#yes daruk is having rock water with rock soup
plaguedoctorjester · 1 year
Based on a Roleplay
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Below is the comic above but typed out.
Scenario as seen in the image: Revali and Daruk are sitting in a traditional Japanese setting. I can't draw a Japanese setting so you have to imagine it: :<
First Panel: Side-Caption: "There are others here I just don't wanna draw em lol"
Revali has a bowl of seafood ramen, a cup of water, and a Ramune Japanese Soda bottle that he can't open.
Revali: "How spicy can it be?"
Daruk is sitting off to the side staring at his cup of Hot Spring Rock Water and bowl of Rock Soup [there might be noodles in it too idk]. Daruk says nothing.
Second Panel: Revali is loudly slurping up the Ramen.
Third Panel: Revali: . . . Revali: "It's not that ba-"
Fourth Panel: Revali's head is now on fire.
The fire, Ramune Bottle, Seafood Ramen, Cup of rocks, and pot of rocks are all copied from Google Images.
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song-of-storms162 · 6 years
One of us
The one hundred year sleep may have healed Wild, but for the price of his memories and unless he’s careful, his sanity.
I came home with heaviness in me, and wanting to forget the way i felt, went into the Linked Universe discord server, took one look at the weekly prompt and told myself; ”I’m tackling this prompt.”
For the linked universe discord weekly prompt: Loss/Taken
The one hundred year sleep had healed him mostly. When he told the others about it first, it was easy. Of course he didn’t mention the countless nightmares and dreams he had in the span of a century.
He had been in the brink of death, he swore he could see the banks of a river. It was a cold river, near freezing and he could feel his strength sap away. He didn’t feel like moving, no he didn’t want to move and his eyes Hylia were they heavy.
Tired, that was what he was, he could care less about where he was but sleep sounded really good now.
And so the hero slept, not knowing what river bank he slept on nor seeing the four spirits take him in.
He woke on different periods.
Once was on grass, soft and ticklish, the dirt below was a comfort in itself. He was....was he being held by someone?
But he couldn’t move, he couldn’t twist his body to face the person whose lap he slept on. He saw a hand, covered in beautiful red scales, resting on his cheek and he felt warmth there. His cheek felt light, soothing, the numbness in his face fading.
He felt wistful for some reason and in his mind he saw images. A trident beautiful in silver, a beast of metal and gears with large round ears and a long awkward nose. But as soon as they came they left.
He found his consciousness chasing after them before stopping.
What had he been chasing after?
He fell back into blackness.
He woke up on a raft this time.
He didn’t know how he could tell, his legs were still submerged in water, he wanted to move them as they were cold after all. But as he shifted his legs, he heard a sigh from someone.
He wanted to turn in their direction but a faceful of wind made him return to his original position.
“Don’t move,” he hears a voice say. “Master of air I might be, master of luck you are not.”
He hears a slight jab in those words and then another sigh. “You’ll have to keep your legs there, there’s barely enough space for two of us on this raft. Any false movement and you’ll capsize us.”
He hears a nother gust of wind puff by and he sees images again. A bow, large and great, on someone’s back, someone unfamiliar. The blue of the sash he wears was strangely haunting.
“May your luck hold out Link.”
And he falls into blackness once more.
He hears two voices this time. Male and female by the sound of it.
“Keep that shield steady Daruk. We might be spirits but this one’s not ready to cross the river just yet.”
A cool female voice and-is that lightning he hears? But the sounds fade and he hears the yell of agony from a monster. “Hah!” A booming male exclaims and Wild feels like he hears something breaking and then humming. “Little guy looks healed up enough, Mipha and that shrine thing are doing their work.”
Mipha? Who was that?
Wild hears another crack of lightning and then another cry from a monster, a lizalfos maybe?
“These monsters are as troublesome as their living counterparts. We can’t depend on Mipha alone, this is our part to play in ensuring Link returns to the living.”
A sigh from the female and he hears the swish and clink of metal, were they armed?
“Revali’s doing his part but still I was surprised when that lady came to us and gave us this task. What did she say her name was again, Urbosa?”
“She didn’t say, Daruk. But...I have an inkling to who she may be.”
“Don’tcha think she kind of looked like the princess though?”
A pause and the cool female voice answers again.
