#yes i read the yj comic last night can you tell
mangoisms · 1 year
so!!!! let me talk about the tim fic. which. guys. im So sorry i know i've flipflopped with my acronyms but rof -> hrt. but this one is it LOL since im literally going to post it tonight
in any case i finished it... monday night? i think it was monday night. yes yes yes. and i edited it today and yesterday so its ready for posting.
its actually... a really decent length?
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roughly 49k which is a win in my book. for this one i REALLY tried telling myself that anything above 3.5k was good and it worked out for the most part.
i do think its a bit funny since wwt is 12 chapters but 70k LOL and you can tell why from the breakdown of those chapters here. they're much longer but in all fairness, there was more going on
on that end, i also think it's funny that hrt will be rated T on ao3 and wwt is rated M -- for the violence -- mostly because you would expect hrt, a dc comics fic, to score much more high there, while wwt, a fic for daiya which is, you know, Normal and not completely insane like dc comics, wouldn't be anything above T
but like i said, way more goes on in wwt and it has that spider-woman twist to it which is, of course, a central part of the story. for hrt, i focused mostly on feelings, plus, i think in-universe it is just much more normalized to talk about the Bad Stuff going on in gotham and not bat an eye. so
with that said, it was... a lot of fun and also really nice to actually stretch my legs writing tim. it probably needs some work but like, for it being my first attempt after doing so much reading for him, i think it turned out nicely???
(reading i am.. still.. doing... in fact just picked up the second vol of no man's land last night.. have two more to go.. yay.. and then yj.. and more robin stuff... Anyway...)
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kurothis · 3 years
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not dick making smartass comments after wally interacts with anyone ever
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Camp Out
A/N most of the dialogue was taken from the YJ tie in comic
Tagging: @lizartgurl @thespacebuns @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @gobydana @speedypan
Read Earlier Parts Here
“What?” Annabella asked as she turned to look at her brother.
“M’gann just messaged us asking if we’d like to join her and Wally to a camp out.” Dick said as he looked at his phone.
“Five bucks says he was trying to ask her out.” Annabella laughed then turned to her dad who was sitting by the batcomputer. “Can I go dad?”
Bruce turned to look at them.
“Who’s all going?”
“Looks like the whole team.” Said Dick as he looked through the message.
“Please papi?” Annabella asked giving him a hug.
“Make sure you pack what you need.”
“Yay! Come on Dick I’ll race you.”
Annabella had to make a mental note to get the surveillance photo of Wally’s face when he saw the whole group gathered there for the camp out. They set out and got the tents set up.
“Are you sure you should be setting up the fire?” M’gann asked.
“I got this.” Annabella said as she piled the wood. “My dad showed me how to make one. Besides the guys are busy with the tents.”
By the time the guys were done Annabella had the fire at a pretty decent size.
“This is fun.” She said as she roasted a marshmallow. “It’s been a long time since we’ve gone camping.”
“Is this all you guys do?” Superboy asked. “Sleep in flimsy things called tents and sit around the fire?”
“Yeah that’s pretty much about it. So if you feel like heading home I can sit out here with Ms. M… alone.” Wally said with a pout, Annabella elbowed him.
“You’re about as subtle as a train wreck, you know that?” Dick said making Annabella snicker.
“You’re not going to catch any fish unless you go fishing dude.” Wally retorded but turned back to look at Kaldur. “Sorry, no offense.”
“No.” Said Dick going back to what Superboy had asked. “Usually you sit around the campfire and tell stories.”
“Oh!” M’gann perked up. “I would love to hear your story Kaldur. Could you tell us how you became Aqualad?”
“I was thinking more of a ghost story type of thing but I guess whatever..” Dick muttered and Annabella elbowed him.
“Shh.” She scolded as she turned to look at Kaldur.
“Oh, I suppose I could do that if you do not think it will be too boring.” Kaldur smiled shyly.
“Not at all! I would love to hear it!”
“Me too.” Said Annabella giving her brother a warning look to not speak.
