know.” he smiled slightly, beginning to get you an extra pillow.“Thanks.” you grinned, relaxing back into your bed. Chiba simply sat down near you, getting out a book to read. “Do you want any food? I can go out and get some for you.” he offered, and you nodded your head. He came back a few minutes later with some bread and some soup. You devoured it all eagerly.That was the gist of how the rest of your day went, with Chiba staying by you, getting you things if you needed them. While it wasn’t exactly an ideal couples day, it was good enough in your book.
Hayami RinkaHayami was never the type to do anything overly extra. She, of course, got worried when you didn’t show up to the archery class you two had signed up for. Afterward, she pulled out her phone and immediately dialed your number.“Hello?”“Hi, this is Rinka. I just wanted to ask where you were at archery today?”“Oh… sorry, I’ve been asleep all morning. I came down with a fever.”“Ah, I see. Well, I hope you get better, then.” she smiled.“You too… wait, I mean thanks. You’re not sick.”Hayami let out a giggle. “Okay, bye.”“Bye.”Later that day, you received a package. Inside it was a beautifully knitted scarf, as well as a note that read ‘Get well soon - Hayami’. You smiled and wrapped the scarf around your neck. Even if she didn’t always show it, Hayami truly did care.
Rio Nakamura“Surprise!” Rio shouted, waking you up with a jolt. “Rio…” you groaned. “It’s literally only eight on a Saturday… and I’m sick…”“I know, that’s why I came over!” she grinned. “I came here so you wouldn’t be lonely! I brought snacks, movies, video games, everything!”“Oh… thanks.” you smiled, looking through her bag full of entertainment. “You really didn’t have to though…”“Nonsense! If you’re dating someone, and they’re sick, it’s common sense to go over to their house!”“But usually they bring stuff that helps with a cold…”Rio’s grin grew larger. “Well, I’m certainly not typical! Let’s just play some video games and stuff, maybe you’ll forget you have a cold!”Your smile returned to your face. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
Touka YadaThe ringing of your phone woke you up instantly as you rolled over lazily in bed. 10:45. That was the current time. You had a good excuse for not getting out of bed, however.“Hello?” You croaked.“Oh, y/n! Are you okay??” Touka’s comforting voice sounded through your phone.“Yeah, I’m fine. I just… have a bad cold.”“Is it okay if I come over?”“You really don’t have to…”“I will though. I care about you! Be there in ten!”With that, she hung up. You couldn’t deny you’d love some care from her, you didn’t want her to go through the trouble of coming over, or even worse: get her sick. True to her promise, in exactly ten minutes she unlocked the door to your apartment and entered your room.“Okay, so here I brought…” she rummaged through the two bags she had with her. “Some soup for you… tissues… a towel if you want it, I can put warm or cold water on it… some medicine…”Around this time, you completely tuned out to what she was saying. You’d only had a cold, after all, and didn’t need all this stuff. It was kind of her to bring it though. She was an amazing girlfriend.“… and some crackers!” She beamed at all the things she’d brought. “Anyways, do you need anything?”“Some soup would be nice.” You said, taking her hand in yours. “Okay!” She gave your hand a squeeze, then went to go grab the soup. Touka was truthfully amazing.
Nagisa ShiotaToday was officially the worst day of your life. First, you were sick. Second, you were going to go to a concert with your boyfriend today, but now you had to miss it. As you were laying in bed, unable to get up without feeling nauseous, you heard the sound of keys unlocking your door.“Hello, f/n.” the sound of Nagisa’s voice instantly surprised you.“Nagisa? What are you doing here? Don’t you want to go to the concert?”“Well,” he started sheepishly, walking into the room. “It wouldn’t be much fun without you, so I was thinking we could just watch movies together tonight?”You smiled, scooting over so there was a place for him on the couch.“Yeah… I’d like that.”
Isogai YuumaThe sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house as you lazily got out of bed to get it.“Hi, f/n.” Isogai smiled, holding bags of ingredients. “I heard you were sick from one of your friends, so I wanted to make you some soup. Is that alright with you?”“Of-of course.” you stammered, blushing. The thought of Isogai’s food was making your mouth water already. He walked into your kitchen as you laid back down on your couch. The smell of cooking wafted through the air as you closed your eyes.About an hour had passed before you woke up. By then, the soup was done and cooled off.“Here you go,” Isogai smiled and sat down next to you. “Do you need me to feed you?” seeing the blush on your face after he said this, he chuckled. “No worries, I’m only joking.” You sighed with relief. You were not, absolutely not going to go through with this cliche. “Do you need anything else?” he asked, beginning to pack up his things to leave.“No, I think I’m alright.” you smiled. Isogai’s magical soup may not be able to heal you up physically, but it sure did heal up your spirit.
Asano GakushuuWhen you told your boyfriend you were sick, the last thing you expected was for him to show up at your house in a limo with medicine. The instant he walked through the door, you were bombarded with questions.“Have you been taking care of yourself?”“Yes-”“Eating enough, and taking your medicine?”“Of course-”“Getting enough sleep and not staying up late watching TV?”“Um…”He sighed. “Honestly, you need to get more sleep. Especially when you have a fever.”You pouted. “Gakushuu, come on!! I just happen to really like watching certain shows, you know how it is!”“Actually, I really don’t know how it is.”“Well, whatever. Just let me do my thing!”A smirk appeared on his face. “Like that’s ever going to happen. I have a brilliant idea.”“W-what is it?” you stammered nervously. “I’m going to stay with you. Make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Don’t stay up late, things like that.”You groaned. “Gakushuu, please.”“I’m not letting you be irresponsible.”You sighed in exasperation. Gakushuu could honestly be such a mom. “Fineeeee.”And so, a responsible night was spent between the two of you, and you felt a LOT better the next day, to say the least.
Karma AkabaneThe first thing you expected to see when you woke up was your bedroom wall, not the face of your red-headed boyfriend staring back at you. Immediately, you jolted back, which, unfortunately, resulted in hitting your head against the back of the wall.“Relax, it’s just me,” he grinned, leaning back into the chair. “You gave me a heart attack!” you grumbled, laying back down. “And why are you here anyway??”“Nagisa told me you had a cold, so I figured I’d drop by.” “How did you get in? You don’t have a key.”The devilish smile on his face after you brought this question up said it all. You facepalmed.“Geez, sometimes I wonder why I’m dating you.”“Come on, you know you love me.” he smirked, leaning over and kissing you on your cheek.“Karma, I have a cold. You’re going to get sick.”“It’s worth it if I can tease you~”Thus, the rest of the day was spent with Karma teasing the shit out of you. Thankfully, the day after, he got what was coming to him (he got sick too).
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