“Not just the princess, but she bore a resemblance to my old friend, the queen of Hyrule and the queen before her.”
Who are these people? Wild can feel himself fight to keep concious but something is dragging him down. Down to that dark slumber.
“But they weren’t her.”
The female voice doesn’t reply and all is silent until Wild hears another crack of lightning and another monster’s cry.
“Certainly not. Daruk, i believe we had a run-in with the goddess Hylia herself.”
“I only hope that the little bird and the hero remember each other. Link and Zelda, we’re counting on you.”
He only has time to think ‘Zelda?’ And then he falls.
Wild jolts from his sleep, his head knocking into a familiar wolf’s. The gray beast staggers before shaking its head and looking at him. Three blinks.
Their code for Are you Okay?
Wild blinks once. Yes
The wolf huffs and makes to lay down next to Wild. His eyes already say it all without blinking. Liar
Wild shrugs before getting up and hearing a whine from his furry companion.
“Checking food,” whispers Wild and Twilight blinks at him seven times. I’ll come with you
Wild doesn’t object and makes his way to where they keep food and supplies, both on cat soft feet to not wake the others. Wild rummages around a few packs, finding a soup ladle and a pot lid and starts when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He whirls around, the soup ladle he found in his hand, ready to whack the living daylights out of an enemy. The pot lid is held as a shield but an unblinking Twilight holds his hands up.
Wild blinks and sets down the ladle. “You gave me a heart attack,” Wild mutters before going back to rummaging around.
“You give me one everyday, it’s time i returned the favor.”
Wild shoots a glare over his shoulder at the older hero’s words. Twilight grins at him before going serious.
“What was the dream this time?”
Wild stops in his search and Twilight goes quiet. Dreams are tricky for them, even nice ones. And Twilight knows better than to press.
So he waits.
Wild finally faces him, his right arm spinning the soup ladle like a baton. “It was more of a memory I s’pose.”
Wild sighs and sits on the ground, trying not to think too hard about the breeze in his face or the grass he’s sitting on.
“I heard the champions. I was on a river and....” Wild trails off, his hand now gripping the soup ladle before tracing its length. “I think it was the first time i felt them after i first lost my memories.”
“I was,” Wild breathes out. “I was dead.”
“You mean asleep?”
Wild shakes his head. “They were transporting me from one side of a river to another. I was on a raft that kept going because of Revali’s winds, i think-I think there were Lizalfos around so Daruk and Urbosa were protecting me in my ‘state’.”
“I was-I was drifiting from the land of the dead to the living.”
Twilight feels his mouth go dry and his voice croaks one last name. “Mipha?”
Wild shakes his head. “She healed me. I heard Daruk say it was the shrine and her.”
A sad smile touches Wild’s face. “She was the first to see me off.”
Twilight nods but Wild continues, “Honestly, i’m afraid of sleeping, of not remembering you all when i wake up. They way i did in that-that memory.”
“Of losing it all not once but twice.”
Twilight wants to hug his protege and knows about the latter’s reaction to it but he does so anyway. Wild’s tears fall when his face is buried in Twilight’s tunic, sobs muffled by the older’s shoulders. Twilight begins rocking him, like one would a child or in this case, cub.
“Rockabye ba-“
Twilight’s lullaby is cut off by a huff. “I’m too old to be considered a baby.”
Twilight laughs and lets go of the Wild hero. “Yet we call you cub.”
Wild playfully glares at him but Twilight laughs louder at his attempt.
“Honestly,” Wild huffs before smiling slightly. Twilight chuckles softly and ruffles the younger’s hair.
“If the time comes,” Twilight begins. “That you lose your memories of us, then we will remind you.”
Wild looks at him, faint surprise written all over his face and Twilight smiles.
“Over and over again, all the embarrassing moments, all the times we, especially you, nearly died and gave us heart attacks-“ a scoff from Wild “We will remind you of our happiest moments, our saddest, our weakest.”
“Because you are one of us, don’t think you’re gonna be forgetting us all that easily.”
Wild hugs him, sudden and tight but Twilight grunts and the younger releases the hold. Sheepishly, Wild rubs his neck and Twilight’s eyes take him in with content.
“You are one of us,” says Twilight softly, a smile present on his face. “When you do forget, we will remember and we will remind you, no matter how many times it takes.”
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