Kaldur nodded and began his story. Annabella’s eyes widened when he mentioned how he joined the arm at 12. She turned to look at her brother he was just 9 when he started becoming Robin. She herself was just 10 yet those two had already been through so much. Shaking her head she continued to listen smiling at the end.
“Huh you’re a bit reckless, aren't you.” She joked and caught just the faintest tint of blush on his cheek.
“Wow, So you wanted to be Aqualad?” M’gann asked.
“Yes, the opportunity arose. I could think of another path.”
“Yeah? If you think he wanted to be Aqualad so bad? Let me tell you about how I got started.”
“Ugh.” Annabella groaned. “Not this story again.”
“Shh.” Dick said mocking her.
As Wally began telling his story Annabella mouthed every word he said.
“Yeah. We’re all thrilled you’re so speed-capable.” Dick said as Wally finished his story.
“What’s the matter jealous?” Wally retorted.
“Yeah right! Jealous of you?”
Annabella pouted. “I wanna hear more stories now shut it.”
“Oh, can you tell us about how you got started, Robin?” M’gann asked.
“Ha!” Wally snorted. “Are you kidding me? Bats won’t even let him tell you his real name! I mean you’ll probably get a better origin story out of supey over here.”
“Wally if you don’t shut up I’m gonna stab you.” Annabella threatened him with her s’mores stick but turned to look at Superboy. “Do you really have no memories before they got you out?”
“I have some memories from the Gnomes.” Superboy began to explain how he only remembered the information they gave him. How he only began to think after he was out of his pod. How he only thought about destroying Superman.
“Robin did you hear what he said?” Wally asked.
“Huh what?” Her brother mumbled.
Annabella looked over at her brother frowning. You okay? She mouthed as she felt a familiar pain flutter away from him.
He nodded and they went back to conversation.
“He just said he wants to take down Superman!” Wally shouted.
“Are you serious? Superboy?” M’gann asked.
“It’s how I feel sometimes. What if that’s why I was created? What if that was the only reason I was created?” Superboy questioned.
“That’s not possible.” M’gann said.
“Yeah! Look at all the good stuff you’ve done so far!” Wally piped up.
“What would be the possible reasoning behind this thinking?” Kaldur asked.
“I just feel… I dont know what I feel. Sometimes… thoughts happen.” Superboy tried to explain.
“Those would be silly thoughts! You should put them out of your head.”
“He does have a valid point. We really dont know anything about what they did to him yet.”
“We know you were made to replace Superman but we never questioned how that would be. But you can always choose what to be.” Annabella said getting up and walking up to Superboy. “You may have been made for a reason. But your out now. You can take what your dreams mean however you want but you’re free to choose what to do.”
Superboy sighed. “Thanks.”
She led Superboy back to the fire and handed him a s’more.
“Hey! You haven’t told us about your story. What’s the dealio with you, M’gann?” Wally asked after a few moments of silence.
Annabella listened to M’ganns story but began to frown half way through it. Something about her story didn’t feel right, she was lying. Annabella wasn’t quite sure what she was lying about. Maybe she was just trying to make it seem more exciting than it really was. Annabella shook off the thought as M’gann finished her story.
“We’ll I don't know about you guys, but I think I’ve had one s’more too many. I’m going to hit the old sleeping bag.” Dick said getting up.
“”Yes! This has been such a wonderful evening but I am excited to sleep in a tent.” Said M’gann.
“I’m right behind you.” Wally said following M’gann but Annabella stood in front of him placing her hands on his chest.
“No you’re not.” She said as she pushed him towards a different tent.
“Hey, next time, you think we should go camping for real, like at a real camping place instead of just our own backyard?” Wally said slowly putting his weight on top of her.
“Wally I’ll punt you into the tent and you know I can.” Annabella mumbled almost lifting Wally off the ground.
“You don't strike me as the outdoorsy type. Tonight were sleeping about five feet from the cave entrance, maybe next time we can try down the hills bit.” Dick said chuckling a bit.
The three of them got into their tent and Annabella grabbed her clothes and burrowed into her sleeping bag.
“Why are you two so against M’gann and I becoming a thing?” Wally asked as he changed.
