#yes holy shit i just about keeled over when i was writing Isagani's
tanginae · 7 years
Modern!Tropang Nerds Headcannons, Part I
this ended up longer than it should be... also, yes i know it’s weird ‘cuz it’s in English but trust me, i realized that mistake too late and i apologize
anyway, it’s under the cut because i got  little carried away 
His eyes are black, but theyre anything but boring: his gaze can pull even the toughest of people in, either fascinating them or scaring them; and Isagani's probably written a verse or two about them after he sees how gorgeous they are (Basilio probs thought it was weird, but he still found it flattering nonetheless). Actually very expressive, you just have to know how to look. Has permanent eyebags (from late-night study sessions) and long eyelashes framing them (he gets it from his momma). They may be deep, dark, and mysterious, but the way his eyes light up when he laughs, getting all crinkly and stuff is just… beautiful.
His nose isn't too flat, just enough to hold up his glasses so it doesn't slide
His bottom lip and top lip share the same thickness, and are plump enough to make one wonder how kissing them would feel like. Also, he'd probably have the habit of biting off the skin when it gets chapped (dammit basilio get some lip balm)
His usual, stoic face looks otherwise to other people; he gets really surprised when they tell him he scares them. He often gets told he looks like he's going to slice open the next person who bumps into him. He's confused, most of the time, because "im literally not mad, guys?? What??" He also gets told he looks hot. He doesn't know how to react to that
If he looked hot wearing his normal face, he's pretty fucking cute when he's joking around, smiling and laughing. He looks all boyish, easygoing, and mischievous, a far cry from what people see when they first meet him
He's never going to admit this, but he doesn't have to because it shows: he loves dressing up real good. He won't spend too much on clothes, but it's just enough so that he looks like he stepped out of a magazine or something
He looks especially good in hoodies, probably because he rarely ever wears them
His blood is 75% coffee
Loves horror and gore movies only because he gets to point out its scientific flaws, they're practically a weird mix of reviewing and comedy to him
He probably keeps an old picture of him, Crispin, & Sisa for motivation, he looks at it whenever he feels taxed by the shit he's going through
He isn't religious or superstitious, though being raised in the province means he knows a considerable amount of folk tales and urban legends
Science Nerd
He's actually lowkey talkative and loves scientific discourse, get him started on it and he won't be able to stop. Probably loves biology and chemistry
Surprises people by his encyclopedic knowledge of obscure and morbid topics such as the best weapons to kill someone quickly, the most venomous substances know to man, etc. Isagani digs this. He's like a fountain of knowledge for when he needs something scientifically accurate for his writings
Has the patience of a saint
Hates fights and arguments; only a handful of things ever piss him off and it's when a) people use his past against him (the only people who can do this are Simoun and Isagani, and there is no way in hell Isagani's going to do that to him) and b) when people hurt/talk shit about the people he loves and cares for
Has ridiculous big brother instincts; which means he's very protective over his friends and close peers (even more so when they're younger than him)
Probably good at reading people; can detect whether they like him or not
He's that one student who starts assignments and projects weeks early
Never procrastinates
The type to obsess over something (a particularly difficult concept, a lengthy and complicated lesson, etc) until he knows it like the back of his hand
Nervous ticks: it's hard to tell when he's nervous since he's cool as a cucumber, but you'll know it when he fusses over stuff and people a lot more than he usually does
Has ridiculously steady hands that probably never tremble
Probably plays Amateur Surgeon for shits and giggles. He probably also gets four stars on every level, too
Great at handling money; really thrifty and frugal
Lowkey makabayan
Tends to show his affection through the little things; like getting them the food they like, sticky notes with sweet nothings on them, Jollibee burgers with the said sticky notes, stuff like that
He would make sure anyone he genuinely cares about never feels alone or lonely
He takes a little while to get past the initial awkwardness at the beginning of a relationship (any type of relationship, tbh), but when he does he's lowkey clingy as shit. He's going to fuss over them to no end until the other reminds him he has to take care of himself too
Probably gets detached as a defense mechanism when he feels as if people are about to walk out of his life
Highkey independent
He deserves all that is good and pure in this world
Tall as fuck and bulky as shit, just enough muscle to make my panties drop
Probably has no abs. he's pretty soft and hard at the same time
And because he's bigger than most people, his hugs are The Best™
His eyes are probably a dark brown, framed by perpetual eyebags and rich lashes. Highly expressive, you can always tell what he's feeling just by looking at his eyes. It practically lights up whenever he laughs, smiles, talks about something he loves, that kinda stuff
HE WEARS GLASSES because of all the reading and writing he's doing
His lower lip is thicker than his upper lip, making him look like he's perpetually pouting. He always, always smiles with his teeth showing, and it's pretty much enough to charm the shit out of anyone
He has chubby cheeks (because I'm assuming he DOES have a little chub), but that only softens his otherwise harsh features
Really nice and likable to everyone he meets, but will literally verbally whoop people's asses when the need arises
Has a low tolerance for bullshit, you know he's pissed when he's dead set on roasting the other person until they're nothing but a pile of ash
He's pretty impulsive, sometimes acting without thinking of the bigger picture (or thinking, in general)
His hands almost always have pencil lead  and/or ink stains
Probably owns a fountain pen. That dweeb
Owns a journal where he writes down his writings, but the said writings still end up on loose pieces of paper, café tissues, hell, even his own hand
He keeps his school notes poem-free, but they're anything but immaculate--his handwriting is probably messy and scrawl-y, especially when he's writing down things in a rush
He's only sociable when he needs to be. Otherwise, he's really quiet, preferring to observe people rather than talk to them
He indulges himself in coffee shops (he hates Starbucks, though); he's that one person you see actually reading and writing and/or studying there for hours and hours on end
He can and he will lose days of sleep over his assigned readings
He won't stop until he's finished everything and/or until someone tells him to stop and take a nap or something
He would most likely be a debate team member
He recognizes the oppression of minorities and will actively fight the said oppression; dreams of equality for everyone
Nothing annoys him more than people who claim to be against oppression but end up creating some form of oppression themselves (kinda like those feminists who are, in reality, just misandrists; those kinda things)
Legitimately wants to make his country a better place, and every time he feels exhausted in all aspects he just thinks of the future of his country, the one he's actively working for, and he finds the will to fight and continue
He will literally die for this country when he needs to
Highkey loves the sea and always, always feels at home there
He's a huge beach person
He is definitely the jealous type. However, he never manifests his jealousy in the form of violence, he just cries and/or sulks somewhere
Will willingly lower his pride and apologize even if it's the other person's fault; he almost always wins his arguments but when it comes to his special someone, he would gladly lose bless his soul
Definitely a blusher and would get nervous as fuck over meeting/talking to the person that he liked
He's the type to stumble over his words and sentences whenever he talks about something that he likes; it's a joy to talk to him about the things he enjoys because he's practically vibrating with happiness. It's adorable and contagious
He would be the type to take his bf/gf out on a beach date. If it were in the day he'd organize a little picnic, if it were during the night he'd probably just show them the stars and hold their hand and tell them random little stories he's never told anyone before. He'd make them laugh and it'd be the most disgustingly sweet thing ever
(help I just died writing that)
He's also the type to just… stare at his special someone when they're sleeping, reading, or doing something mundane because he thinks they’re just so damn beautiful and he's lucky to have them
He's also the type to tell them they're beautiful when they least expect it
He can be blinded by his own optimism, and when he's disappointed, it just crushes him
When he stands for or against something, there's no shaking it. His principles are as tough as stone
He's brave, never failing to do what he thinks is right. He's pretty reckless, though
part ii 
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