“You do realize she is not into you.” Annabella said from under her sleeping bag.
“I think she just doesn’t know Earth flirting techniques.” Wally shrugged.
“You keep thinking that.” Dick said.
“Coast clear?” Annabella asked.
“You’re good.” Said Wally and Annabella poked her head out. “Really? Justice league pjs?”
“Says the guy who owns a pair of Superman boxers.”
“When did you see his boxers?!?!” Dick nearly shrieked, Annabella looked at her brother.
“They were literally sticking out of his duffel bag how am I not supposed to see them.”
Dick turned and glared at Wally.
“Hey its not like she saw me in them.”
“First ew. Second not like there be much to see.”
Annabella took her sunglasses off and grabbed her backpack shoving her clothes in and placing the glasses in their case.
“You think Bman is ever gonna let you come without the glasses?” Wally asked as he got into his sleeping bag.
“God I hope so. I can't believe you’ve made everyone call me Bells.” Annabella glared at Wally as she got back into her sleeping bag.
“Hey at least it was Bells and not…”
“Your utter that name out loud and I will summon a snake into your sleeping bag.” Annabella warned glaring at Wally.
“You two go to sleep.” Dick groaned as he snuggled into his sleeping bag.
“Baby.” Annabella muttered as she got comfortable and went to sleep.
Good morning!
Good morning!
Wake up everyone!
Annabella groaned, she had forgotten why she hadn’t gone camping in a while. Rubbing her eyes she quietly got up. She had to fight back a laugh when she turned and saw her brother dropped across Wally both of them snoring their heads off. Taking a quick picture she got up and changed for the day.
Yawning she walked slowly out of the tent with her backpack. Kaldur or Superboy must’ve put out the fire last night so she got it back up so she could brew some water. As she waited for the pot to get hot she dug into her bag and took out a bag of seeds. Taking a handful she tossed it into the dirt.
FOOD! The birds shouted making Annabella wince.
A small flock covered the ground pecking at the seeds.
You’re welcome. Annabella mumbled tiredly.
She received a small chorus of thank you’s.
She threw some more seeds before getting a cup and pouring the water in along with instant coffee and creamer. Taking a sip she sighed as she looked up at the sky, seeing the orange and pinks bleed away from the blue.
Now that’s a cub I have not seen in years.
Annabella turned and saw a brown bear looking at her. Annabella squealed.
“Sasha!! Is that you?!” She shouted as she ran to the bear and jumped on top of the bear.
Oh little cub you have grown so much! Sasha replied ducking down so Annabella could climb properly on her. Oh, and who are these people?
Annabella looked up to find Superboy and Kaldur half dressed and in defense mode outside of their tent however they stared at her and the bear confused as if not sure what form of action to perform.
“Oh, the one with the tattoos is Kaldur and the one next to him is Superboy. Guys this is Sasha.” Annabella smiled patting the bears head.
“Are you okay?” Kaldur asked carefully eyeing the bear.
He does not trust me. Sasha pouted.
“I know, its okay.” Annabella said though the guys weren’t sure who she was talking to. “Sasha wont hurt me guys I’ve known her for a long time.”
“What’s going on?” M’gann yawned as she got out of her tent.
Wally and her brother walked out of their tent soon after and passed to look at the scene.
“You really can't last one day outdoors whiteout making a new friend can you?” Wally said laughing.
“For your information Sasha is an old friend.”
“Would someone please explain what's going on?” M’gann asked eyeing the bear Annabella was casually perched on.
“Everyone this is Sasha, Sasha they will be living in the cave form now on.”
Oh they are hero’s as well?
No one has lived in the cave for such a long time, I thought it was not safe.
“It wasn’t, but no one knows of this team therefore they wont be discovered.” Annabella explained.
“Wait, are you talking to the bear?” Superboy asked making Annabella looked up the team and blush.
“Oh, yeah… surprise I can talk to animals.” Annabella said raising her hands up in a tada manner.
Superboy and Kaldur blinked before turning to look at M’gann.
“What are you staring at me for?” She asked.
“Well you are the mind reader.” Superboy shrugged.
“Yes but… animal minds are much more difficult. Your mind must be very special.” M’gann said.
“Yeah its all cool and stuff until you only hear half of the conversations because she fails to state what the animal is saying out loud.” Wally explained.
Little cub.
Do you have any food?
“Oh of course.”
“Like that.” Wally said gesturing towards Annabella making her stick her young out at him.
“She’s hungry.” She simply said as she slid off the bear and went back to her bag and began digging around. “I know I packed some meat in here. Ah here it is.”
She took out a tightly wrapped package. And began unraveling it.
“You seriously brought packages meat with you?” Dick asked.
“I wasn’t sure which animals would be here so I came prepared for everything.” Annabella shrugged as she tossed a price of meat to Sasha.
Thank you, boys food.
Annabella gasped. “Oh my god you have cubs?”
Sure enough there little cubs came trotting out from the tree line towards the pice of meat.
Would you like to hold them?
“Yes, come on guys you wanna pet a baby bear?” Annabella asked as she got closer to pet one.
“Is it safe?” Kaldur asked.
“Yes they won’t attack.” Annabella said.
The team slowly gathered around and took turns petting the different bears. Sasha looked curiously at M’gann and sniffed her.
Is something wrong with this one? Sasha asked making Annabella laugh.
“No she’s just a Martian, she’s not from earth.” Annabella explained when Sasha cocked her head at the word Martian.
“Huh?” M’gann asked.
“Sasha just wanted to know why you look different, she thought you were sick.” Annabella explained before quickly grabbing one of the cubs. “Hey you do not bite people.”
But he smells like fishies. The cub pouted.
“I don't care if he smells like fish you don't bite.” Annabella scolded.
“I was unaware I had that scent.” Kaldur frowned.
“You don't, you smell more like ocean breeze. He probably just got a fainter smell of the fish from the sea.”
The cub resorted to licking Kaldurs arm.
“So how does it work?” M’gann asked petting the cub that was sitting on her lap.
“Um, not entirely sure. I can just sorta hear them talking in my head. But to me it just sounds like a normal conversation I would have with another person.”
“Can you speaks to all wildlife?” Kaldur asked petting the cub that was still licking him.
“Just about, cats, dogs, birds, snakes, lizards, monkeys, etc. Even marine life like fishes, sharks dolphins whales. If I try hard enough I can sorta talk to bugs but ugh those give me headaches.” Annabella explained as she poked the fire.
“How long have you had your powers?” Superboy asked.
“Awhile.” Annabella mumbled catching the look her brother was giving her.
“How did you get your powers?” M’gann asked.
“Ah, it's nothing interesting really. One day we went camping and I wandered into the woods, the next thing I knew I woke up hearing the entire forest in my head.”
“Why didn’t you mention this last night when we were telling stories?” M’gann asked Annabella could sense she was still intrigued.
“You never asked.” Annabella shrugged.
“Well to be honest I think it would make more sense for you to be  robin instead of your brother.” Said M’gann. “How come you are not a sidekick?”
“Overprotective dad.” Superboy guessed.
“That’s part of the reason, also being a sidekick just isn’t my thing. Ive grown up with superhero’s all my life I’ve seen what that life can lead to. I know the good it can do but at the same time its just not me… at least… not yet.”
“You think you’ll join us one day?” M’gann asked making Annabella glance at her brother.
“I don't know yet.” Annabella sighed. “All I know is that I do want to make a difference I just don't know what that is yet.”
Always the big dreamer, Sasha said licking Annabella’s face.
Annabella laughed and rubbed the slobber off her face. Suddenly Wally's stomach let out a loud grumble making everyone stare at him.
“What? I haven’t eaten since I’ve woken up.” He whined.
“We should probably head inside to get some breakfast.” Said M’gann.
“Good idea.” Said Kaldur.
“Okay, stay safe Sasha we’re gonna go inside now. I promise I’ll come out to visit you.” Annabella patted the bears head.
You take care too little cub, I’m glad you have some friends now.
Anabella smiled as she rubbed Sasha’s head and hugged the cubs goodbye.
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